Chapter 18: The Marking

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Hey guess what???

School is starting soon.

Kill me please lmao.

Okay but seriously. Because school is starting soon, I will focusing on school. I am in anatomy so I really need to focus on that class. BUT I will still be updating when I can. So with this in mind, please know that I will not update every day. So please be respectful and don't ask me when I am going to update. Because I will not know myself. I will try to update whenever I can and I do not know when that will be.

So please do not get mad if I don't update soon. So no one ask me when I am going to update or keep saying update in the comments. You can say stuff like 'I can't wait for the next chapter' or something like that. That is totally fine. But please do not pressure me into updating. I need to focus on school as well.

Thank you for your understanding!!! *kissy face*

And also guess who has an ulcer due to her medication from the car accident.


My summer is going great so far!!! :D

Note my sarcasm...

Anywhore. On with this boring chappie.

*It's not really boring ;) and you will see why my little pretties*



It's been about a week since I saw Gideon on the street with his friends.

I groaned as I banged my head against the shower wall.

Gideon is so gonna kill me when he finds me. Yep. I'm so dead.

"Allison?" Tommy asked as he barged in the bathroom.

I screamed and covered myself.

Thank God it's a black shower curtain.

"What the heck Tommy?" I asked freaking out.

"I heard a bang." He said worried.

"How did you hear that?" I asked confused.

He was all the way in his room.

"I wanted to see you. So I knocked on your bedroom door and I heard the bang." Tommy explained. "And before you ask, yes I heard it. We have advanced hearing."

"Ohh. Well that was me" I said to him. "I was just thinking and I got stressed."

"So you banged your head against the wall?" Tommy asked amused.

I groaned. "Get out!"

"But-" Tommy stopped talking when he let out an oof.


"Did you just throw a bar of soap at me?" Tommy asked shocked.

"Yes!" I laughed. "Now get out so I can get out!"

"Fine." Tommy growled.

I heard footsteps and the bathroom door being shut.

Just need to make sure he actually left...

I stuck my head out from the curtain and looked around.

I narrowed my eyes as I saw the bathroom door lock was broken.

"Tommy." I said sternly as I glared at the broken lock.

After finishing my shower and getting dressed, I walked out of my room and into Tommy's.

I narrowed my eyes at Tommy who was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling.

"Hey." He smiled as he sat up and looked at me.

I crossed my arms and tapped my foot on the floor.

Tommy saw my stance and gulped.

"Y-you look pretty." He smiled nervously.

"Can you explain to me why the lock on the bathroom door is broken?" I said as I narrowed my eyes.

"Uh you see." Tommy said giving me a nervous laugh. "I couldn't get the door open. So I uh broke it?"

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "You are unbelievable."

"Unbelievably hot." Tommy winked.

"Oh my gosh." I laughed as I walked towards his closed door.

"Hey wait!" Tommy laughed as he picked me up.

I screamed as I clung onto his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist so I wouldn't fall.

I felt Tommy's chest vibrate as he chuckled.

"You know." Tommy whispered in my ear. "If I had known you would cling to me every time I picked you up, I would always carry you."

I shivered as he placed a light, feather kiss to my neck.

Stupid hormones.

"Very funny." I said glaring at Tommy.

Tommy gave me a wink and pecked my nose.

"You're so cute when you try to act tough." Tommy laughed as I glared even harder at him.

"You are so mean." I pouted.

Tommy smirked. "I know."

"You better put me down." I said as I crossed my arms.

Tommy's smirked still stayed as he brought me closer to him.

"Or what?" He asked as he looked into my eyes.

I lost my words as I stared into his bright green eyes.

"Uh I-I will..." My words trailed off.

Tommy lost his smirk and settled with a small smile on his face.

His eyes look so beautiful right now.

Wait. What am I saying?

But really. His face in general is just beautiful.

I didn't realize what I was going doing, but I felt my lips connect with Tommy's.

Tommy seemed shocked, but he tightened his grip on my leg ever so lightly.

My eyes snapped open and I pushed myself away from Tommy.

"Oh my gosh." I said as I covered my mouth.

Tommy's eyes fluttered open and he just stared at me.

"Y-you just kissed me." He said with a grin.

"I know." I said shaking my head. "I am so sorry. Oh gosh. Please don't be mad."

Tommy frowned as he felt my shaking form.

"Why are you sorry?" He asked.

I tried to get out of his grasp.

Tommy felt this and held met tighter.

"I-I kissed you. I'm so sorry. Please don't get mad." I said as I continued to push against his chest.

Dang. It's like pushing against a boulder.

I looked up at Tommy and it looked like he was thinking.

I was about to call his name, but I gasped as I felt his door against my back.

My eyes went wide as I felt his mouth on mine.

Tommy softly pushed me further into the door and I felt his hand caress my cheek.

I finally gave in and my eyes fluttered shut.

I moved my lips against his and Tommy smiled into the kiss.

This feels weird.

All the sparks shooting off and freaking butterflies in my stomach.

Tommy pulled back and rested his forehead against mine.

"Allison." Tommy breathed, his voice sounding husky. "I could never be mad if you kissed me. That kiss. That kiss was amazing."

I blushed at his words.

"So you aren't mad?" I asked quietly as I stared into his now dark green eyes.

They were so dark, they almost looked black.

Tommy laughed softly and pecked my lips quickly. "Hell no. In fact. I am so overjoyed right now. I love kissing you. Even if I only got to kiss you twice."

I gasped as he moved closer to me.

"Your lips are so soft." Tommy whispered right up against my lips. "They are the perfect shade of pink and that was the best kiss ever."

I didn't have time so say anything, because Tommy claimed my lips again.

Tommy moved his hand and placed it softly on the back of my head.

He curled my blonde hair into his fingers and ran his thumb across the back of my head.

I shivered at the action.

"God. I want to mark you so badly." Tommy growled slightly.

"M-mark?" I asked breathless.

That kiss was so hot.

Oh my Lord! What am I thinking?!

Tommy smiled. "It's something that the male werewolves do to their mates."

"Which is what?" I asked confused.

"The males find a spot on their mate's neck and bite."

That got my attention.

"Bite?" I screamed as I tensed up.

Tommy kissed me again and my body instantly relaxed.

I moved my hands from his chest and wrapped them around his neck.

He pulled back much to my disappointment and looked at me.

"It doesn't hurt. Well maybe for like the first 2 seconds. Then it's amazing. Well at least that's what my mom told me." Tommy laughed.

"W-why do you guys m-mark?" I asked trying to get my breathing under control from the previous kiss.

Why am I this winded?

I mean I never have kissed someone, but still. Is this how everyone's first kiss is?

Tommy's eyes got noticeably darker.

"To show everyone what is ours." He growled softly as he pecked both of my cheeks.

"Huh?" I hummed in confusion.

Tommy ran his thumb across my cheek and kept it there.

"Our mark shows other wolves who are mates are. It's a warning. It's telling them that if they mess with what is ours, there will be consequences. Marking is the first step in the mating process. After marking, we have to mate to finish the process. Then the bond will be complete." Tommy explained as he smiled lovingly at me.

"Mate? As in..." My voice trailed off as Tommy nodded. "I'm not ready for that."

"I know that baby. And it's completely okay. I would never pressure you. We will go at your pace. Nothing faster." Tommy promised.

"So this marking." I said as I played with his hair. "Tell me more about it."

I'm curious. Sue me.

Tommy laughed as he pulled me even closer. "Well. The mark as you know shows everyone that you are taken. Which means that if they even look at you, I'll make them pay."

My eyes widen as Tommy's got darker.

He growled possessively. "You are mine Allison. And when I mark you, everyone will know."

"B-but I'm not an object." I said getting scared slightly.

Is he gonna act like my dad?

"I know that baby. But you are my mate. My everything. Which means that you are mine. Just like I am yours." Tommy growled as his face came closer to mine. "That means that I will be the only one kissing you, touching you, looking at you. No one else will take you away from me. You are mine and mine only."

I'm sorry, but when he growls like that, it's really attractive.

"Wait." I said softly as I looked up at him. "You're mine?"

Tommy nodded with a smile. "Think of it as a boyfriend and girlfriend type situation. No other boy can make a move on you and no girl can make a move on me."

"So being mates is kinda like dating?" I asked.

"Yes." Tommy smiled. "But a little more extreme. With girlfriends and boyfriends, they can break up. But with mates, you are stuck with that person forever."

"But Zia said something about rejecting?" I asked confused.

Tommy's eyes got darker and he narrowed them at me.

"You are never rejecting me." Tommy said as he moved his face closer to mine. "I won't let you. You are mine and I am yours. So that means no rejecting."

I gulped and nodded. "I was just asking."

To be honest, I don't think I could reject him.

Tommy kissed my lips and pulled my head closer to his.

Tommy's lips left me lightheaded. It's like his lips were a drug.

But I'm not complaining.

But it's still weird. The fact that Tommy loves kissing me and I have no experience what so ever.

All my thoughts left as he trailed kisses along my jawline to my ear.

"Allison." Tommy breathed as I tightened my hold around his neck.

"Y-yes?" I asked breathless.

"I know this might be too fast, but may I please mark you?" Tommy asked.

Should I let him?

Well we are mates and I guess it's going to happen sometime.

I nodded my head. "Yes."

Tommy pulled back and smiled. "I'll be gentle. I promise baby."

I watched amazed as his eyes glowed gold.

But right now, it's making my body even hotter.

Tommy started his assault on my jawline again and made his way down my neck.

I gasped and dung my nails into his shoulder as he kissed this one spot on my neck.

"Found it." Tommy mumbled proudly to himself.

I was about to ask what he found, but my voice caught in my throat as I felt his teeth press against my skin.

Tommy's teeth started to grow and the next thing I know, I have teeth in my neck.

Oh crap!

I winced at the pain, but it went away just as quick as it came.

I moaned a little as I felt pleasure.

Tommy tightened his hold on my leg and held me close.

A minute later, I felt Tommy pull his teeth out of my neck.

I felt my body start to buzz and the sparks were intensified.

It must be this bond thing that Tommy was talking about.

"Allison?" Tommy asked breathless as his forehead rested against mine.

I looked up and his eyes slowly went back to green.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I love you." Tommy admitted.

I looked at him in shock.

He what now?

Did he really just say that?

"W-what?" I whispered in surprise. "Tommy I-"

Tommy cut me off as his thumb ran across my bottom lip.

"Allison." Tommy smiled. "I didn't tell you that just to hear you say it back. I told you that because I really do love you. I love you so much. I have ever since I laid my eyes on you in the bathroom at school. You are the most beautiful girl in the world and you need to know that. And I'm sorry if I'm freaking you out. But I wanted to tell you. You don't have to say it back right away. That is perfectly fine with me."

I let out a breath of relief.

I smiled at him and I pecked his lips. "Thank you."

Do I love him?

But as I stared into his bright green eyes with him looking at me like I'm his world, I realized something.

I do love Tommy Slade.




I'm fangirlling over my own book....what the hell is wrong with me lmao.

Anywho. Love you crazy Faithful Shifters!


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