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Snow POV

I woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, barely able to tell if I was breathing. Gasping for air, my shaky hands grabbed onto my dark hair as if to see if I was still here. Blood dripped from my nose down to my chin.

The nightmares. The shadows. They won't leave me alone. I squeezed my eyes close trying to forget where my dreams were sent. I was running down the path towards where Henry was, to save him. My boots beat against the rocks and dirt, tree limbs and briars grazing my skin, the bitter cold feeling of the wind, and the shadows closing in. It was a curse or spell, something of the sort, that was put to keep me away from getting to him; my love. Well, it wasn't trying to keep me away. It was trying to keep my amulet away, the key to freeing him. The shadows tried to grab me and it hurts if they touched. I finally saw it though, the clearing and Henry stuck in stone at the center.

As soon as I nearly reached the end, I felt the pain of my hair being pulled and I fell back to the ground. A shadow grabbed me, and more and more grabbed onto me. I felt like I was being dragged into the darkness of the woods. The pain started fading, I was getting weaker as if my energy was ripped from me, but one thing remained clear. Fear. I need to save Henry, but I couldn't until the ancestors gave me my first signal. The signal for me to leave Paris. That signal would give me three days to get ready to leave.

I rocked myself back and forth trying to calm down before swinging my legs over the side of the bed, stepping onto the cold floor. I rushed to the kitchen and searched the drawers. Then I found them. Scissors. I quickly, without a second thought, cut off a chunk of my hair. I watched the brown, almost black, hair fall to the floor. I kept cutting my hair. My once long hair that grew out to almost reaching my elbows, was now a little over my shoulders. I held onto the scissors as if it would keep the fear away. I abruptly dropped the scissors and realized they cut my hand. Sighing I went to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and my hair wasn't even, but I didn't care for now. I rocked myself back and forth on my heels, holding onto the sink. After calming down, I opened to cabinet and picked up the scissors I use for my hair. I cleaned the cut up and made it even, giving myself a kind of clean-choppy hairstyle. I cleaned my face from my nosebleed and cleaned my hand with peroxide. I washed my hair in the sink after realizing I had some blood from my hand on it.

I went back to bed but I wasn't able to go back to sleep. I was too scared to go to sleep. Morning came and I got ready for school. I put on mom-jeans, a white baggy long sleeve white shirt that had yellow, gray, and blue lines on it and tucked the shirt into my jeans, and gray shoes. I grabbed a gray beenie and tucked the ends of my hair in the back into it. I left parts of my hair in the front fall loose.

I fed the cat, ate a granola bar, threw some laundry that was in the washer into the dryer then more laundry into the washer, threw away all the hair that was on the floor, grabbed my backpack and left for school.

I got to school and not many people were there. I always show up early. I checked Marinette's locker every morning to make sure nothing is on it. This morning there was. It was a pink rose and a small violet taped to it, with a note with Rose and Juleka's name on it. Marinette was coming back to school today.

"Hey, Snow." I jumped at the sudden voice.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." Alix chuckled. I sighed and laughed a little.

"Don't worry about it. What's up?" I responded.

"I was just going to ask if you have your part of the art project? Nathanael and Marc brought their's and we should be able to finish putting it together in art." She said, leaning against the lockers. I started putting the combination in my locker before answering.

"Yeah I have it. It's in here. I'll bring it to art class later." I said quickly, putting some books and my tablet in my backpack. I didn't make eye contact with Alix as she continued to talk. I wasn't trying to be rude, I was still uncomfortable about the dreams I were having.

"Chloe transferred to a different school. Well, she is. This is her last week." I froze as Alix said that. I turned to her, my eyes wide.

"No way." I said in disbelief. Alix nodded in conformation.

"Believe it or not, she seemed like she actually felt terrible. I heard her talking to Sabrina one day. She said it felt like she murdered Marinette. The way I see, along with most people, she almost did." I didn't say anything, only nodded in agreement and went back to looking through my locker.

"You cut your hair?" Alix asked. I almost forgot about that.

"Yeah. Guess I got tired of it getting in my face and getting tangled." I laughed nervously, still not looking at Alix.

"Why are you on edge? You're never like this." Alix was always direct. I wasn't going to say anything. Thanks to Rose and Juleka, I didn't have to respond. Juleka and Rose walked up to us, holding hands. (Yes I know I said I didn't ship them before but now I do because they are adorable)

"Snow! I love your hair!" Rose complimented. I gave her a small smile and thanked her.

"That was cool of you two to give Marinette flowers." I said while closing my locker.

"I hope she likes it. It's not much but it's just something to show we care about her." Rose sighed with a somewhat sad smile.

"It's the thought that counts." I reassured. I said goodbye to my friends and walked to class, turned in my homework, and sat at my desk. The only other person in the classroom was the teacher. I talked to her before class often, she was nice and always looked after her students, but she could be strict when she needed to be. It's because she cares. She asked me how I was and asked if I thought Marinette going back to school this early after being back home would be good for her. I know Marinette can do it, there isn't a doubt in my mind. It'll take time but I believe in her.

Students started entering the room. Nathanael sat in his seat beside me and showed me some of his new sketches and got my third compliment on my hair. When Marinette walked in, she walked in with Adrien and she tried not to show how nervous she was or how much she wished she was home, but I could read her like a book. She sat in her seat and her, Adrien, Alya and Nino talked to each other. I walked over and sat on the desk near Alya, swinging my legs over the edge.

"Hey, girl." Alya said to me. " 'Sup." I responded.

"I like your hair." Marinette said with a small smile. I smiled back. Fourth compliment. Wow, I'm becoming popular. I chuckled to myself and got a look from them but shook my head as to say it was nothing.

Chloe walked in the room and I saw Marinette go tense. She started messing with her hands and her jaw clenched.

"Mari." I whispered to her. I tapped the desk slowly four times, paused, and did it again. Marinette controlled her breathing as she listened to the taps. Henry use to do that for me, luckily it worked for someone else.

"Okay class' I moved back to my seat and class began, 'let's talk about our project that will be due Friday. It's pretty simple. You need to give a message in something you feel needs to be said. I want you all to know you have a voice that should be heard." Madame Bustier explained.

The day went by quickly; I got three nose bleeds throughout the day. Marinette did great and Chloe stayed away from her. Alya, Nino and Adrien weren't in the same class as Marinette and I at the end of the day. Art, they all had gym. There were a lot of students in this class but only few stayed after school. I sat with Marinette, Alix, Nathanael and Marc. We all talked for awhile, discussing new ideas for after school and putting the rest of our project together. I was happy when Marinette opened her sketchbook.

"These are some of my new designs. I'm thinking about making this one and then this one for Roe as a present." Marinette said, pointing to two different designs.

"These are awesome!" I examined all the details. Marinette would become a designer, I know she will, she has passion and thought in every detail.

The teacher started calling up groups to present, and my head started to hurt. It felt like someone was hitting me with a brick against my skull. I bit down on my tongue and tried ignoring it. I couldn't focus on the words from the group presenting, only the colors on the painting and I felt like I was stuck in a daze.

"Snow!" I was snapped out of my daze, somewhat, when Alix shook my shoulder and almost yelled my name. "S-sorry." I apologized. Nathanael and Marc were already in the front of the classroom. "It's our turn." Alix pointed out. I nodded and stood up from the chair, walking towards the front. I made it to the end of our table before the pain got worse. I grabbed onto the table to steady myself and held my head in my hand, groaning in pain. It was a sharp pain that went through my brain, as if someone was trying to rip it in half.

I couldn't hear much besides Marinette coming over and putting her hand on my shoulder and her calling my name.

"Snow, are you okay?" She asked, startled. I tried nodding but I couldn't move my head.

I looked up some trying to answer. "I-I'm f-fine. Ju—" I collapsed, my legs giving out and hitting my head hard against the floor. My vision was blurry but I could tell it was Marinette who was beside me. My friend's face disappeared, and a face from a long time ago appeared, smiling at me. The smile turning to stone, and the world going dark.

Marinette POV

"Snow? Wake up! Snow!" I shook her lightly trying to see if she'd respond. She didn't and the teacher came over to see what was happening before getting everyone out of the room.

"I'll go get the nurse." Alix said from the doorway then ran off.

"Marinette please step away with the others." The teacher pleaded softly.

"No. She's my friend." I almost snapped.

"I understand, Marinette, but give her some space." I couldn't protest. Rose walked over and lead me to the doorway. I stood beside her and tugged at my sleeves.

The nurse, a tall dark woman with brown eyes and black braided hair in a bun, entered the classroom. I couldn't really see Snow because of the adults checking on her. My classmates were trying to peak trough the window to see what was happening.

I saw Snow starting to open her eyes and she looked scared when she came to. I walked over against Rose's wishes. I knelt down beside the adults as Snow tried to lift herself up.

"Easy, sweetheart." The nurse said calmly, resting a hand on Snow's shoulder. Rose walked over and handed Snow a cup of water.

"Do you know why she passed out?" Our art teacher asked the nurse. She hummed for a second in thought.

"Most likely dehydration and stress." She stated. I thought for a little bit while Snow stood up with the nurse. What if I was stressing her out? The final bell rang and everyone walked through the halls to leave. I picked up my backpack and then Snow's yellow and white checkered backpack. I glanced over the railing and saw Alya, Adrien, and Nino by the steps. I guess they were fenced today since it usually takes them longer to get there. They waved there hand to signal me to go downstairs.

I watched as the nurse held onto Snow's arm as she lead her to the infirmary. I glanced around, nervous about causing too much attention, before yelling down at them.

"Go to the infirmary." I yelled down. They looked confused but started speed walking to the back way of the infirmary. I jogged up to the nurse and Snow to catch up.

The infirmary reminded me of the hospital. I couldn't stand the smell. The nurse told Snow to sit down on a red cot. "I promise I'm good. I should really be getting home." She tried to convince the nurse to let her go.

"I just want you to drink some water first, Sweetheart." The nurse called everyone that and no one really minded it but I could see Snow cringe at the name. Adrien, Alya, and Nino walked in. Adrien walked up to me and grabbed my hand, making me blush.

"What happened?" He asked quietly.

"She passed out; said it was stress." I simply answered.

"Would you like me to call your parents to come pick you up?" The tall woman asked, pushing her glasses up. Snow shook her head no.

"We'll make sure she gets home." Alya said. The nurse gave a small smile, finished writing down something and told us we could leave.

We left the infirmary and walked out of the school. I handed Snow her backpack and she threw the light yellow straps over her shoulders. It was hot outside and the long sleeves I was wearing didn't help.

"You okay, girl?" Alya asked, resting a hand on Snow's shoulder.

"I'm good. I need to go get some groceries so I'll head home later." Snow sighed. She started to walk away but Alya grabbed her arm.

"Dude, we told the nurse we'd get you home. What's stressing you out?" Nino asked, putting his headphones around his neck. Snow chuckled to herself softly.

"Really the only thing stressing me out is that these two haven't become a thing yet." She said, resting her hands on her hips then pointing to me and Adrien. I didn't even realize I was still holding his hand. Alya laughed.

"That's been stressing all of us out." Alya calmed down from laughing.

"At least let one of us go with you to make sure you're okay." I turned the conversation back on her. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, fine. Let's go." She lightly grabbed my arm and patted Adrien's shoulder then dragged me down the stairs. I looked back at the others, waving bye.

We didn't talk much on the way to the store. I didn't mention anything until I realized we weren't walking into a market. It was a familiar building with Chinese writing on the sign.

"Master Fu?" I mumbled to myself.

"Yep." Snow said, swinging the door open. My eyes widened. How's she know who Master Fu was?

"Snow. Marinette. Welcome, follow me." The short elder man said as we walked in. I didn't even see him enter the room. We followed him and I was completely confused. Wayzz was flying around the room.

Master Fu went to a small table with tea and poured us both a cup. Snow tapped the side of her cup, staring at her shoes that had a stain from where someone dropped strawberries on them during lunch. (rip to Author's shoes as I wrote this)

"I got the signal." Snow said after hesitation.

"What's going on?" I asked. I felt out of place and confused. Snow didn't respond. Master Fu asked us to sit down as he went back over to the table. He picked up a large bowl filled with a red liquid and a bottle of ink. He sat down on the mat in front of us and placed the bowl in between us.

"There have been many Ladybugs, paired with their Chat Noirs. A miraculous team." Master Fu said, opening the bottle of ink. "Many were famous." He dropped a little bit of ink in the red liquid, many different Ladybugs taking shape to paint a picture in it, the details were simple. No detail in the eyes other than it's shape and a mask around it, no face detail, only parts of their superhero form were outlined and filled in to make a picture.

"Others...were forgotten." Master Fu gave a sad smile. The image changed to a single Ladybug, a similar style like mine with a cloak and the ink bleeding to give a shadow affect over part of the face.

"This one was known as Lady Luck. She fought against another miraculous holder, the peacock holder. On their final battle, they nearly won. But then the enemy had one final attack that would nearly ruin their lives. Her Black Cat was taken from her, his hero form stripped away and he was trapped in stone in his civilian form. Lady was trapped in the necklace her civilian form wore. The enemy locked it in a box and drowned it in a lake. She almost got away with the miraculouses, but I was able to retrieve them." Master Fu told the story with sorrow in his voice. The pictures changed from the sudden attack, to a Chat Noir's superhero form disappearing and him disappearing completely, Lady Luck faded away and then two small families appeared, heartbroken.

"They thought their children were killed in the attack. Lady's brother didn't recover from the loss and became a criminal." Master Fu explained.

"Over twenty years later, Marinette, your life was in danger. The ancestors looked for the lost Ladybug. Only a Ladybug's life in danger allowed her to be set free." The water changed into more scenes, the Ladybugs that were shown to be famous were roaming the Earth. The forgotten one suddenly appeared.

"She was given a mission. Completing the mission would give her the chance to save her chat noir." The image turned to a boy's face. His hair was shaggy but was brushed out of his eyes, he was smiling and black ink dotted his face to represent freckles, his eyes were round and slightly downturn.

I was so caught up in the story, I forgot Snow was even beside me.

"Lady Luck has completed her mission. She now can save her partner and return home, but now she has to say goodbye to her friends." I was confused why we were talking about this story. It was five familiar silhouettes standing beside one another, then it changed to four of them standing off and a girl trying not to look back. There was detail in the face this time. My eyes widened in the realization that it was my friend.

"S-Snow?" I turned to her with a questioning look. She was already looking at me, studying my reaction.

"Marinette...I was a Ladybug. My name is Lyliana Snow De'Claire. I'm fifteen but I should be nearly forty." She stopped explaining. My mind started to turn at her name. Why was it familiar? When it clicked, I thought I was going to have a panic attack.

I remember Gregory De'Claire. That had to have been a coincidence? And the authors name and "Lyli Snow" written in that book from the cabin?

"Y-You had a brother?" I couldn't even hear myself ask that question but I did. She had a frown and she slowly nodded.

"I'm so sorry. There's nothing that can justify his actions. He worked for Hawkmoth too. He went down the wrong road, the road I told him to never take. Those were the people I fought and I would've fought him too no matter how much it would've hurt." She tried to keep her voice from shaking. I felt bad. Bad for all she went through and bad about the mission. Her being my friend was just a mission; a problem she had to solve?

"I know what you're thinking. You're not just a problem. You are my friend. You're the greatest friend I've ever had and I am so thankful for getting the chance to meet you." She explained. A smile tugged at my lips and I hugged her.

"When do you leave?" I asked her. I didn't want her to, but her partner needs her.

"In three days." She answered. Tikki flew out of my pocket and said hello to Snow. She planted a kiss on Snow's cheek and told her goodbye before flying back in my purse.

Snow and I parted ways to at the crosswalk and headed home. I was nervous about what would happen. I knew she would be okay but could I handle saying bye to a friend?

Snow POV

I put my bag down on the kitchen counter and sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh. I tried to turn on the TV but it wouldn't turn on. Tikki jumped up beside me a purred.

"Broken? Are you cereal?" I asked the inanimate object. (*cough* Max Caulfield *cough*). I leaned back on the couch and didn't do anything besides pet the cat for a few minutes. I took out my phone and went to my contacts, clicking on one and it calling them.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey, Adrien. I'm need to ask you a favor."

A/N: I started back school three-four weeks ago and it's been really stressful and a lot of work and studying. Anyways enough of that, here is something more interesting:

It's going to be sort of a next generation story. Some people love those stories, some don't. I have so many ideas on how the story will go and have names picked out for everyone's kids. Marinette and Adrien will be great parents of course.

And the new character Marc that has been announced, he's adorable. Lots of respect to Marc. And I will be making Marc and Nathanael a couple in the next story.

A few more chapters to go...


If you aren't familiar with The Walking Dead but still want to read a different writing of mine, watch a video of a summary of the walking dead show and the seasons 1-3 summary or game play of the game.

I'm thinking about writing a TWD game meets TWD (show) crossover kind of story. My two favorite characters in The Walking Dead world is Carl and Clementine and they'd be amazing as a team. I might start writing it after episode 2 of season 4 of the game is released so I can understand AJ's character better.

Thanks for continuing to show support <3

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