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Adrien POV

I wake up to Nathalie knocking on my door. I force myself out of bed. I walked to the door, trying to rub the tiredness out of my eyes. I don't remember having a photo shoot today.

"Good morning, Adrien." Nathalie said as I opened the door. "The Dupain-Chengs called. They invited you to their home to discuss your friend. We'll leave in forty five minutes." Nathalie walked down the hall after that. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower then went to my closet to get dressed. I put Charm some food down and shook the food container to get her attention. She came running out from under the couch and I chuckled as she ran to her food, nearly crashing into it.

I left my room and walked down the stairs to eat breakfast. Nathalie greeted me again when I was almost done eating.

"It's time to go." I followed her out to the car and we sat in silence all the way to Marinette's house.

Sabine and Tom greeted me in the bakery. Snow and Nino were there too, eating croissants. I sat with them and grabbed a croissant.

"I invited Alya too but she said she had to watch her sisters, but any way I wanted to ask for your help." Tom began. He glanced at Sabine as she kept her arms loosely crossed and her lips in a thin line.

"We haven't cleaned out Marinette's room of...everything. We can't get ourselves to go in there, and I know it's a hard thing to ask from you three, but we wanted to ask if you could clean everything out. We'll pay for the help." Tom asked us. Snow, Nino, and I exchanged glances and Snow spoke up.

"Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." She replied solemnly. I dreaded having to see everything Marinette used to hurt herself but I wanting to help the Dupain-Chengs was more important to me.

"Thank you so much. And don't worry about Roe. She's with Manon at the park." Sabine thanked.

We silently went up to the apartment as Tom and Sabine stayed to open the bakery. When we go to Marinette's room, the door wasn't replaced; instead it was completely gone. It made me feel a little uneasy when my mind went back to the night she nearly died, but I pushed the thought away thinking of her coming home tomorrow.

"Adrien, you look through the desk, Nino go clean out the bathroom, I'll get the dresser." We listened to Snow and went to where we were told with trash bags. I went through the first drawer and found pictures of Marinette with her friends and a few pencils and erasers. I saw a pencil sharpener with a loose screw and threw it away. The next drawer was a lot of markers and color pencils. I found two blades and a box cutter mixed in with them and threw those away. The next drawer had a sketchbook. I took out the sketchbook and flipped through the pages. It wasn't filled with designs; it was filled with doodles of sharp lines, representations of death, and drawings of bad things that have happened during school like when Chloe tripped her down the stairs. I sat the sketchbook aside.

"Oh gosh..." I heard Nino sigh from the bathroom. He walked out and held up a little white box with a label. Cigarettes. I didn't say anything. I didn't really know what to say. I turned back around.

"She hides stuff behind the computer." Tikki startled me. She hasn't said much in a while. She flew out of my jacket pocket and behind the computer. She pushed a yellow box out filled with razor blades; some of them were rusted or had dried blood on them. I threw those away and looked around the rest of the room, only finding one more under her mattress.

"What's that?" I jumped at the small voice behind me. I turn around and see Roe pointing to the trash bag. Crap.

"We're cleaning Marinette's room for her." I simply explained.

"Oh. That's nice! I can't wait to see her." Roe said.

"Roe!" Sabine called out from downstairs. Sabine came up to Marinette's room and sighed at Roe.

"Come on, sweetheart. Let's go downstairs." She said, grabbing onto Roe's hand.

"I can watch her if you want Mrs. Sabine." Nino offered before they left.

"That would be great. Thank you." Roe let go of Sabine's hand and ran to Nino, holding onto his leg and sitting on his foot. He laughed a little and took her downstairs.

Snow and I cleaned in silence for a little bit before she spoke. "I need to talk to you."

I gave her a questioning look and she stared at her feet. "What's up?" I ask. She stayed silent for a little while before speaking up again.

"I have to leave soon." She said bluntly.

"We're almost done cleaning." I responded, not really understanding why she was upset. She shook her head.

"No, Adrien. I have to leave Paris."

Marinette POV

It was finally the morning I could go home. Today felt like a better, good, day. I was ready to go home. I missed my bed. Even though I'm ready to be home, I'm nervous about going back to school. I didn't want to see Chloe or all the stares from my peers.

Maman and Papa picked me up and after I gave them a hug, we went home. Roe gave me a drawing of me and her. She begged to play dolls with me and I did for a few hours until it was time for lunch. I took some of my medicine I was prescribed and ate lunch with Roe while watching cartoons. She fell asleep in the middle of one of the episodes so I carried her to her room. Papa offered to but I insisted. I only had three more months with her before she was adopted. I put her in her bed and left, leaving the door cracked.

I went up to my room for the first time since I've been back. It was clean. From everything...bad. It made me a little sad because I missed it. I couldn't even find my sewing needles, pins, or fabric scissors. It was emptier without Tikki here too. I hoped Chat would've dropped her off by now.

Lucky jumped up on the desk. I tapped his nose and petted him awhile then looked for my phone.

I picked up my phone from my desk and checked my messages and saw some texts from my classmates, wishing me well, and then I got to the text from Alya and Adrien that was sent a few minutes ago.

"Hey girl. Can't wait to see you." With a dozen hearts from Alya.

"Hey Marinette, can I stop by?" From Adrien.

"Sure." Was all I said back. I didn't even have to wait a second for a response.

"Awesome. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

I sat my phone down and reached for my bag that I still haven't unpacked. I pulled out the journal that I was given and laid down on the floor with it. I opened it to a clean page and wrote down thing I was grateful for, people and memories that kept me going. Ember told me to continue to live for those who love me until I was able to live for myself. And it helps. I wrote down everything Roe and I did today before I was interrupted from my thoughts.


"GAH!" I jumped to me feet. It was Adrien and he was chuckling. I sighed and laughed with him.

"It's nice to hear you laugh." He said. I stopped laughing and smiled a little.

"A warning would've been nice." I said sarcastically, crossing my arms. He chuckled again and apologized. I played with the end of my sleeves while we stood there awkwardly for a moment. Out of nowhere, he hugged me. I was frozen for a moment before hugging back. We stayed like that, his head rested on my shoulder, for I don't know how long. It was comforting to feel like someone needed me in their life.

We separated and he handed me a box. The box with my earrings. Tikki flew out and I put my earrings on. "Tikki!" I held her in my hands. She hugged my thumb and kept saying she missed me.

"I missed you too, Tikki." Tikki and I were reunited, and it was great. She's my friend. She keeps me calm.

"I thought Chat was watching you?" I asked. I knew that all my friends know I'm Ladybug, so it wasn't completely crazy that Adrien was watching Tikki.

"I-I have been." Adrien mumbled. I shot my head up and looked at him with wide eyes.

"W-What?" Was all I could say.

"I made sure she was in great care, M'lady." He said. Whatever I thought my reaction would've been to finding out who Chat was, disappeared. The worry, gone. I embraced him and held onto him as if to make sure this wasn't a dream. He hugged back. I felt safe.

"I'm so happy it's you."



2) This book has a few more chapters left.

3) IM PLANNING A SEQUEL. I will give more information about it in the next chapter.


Do y'all know who this queen is? Sweetpea herself, CLEMENTINE! From The Walking Dead game. I love video games,especially this one. Clementine is honestly my favorite character ever, next to Carl Grimes from the show (spoiler: Rest In Peace Sunshine). I'm thinking about writing a story about Clementine fighting to survive in the apocalypse. And it might be a crossover story of The Walking Dead and TWDG. So if I decide to and if you're a Walking Dead fan, get ready. If I do I won't write it until after Season 4 the final season.

Thank y'all for the support <3

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