Chapter 17: Seeing Gideon

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That awkward moment when your ex texts your cousin and asks her if I like him.

Like bitch! Get it through your small ass brain that I DO NOT like you anymore. Like seriously lmao.

But he's making $17.50 at his new job. And I'm like ummm if you buy me a necklace and matching earrings I'll date you XD

Just kidding. I would never do that to someone. No matter how bad he broke my heart lol. I couldn't be a gold digger. Ew XD

But oh well.

Okay. So my break from wattpad is now over and I thought you guys should know why I took one.

So my ex-bestfriend has decided that it was a good idea to give my ex (the one that cheated on me) a blowjob and then proceed to tell him that I cry myself to sleep every night because of how much I "miss him". Ya. I know...

She also told him about how much I love him and how I want him back soooo badly.

Like sorry bitch, don't flatter yourself. I'm so over his lying cheating ass.

And I know that I'm over him and everything, but the fact that she is my bestfriend really hurt. And also how she told him a bunch of lies, it kinda gets you in the heart.

OH! And she also liked him when I was dating him. She would text him saying that all the time throughout his and my entire relationship.

Thank you so much for being a good friend! *note the sarcasm*

Now we are no longer friends. So that is why I needed to take a break for a little bit. That and the fact that me being on crutches because of my hip and all the physical therapy is getting really stressful.

So ya...

And thank you everyone for being so patient. And also all the support that I have gotten was really amazing.

This is why I love you guys so so so much. I know I can always count on you guys for being there. So thank you again :)

Any guess who got a shot in her hip!! And the needle was fat and 2 inches long...


Ya. The doctor was like 'This will help a lot with your hip.'

Not really because now it hurts even more and it sucks.

Anywhore. Who wants to read the next chapter???



"How was it?" Tommy asked over the phone.

"Awful." I groaned.

"Hey!" Lulu and Cali yelled while Zia laughed.

"That bad?" Tommy chuckled. "At least you got a phone."

"And a laptop, and a whole new wardrobe, and a bunch of jewelry." I said.

"And your point is?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy." I sighed. "You can't keep buying me stuff. I feel bad."

"Too bad." Tommy laughed. "I'm buying you stuff. It's my job to take care of you."

"Yes. But not buying me a whole store. I'll pay you back."


"No?" I asked confused.

"No. You are not paying me back. I won't allow it."

I groaned. "You are difficult."

Tommy chuckled. "Only for you baby. I got to go."

"Okay. See ya later." I said as I hung up.

"We can't be that bad. Right?" Cali asked Lulu.

"No." Lulu said shaking her head as we heading out of town. "We are fun to shop with."

Cali nodded her head in agreement. "Good."

I laughed as I looked out the window.

I'm starting to like Cali and Lulu a lot.

They are a lot of fun to be with and Zia is someone that I've always wanted to be.

She is strong, outgoing, pretty, and she stands up for herself. I've always wanted to be like that.

I stopped thinking when I saw him as Lulu stopped at a stop light.

Gideon. He looked as mad as ever.

Oh fudge!

Gideon was with his two other friends that I remember from when I had to cook them all supper.

Gideon was yelling on his phone and his other friends were also on their phones.

"Allison?" Zia asked as she looked over at my feared face.

"Y-ya?" I asked shaking as Gideon looked over at the car.

I gasped as Gideon dropped his phone and stared at me.

"Are you okay?" Zia asked.

"Lulu! Go!" I yelled as Gideon started to run towards the car yelling, with his friends in tow.

"What?" Lulu asked as she looked at me through the rear view mirror. "It's a red light."

"I don't care!" I yelled as I faced her. "Just go!"

She nodded and stepped on the gas.

I looked back out of the window and saw Gideon stomping on the ground with his foot.

I sighed in relief and sunk back in the seat.

"Luna?" Bruce asked softly.

I looked over at the guards and all of them had worried expressions on their faces.

"Allison?" Cali asked.

I sighed. "I think I need to tell you guys the story."

Zia gave me a reassuring smile and nodded. "We are right here for you."

Oh boy...








"Are you okay?" Tommy asked as I ran towards him.

I shook my head and hugged him tighter.

"Something happened." Zia informed.

"What?" Tommy growled as he protectively wrapped his arms around me.

"I saw my dad." I confessed as I pulled away slightly.

"Let's talk inside." Sam said quickly.

As we walked inside, I saw a couple standing there in the living room.

I haven't seen them before.

"I'm Chloe." The lady smiled. "Every time you were here, I was always busy."

I smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"Mom." Michael smiled. "Oh Allison. That is my dad."

I looked over to the man and shook his hand.

"I'm Zander." The older gentleman smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." I said as I sat down on the couch.

Tommy cleared his throat and we all turned to look at him. "So what happened?"

I sighed. "We were at a stop light. I didn't realize he was there until it was too late. My dad was talking on his phone and then he looked up and saw me."

I cringed at all the memories of my dad.

"What else?" Sam asked as Tommy pulled me into his lap.

"He was angry. I don't know what he was saying on the phone, but he was yelling. Then he saw me and I froze. My dad dropped his phone and ran towards the car yelling something. His friends were following him and they looked mad as well. I've never talked to any of his friends though." I explained as I played with the hem of my new shirt.

"Why would be angry?" Kyrn asked confused as she looked at an equally confused Jay.

I sighed as I lifted up my shirt.

Everyone gasped as they locked eyes on the giant bruises that danced across my stomach and sides.

Tommy growled and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Your dad is the one beating you." He said.

It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

I nodded.

"Your dad?" Zia asked heartbroken.

"It all started when my mom died. She had died of brain cancer 3 years ago. She beat it once, but then it came back." I took a big breath and shut my eyes so the tears wouldn't fall. "When she died, my dad took up drinking and smoking so he could cope with the loss. He drank 24/7. The drinking and smoking was first. Then later on he started to blame me for her death."

"That's so stupid!" Zia growled. "I'm gonna kill the bastard."

I wanted to crack a smile at her attitude, but I couldn't.

"That's when the beatings would start. He would either kick, punch, or slap me. The slapping was when he was having a good day. Months past and the beating got worse. I remember waking up in a hospital. My dad told the doctors that I was jumped when I was walking home that night. But when the memories came back, my dad threatened to kill me if I told the doctors the truth. So I went with his little story. He would beat me so much. Even over the silliest things."

"That morning that I found you in the bathroom." Tommy whispered.

I nodded. "That was because I only made him two eggs instead of three."

"Are you serious?" Zia asked getting angry. "It's one fucking egg. One! Is he that much of a fat ass that he needs to beat his daughter because there is only two? Damn. How about I make him a couple knuckle sandwiches. Will he be pleased? I can give him three if he wants."

Okay. That time I had to laugh.

I let out a small chuckle and Zia smiled at me.

"Oh good lord." Sam said shaking her head trying not to smile. "Where did we go wrong?"

Xavier cracked a smile. "She's a little spit fire all right."

Zia gave them both a proud smile. "You know it."

Tommy laughed and looked back at me.

"You know that we will protect you." Tommy said as he pecked my forehead.

"I couldn't ask you guys to do that though." I whispered.

Cali waved me off. "Are you kidding? Allison. You are the Luna. As in like our leader."

Lulu laughed. "We all love you Allison. We would protect you no matter what."

They love me?

Is that even possible?

But instead of asking such a question, I only smiled and nodded.

"He will never touch you again." Tommy promised as he pulled me closer to him.


Aww Tommy!!!!!

The feels are real :........) *happy crying face lol*

Stay pretty my crazy, psychotic, gorgeous, Faithful Shifters ;)


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