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Marinette POV

I walked into the classroom only 2 minutes late. The teacher wasn't in the room yet so I sat down beside Alya who was checking her Ladyblog. I pulled out my sketchbook and started designing.

Madame Bustier walked into the room and did roll call. "Okay class, open your textbook to page-", She was cut off bye Mr. Damocles walking in and telling her something.

"Okay, something last minute came to my attention. You have the next period for free time." She said and walked out the room with Mr. Damocles. I pulled my sketchbook back out and started sketching a new design.

"Bonjour, Mari-trash." Chloé said standing over me. "Ew what are you drawing? A garbage bag? Wow it'll look perfect on you." She snickered.

"J-Just please leave me alone Chloé." I said quietly but pleadingly. I glanced over at Alya for help but she had her earbuds in and was drawn into the book she was reading. I became very nervous and anxiety started building up. Chloe picked up my sketchbook and threw it to the back of the room, up the steps. I froze in my spot tears threatening to spill.

"Go get it and hand it back to me, Marinette." Chloé demanded. I didn't move. I didn't want to cause more attention and I was frozen in fear.

"I said go get it, Marinette!" She yelled in my face. That caught a few people's attention, the ones who weren't blasting their music through their earbuds. I shakily stood up with my classmate's eyes on me. Alya notice me moving out of my seats and took her earbuds out and stared at me confused. As others stared, others noticed and looked my way. I shakily walked up to my sketchbook and could hear Chloe's footsteps following me. I stood frozen in my spot, the sketchbook at my feet.

"Pick it up." Chloé barked. I picked up the sketchbook and held it to my chest. I started to walk back with my head down but Chloé stopped me. "I didn't say you could go yet." I kept my head down as a few tears made their way down my cheeks. The whole class was staring and I was just showing how weak I am, not being able to stick up for myself.

"Give me the sketch book." Chloé demanded. I held it closer to my chest. "N-no." I stuttered through my tears. "Give it, pea brain." She said louder.

Adrien's POV

I watched as Marinette stood at the top of the steps and as tears streamed down her face. I was stunned about what was going on.

"I-I said no, Chloé. S-stop being such a..." Marinette stopped. "Such a what? Come on, Marinette, keep acting all high and mighty and say what you were gonna say." Chloé laughed in her face. The tension in the classroom built up and it was like everyone was frozen except for Chloé and Marinette. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Kim, Lila, and someone else that I couldn't tell out of the corner of my eye, recording the whole thing on their phones.

"Stop being such an evil bitch." Marinette said.

Marinette POV

Right when the words came out of my mouth I knew I was in trouble now. Chloe's face was red with anger. The next thing I knew, Chloé punched me making my topple back a little then she pushed me down the stairs. I stopped as my back slammed against the teachers desk, knocking off a bunch of stuff making it land on me.

"Marinette!" I heard Alya shriek. She ran to my side with tears in her eyes. She hurriedly brushed all the broken stuff that had fallen on me off. She threw my arm over her shoulder and stood up with me. I moved my arms away from her and leaned against the teacher's desk feeling dizzy, shaky, and sick. I lifted my head up to face the class.

"Oh my gosh." Everyone gasped. I heard someone call my name. Everything was a blur. I saw a figure run up to me, but not before darkness covered my vision and I fell on the floor into unconsciousness.

Adrien POV

Marinette lifted her head up to face us after her crash down the stairs, everyone still in shock. Blood. Blood streamed down her face from a huge gash on her forehead.

"Oh my gosh." Everyone gasped. "Marinette!" I said running up to her. I didn't make it to her as she crashed to the ground again. Alya started screaming hysterically as Nino held her in a tight embrace to keep her back. I took off my white button down and pressed it against the gash to stop the bleeding. I checked her pulse and it was slow. Too slow.

"Someone get a teacher and call an ambulance!" I demanded. Nathanaël ran out of the room to find a teacher and Juleka was on the phone calling for help and Rose crying into the side of her shirt. I could see Chloé on her phone chewing gum and I wanted to strangle her. I pulled Marinette into my arms and continued to try to stop the blood.

I picked her up and ran out of the classroom with her and down the stairs to the courtyard so it would be easier to get her into the ambulance. The class followed close behind me and Nino had to help Alya down.

I cradled Marinette's limp body in my arms, my own tears streaming down my face.

"I'm so sorry, Marinette. We should have done something. I should have done something." I muttered. I could hear the sirens of the ambulance getting close. The teachers have finally come out and checked Marinette.

The paramedics arrived and took her from me. They put her on the stretcher and gave her an oxygen mask, my white button down completely cover in my friend's blood was thrown to the side. They stuck an IV needle in her arm and loaded her into the ambulance.

One of the paramedics called out, "We need a close friend of hers to come!" I looked over at Alya who was clutching to Nino's shirt like her life depended on it as she sobbed into it.

"Dude, go with Marinette we'll come by later." Nino said. I nodded and got in the ambulance, the paramedics closing the doors behind me. I sat down right beside Marinette and held her limp hand. I could see her eyes were now slightly open. I didn't get a chance to say anything before one of the paramedics spoke up.

"Okay, sweetie. She became conscious again but I need you to talk to her and keep her up. It could become dangerous if she falls back into unconsciousness. Okay?" A lady with black-brown wavy hair in a ponytail and hazel eyes said calmly. I nodded and started talking to Marinette.

"Hey, Mari. I need you to stay awake, okay? Uh, focus on me." Her eyes drifted over to me. The lady who gave me directions shined a light in Marinette's eyes. Her eyes didn't dilate to the light. The lady gave more directions to the other paramedics and started moving all around her. I continued to talk to her about random things like her designs  and how I thought my father would like them and I talked about ladybug and Chat Noir (aka me). "Oh my gosh." One of the paramedics gasped. I looked at what they were talking about and it was a shard of glass stuck in the side of her head from a glass mug that fell on her when she hit the desk.

We arrived at the hospital and the lady that talked to me, stopped me from going any further with the gurney. "Okay, sweetie. Thank you, you did a good job keeping her awake the rest of the way here. Now I need you to answer a few questions for me." I nodded.

"Do you know her full name? First, middle, and last?" She asked.

"Marinette Sabine Dupain-Cheng." I answered, remembering Marinette mentioning she was named after her mom.

"Her age?" Okay, her birthday hasn't come up yet so she's still 14, I remembered because of a random conversation about who's the oldest and who's the youngest or something like that the class argued about.


"Do you by chance know her height and weight?"

"She's 5'5" I think. I don't know about her weight."

"Birth date?"

"I don't know." I said truthfully.


"Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng."

"Okay. Thank you. Her parents are on their way. You can either wait here or head home."

"I'll stay here. Thanks."

"Okay. Oh, and would you mind holding these for her? We had to take them out while she's in surgery." She said handing me Marinette's red hair ties. I nodded then she walked away. I sat down in the waiting room hoping that Marinette is going to be okay.

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