Chapter 3: The News Part 2

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As Jimin watched Leon and Leo closely a smile formed. He was fascinated at the two that showed talent at the same level as each other but slightly different in ways.

Leon was fast when she delivered blows and was incredibly accurate with her aims. Leo was faster at blocking and showed great reflexes with counter attacks. Each showed different strengths and weaknesses as they went up against each other but one thing they both shared was their competitive side. Each showed within their eyes a burning passion when they spar, each shows more energy every time they knew they would fail. That's the way they look at life. The concept of all or nothing.

That concept was how they thought about anything in life. They chose to give every ounce of energy in competition and performance. They chose to fight for what they want when they want it or go home. They take each measure they can for the possibility of winning even when practicing. That's what impressed Jimin more than anything, their determination and dedication to a cause.

Watching Leo deliver the final attack Jimin looked at the large white and black clock on the wall, looking to see it was fairly close to midnight. Letting out a yawn he looked back to the two in front of him going for water. "Leon, don't you think it's about time we go back to the dorm? It's quite late." He said as the girl looked at boy standing beside her.

"I'm full of energy. It feels great to have actual competition for once." She replied to his question as Leo looked at her from the corner of his eyes and chuckled quietly at her question.

"I do have to admit this is fun but also quite tiring." Leo said as he looked at the time.

"I was suppose to be back an hour ago but what N doesn't know won't kill him." He continued before walking over to his phone that was laying next to Jimin and checking his notifications. Looking at a simple text from his bandmate he couldn't help but let out a small smile.

"안녕히 주무세요, 달콤한 꿈 (translation; Goodnight. Sweet dreams)." He read as he imagined the words coming from the youngest members lips. Letting out a sad sigh he then set down his phone before rubbing his his eyes.

"Sleepy?" Leon asked him as Leo let out a slight yawn and nodded. Then all of a sudden, they heard a slight snore coming from Jimin. They turn to see him already fallen asleep, leaning against the wall.

"I think we should call it a night. We've had a long day." Leo said before standing and slipping on his shoes.

"We'll have to do this again sometime." He said before picking up his things and bringing his hand over to Jimin.

"Jimin, wake up." He said as the snores became louder.

Leon sighed. "I'll carry him." She said before walking over to him and bringing him up on her shoulder.

"You sure you don't need any help?" Leo asked as Leon shot him a smirk.

"This isn't the first time this has happened. Goodnight." She said before carrying him out of the gym and back up the large hill. Following behind Leo also left the gym and walked the opposite direction home.

After climbing up the hill Leon struggled to keep from falling.

Back In BTS Dorm

Opening the door to the dorm she walked over to the couch on her left and laid Jimin across the cushions. Taking a moment to catch her breath she then reached for a blanket behind him and covered him with it.

"For a small person like you, you can weight like a ton of bricks." She said before looking around the dorm. Turning and walking down the hall to her room she found herself to now be drained of energy. Stepping into her room she then changed into her pajamas before laying on the bed and looking at the wall covered in photos beside her.

Bringing her hand to touch one photo she smiled and spotted a new image tapped to the wall. Taking it gently off the wall so no pain would come off she flipped the photo over and read the writing on the back.

Then there was a knock on the door, Leon looked up. "Come in." She said as the door unlocked to see it was her roommate, Jungkook carrying a bowl of Kimchi noodles.

"Aren't you asleep?" Leon asked as Jungkook shook his heads.

"I went to make a midnight snack, I knew you are still up since I saw Jimin sleeping outside with his sweaty shirt and pants." He replied as Leon smiled slightly.

"Ah... did you put this photo on my wall?" She asked showing you the picture.

"No, I think Rap Monster did." He said before sitting down and beginning to eat the noodles.

"Ah okay." She said before sticking the photo back on the wall above her and smiling.

Curling into a ball she snuggled into her pillows before closing her eyes. Jungkook smiled and shook his head. "Goodnight..Leon."


Walking into the dorm Leo looked to see a light shining from a room on the right side of the hallway. Walking down the hallway he stopped in the doorway to see N and Hongbin putting the youngest member to bed. Looking at his fellow members treat to her he felt his mood fall.

"I'm back." Leo replied as N and Ravi looked in his direction.

"Hello." N said as Hongbin set the girl down on the bed.

"You're back late." He continued as he moved her hair out of her face and smiled softly.

"She fell asleep waiting on you. You missed the conversation she had with us." Hongbin said before walking to the door and smiling lightly.

"Conversation?" Leo asked walking into the room and bringing the bed covers into his hands.

"Yeah, we talked about the performance. She asked each one of us if we were pissed at her." N said a Hongbin let put a small laugh.

"I don't think we ever can." Leo replied before looking at the two members.

"I'll finish up here, you go get some rest." He continued before picking up a hair bow on her night stand and pulled her hair gently into a messy bun.

As the others left the room Leo looked at the seven objects that set on a shelf above her desk. They were presents that was given to her by the six guys. He let out a small smiled then one of them caught his eyes. It was a photo of him when he and the others met Robin for the first time taped above the white bear he had bought her long ago.

"Can't believe you actually kept it." Leo said while looking at Robin. Leo then took the bear quietly from the shelf before walking over to Robin and placing it next to her.

Watching her move in her sleep to and bring the bear into her arms his smile left his face. He felt the pain of heartbreak move throughout him before he turned off the lamp on the nightstand. "Goodnight." He said walking out of the room and closing the door before going to bed himself.

The Next Morning

Robin found herself to be laying on her bed. Yawning and pulling back the covers she looked to see a white bear laying on the floor, now a victim of the nightmares she had the night before. Standing from the bed she picked the bear up before putting the stuffed animal on the shelf. Looking at the picture sitting before it she then smiled sadly before walking out of the room.

Walking into the living room of the door and opening the door she then stepped onto the small concrete porch of the building. Opening the mailbox on the side of the building she reached for the large amount of mail within the metal box. Closing the box she then turned and went back inside the dorm before closing the door. Carrying the large amounts of mail to the island in the kitchen area she then began to sort out everyone's mail.

As she looked through the mail a letter caught her eye. Pulling the letter out of the stack she looked to see a recruitment letter to her from a record company in the United States. Curious about the letter she then stuck the mail in her pile as Ravi came into the room. "You sorting mail?" He asked as she giggled and hands a pile of mail to him.

"Just finished." She said before walking back to her room and closing the door. Running to the desk in her room she opened the letter from the pile to read the content hidden in the black envelope. As she sat down a small smile came upon her face before turning into a frown.

"They want me to leave VIXX and sign with them?" She asked before folding the paper back into the envelope and placing her mail in the desk draw to her right.

That's when there was a sudden knock on the door. "Come in!" She said as she heard the door squeak while being opened.

"Hey, N ask me to tell everyone that we'll have a meeting in thirty minutes." Ken said before leaving the doorway.

"Okay thanks." She yelled before standing from the desk and closing the door before getting ready. Dressing in a white and black shirt and red pants she then walked to the bathroom.

Robin fixed her hair into a ponytail and then washed her face. Bringing a toothbrush into her hand, she then picked up the toothpaste and opened it. Feeling two arms coming around her waist she looked in the mirror to see Leo hugging her sleepily and laying his head on her shoulder.

"Wakie wakie. It's time to wake up." She said putting the paste on the brush before wetting it and bringing it up to her teeth.

"Aniyo." He replied before poking her cheek.

"I don't want to be up." He said as he let her go and went to the sink beside her.

"I know but we have a lot to do today." She said before brushing her teeth.

"Okay." He said before looking at her sadly. Watching her glance out of the corner of her eyes at him his mood brightened instantly. That was the effect Robin had on Leo. Robin could make him forget everything in a heartbeat without even trying. It was like she had some power of happiness or light over him and he was lifted by that power of light whenever she was around him. That's the way their relationship has been since the first day they met in the practice room of Jellyfish headquarters.

As the members gathered into the dorm room one by one, N stood talking to their manager with a large smile upon his face. As he looked around he clapped his hands together. "Okay, so since we're here... what's the good news?" He asked before sitting down next to Ravi. Robin walked over and sat next to Ken who's still half asleep while hugging a stuffed animal on his hands.

"Okay so, I have some great news guys!" Their manager said as Robin patted Ken's head gently. Watching her do so a low possessive growl left from Leo, causing for all of the others in the room to look around in confusion.

"Okay, anyway, as I was saying. You guys are going to be on a reality television show." Their manager continued as the members gasped in shock.

"You're kidding right?" Ravi asked as the manager shook his head.

"No get packing boys...and girl. You'll be leaving tomorrow morning." He said as the group jumped up cheering with joy.

"Looks like VIXX TV is taking a whole new steps." N said as the rest of the members nodded.

"I think this calls for a mall trip." Hyuk said as everyone nodded and ran to their rooms to get their bags before running out of the dorm.

At The Mall

Walking into the mall the group of guys separated into different directions, leaving the youngest member looking around curiously at the mall she had never been in before.

"Where do you go Robin?" She asked herself before walking to her right. Walking down the long walkway of stores she found herself wondering about which stores she should go into. Walking around further down she felt a hand slide across the width of her back and gently touching her waist.

"I think you'll find clothing that will suit you in that shop." She heard a quiet voice say as she looked to see her bandmate, Leo smiling happily at her.

"Lead the way." She said as he lead her into the store of trendy clothing. Stepping in the store she found herself looking at every piece of clothing with a smile upon her face.

"I'm not like Ken or N but I can stay and give advice on what looks good." Leo said before taking a seat near the dressing rooms.

"As long as it's not as bad as the time Ravi wore that hat thing he wore in the Error video shoot, be my guest." She responded before picking up various items and walked into the dressing.

As Robin walked in and out of the dressing room Leo continued to say the same thing over and over. "It looks good, I want to buy it for you. Next."

"Leo," Robin said as rolled her eyes slightly before blushing for the tenth time, "No you won't buy me anything. Is that all you're going to tell me?" She asked before pouting and crossing her arms.

"Yes, next one." He said as he motioned for her to go back into the small room. Watching her groan and go back into the dressing room, Leo then turned his head to see Leon, Jimin and Jin looking at clothes.

As Jimin looked up from the pants he was trying to talk Leon into wearing, he smiled and waved at Leo. "Hi Taekwoon Hyung." He said as everyone turned in Leo's direction.

"What are you doing here?" Leon asked before walking to him with a smile on her face.

"We're shopping. We found out we're going to be on a reality television so we came for a wardrobe revamp." Leo said looking at the girl with a soft expression on his face.

"Cool, you do want to come hang out with us?" Jin asked as Leo looked at the changing room and shook his head no.

"I don't know if I can-"

"Please?" The girl asked looking up him with a smirk upon his face. Looking down at her expression he then let out a soft smile before closing his eyes.

Opening his eyes he nodded his head yes. "Sure, why not?" He asked before the group walked out of the store and continued down the paths of stores.

A minute after they leave Robin stepped out in a long black dress. Looking at the spot Leo once sat in she then looked around the store to see he was out of her sight. "Excuse me," she asked a store clerk as she walked by her dressing room, "내가 같이 있던 남자 봤어? (Translation: Have you seen the man I was with?)."

"방금 갔어요 (translation: He just left)." The girl said before walking off. Walking back into the dressing room she looked to see a picture Jin texted of the four of them taking a selfie.

"Cheeky bastard." Robin said then to noticed a text from Leo and his credit card on the seat.

"What he doesn't know won't kill him well until after he sees I didn't charge anything." She said before picking up the credit card and walked back into the room before changing into her cloths. Walking out of dressing room with her things, she then walked up to the front counter and handed them her debit card before setting down her items.

On the other side of the mall Ken and Hongbin found themselves in a pop culture store looking at various anime items. "Yah, They have swords." Ken said before picking one up and moving it to Hongbin, who gulps at the fact that the sword had landed millimeters away from his adam's apple.

Pushing the sword away from him, he raised an eyebrow and glared at Ken. "How about you put that up before you kill yourself or me." Hongbin responded as Ken frowned.

"I can't kill anyone with a plastic sword." Ken defended as Hongbin looked at him judgingly.

"Trust me, you'd be the one to find a way." He said before hearing a chuckle come from behind him. Turning behind them they looked to see Jungkook and V laughing at the sarcastically.

"Oh please ignore us. We're just watching to see who will die first." Jungkook said as he leaned against a table and crossed his arms.

"What are you doing here?" Ken asked as his grip tightened around the hilt.

"We came shopping. With a new project we needed to bring some new clothing into our wardrobe. Why are you here?" V asked as Hongbin shook his head.

"We're going to be on a reality television show." Hongbin replied before taking the sword from Ken's hand and stuck it in the bin before walking away.

"ASH! WHAT'S THEIR PROBLEM?" Ken shouted as many people turned to them.

"I don't know, they hate us for some reason." Hongbin said as they passed an arcade. "Wanna play some games?" He asked looking down the long walkway to see the group of four walking into the arcade.

"Why is Taekwoon-Appa walking with them? I thought he was with our baby, Robin?" Ken replied pouting at the thought of the two members.

"He will never get the girl. Come on, let us leave them be." Hongbin replied before walking past the entrance to the arcade and into a different shop.

As N watch Ravi and Hyuk he giggled at the childish acts they showed. "Hyukie, please choose something before I go crazy." He said as his hypothetical child frowned at him.

"Hakyeon-hyung, I'm trying to as quickly as I can." He replied as the eldest sighed and laid back in the plush chair, praying for the long hour they had spent in the room to be over.

"You can never rush masterpieces." Ravi said as their leader smirked at them.

"No... but I wouldn't call your fashion advice a masterpiece, more like a disaster." He retorted before standing and picking up two outfits from a rack.

"Please hyuk try these on before I go crazy." N said

"Fine." The youngest boy sighed before entering the dressing room.

Looking around the store Ravi looked to see J-Hope, Rap Monster and Suga looking around the the same store. "Hey guys." Ravi said before waving energetically their way.

"Ravi! Nice to see you." J-Hope said as he waved back across the store. Making his way over to them they engaged within small talk about various things laughing at the most ridiculous things.

"Ravi, what do you think?" He heard Hyuk ask as Ravi turned to look at the mix matched patterns.

"Well....It's... I'm sorry N but this looks like shit." He said as all three sighed.

"Maybe we can help." Suga said as he went looking around the store and came back with different outfits. Handing Hyuk the outfits, he then turned and walked back into the dressing room.

Few Minutes Later

After a few minutes of shuffling Hyuk walked out in the clothes he wore to the mall and a stack in his hand. "I found something." He replied as everyone sighed in relief.

"Great can we get lunch now?" Ravi asked as N and Hyuk nodded.

"Yes finally," he replied before looking at the other three bts members looking at them, "would you like to join us?" He continued to ask as the members smiled.

"Sure." They replied with smiles on their faces.

After paying they walked out to see the other group of four walking around the mall, finding different things to do.

"Ha, I honestly think we get along quite well." Leo said to the group as they looked at a jewelry store located on the corner.

"Better than I ever expected." Jimin replied as Leo looked at a necklace that said ' sister' on it through the glass.

"What are you looking at Leo?" Jin asked looking around the gold chains on a revolving hanger.

"Something for a family member." He responded as he looks up at the Jeweler.

"Can you make this in a dog tag style?" He asked as the jeweler nodded and pulled out a selection of different colored necklaces. Glancing slightly in the direction of the girl he imagines his sister wearing it. Picking the black matte finish he then went to pull out his credit card to realize he didn't have it.

"Crap." He said as Leon walked over to him.

"What's wrong?" She asked as Leo looked at her and pulled out his phone.

"Can you stay here with my necklace while I go get my credit card from Robin?" He asked as she furrowed her eyebrows before letting out a sigh and nodded. She took out her credit card and passed it to Leo.

"Here, use mine, we can go get yours after we leave here. You can pay me back later." She said as he took the card from her and nodded before hand the card to the jeweler.

"Thank you." He said as the jeweler handed the card back to him along with a small bag.

"No problem." She replied as she took the card from his extended hand and put it back in her wallet. Walking into the store Robin came in carrying three bags and Leo's card in her hand.

"Hey, I've been looking for you." Robin said as she handed the card back to Leo.

"What did you get? Nothing too revealing right?" He asked as she shook her head.

"Nothing that's revealing, dad." Robin replied sarcastically to his comment.

"Thank goodness." Leo said as Leon shook her heads.

"Hey Robin-noona." She greete.

"Hey Leon! And please just call me Robin. I'm not big on korean formalities." She responded as Leon nodded.

"Robin it is then. Ah, you're from the US... you're not Korean if I remember right?" She asked as american nodded.

"Right, I'm mainly of european descent." She said with a sad smile on her face.

"So, how much did you buy with my card?" Leo asked looking through his phone.

"I didn't buy anything with your card. Okay... I'm going to go sneak out of the mall without N possibly seeing me, I'll see you in a bit. Bye!" The girl said before running out of the jewelery store as Leo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Is that a good thing she said that?" Jimin asked walking up to Leo as he shook his head.

"No that means she's going out somewhere in the city and she doesn't want Hakyeon-Hyung to catch her." He responded before texting N.

"So what now?" Jin asked walking up to them.

"Why don't we go to the candy factory?" Leon asked with a stoic expression.

"How about no and we avoid sugar highs today?" Jimin rejected as Jin frowned.

"We've been to every other store in the mall. So anyone else have any other ideas?"

"Not a clue." Jim said as they all looked at Leon.

"Any other ideas?" Leo asked her head and looked at the time.

"It think it's time we're suppose to leave anyway." She said before looking at the rest of the guys.

"I guess so, bye Leo hyung." Jimin said as they all walked away towards the exit. Watching them leave he then looked at the bag hanging on his wrist before going to walk about the mall and purchase things for himself.

BTS Dorm:

Opening the door and walking into the dorm the members carried their bags to their respected rooms. Walking back into the living room they looked at their manager sitting and looking on his phone.

"Okay why did you tell us to go shopping for a project? What project is it?" Rap Monster asked as he sat on the couch in front of him.

"You're moving guys." He said as everyone's eyes fell to him in shock.

"Wait what?" Jungkook asked before walking to the couch and standing behind it.

"Only temporarily I think, you're going to be on a reality TV show." He said as everyone looked around at each other in doubt of this.

"You'll get to live in a mansion." The manager continued as Jimin ran out of the room.

"Jimin where are you going?" V asked as he stopped and turned to them.

"I'm going to pack, I finally get a room to myself!" He says before running into his room and slamming the door shut.

"Okay...then?" Leon asked before looking back to everyone else. Listening to the other members question the manager she stood quietly in the background.

Then noticing a figure outside their dorm, she went over to the window. Glaring out the window her eyes never left the figure dressed in black. Gripping the window seal as she watched the figure closely, Leon clenched her fist.

Watching as people walked in front of the figure standing on the sidewalk she then noticed a small boy walking in the direction of the man. Watching the boy cross in front of the boy, the black figure reached for the boy with a large, long clawed hand. Gripping the boy by the shoulder he then smirked to the girl standing in the window before pulling him into a dark alley. Hearing loud high pitched screams come from outside her eyes widened as her grip fell from the window seal.

"Leon? You okay?" Jin asked as she turned to him and shook her head. Then she noticed her hands were trembling non stop.

"Leon, what happened?" Jungkook asked before running to her and looked out the window.

"T-T-T-T," The girl stuttered as she tried to make the words come out of her mouth, "T-Th-The b-boy-" then images flashes to her mind. She held her head in disbelief, hoping that what she just saw was her imagination. Then images of her past enter her mind. Her body started to tremble. Feeling light headed her knees began to buckle together before Jungkook came behind her and placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Leon-ssi are you alright?" He asked as Leon continue shaking nonstop.

"Hey J-Hope hyung, go get a glass of water!" V yelled as he ran over and opened the window before sticking his head out. Turning his head looking in both directions before closing the window.

"There's nothing there." Jungkook said as the guys turned and looked at each other.

"Shut the window, let's get her to her room and let her lay down for a while. We can pack her stuff and let her rest." Namjoon said as everyone nodded.

Jungkook then took one of her arms and wrapped it around his neck before picking her up bridal style and carried her to their room. Setting her down on her bed he then sat next to her and pushed some of her hair out of her face.

"What happen to you?" He asked as Leon passed out on her bed. Looking at her sleeping body he sighed before grabbing her hand. He noticed her hand is still shaking and she was sweating.

"It's okay I'm here." Jungkook whisper as Leon stop shaking and she was back to normal. Jungkook sigh with relief then the door creak open. He turn around to see it was J-Hope, he walk in with a glass of water in his hand.

"Is she alright ?" He asked Jungkook while placing the glass of water beside the table. Jungkook nodded.

"She alright but I never seen her react like this." He replied. J-Hope stare at Leon who still asleep.

"Ask the guys if they can help pack her stuff...please?" Jungkook asked as he took the water from him and sat it on the night stand.

J-Hope nodded before running back into the living room. Looking down at her one more time he then let a sigh escape from his lips. "Just rest." As Jungkook switch off the light, he walked to the closest to pull out various sizes of suitcases before spending a long night packing.

"Should have ask J-Hope hyung to help me." Jungkook said as he let out a huge sigh.

Then Jungkook begin to packed Leon's stuffs. As he was packing , he noticed a cello and a violin case in her wardrobe. He took it and saw a Dragon and Phoenix cuffed on to it. " How the heck did she fit these two in there ?" He raise his eyebrows at her.

Jungkook shook his head before placing all her personal thing in the luggages. He check the time to see it was already, 2am in the morning. He let out a sleepy yawn, he took off his shirt and pant.

Except his boxer and went straight to bed. "Night." He said before falling into a deep sleep.

The Next Day

Pulling up to the large house the members of VIXX looked in awe. Hugging the white bear in her arms Robin smiled brightly. "I never thought I'd have the chance to live in a mansion." She said as she looked at all of the guys that were eyeing the large pool outside.

"You know what we should do first right?" Ravi said as all of the guys nodded.

"No, we should unpack first." Robin said as everyone groaned. As the van stopped Robin opened the door and stepped out onto the pavement that burned because of the summer heat. Walking to the back of the van she then opened the door before pulling out her three suitcases.

"Robin did you really need that much?" N asked as she nodded.

"Two of these is for clothing and the other one is for food." She said before putting a duffel bag around her shoulders.

"And the bag is full of music sheet, notebooks, cameras and my favorite part... board games!" She continued as everyone groaned.

"Robin no offense but we're not playing those stupid games." Ravi said as she pouted.

"Whatever," she said before picking up three bags and walked to the the entrance of the mansion. Bringing her hand to the door knob she then opened the door to the view of the massive foyer.

"Holy cow, this is like heaven." She said as the boys followed in behind her. Setting her bags down within the foyer she then looked around in awe.

"Woah." They said as they then threw their suitcases down and opened them before pulling out bathing suits. Running in all different directions the boys then went to change into their different clothing, leaving a mess of clothes lying in the foyer.

"Ugh guys," she said before trying to neatly pile everything enough to close each one of their suitcases. After shutting and zipping each suitcase she then went to the large spiral staircase only to be caught in a stampede of six boys.

"W-woah!" She yelled losing her balance, only to be caught in someone's arms. Looking up she saw Leo looking down with her with a smirk before setting her back into a balanced position. Watching him remove his arms from around her he then ran past her and out of the house with the rest of the guys.

"Children." She said before continuing up the stairs.

Walking onto the second level she looked at the decorated rooms. Poking her head into the largest room she smiled before walking over the the window overlooking the pool. Opening the window she then laid on the bed where she could watch the guys splashing around in the pool. Laying her head on the pillow she then fought to stay awake but failed endlessly.

"ROBIN WAKE UP!" She heard as she groaned and covered her face with a pillow.

"Hell no, I stayed up packing everyone's shit last night and I'm sleeping." She said before curling up into a ball.

"Robin please wake up." She heard again as she groaned again and shook her head. Feeling arms come underneath her upper torso and knees she opened her eyes slowly to see Hongbin picking her up out of the bed before carrying her to the bathroom. Setting her on the counter in a sitting position he then managed to grab a washcloth and wet it before rubbing her sleepy face.

"Aish such a child." He said as she nodded. Sleepily lying her head on his chest, like the many times she had done before in situations like this, she sighed.

"You make a great pillow." She said as he giggled.

"Thanks for the compliment you've told me all of the five times you've come down sick from a cold." He said as she nodded.

Hearing car doors slam she then opened her eyes fully. "Did you hear that?" She asked as she sat up and got of the counter. "I just heard a car door." She said as she walked out into the room and looked out the window to see multiple van in the driveway.

Looking at the masses of guys unloading their things she gulped. "What the heck?" She asked before running out of the room and into the hallway before running down the steps.

Meeting N who was looking out the door at the multiple vans of guys she grabbed his arm. "Why are there so many groups of people?" She asked as N looked at her.

"I don't know, we were suppose to be the only ones here. I think I'm going to go out and ask what's going on." He said before pulling the door open and walking out of the door.

Following behind she noticed which groups were present at the time. Then the rest of the member walk over dressed in their wet shirts and trunks. Standing before them was the groups EXO, BTS, and the group who would be debuting within the next year, SEVENTEEN.

Hongbin, Leo, Ken, N, Ravi, Hyuk and Robin stared at each other before raising their eyebrows at the three groups.

"Am I seeing SEVENTEEN right now? Is this a dream?" Robin asked as she stared in awe at the two boys named Mingyu and Jun.

"Robin no fangirling we already see enough of this." Leo said quietly before she elbowed him in the stomach.

"Are we sharing a house with all three of the groups?" Hyuk asked N who struggled to answered his question.

"Okay, hang on." Robin said as she stood out in front of the guys.

"Hello, are you all here for a reality television show?" She asked as they all nodded.

"Ah, and you all were promised a mansion?" She asked as the groups continued to nod.

"Okay yeah they're here for the same reason we are." She said as she looked behind some trees to see another large building.

"Hey what's that over there?" She asked as she pointed to another mansion hidden behind the trees.

As all four groups walk over to see a duplicate mansion as the first one. "WHAT !?" They all screamed.

"Wait... four groups...two mansions.... they're splitting us up into the two." She said as she looked at all of the guys and then sprinted off into the house.

"Where are you going?" Ken yelled as disappeared.

"TO CLAIM MY ROOM BEFORE ANYONE ELSE TAKES IT FROM ME!" She yelled as N groaned and facepalmed while shaking his head.

"I'll go get her....again." Hongbin said before going back into the house.

"Sorry you witnessed that, she didn't sleep well last night and we woke her up from her nap. So she's in bitch mode right now." N said as they heard screams coming from the house.

"HONGBIN NO! HONGBIN I SWEAR I WILL PUSH YOU OUT OF THAT WINDOW IF YOU DON- AH! HONGBIN!" They heard her scream before Hongbin walked back out the door with her over his shoulder.

"Hongbin! I will get that curling iron that Ravi dropped in the toilet and shove it up your- AH!" She screamed as he dropped her on the grass.

As all three group witnessed the scene in front of them some raised their eyebrows and some of them tried to hold their laughter.

"Guys, you're not making a good impression." N said as Leo helped Robin up from the ground.

"I promise we're usually not like this." He said as everyone nodded slowly.

Then another came into the driveway. All four groups looked to see the four managers of the groups stepping out of the car. As all four groups quickly move out of the way for their manager to pass. "Annyeong Haseyo !" They greeted as the groups looked straight at them.

"Okay, I guess everyone should announce themselves." EXO manager said as VIXX stepped forward and smiled at the others members and their managers.

"Annyeong Haseyo! We're Real V, V-I-X-X! VIXX Imnida!" The members of VIXX said as they did their signature hand sign.

"Hana, Dul, Ses ! We Are One ! Annyeong Haseyo EXO Imnida!" The EXO members replied with a thumbs up before bowing.

"Dul, Ses! Bangtan! Annyeong Haseyo Bangtan Sonyeondan Imnida!" BTS said while showing their hand gun sign before bowing.

"Say the name SEVENTEEN ! Annyeong Haseyo SEVENTEEN Imnida." The thirteen boys of Seventeen said as they did their hand sign and bowed.

"Okay, so everyone's introduced themselves." The Seventeen manager said as they nodded.

"Okay, Tonight we will have a bonfire so everyone can get to know each other. Until then you guys will be getting unpacked and getting to know your roommates." BTS manager said as everyone nodded.

"Okay, In the mansion behind us will be BTS and VIXX." The VIXX manager said as Robin's face fell and looked to Jungkook who was smirking in her direction. Leon glance at Jungkook.

"Don't even think about." Leon warned and point her finger in front of him as Jungkook raise both of his hands in defence.

"I'm not!" Jungkook said as Leon remove her finger from his face. As Ravi wink at Leon who smiled and nodded.

"In the house over there will be EXO and SEVENTEEN." Said EXO's manager as everyone nodded.

"Okay everyone go into your new mansions!" The managers said as everyone nodded and took their luggages with them to their new mansion.

Walking into the mansion, Robin walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Bringing her hands to her temples she sighed "Please tell me this is all a dream." She said as she moved her fingers in circles.

As everyone filed in behind her Leo then walked behind her and stood behind her protectively as he glared at Jungkook. Leon put her hood up while leaning against the wall.

"Okay," BTS's manager and VIXX's manager said while walking into the house.

"We assigned roommates for you guys." BTS's manager said as everyone groaned.

"Do we have to?" Jimin whined while showing his cuteness to their manager.

"Yes okay, here's the lineup. Leo, You'll be with Jimi-"

"I want Leon." He said quietly interrupting the manager and everyone looked at him in shock. As Robin looked up at him as he turned and looked at the girl leaning against the wall who seems to have no effect on the situation that's just happened.

"Leon any objections?" VIXX's manager asked before she shook her head no.

"Okay then, next pair will Hongbin and Rap Monster, then N and V, Ken and Jin, Ravi and Suga, Hyuk and I guess now J-Hope, and the group of three will be Jungkook, Jimin, and Robin." The manager continued as Robin, Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other.

"NO!" They all yelled at the same time.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a problem with Jimin, but Jungkook? He kind of hates me and are you serious!? Does anyone else see the potential disaster of this?" She asked as the black haired boy laughed.

"Please stick her in a room with me, it'll be fun." He said as she looked at her fellow members.

"No." Leo said quietly as he glared at the boy. "I don't want him near her. Not after what happened earlier this week." He said as the manager raised his eyebrow.

"So you want to give up Leon for Robin?" The manager asked as Leo shook his head.

"I won't switch Leon for someone else." He said as Robin felt a pang in her heart.

"Could we not let Robin and Jimin room together and we can give Jungkook the couch?" Ravi asked as Jungkook glared at him.

"Or we can give Robin the couch." He said as Robin shrugged.

"I'd be closer to the kitchen." She stated as everyone from VIXX rolled their eyes at her comment.

"So what are we going to do?" The managers asked as Jimin kneeled before them with innocent puppy dog eyes. Leon and the other raise their eyebrows at him.

"PLEASE LET ME HAVE MY OWN ROOM! PLEASE I BEG YOU! I BEG YOU! I BEG YOU!" He said as the managers rolled their eyes. After ten minutes of listening to him beg they gave in to his wish.

"Fine Damn it! You can stay in your own room Jimin." The manager said as he smiled as stood from the floor.

"Robin, Jungkook, looks like you're stuck in a room together, no exceptions." Said VIXX's manager as every sighed.

"I'm done arguing about it. I'll accept it but be prepared for the hospital bills to come." She said as Jungkook smirked.

"Yours or mine?" He smarted off as she smirked.

"We'll decide when you have to pay to have a curling iron surgically removed." She said as everyone's eyes widened.

"Okay then, y'all have fun. Don't forget the bon fire tonight." The managers said as everyone separated and went to their respective rooms.

N PoV:

I have a bad feeling about this.

Leo PoV:

At least my roommate isn't that bad.

Ken PoV:

As long as they let me watch One Piece I'm fine with it.

Ravi PoV:

I wonder where that curling iron is? I should probably take that from her sometime soon.

Hongbin's PoV:

I am secretly judging everyone in this room.

Hyuk's PoV:

Yes more people to be a demon to.

Robin's PoV:

I threw away the curling iron days ago, jokes on them, they still think I have it. I regret throwing it away now.

Rap Monster PoV:

Oh dear I think my soul is driving me away from reality.

Jin PoV:

This is going to be a hell of a month.

Suga PoV:
I am secretly judging everyone in this room.

Jimin PoV:


V PoV:

N isn't that bad but I kind of feel bad for Robin.

J-Hope PoV:


Jungkook PoV:

This is going to be fun.

Leon POV:

Here we go again. I let out a sigh and shook my head.

Collaboration with That_VIXX_fan

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