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Art credit: Maruvieku on insta

Adrien arrived at school and walked to class expecting to see an empty seat behind him but she was there.

'Why is she here? She's sick, she needs to be at home resting.' He thought to himself sitting down. He turned to look at her. She was busily trying to complete homework she forgot about. Adrien looked at her features and she was still pale, she tried to cover up her pale lips with lipgloss but it didn't look the same. Her eyes were dull and she had dark bags under them. She was wearing black leggings and a black baggie hoodie.

"Marinette? Girl, you look dead." Alya stated, lifting the girl's bangs to see her clearly.

"Thanks." Marinette mumbled sarcastically not taking her eyes off the paper. She coughed into her sleeve then pushed Alya's hand away. Marinette wasn't trying to be rude, she was just sick and didn't want to be bothered.

"Ew, Mari-trash is sick. Go away." Chloe said as she walked in. Adrien clenched his jaw in annoyance and rolled his eyes.

"Chloe, that's not nice. You wouldn't want people to act that way if you were sick." Adrien said trying to hold back his anger.

"I don't get sick. And I won't if Marinette leaves." Chloe scoffed. Marinette started to feel bad. Mentally bad. She didn't want to get others sick but she called her mom and her mom told her to try to go to school since there was a test. Marinette started to cough and Chloe groaned in annoyance.

Snow walked down the steps and held out a water container.

"It's tea. I haven't drank any but it looks like you could use it more than I could." Snow said handing it to her. Marinette held the warm container in her hand for a second before drinking the water liquid. She could taste lemon and honey and immediately started think of her mom.

'Maman always puts lemon and honey in tea.' She thought sadly. Snow knowing this, was the reason she made it. She knew everything about Marinette at this point from the ancestor ladybugs. And she especially knew she's never been this far away from her parents for so long.

The class went by and finally the end of the day was coming close. The students were taking their test. Marinette couldn't concentrate, a wave of nausea came over her and she ran out of the room. It startled Alya and she ended up falling out of her seat which then the class erupted in laughter.

"Oh shut it." Alya snapped. The class did and Chloe scoffed. Adrien watched the door waiting for Marinette to walk through. In the restroom, Marinette was hacking her guts out. She ended up spending the night in her bathroom last night since she was throwing up all night. She could feel the stomach acid coming up her throats at this point. She finished up and washed her face and hands in the sink. She walked back to class and tried to act as if nothing happened as she took her seat.

She didn't talk to anyone for the rest of that class period.

"Okay,class. Before you go I'm passing out permission slips for our five day trip and a sheet that has a list of everything you need to bring if you go. Please have these returned by Thursday. We leave Friday morning at 6 a.m. Must be at school by 5:30 a.m. Breakfast will be served. Oh and don't forget projects are due tomorrow." Mme. Bustier said. Everyone groaned.

"Marinette, see me after class." The bell rang and Marinette was glued to her seat nervous.

"She's probably being expelled for being so ugly." Chloe cackled. When the class left, Mme. Bustier walked up to her desk.

"Your not in trouble so you can calm down," she began. Marinette released a breath of relief. "I just wanted to let you know your parents can just e-mail me their response for the trip." She said with a small smile.

"Yes ma'am." Marinette mumbled standing up.

"Wait Marinette," Mme. Bustier stopped her, "Have you been doing okay? You don't look well and I know it must be hard without seeing your parents for a long time." She said carefully.

"I'm fine, Madame Bustier. Thank you for the concern." Marinette said with a smile and walked out. She went to her locker to see a bunch of sticky notes. She read them and didn't even cry.

Stop eating
Chunky monkey

She threw them all away, grabbed her stuff out of her locker, and left. As she walked home she had a weird feeling. As she was about to pass the alley, a low haunting whistle echoed in the wind. Marinette stopped in her tracks and looked into the alley way. Her eyes locked on gray ones. A man with pale skin and brown hair. Marinette's eyes widened as memories flashed through her mind.

Gregory De'Claire...

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