Chapter 4: Fight And Bonding Time

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Shaking her head at the black dress held by her leader Robin sighed. "N, No I'm not going to wear that slutty dress!" She said as Ken walked into the room sassily.

"Robin please, at least tried to get laid tonight-"


"You wouldn't mind if it was Le-HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Ken asked as N smiled brightly.

"Robin, this dress looks good on you. Besides we've already made a bad impression in front of them. Please, let's go fashionably and act like we have class." The leader said as she crossed her arms.

"Classy and slutty are two different things." She stated as she groaned.

"Give me the dress." She said before walking over to the window and throwing it out onto the grass.

"Get my picture?" She asked while crossing her arms.

"We get the picture." Both Ken and N nodded at the same time.


In another room Leo was unpacking as Leon sat on the bed looking at her phone. "So, you ready for the next month?" He asked her quietly before looking over at her.

"I don't know." She said while lying down on the bed.

"Honestly I think this is going to end in disaster." She continued as Leo nodded.

"You and me both." He said he pulled a jean shirt over his tank top and started to button it.

"So, are the rumors about you true? Do you like animals more than your bandmates? Do you have a daily caffeine intake limit? Do you like someone in your group?" She asked nonchalantly as he looked at her blankly.

"What makes you ask that?" He ask as she shrugs.

"Started doing research on you. Everyone thinks you like Robin, have a daily coffee intake of at least six cups a day and well yeah if I was you I'd like animals more than those idiots." She said before crossing her arms. Leo let out a slight laugh and nodded.

"True but also not true? The third one would be contradicted if I liked Robin." He said he brought his hand up to his mouth and a small smirked came to his lips.

Leon smirked slightly, "then what about you? Still having a crush on all the members?" He asked as Leon looked up in shock.

"What makes you say that?" She asked as he sat on the bed.

"How did you know that I used to have a crush on all the members?" She asked as he smirked.

"I know a lot of things." He said as he crossed his arms. Leon smirked once more.

"Well, I'll just let secrets be secrets." She said before glaring at him.

Leo laugh slightly, "yeah yeah get changed!" He retorted before he threw her shirt at her. She caught her shirt.

"Yeah yeah. You too get ready ." Leon said while throwing his towel at his face. Leo removed the towel from his face and smirked at her.


Walking through the mansion the members of VIXX made their way to the field in between the two houses. Bringing her hands up to her jean jacket Robin sighed before looking at the six handsome members around her dressed in jean outfits. Hey guys what's today's date?" She asked as Hyuk looked at her.

"It's the 30th of May." He said as Robin nodded and then her eyes widened.

"Shit." She mumbled as everyone looked at her.

"What's wrong?" Ravi asked as she shook her head.

"Nothing. I just thought of something." She said as they all nodded and walked through the back door onto the porch. Stepping down the steps everyone walked towards the large pile of wood in the middle of the field.

"Looks like we're the first ones here." N said before sitting down on a bench.

"Yeah, but at least we're not late... Ken." Hongbin said as Ken rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." Ken replied.

Looking around the field they looked to see a door open from the other residence. Walking out they looked to see EXO walking out dressed in a scheme of blue, black and white.

Just then Robin heard a voice call out to her in a whispered tone. Turning she looked to see their manager standing on the porch motioning for her to come.

Turning to Ravi, who was next to her, she then smiled slightly at him. "I have go get something I left in the house." She said before standing and running back to the house. Shrugging his shoulders he then went with the rest of the members to greet the group that just came out.

As the groups greeted each other, the group SEVENTEEN walked out and stood awkwardly a few feet from everyone.

Emerging in their own conversations, the final group BTS followed shortly after.

"Okay so we all here?" N asked as everyone looked at each other.

"I don't think the managers are coming." S. Coups said as everyone nodded.

"Then it looks like we can do whatever then." Lay said as they all looked around awkwardly.

"There's food over there." J-Hope said as everyone turned their heads before running over to the table.

Leon raise her eyebrows and shook her head, "children, I'm dealing with children." She said while letting out a slight sigh and rolling her eyes. As the crowd cleared she then walked up to the table to see a serving enough to feed one person left within the pans.

"Looks yummy." She said as she fixed her plate and then sat down on a bench. Alone.

Leon let out a sigh before munching on her food.

After finishing his food, The member of SEVENTEEN known as Minguy walked back over to the table to see the empty pans. "Is this all we have?" He asked as one of the camera men nodded to him.

"Shit." He muttered as Leon just shook her head.

Ten Minutes Later

Ten minutes later Ravi then turned to everyone, "Hey guys aren't we missing someone?" He asked as ten people looked at him.

"I don't know." N said before looking around.

"Are we?" Ken asked again.

"No?" Hyuk said before standing and walking to the trash can.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY CONTRACT ISN'T BEING RENEWED?" Robin yelled at the manager in shock as the manager flinched in fear.

"The CEO doesn't want to renew your contract within the next year. He thinks that you've done what you were suppose to do in VIXX, bring attention to them, and you did. He's pretty much said he's done using you." He said as she slammed her fist onto the table.

"There has to be a way to get him to change his mind! I mean I still have a year left in my old contract to change his mind!" She replied back in a worried tone.

"Robin, I've been trying to for months-"

"THERE HAS TO BE A WAY!" She said before looking him in the eyes.

"Robin, I don't think there is. I'm trying all I can to get him to change his mind. Until he does, I'm going to help you get scouted by another American company. I may or may not have already been talking to some people."

"Is that why I got the letter from that company?" She asked as she shoved her hands into her pocket and laid back in her chair.

"Exactly. Right now, Don't think about what I just said, Don't even think about what the future can hold. I know how you worry, I know how the guys worry too. It's best right now if this just stays between you and me okay?" He said as she then nodded.

"And you're sure that there is no way the CEO will reconsider-"

"You know that he won't change his mind easily, when he had you sign the three year contract he knew he wouldn't give you another contract after. He's going to try to turn VIXX back into the boy group they were suppose to be." He said before standing up.

"Remember, this may be your big break, you may get a deal with a label bigger than what Jellyfish and VIXX can offer you. You can still be friends with the guys, I will never stop that. Just be looking into a backup incase if that CEO doesn't change his mind." He said before walking out and leaving her in the kitchen alone.

Leaning forward and resting her elbows on the table, she then looked out the window at the now burning fire. Blinking her eyes quickly she couldn't stop the tears that was coming out of her eyes slowly. "I'll have to leave them, Just after I became part of the family too." She said before standing and cleaning up her makeup before walking out towards the fire.

Closing the door to the house, she then slowly walked down the steps and across the stepping stones. Taking her time she then walked over to the members of her group. "Hey." She said lowly as everyone ignored her.

"Is there any food left?" She asked as everyone continued with their own conversations.

Looking around the large yard around her, she then walked over to the food table in hopes of eating away her pain. Standing in front of the table she then looked down to see the table completely empty. "You've got to be kidding me." She said before rubbing her hand over her face and turned around, only to see Jun from SEVENTEEN behind her.

"Hello." She replied as he smiled slightly.

"Hello." He said awkwardly as she smiled shyly at the boy in front of her.

"I'm a fan of the SEVENTEEN project. I can't wait until you debut." She said before trying to carry on a conversation as best as she could.


Meanwhile on the other side of the fire, Leo had his eyes glued on his roommate. He couldn't stop thinking about the conversation earlier that day. Catching a glance from her in his direction he then turn his head quickly.

"Leo you've been acting weird." Ken said before shoving more Barbeque food into his mouth. Leo looked at him then back at the fire.

"I don't know what you are talking about." He said.

"Yeah I thought he always acted weird." Hyuk said before looking at everyone innocently.

As everyone glared at him, Leo then looked away. Looking across the bonfire he looked to see everyone getting along with each other and joking around. Looking back over at his roommate he then let out a small smile upon his face.

As all of his members widen their eyes, "did you guys see what ? Leo just smiled ? I mean LEO JUST SMILED!?" Ken said as everyone looked in his direction.

Blushing he then stood and walked away, going off on his own. Walking around the large circle of people he had come across the SEVENTEEN section, looking to see their youngest member talking to the guys with dull look on her face. Walking off towards the trees he passed Jungkook carrying a cup walking in the opposite direction.

Jungkook smirked slightly at him as they crossed paths. Walking out of his sight, Jungkook then walked over and poured the drink on Robin's head. Yelping at the cold drink she then stood up and wiped the drink from her face as she glared at him. Which cause everyone to turn their head to see what happened. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Robin screamed. Jungkook let out a small smirk.

"Woops. Sorry." He laughed as all of his members weren't really happy about this especially Leon. As Robin continued to glare at him Hyuk turned to N.

"Can we promote violence?" Hyuk asked as N and Hongbin glared at him.

"No." They say as Hyuk looked at the ground.

"Oh...." He said before looking up and cupping his hands around his mouth.

"BEAT HIS ASS ROBIN!" He said as everyone looked at him.

"HYUK!" The members of VIXX yelled as Robin let out a laugh.

"Thanks Hyuk, I think I will." She said before grabbing a heavy metal tray from the food table and hit Jungkook in the arm forcefully with it.

"Is that the best you got? Come at me, come on show my your 'girl power.'" He said before she slammed it into his head, leaving a dent in the pan. Looking to see his nose was bleeding everyone then watched him fall over onto the grass while acting completely confused.

"He he, he he, I see santa." He said giggly as everyone's eyes widened. Leon smirked slightly and got up from her seat and walk over to the unconscious Jungkook. She carried him over her shoulder.

"WHAT THE HELL ROBIN!" N yelled as Leo walked up beside her.

Laughing evilly she then looked up to the members of the groups. "Do you know how good that felt?" She asked him in response before looking everyone.

"Ugh sorry for ruining the party." She said as everyone laughed.

"Are you kidding that's the best thing that's happened! He's been an ass to everyone the whole night, well 'some' of us." Vernon said as she smiled brightly.

"Watching even his band member laugh at their own members misfortune is satisfaction." She said with a smile. Watching Leon come out of the house with her phone in her hand, she looked to see her smiling and nodded. Looking back to her, Robin gave her a smile and giving a thumbs up before they all ate smores.

"So what now?" Chen asked

"Party and have a good time." RM said before accidentally burning his marshmallow.

"Rap Monster! Not again ! How many marshmallow do want to burn?" Jin scolded as RM who started to blush.

"Meh, maybe I like mine roasted." He said with a wink before frowning at the poor piece of food.

"Whatever you say, friend." Jin replied before spending the evening with everyone peacefully.

A Few Minutes Later

Jungkook came back with two tissues stuffed into his bleeding nose. Leon cover her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud.

"Let's get to know each other." Sehun said as everyone nodded.

"So, I think a game then is appropriate." Ravi as he then stood in the middle.

"Okay, how about a game of telephone, we go around in a circle and the person that starts has to tell someone a secret, we'll go about 7 people each round and then we'll switch to a different game. We'll start at with Mingyu and go to Leon, that's ten people. After that someone else can come up and choose another game." As all of them agreed while Jungkook rest his head on Jimin's shoulder.

Looking over at the hurt Jungkook Robin sighed before standing and walking over to him. Taking a pill bottle out of her bag that was wrapped around her shoulder she then took out two advil and hands it to him. "Take it, you'll be miserable if you don't." She said as he glared at her.

"You hit me with a pan and now you're trying to give me pain medicine? What the hell is wrong with you." Jungkook said while trying to hold his anger in at the mean time trying to resist the pain

"Just take it. You wouldn't be in pain right now if you didn't piss me off. I'm sorry I made your nose bleed but I'm not sorry I stood up for myself." She said before grabbing his hand and placing the pills in it. Kneeling down between J-Hope and Jungkook, she ignored the boy next to her as she watched the games around them.

As the games carried on throughout the night one of the boys from EXO decided to play manhunt in the woods.

"Guys it's midnight, are we sure this is okay?" N asked skeptical about the woods they had never been into.

"Meh, relax it'll be fine." Ravi said as everyone scattered throughout the woods.

"You're it, Jin." He said to the boy standing in the circle of benches.

"AH WAE!?" He shouted as all the groups scattered away quickly.

Running through the trees Leon jumped over broken logs while trying to not drop the camera in her hands. Stopping at a small pond she looked at the surroundings around her. "I think we're at a far enough distance to stop running from him." She said before pointing the camera at her face.

"Annyeong Haseyo Bangtan Sonyeondan Maknae , Leon Imnida! So first night is pretty good I guess. Everyone seems chill... well kind of." She said in a whispered tone.

"We're all running through the woods right now playing manhunt and I have a bet that Jin will get lost walking in circles. Does anyone else agree with me or is it just me?" She said when she heard a twig crack.

"Okay then, that's not weird." She said in response before seeing DK and Mingyu walking out.

"Hey." Mingyu whispered looking at her.

"Hey." She said as they smiled and waved at the camera.

"Say the name SEVENTEEN ! " they said at the same time before saying their name.

"Annyeong Haseyo SEVENTEEN, DK Imnida" DK said his name.

"Mingyu Imnida." Mingyu said.

"Jin's close." DK said as he motioned to go one way with his head.

"We was thinking if we team up we could try to confuse him, want to join our team?" Mingyu asked.

"Who does it consist of?" She asked while fixing her jacket

"Right now us three." DK said as they heard footsteps close by coming from their right.

Leon turn the camera around before nodding as she looked to her left. "Let's go take that trail over there." She said before jogging in that direction.

Traveling with the two boys they came across a small cave. "Maybe we can hide here?" DK asked as they looked to see Leo climbing out of it with dirt all over him.

"Someone beat us to it." Mingyu replied as Leo glanced in their direction before smiling.

"He looks like he's leaving though." Leon said.

As Leo was about to climb out, he slipped and fell back in while letting out a scream then a thud. "Ow." He cried.

"Or not." Leon said before walking to the mouth of the cave and looking inside.

"Leo Hyung , you okay?" She asked peering into the darkness.

Hearing shuffling come from inside the cave she watched as he slowly emerged from the darkness. Watching the moonlight shine over his face as he crawled out he nodded before scrunching his face.

"That was painful." He said before sitting and getting out his phone, turning on the flashlight to look over his skin. Making sure there were no cuts or blood he then stood and carefully stepped away from cave.

"How long have you been there?" Mingyu asked before walking up to him. Bringing his hand to Leo's shoulder he then dusted off some dirt.

"About an hour." Leo said as he shrugged.

"That long? You mean you have been trap in there for an HOUR!?" DK asked with disbelief.

"I wasn't originally trapped. It was the quickest place to hide from Jin. He just left about fifteen minutes ago and headed up the trail behind the cave." He said before crossing his arms.

"He's blind to the obvious." Leon said before hearing branches crack within the trees.

Looking around them they looked to see two people climbing above them.

"Be careful, that branch is rotting." They heard a male voice say as they squinted their eyes.

Looking at the tree in front of them, They looked the see Jun and Baekhyun climbing carefully in the trees.

"What are you doing?" Mingyu asked as they looked down at them.

"We teamed up and decided to work together, Robin told us to scale a tree and make an escape when Jin was feet away from us." Baekhyun said as they looked down and smiled.

Leon pinched the bridge of her nose then shook her head in disbelief and sighed. "Don't you think that it's, you know, dangerous at this time of night?" she asked as Jun then sat on a large branch.

"It's not the worst, but we've climbed over Jin like five times and he hasn't even noticed." He said before looking down at his hands started digging the splinters out.

"I mean besides what's the worst that can happen?" Baekhyun asked as Leo rolled his eyes back.

"I don't know, break your arm, your leg, your head? Or worst case scenario death?" He said crossing his arms.

Hearing the cracking again they then looked to see Robin sitting on a branch and leaning on the trunk. "It probably would be good to get down now." She said before leaping from the branch and landing on the forest floor.

"Hey," She said before nodding. "He's close y'all should probably move or something." She said.

"How many has he caught so far?"

"Three, Seungkwan, N and Chanyeol. So now there's four hunters since they were caught." She said before turning and running behind her.

Both Leon and Leo let out a sigh, "typical N and Chanyeol." They said at the same time.

"Eh I could see Seungkwan doing that. He complains about everything and has to be sassy." DK said as Mingyu zoned out and smiled brightly.

"So which way should we go?" Jun asked before jumping down from the tree.

"Hmm we should split up again. " Baekhyun suggested as all of them stare at him.

"To decrease the chances of getting caught, there 7 of us. We split into three groups, Robin, Mingyu and I will go that way. Jun and DK while Leon and Leo go somewhere else."

"Okay." Robin said before walking off down a trail.

"Ugh Robin where are you-" Mingyu asked before she turned and looked at him.

"Don't question her. She grew up in the woods." Leo said before looking at Leon.

"Should we go?" He asked as she looked at him.

"Which way?" She asked still holding the camera.

"Let's go the opposite direction, that way." He said before pointing to a tree across from the cave.

"Better get moving." She said before walking away from the group.

"This is going to be a long night." Leo said before following behind.

"Yeah, talk about no sleep. It'll be another hour before the four finds someone else." Leon said before turning to him.

"You still haven't greet the viewers." Leon face the camera to Leo who lock his eye into the camera.

"Annyeong Haseyo VIXX Leo Imnida." He said before letting out a yawn.

Leon smirked slightly then looked away towards a tree. "That's better." She said before shrugging and turning the camera around.

"So are you enjoying the party?" Leo asked her as Leon nodded slightly.

"So far it's alright." She replied while filming Leo.

"Please take the camera out of my face." He said quietly as she shook her head.

"But it's reality TV. It's suppose to be all up in our business." Leon said as Leo glared at her.

"True but I don't like cameras pointing at me in situations like this. It distracts me." He said before running a hand through his hair as Leon smirked at him.

"Well too bad." She said before turning her back to him.

"So, you never did answer the question I asked you earlier." He said before looking away.

"What question?" She asked as Leo smirked at her.

"Remember our conversation?" He asked as she then thought back to the conversation from their room.

"I'm not answering that." She said as he sighed lightly.

"Okay I'll respect that." He said before looking away.

"But seriously where do we hide?" Leo asked as Leon shrugged. Listening to water close by Leon then looked at him.

"There's water close by. Maybe there's some large rocks we can sit behind or something." She said before walking in the direction where the water sound was coming from.

Coming to a clearing the two looked to see a river flowing in front of them. To their right was miles rocks big enough to hide the both of them. To their left was a tall wide waterfall pouring water into the river.

Leon stare down while filming from where they are. She whistled , "Daebak that's a long way down." She said.

"Okay, found a place to hide." Leo said before looking around the area.

"But how the hell do we get down there?" He asked.

"There has to be a trail around here somewhere." Leon said before looking around with the camera.

"Hey look steps." He said before walking over to the wooden steps that were scaling the slopes side. Pulling out his phone he then turned on his flashlight and shined the light over the steps.

Feeling a chill running down her spine she shivered slightly before turning the camera to him. Walking over to him she then looked over the area again. "This place has a weird vibe around it." Leon said before pulling her jacket around her tighter.

"It's the middle of the night in the woods. There's always a weird vibe in places like this." Leo said before stepping on one of the wooden steps. Making sure it's safe he lead Leon down the steps one at a time until they reached the bottom.

Stepping back onto the forest floor he then looked around the area curiously. "Something's off about this place." Leon said staying closer to Leo then before.

Feeling like someone was watching him as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand. He then moved his flashlight across the area, closely observing each and every inch of the woods before them.

"I'm starting to get that vibe now." He said as he slowly walked towards the water. Looking into the waters reflection he then looked to see multiple fish swimming away from the waterfall and down stream. Looking at the waterfall he then sighed and grabbed a rock.

"Should we leave?" Leon asked as Leo gulped.

"I'm starting to get the feeling that we should really get out of here." He said as he shined his light at the waterfall.

"You go on first okay?" He continued as she nodded and started walking towards the steps. After looking at the waterfall for a few more seconds he then nervously turned and walked behind her.

Hearing steps like someone was coming towards them and they froze. "Woah, Did you hear that?" She asked as she looked down at him.

"Yeah." He said clutching the rock in his hands tighter.

"Whatever it was, I don't like it." He said.

As Leon turn off the camera and turn on the flashlight from her phone the footsteps became louder. Listening to the footsteps grow louder in sound and then stop suddenly the two looked at each other.

"Let's get the hell out of here." Leo said before trying to push her up the steps. But then as if it was timed perfectly they heard water splashing as if something had just gone through the waterfall. Turning their heads they looked to him. The figure that has taunted them, messed with them. He was standing there in front of them, looking at them with a look of pure evil across his face which causes for them to scream in surprise.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" A deep voice asked as Leo pulled Leon behind him.

"You know what they say, curiosity always kills the cat. You guys always have the worst luck." The male voice said with his hood over him which made it hard for both Leon and Leo to see his facial features.

"Yep, our instincts were correct." Leo whispered before looking at the figure with a glare. Leon noticed cold air start to fill up the area as wind blew from the direction of the cave.

"Has anyone ever taught you to stay out of the woods at night?" The figure asked before slowly circling around them.

"I guess your little buddies are here too." He said before hearing a deep laugh radiate from his voice.

"They're not." Leo said watching his every move with quivering eyes.

"Let's see... I ran into one that went by the nickname RM a while ago. Stupid boy, he was fun to mess with. Then there was Vernon and Joshua."

Leon eyes widen as she was about to go over to him but Leo stopped her. "DON'T YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON THEM." She growled glaring as if her look would kill him with a thousand daggers.

"Oh sweetheart the game has only begun. Infact, I think I hear more coming now." He said as they heard footsteps coming from different directions around the woods.

"LEON!" They heard Jungkook yell close by.

"LEO!" They heard Robin yell as they heard trees cracking throughout the forest.

"Looks like my next victims are coming. What should I do this time? Kidnap them? Claw them?" He asked as he lifted his large animal like hand with multiple claws.

"I know, I make them beg for mercy in front of you and then make you watch as I dismember each limb from their bodies and tear their hearts from their chest. Wouldn't that be a sight? Seeing their blood splattered across the forest floor. Their organs scattered all over the place. Ha, it almost seems like a dream." He said before looking up the large bank to the clearing in the trees.

"They'll be here soon." He said as Leo started shaking in anger. Feeling as if his whole body was about to lose self control he mumbled one word from his lips. Leo glance at the figuring in front of them.

"No." He said as venom traced through his voice as he spoke the loudest he could.

"What was that?" He asked as the two gave them a sharp glare from their eyes.

"No way in hell!" He said as the figure smirked.

"What are you going to do about it-"

"You are so DEAD!" Leon yelled as both of them ran towards the figure. Bringing his leg up to kick the figure Leo's ankle was caught as the figure's claws sank into his skin. Letting out a loud groan of pain Leon then took the opportunity to try the same move and successfully made a blow to his face.

Grabbing onto the arm that had his ankle captured he then pulled up on the taller figures body. Grabbing onto the long black cloak he then placed his free foot against the figure's hip for balance support. Bringing his arm back and forth multiple times he slammed the rock from earlier into his head.

Leon and Leo let out a slight growl almost like a wolf as the yells of their bandmates grew closer. Then the figuring growled in pain as he threw Leo powerfully into the large rock, causing for Leo to let out a whimper of pain. Leon turned around with her eyes widen.

"YOU ARE SO DEAD!" She run towards him but the figurines claws licked the air centimeters from her. She the grabbed his wrist, squeezing it in her hand as if her body was a vessel of power stronger than him.

"I warned you." She said then all of a sudden she felt a sharp pain beneath her. She look down to see blood start forming up her shirt. She look up as the figuring who came closer to her ear.

"Just like your parents." He whisper as her eyes widen. She loosen her gripped and slowly fell onto her knees. Leo rushed over with worry over cover his face as the figure laughed.

"Looks like I win this fight, for now." The figure said before a knife came zipping through the air past them and landed into the ground. 

"Damn it Jungkook! You knocked my aim off!" They head as the figure looked at the knife and up onto the bank.

"Sorry! I didn't think you'd would throw it."

"Remind me next time to throw it at your face.
By the way cover your face." They heard Robin say they looked up to see Jungkook looking in fear.


"Because." She said before pushing him down the large bank.

"Ah!" They heard as each person's eyes traced the boy falling down the bank. Hearing something zip through the air they heard a loud howl of pain leave the figure as they looked to see a knife sticking out of the right side of his chest. Watching as blood started to spew from the wound the figure then clutched close to the incision and growled in anger.

"I'll be back." The figure said before running away.

Landing in front of them Jungkook then rolled onto the grass before sitting up quickly and running over to her. "Leon!" He yelled as Robin slid down the bank to them and shined her light upon the bloody sight.

"Shit." She said before looking around and cupping her hands to her lips.

"HELP! THEY'RE OVER HERE!" She yelled as they heard more footsteps running throughout the forest in their direction. Kneeling down next to her all three of them looked at her pale face in worry.

"GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE! HURRY LEON'S LOSING BLOOD FAST!" Jungkook yelled as several people ran down the steps over to them. Leon groan slightly due to the pain.

"Get her to the mansions. Gapsida! GAPSIDA!" Robin yelled as several picked her up and went running out of the small ridge with Leon.

Running throughout the woods they made it within twenty minutes to the large circle of people gather at the fire. "HELP!" They heard from the multiples of running voices as everyone turned and gasped at the sight before them.

"Call an ambulance! She's losing losing blood quickly." Jungkook said as Leon quickly spoke back to him.

"No ambulance." Leon said weakly while trying to stand up by herself.

"Leon, you've lost a lot of blood. I'm worried about if you lose too much and go into hypovolemic shock or something." Robin said before looking down at the large amounts of blood.

Without saying another word, Leon stood up and walk weakly into the mansion.


"Don't worry about it." They heard Leo said as everyone looked at them like they were crazy.

"I'll take care of her." As he went over to help but was pushed away by Leon. Leaving all them shocked.

"I don't need anyone's help right now." She said in a death tone before making her way to the aid room to treat her wound.

Looking at the blood covering Leo's body as Robin sighed. "Leo do you want someone to bandage-"

"Don't even try touching me. Stay the hell away." Leo interrupted coldly and glaring at her before limping behind Leon. Listening to the coldest words directed at her that's left his mouth in two years Robin looked down at the ground.

As everyone looked at each other awkwardly after the two left silence left the group. "That ended unpleasantly." Lay said trying to cut the ice.

"Maybe we should just leave it at that." S. Coups said as he looked at the SEVENTEEN members around him.

"We'll go to bed. Goodnight." He continued as members slowly started to filter into their respective houses. As the members slowly started to filter in one by one each glanced at the woods that turned their night into disaster. As each light turned off in the two mansions the moonlight shined upon the figure standing in the field covered in the moon's light.

"Let the game begin." He said before dropping the knife onto the ground and disappearing into the night.

Leon PoV:

I lock the door behind me. I hold onto my wound and let out a shaky sigh of relief as I remove my jacket before lifting my shirt slightly. Weakly walking over to the desk in the aid room then I pulled out a draw and started looking for a sewing kit.

Hearing a knock on the door I sighed in frustration when she saw her kit had been moved. "Leon." I heard a calm and gentle voice behind the door, it was Jin hyung as I slammed the draw shut to open another.

I ignored him before continuing to tear apart the aid room in attempt to find what I was looking for. "Ugh, where is that damn thing?" I asked then heard the doorknob rattle.

Then I slipped over something before handing in my own blood and groan from the pain. "Shit." I mumbled as she heard the door rattle even more.

"Leon open the door please?" I heard as I sighed and tried to make my way to the connecting bathroom. Losing my balance and leaning against the wall I sighed and face scrunched in frustration.

Then I started coughing out tiny specks of blood. Hearing the door being pounded on I sighed. "Jin hyung, what are you doing?" Rap Monster hyung asked as I fell against the wall.

"Trying to break down the door." I heard Jin hyung say as I sighed and start to breath heavily...

"Just use the key." I heard Rap Monster hyung say before hearing metal rattle within the doors keyhole. Hearing the door push open I sighed.

"I thought I told you, I didn't need help." I told them as I heard them walk in behind me.

"Can you not let us help you at least once after you get injured?" Rap Monster hyung asked as Jin hyung walked over to a black bag and pulled out the aid kit that I was looking for.

"Thanks, you found what I was needing, now leave." I said sternly to them as I watched them roll their eyes. Watching Jin hyung thread the needle with the thickest thread I sighed.

He look at my wound and gulped at the sight of it. "Okay, this will take a lot of thread." Jin hyung said before taking the spool out of the box and walking over to me.

"Do you want me to hold the skin together while you stitch it?" Rap Monster hyung asked as Jin hyung nodded.

"It'll help. Don't push in on the wound too hard or pull it together too tight. It'll be uncomfortable for her." He said as I smirked weakly.

"Since when did you two become doctors?" I asked as Jin hyung kneeled on the floor in front of me.

"Since the day you always got into a fight?" Jin hyung asked as I widen my eyes.

"How did you-"

"Know?" Rap Monster hyung cut me off.

"Secrets." Jin hyung said before looking back down at the needle.

"Okay I'm going to start the stitches okay?" He asked as I looked down at my wound.

"Go ahead." I said as I felt Rap Monsters hyung hands on my stomach and the needle enter through my skin multiple times.

I groan slightly as the needle pushed through my skin multiple times. Furrowing my eyebrows I then looked to see Jin hyung fixing the last part of the stitch before cutting the thread.

"Okay it looks good." He said as I nodded. Then I  stood up and looked at the stitching in the mirror across the room. The stitching doesn't even look that bad.

Hearing the ripping of paper I turned to see Rap Monster hyung with large packs of bandages in his hand. "You need to keep it bandaged and then change it every other day." He said before walking over and aligning across the wound. I pull up my shirt once again for him to put the bandage on my wound.

"Leon-sii." I look at him to see a pair of worried eyes staring into mine.

"Please take it easy. Don't push yourself too hard for the next couple of days." He said as I sighed and nodded.

As I was about to pull my shirt down and stand up when Jin hyung stopped me. "Leon tell us what happened back there?" I bit my lips while looking at him.

"We just... ran into some trouble. Don't worry, Everything's alright." I said before giving them a fake smile in hopes that they won't push me further.

"Leon ya. Tell us." Rap Monster hyung said with small hints of authority tracing through his voice.

"It was a animal, that's all." I lied to them again. Looking at each other in disbelief I sighed before glaring at them intently.

"Can I go to sleep now? It's getting late." I said before watching them rise to their feet.

"We'll talk tomorrow okay?" Rap Monster hyung said before walking out of the room.

"Goodnight." Jin hyung said before following Rap Monster out of the aid room.

After changing and laying on the bed I groaned due to the pain. I looked up at the ceiling, thinking about the events from the night before falling asleep.

The Next Day

I woke up to the smell of bacon radiating through the house. Sitting up slowly on the edge of the bed I then looked to see Leo's bed unmade. "I guess he's already up." I said before standing and made my way downstairs.

Following the smell my mouth watered in hunger. Finally reaching the kitchen I looked to see Robin setting plates out for the food she had cooked. "Morning." She said before looking at me and smiling.

"Good morning?" I asked before rubbing my eyes.

"What's up with all of the food?" I asked before sitting at the island bar.

"I couldn't sleep at all after last night so I decided to fix some food for everyone." She said before setting everything out on the large table. Looking before me I looked to see gravy, biscuits, sausage, bacon and eggs set out across the table in large quantities.

"What is this?" I asked in confusion.

"Southern cooking." She said before setting out glasses. I nodded slightly.

"Looks good." I say as I got up and went to the cabinet.

"What are you looking for?" Robin asked as I look through the the drawers.

"Tea bags to make tea and espresso beans to make coffee." I said as I was about to reach for it.

"Ugh, try the second cabinet to the left of the fridge, there's regular black coffee in the first pot and then I was just going to let Leo fix the rest of the coffees since he knows how to make all of them, so help yourself. Make whatever you want." She said before bringing a mug into her hand and pouring some within her cup.

Hearing footsteps come down the steps we looked to see N hyung and Leo hyung walking down the steps. "Morning." I said before opening the cabinet that Robin told me to.

"Morning." N hyung said before walking over to the counter with us.

"It smells good in here." He continued before pouring sitting up on the counter.

"Yeah." Robin said quietly as Leo hyung walked next to me.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" He asked before looking over at me.

"Eh, so-so, kind of a restless night." I replied as he pulled some coffee beans out of the cabinet.  Watching Robin slowly try to make her way away from us as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What about you Robin? Adjusting well?" He asked as she replied in silence.

"Fine." She mumbled as she looked up at N hyung.

Watching him hug her sleepily Leo hyung laid his head on her shoulder. "It's too early." He said pouting his lips as she then ignored him and walked out of his arm, leaving him with a shocked expression.

"What did I do wrong?" I thought I heard him mumble as I sighed.

"I'll go get the rest of the VIXX guys so we can eat and get on with our-"

"We have the day off, let them rest child." He told her as she nodded and picked up her phone.

I start pouring the coffee grind into the filter paper.
As Leo looked at the three coffee pot machines he let out a giggle. "I think they were expecting us." He said as I nodded slightly.

"Fifteen people needs a lot of coffee." I replied as he nodded. I went over to the pot and slowly pour the hot water into filter pot before watching the machine pour out the coffee. Smelling the fresh coffee come into the room I watched the liquid fill to the top before pouring myself a mug. Sitting down back at the table I then started to make my plate.

As I was about to drink my coffee that's when I heard a loud pitch scream. I choked on it and look up.

"What the hell?" Leo hyung mumbled as N hyung looked curiously at him.


"Didn't you hear that?" He asked as N hyung shook his head no and Robin stayed silent.

"Leon did you hear it?" He asked.

"I wish I never did." I said while sipping on my coffee.

"Aish, I burnt my lip again." I cursed while glancing at the person who is still screaming.

"Put ice on it. It's one of the best tricks when you have a burnt lip." Robin said as I shrugged.

Nodding I then walked over to the fridge and open the freezer door before pulling out a cube.

Listening to mumbling in the kitchen I then heard a cup turnover as I heard a gasp. "Ow Leo!" I heard Robin say as I watched her hold her arm and looks away from him. Turning to see the commotion I looked to see Robin glaring at him.

"Sorry." I heard him mumble before walking away from her.

"Aish, what's y'alls problem? usually you're all buddy buddy in the mornings." N hyung said furrowing his eyebrows.


"Okay then." N hyung said as I heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

"Morning." Rap Monster hyung and J-Hope hyung said as they walked into the kitchen.

"Morning." I said as I watched Jin hyung follow in behind them with Suga hyung on his back.

"So what are we doing? It's our day off." J-Hope hyung said as we looked around at each other.

"Hey Leon wanna go to the mall or something?" Robin asked as I nodded.

"Sure why not, sounds fun." I said as N hyung then stood from the counter and smiled brightly.

"Sounds like a lovely idea!" He said as Robin glared at him.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! You're not coming with us." Robin said in frustration as N hyung pounded. I watched them arguing while drinking coffee.

"But why not? We can have another shopping day! I'll pick out a outfit for you!"

"What the hell. That sounded creepy, mother."  She said with emphasis on his name.

"Actually shopping sounds fun, why don't we go to?" Rap Monster hyung said as The two boys beside him snapped their heads to him.

"No! We had one no wait two days ago as a group, do we really need to go again?" Suga hyung asked whiles getting off from Jin hyung back as J-Hope hyung nodded in agreement.

"We really don't need anything I promise." J-Hope hyung said as Robin face palmed.

"I think it'll be a nice bonding experience!" N hyung said as I made eye contact with Robin and sighed.

Watching her lift her fingers up to show her index finger and middle finger moving forward and backward on my hand I looked to see her wink before looking at the guys.

"Fine, come." She said as N hyung then hugged her.

"This will be so much fun!" He said as she then crossed her arms.

"Curling iron." She said threateningly as N's eyes widened and he quickly pulled away from her.

I shook my head, "typical." I said as Leo hyung nodded while drinking coffee.

"V, Jungkook ah breakfast is ready!" Jin hyung shouted but there was no response. Jin hyung called them again but still no response.

I let out a sigh, " not this again. I'll get them." I said as I turn my heads and face the staircase.


"DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF, IF I DON'T SEE YOU GUYS DOWN HERE. I'LL DRAG YOU LOTS DOWN. I GIVE YOU 5 SEC TO GET YOUR BUTT DOWN." Then I heard many pairs of feet running down the stairs before I made the countdown all of them were here.

Jin hyung just stare at me. "But-how!?" He was speechless, I smirked.

"Works every single time." I say before taking a sip of coffee.

Sighing we then enjoyed our breakfast and waited for everyone to finish before heading out to the mall.

At The Mall

( Top is BTS . Bottom is VIXX )

Walking into the mann we were in days earlier I found myself in between Robin and Jungkook as everyone carried on in their own conversations. Why me?

"So when are we getting away from them?" I whispered to them as Robin shrugged.

"They'll tell us where to meet, we can go up to the second floor and then that'll connect us to the street above. If I'm not mistaken we're not that far from a museum and a street market." She whispered as I nodded.

As we walked into the middle of the food court we stopped as a group. "Okay, I guess meet back here in four hours or so." N hyung said before smiling at everyone.

"Have fun and please don't do anything stupid and get us in trouble." He continued as we nodded.

"No promise." I whisper as Suga hyung grab my head.

"Say that again." Suga hyung glance at me as I gulped with fear.

"Okay okay joking joking." I said nervously. Then he pat my head.

"Every single time, I fall for your tricks." I said while crossing my arms as he give me a back hug.

"I know you love me too." He said as I roll my eyes and nodded.

Looking to see Robin look back at me she nodded before slowly walking away from the group that was arguing about who was going with who. Looking around the group I then slowly start to back away from them before quietly following behind her.

I grab Robin's hand "run run run!" I say as she gripped onto mine and started sprinting.

"YAH! ROBIN! LEON!" We heard N hyung yell as we giggled.

"WE'LL BE BACK!" She yelled before running up the escalator and onto the second floor.

A Few Minutes Later

After running through the mass of people and out a side door we then found ourselves on a busy street. "They're not following us are they?" I asked as we dropped each other's hands.

"I don't think so but it won't be long until N comes. Ken and N are always watching to make sure that I don't run away. You run off with Super Junior one time." She said sarcastically as she looked back behind us.

I look at her while catching my breath. "Yeah the guys can be like that at times." I said as she nodded.

"See anything that catches your eye?" She asked as I looked at the stores around the street.

"Haha. Why are you even asking ?" I laugh then back to my serious self.

"It's just a habit. Whenever I run off I usually drag Leo around and I at least ask him that question three times during a outing. So it comes out naturally now I guess." She said as I nodded.

"There's a store that sells random stuff over there that looks interesting. Why don't we go there?" I said looking over at a World import store across the street.

"I'm down." She said as I felt the hairs on my neck stand. Feeling like someone was watching me I looked to see if there was anyone behind us.

"Huh." I said when I realized that no one was behind us.

"What's wrong?" She asked as we started crossing the street. Shaking my head I sighed.

"It's nothing, just go without me. I want to go get some drinks." I said.

"Okay, I'll meet you back at the light pole then." She said before walking away into the store.

"Yeah sure thing." I said before looking around for a drink stand. Scanning the area around me, I looked through the large masses of people and sighed. Hearing footsteps come up up behind me I then turned to see a figure standing behind me.

"You look like you're looking for something." I heard a familiar voice say as I looked into an alley across from me. Feeling a shiver run through my body I gulped as I saw the figure slightly visible in the sunlight. Feeling like I would fall under pressure from his sharp gaze I felt my knees buckling slightly.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked as the figuring laughed.

"What do you think?" He asked as I saw his white teeth appear as his lips turned into a wicked smile.

"Who the hell are you anyways? Correction what the hell are you?" I asked as I watched him lift up a hand and rub two long claws again each other. Watching him look me up and down I then heard a sinister laugh quietly leave his lips from his own amusement.

"I guess you can say a form of your nightmares that's come true." He replied to my comment slowly stepping back into the alley.

"Follow me if your curiosity kills you enough to want to know. If not then don't worry, you'll find out soon." He said as I turned my head and looked around me. Looking back into the alley I then noticed that I had started to take small steps towards the entrance of the dark alley.

Then the figuring drag me into the ally and causing me to fly over and knock over a few boxes. Groaning I then stood slowly from the ground. " Argh." I groan in pain as I tried to regain my balance.

The figuring laughed and slowly make his way towards me. Then I felt my wound start to hurt once again. "Shit." I cursed as I look at him.

"This is not fun." He said as I try to push myself up.

"You know what makes it more fun? Is that I bring one of your comrades and let them suffer like you. What was his name?" I hold onto it as I turn around to see the figuring was getting closer. I noticed a metal rod next to me.

"Ah yes. Jungkook?" I widen my eyes when he mention Jungkook hyung name.

"Or we could get your other members." He said as my heart start to boil, I clench my fist. I grab one of the broken mirror sharp.

"Won't you agree?" He ask as I turn around and threw the broken mirror sharps at him.

I grab a long metal rod. "Leave them alone and out of this." I growl as my grip tightened on the rod.

"Now we are talking." He smirked as he stalked slowly towards me.

With a blink of an eye, the figuring was right in front of me. "But too slow." I widen my eyes.

Feeling a painful impact with the right side of my torso I groaned in pain before falling on the concrete. Bringing my hand to that side I felt wet tears of fabric running across my shirt. Looking down to my side I looked to see blood trickling from my side.

"Slow to?" He continued before looking at his claw like hands that had my blood dripping over then.  Snarling my teeth in pain I glared at him with hatred.

"Why don't you go burn in hell?" I asked as I tried to stand from my position on the ground.

"You know what, you're right, i should burn in hell. When I go, you'll be going with me. You know what? I think I'll wait a bit longer until I do what I was planning. It'll give me more time to fool around with your friends." He said before turning and running off.

"Pay attention to those around you, Leon." He said before disappearing.

Dropping the metal rod it was then that I felt a force walk into me. Turning my head I looked to see a man with a similar face staring down at me. "Hyung?" I asked before everything turned into darkness.

Robin PoV:

Walking out of the store with bags of food I looked around to the large masses of people. "Okay, I think I got all I need." I said before walking  the light pole to meet Leon.

Walking through the mass of people I then looked to see she's not in the area. "Leon? I asked as I turned in circles around the area before pulling my phone out of my pocket. Pulling out my phone and placing my phone against my ear I then listened to the dial tones come across the speaker.

"Come on Leon answer." I said tapping my foot impatiently. After hearing her voicemail, I started to feel a wave of nervousness run throughout my veins.

"Shit." I said before walking around quickly and looking around the area.

"Leon?" I yelled as I looked around.

"LEON?!" I asked again as I then started jogging around through the different people and sighed. There's no way she would've left me here, would she?

Feeling the wave continue at the thought of abandonment  I then pressed her number on my phone again. Running around looking in and out of stores and around all the people.

A Few Minutes Later

After looking for thirty minutes I sighed and leaned back against a concrete wall. "Oh my god, what am I going to do?" I ask myself as I tried to call her again.

"Hey this is Leon, sorry I can't pick up your call right now. Please leave a message and if you are Kim Taehyung AKA V please end this call cause I don't want to deal with your shit."

"Holy shit, what am I going to do? Jungkook will kill me if something happened to her. I will be in a grave by tonight a literal grave. Holy shit what the hell did I do I shouldn't of left her and now she's gone and now I'm going to be buried in a fucking cave or some shit or be skinned alive or something-"

"ROBIN!" I turned around to see Leo and N. Feeling the color drain from of my face I gulped in fear.

"There you are! We been looking for you everywhere and wait where's Leon ?" N asked while looking around.

Shit I'm screwed

"Robin?" Leo asked as I zoned out.

"Robin?" He asked again as he brought his hand towards my shoulder. Moving my right shoulder away from him I sighed remembering his words from the night before.

'Stay the hell away.'

"Robin answer us, where is she?"

"I don't know she went to get a drink while I ran into a store and we were suppose to meet back at the light pole. I don't know where she is." I started to breath heavily.

"Oh my god! Jungkook is gonna kill me." I grab one of the paper bags from my bag and start breathing in and out from there.

"Okay Rob, deep breath-"

"WHAT THE HELL ROBIN! YOU SHOULD OF STUCK BY HER!" Leo yelled at me as I flinched at the loudness of his voice.

"SERIOUSLY DO YOU KNOW WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO HER?" He continued as I cowered away from him.

"Leo yelling isn't going to-" N tried to interrupt as I took the bag from my mouth.

"Do you not think I've thought about what could've happened? That's why I have been flipping out!" I yelled back at him.

"Look you don't understand! You think I'm not panicking because of this? I'm panicking! if that man will kill her again and-" Leo widen his eyes and covered his mouth.

" you mean the man that I sent a knife flying into last night? Please enlighten me on what the hell happened before I got there." I said sarcastically

"What man? What knife? CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME BEFORE CUTTING ME OFF?" N shouted. Leo let out a sigh.

"When playing manhunt there was a man in the woods near the river. He attacked us. Wounded Leon badly and tried to kill both of us, then little miss country bumpkin here found knives from somewhere, pushed Jungkook down a bank and fling a knife into his chest. You shouldn't of been there anyway R-"

"I heard your scream and I was worried. I would of come even if Jin was trying to tag you." I said as I sighed.

"But still you should not have been there." Leo said while adjusting his jacket.

"That guy could have attacked any of us anyways! Why the hell does it make a difference if I was there or not? I helped it wasn't like I was standing there like a Damsel in Distress." I said while draping an arm over my forehead.

"Save me save me please save me." I said sarcastically.

"The sarcasm is really unappreciated right now."  Leo said as N sighed.

"Okay lovebirds this is getting nowhere, now are we going to find Leon or sit here and argue all afternoon?" N asked as I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Cause I don't want our and their manager to come looking for Namjoon and I...And well you get my point." N said as I nodded.

"Let's just save the bickering until later." He said before grabbing both of our wrist and started dragging us along like five year olds.

"N we're not children."

"You're acting like it." He stated as Leo and I looked offended.

"We are not!" We yelled at the same time.

"Do you two want me to use Jin's baseball bat and hit you?" He asked as I cringed in the thought of pain.


"Okay then chill out." He said as he dragged us around the large area.

"Keep calling her phone." Leo said before pulling out his phone.

"Okay." I said as I speed dial her number.

"Let's split up. We have a good chance of looking for Leon. I'll inform the rest of the team and some of Leon's team. I definitely won't call Jungkook." N said with his phone on his ear.

"Okay whatever but he'll find out anyway." I said before pulling my wrist out of N's hand and walked to my left. Walking into an alleyway. Walking throughout the dark narrow passages I sighed.

"This has turned into a mess. An absolute complete mess." I said as I tried calling her phone again. Hearing music come from close by I furrowed my eyebrows. Looking down at the phone in my hands I then hit the end button before hearing the music stop. Tilting my head in curiousity I then recalled her before running off in the direction of the music.

As I got closer, I heard our song 'Hot Enough' being played. That's her ringtone, I heard it last night when she took a call during the bonfire, she has to be close, doesn't she?

Running to the sound of the music I turned multiple corners before coming into a long straight in the alley way. Stopping in my tracks I looked to see Leon laying on the ground unconscious. Looking up I looked go see a man with black hair glaring at me. His rocker style boots clicked as I watched him slowly walk towards me. Looking up at his face I looked to see how strikingly familiar he looked to Leo. Gulping I gripped a rod on the ground and held it defensively.

"Stay the hell away!" I said as I twirled it in my hand.

"Make me." He said as I swinged the rod at him.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? Who are you?" I asked.

"I did nothing to her but make sure she watches the situations around her." He said before tying his scarf on Leon's head as I heard hurried footsteps come in our direction.

"That's my cue to go. If we ever meet again, reference me as Ray." He said before running off.

"H-H-HEY GET BACK HERE SO I CAN BEAT YOUR ASS FOR HURTING MY FRIEND!" I yelled before running a short distance behind him. Stopping twenty feet away from Leon I sighed when realizing I wouldn't be able to catch up to him. He's flipping fast. He turned back and stared at me with his golden eyes.

"Until next time." He said before disappearing into the dark. Dropping the rod, I turned only to see the group looking at me.

"I swear I didn't do it!" I raise my hand in defense. Looking across the faces of the members I gulped in fear as I noticed the mixed emotions on their faces.

"No she didn't do it....argh my ass." I turned around to see Leon trying to get up slowly.

"Leon." Jungkook rushed over towards her.

"What happened to you?" Jin asked running over as I took in a deep breath and glared at the ground.

"There was a doppelganger of Leo. His name was Ray. I think?" 

"My what?" Leo raise his eyebrows.

"Doppelganger; your look-a-like."

"No it wasn't him either.... it was a man....argh." Leon said while trying stand up.

"Was it the man from last night?" Leo asked before walking over to her.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure." She said as she sighed and held her hand to her side.

"What man?" Suga asked.Leon stare at Leo and then at me before laughing nervously.

"Maybe we should go back to the mansion and talk about what's happened yesterday." I shouted out as N nodded quickly in agreeance. 

"Yes, we don't want anything to be overheard, do we?" He asked as few members nodded.

Watching some walk back out through the alleyway I followed behind. Making my way behind the guys I felt as if someone was watching my every move. Feeling the hairs on the back of my neck standing up I turned only to see two people glaring at me; Leo and Ray.

Ray PoV:

As I watch all fifteen of them leave the alley way. I smirked slight. Then I felt a slight bump on the roof, "you should have let me finish her off!" I turned around to see the assassin glaring at me as I then turned back to them.

"Not yet, I want to have my fun." I said as I crossed my arms and turned back to the group.

"Screw your fun-" I glance at him as there was a strong force push him against the wall.

"Don't forget your assignment." I told him sternly and I then faced him and leaned against the concrete railings of the roof.

"I won't and don't forget yours too you maybe his second hand but I'm always his second. You are only his hunt dog." He said as I roll my eyes at him.

"Hunt dog, don't you mean Lone wolf, idiot !" I said mean his most amazing second hand in the world? Oh please . As he sighed.

"Whatever you want to think kid, it's not going to happen." The figure said before taking off his hood.

"Whatever you said, Sabretooth." I smirked.

Collaboration with That_VIXX_fan

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