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Adrien POV

"Here." I looked up from my phone to see the receptionist holding a hoodie and shirt to me. I looked at my own shirt to realize blood was on it. I thanked her and went into the bathroom to change. I just threw the shirt away, I didn't really care about the shirt because I got three more of those shirts at home. As I walked out of the bathroom I saw Mrs. Cheng run up to the receptionist with Mr. Dupain right behind her. Not even 2 seconds later Alya ran through the door. Mrs. Cheng was talking to the receptionist in a panic, tears streaming down her face.

Mrs. Sabine's conversation with the receptionist was short. She hugged Mr. Tom and he walked her and Alya to the waiting room. I walked into the waiting room and Mrs. Sabine noticed me walk in. She leaped to her feet and wrapped me into a hug. It took me aback at first but returned it.

"T-thank you for helping my baby." She had tears still going down her cheeks. "I'm glad I could help her." I said. Just then, a doctor came into the room.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, your daughter is in recovery, you all will be able to see her in an hour, for now I need you to fill out these forms." I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Alya and she motioned me to follow her. I did and we walked to the cafeteria in silence. We got in a line for something and I was confused but I just waited until Alya said something.

"Two hot chocolates, please." Alya said putting money on the counter.

"What? No, Alya, I'll pay." I insisted.

"No." She said sternly. I decided to back up and just let her so she doesn't get mad. She handed me a hot chocolate and it felt great against my cold hands. We sat down at a table and sat in silence while Alya tried to figure out what she was going to say.

"Thank you." She said breaking the silence.

"For what?" I asked.

"For helping Marinette. It's all my fault, I never should have just stood by and watch Chloé do that to her." She choked out. Tears started to run down her cheeks. I stood up and pulled her into a hug.

"Alya, it was NOT your fault. It was Chloe's. Do not blame this on yourself. Marinette's going to be okay." I let her cry into my sweatshirt.

After awhile we went back to Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng and sat with them. Nino came a few minutes later and we all waited for when we could see her.

It became night and we were all antsy wanting to see her.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng? Your daughter is out of recovery and you can see her." We darted up and went to Marinette's room. Mrs. Sabine quietly opened the door. The lights were turned off, the only light coming from a lamp. We sat down around her trying to stay quiet so she doesn't wake up. Her mom sat right by her side and held her hand. She seemed so...peaceful. Her hair was fallen down her shoulders and her bangs were pinned back to keep from touching the stitches and staples. She stirred at the touch of her mother.

Author POV

"Maman?" Marinette whispered.

"Yes, baby. I'm right here." Sabine said standing up, squeezing her daughter's hand reassuringly. So did everyone else in the room. Marinette's eyes fluttered open, tears on the brim of her eyes. She started to whimper and everyone tensed. Sabine rubbed her cheek and held Marinette's hand to her chest.

"Maman, it hurts. It hurts, maman! It hurts!" The bluenette's tears turned to sobs as she reached for her mother.

"I know, sweetie. I know. It'll be okay. You need to calm down so it'll hurt less, okay?" Sabine tried to soothe her. Marinette tried so hard to stop crying but she couldn't get herself to stop. Her head was throbbing and it felt like a bomb was about to go off.

"Tom, can you go get the nurse?" Sabine asked worriedly. Tom was already out the door and back with a nurse in a second. The nurse hurried over and put a fluid into Marinette's IV and she started to calm down. Her tears eventually stopped and she just stared at the ceiling tiredly and numbly. Alya stepped up to hold her friend's hand and try to talk to her.

"Hey, girl. You okay?" Alya asked, knowing the question was stupid. Marinette moved her gaze to Alya and gave her a weak smile. Alya understood and just decided to hold her hand and not talk.

Marinette's eyes became heavy and she drifted off to sleep. Alya tensed and started to panic as her friend's cold hand went limp.

"Alya, she's just going to sleep. She's okay." Sabine said putting a hand on the tense girl's shoulder. Alya nodded and calmed down.

Adrien continued to stare at the peaceful girl. His heart felt broken seeing her in such a bad state. He sat in a chair at her bedside and just sort of stared at her limp hand laying at her side.

Eventually, Alya and Nino went home. As did Tom so he could close up the bakery which just left Adrien, Sabine, and Marinette. Sabine noticed Adrien staring at her daughter with his hand rested on her bed only a few centimeters away from Marinette's. It made her heart glow.

"You can hold her hand if you want." Adrien flinched at the sudden comment and looked at the petite Chinese woman who was smiling back at him. Adrien gave her a small smile but he didn't refuse the offer and held his friend's hand.

"So, Adrien, how is school for you?" Mrs. Sabine asked. Adrien was a little shocked by the question, no one really cared to ask how his day was or how he was in general.

"Oh, uh, it's great. I like school." He answered.

"What do you like to do in your free time?" She asked.

Oh you know, fight crime with M'Lady. He thought. "I like fencing. I don't really have a lot of free time with my schedule. It's hard to even get a chance to go to the movies without having to shake off my body guard." He answered instead.

"Oh, I see." She said nodding and giving the boy a sad smile.

"How about when Marinette is out of the hospital, you come have dinner with us. If you have the time." She gave him a warm smile, she really wanted to help the boy. She knew from what Marinette said that Adrien doesn't have his mom around anymore and his father forces him to model.

A soft knock was heard at the door and Adrien turned around to see Nathalie. He frowned not wanting to go back to the mansion.

"It's time to go, Adrien." Nathalie said in her monotone voice. Adrien nodded and stood up waving goodbye to Mrs. Cheng.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cheng." Adrien said with his adorable smile that makes the fandom go crazy and burn three houses down or just sit in their spot like rocks trying not to pass out.

"Oh no, thank you, Adrien. And please, call me Sabine, dear." She said with a warm smile. Adrien nodded and left the room with Nathalie.

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