Chapter 19: The Center Of My World

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Aw Tommy lol.

He's so cute :)

Anywhore. On with the chapter!



The rest of the day flew by.

The girls had a heart attack when Tommy and I came down for lunch.

I didn't realize that they could smell a mark on someone.

I was really embarrassed but Tommy told me that they only reason they can smell it, is because his scent is mixed in with mine. Another factor of the warning part for other wolves.

Zia laughed at Tommy when a member that walked in the house smiled at me.

Tommy growled and sent the poor guy running.

Cali giggled and explained that since I'm marked, his possessiveness and overprotectiveness are going to be stronger than before. Something about how we are closer to completing the bond and his wolf is a little stronger.

"Hey baby?" Tommy said as he stood up from the couch.

He grabbed my hands and softly pulled me up into his arms.

"Yes?" I asked and I snuggled closer to him.

Thank the Lord that he is naturally warm since he is a werewolf.

He's like my own personal heater.

"I have to go do some alpha stuff. I'll be back around 6. Okay?" Tommy said.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Okay." I said quietly.

Tommy smiled and leaned down to kiss me.

He growled slightly as our lips made contact.

"Break it up." Michael laughed.

I quickly moved away from Tommy and blushed.

Tommy growled at Michael and pulled me back to him.

I giggled softly and Tommy beamed down at me.

"I don't want to leave you." Tommy groaned into my neck.

"I'm gonna throw up." Michael said as he pretended to gag.

"Can you go bother someone else?" Tommy groaned.

Michael pretended to think before he shook his head. "Nah."

"I hate you." Tommy said.

"I love you too babe!" Michael yelled as he placed a kiss on Tommy's cheek and ran off.

I laughed and Tommy smiled down at me.

"I love your laugh." Tommy said as he kissed me one more time. "And I love you."

I blushed and playfully pushed his shoulder. "Go do your work weirdo."

Tommy winked and left for the door.

I stared at his back.

Should I tell him?


"Tommy!" I called out to him as I ran for the door.

He paused as he opened his door.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I uh." I froze.

"Are you okay?" Tommy asked.

I nodded. "Uh I just wanted to say that I'll see you tonight."

He looked confused and I quickly shut the door.

"Seriously Allison." I groaned as I slid down the front door. "You are such a chicken."

I brought my legs up and rested against my arms that are on top of my knees.

"Why are you talking in third person?"

I screamed and looked up to see Adam laughing.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" I yelled at him.

He chuckled and sat down against the door next to me.

"What's wrong shorty?" Adam asked as he recovered from his laugh.

I sighed. "I'm a chicken. That's what's wrong."

I looked up to see Adam studying me.

"I don't think you're a chicken." He said sincerely.

"You don't?" I asked as I sat up straight.

He shook his head. "I don't. You had a rough life. None of it was your fault. You have a right to be scared. You never should call yourself a chicken. You just need time."

"Thank you." I said softly as I looked down at my hands.

"Now." Adam said determined. "Why did you call yourself a chicken?"

"Um I wanted to tell Tommy something. But then I got scared." I admitted.

"What did you want to tell him? Do you need help with something? Is everything okay?" Adam asked worried.

"Adam." I laughed. "Everything is fine. But I wanted to tell him that I loved him. I know he doesn't expect me to tell him, but I wanted too. Tommy was always there for me, even when I pushed him away."

"Ahh." Adam winked. "The big 'L' word."

"Shut up." I laughed. "I really wanted to tell him. But then I chickened out."

"You did not chicken out." Adam said sternly. "You just got scared. Being scared and being a chicken are two different things. I know they might seem similar, but they aren't. Being chicken is more when you are nervous. You had a rough life. You have a right to be scared. The one man that is suppose to be there for you, love you, protect you. He didn't do that. I know it's gonna be hard to trust again. But you can trust all of us. Tommy loves you Allison. Way more than you think. And you shouldn't be scared to tell him."

"I want to tell him. But fear is stopping me. Tommy is different from the other guys that I have met. He's kind, comforting. Sure I've met some nice guys when I moved around the states but when I pushed them away, they stayed away. Tommy." I paused and took a deep breath. "Tommy kept coming back. Even when I did the most that I could do to push him away. He wouldn't leave me alone. He was right there behind every corner. It surprised me. No one has ever tried that much. And today I realized that I do love him. Do you think it's too soon?"

Adam looked like he was thinking but he shook his head. "To be honest. No. I don't think it's too soon. I think it's the right time. You do love him."

"But what if it's just like a spur of the moment thing? Do you really think that I love him?" I asked worried.

Oh gosh. Is it too soon?

Adam smiled and shook his head. "Nah. I don't think so. After everything you've been through, you are scared to love. You don't want to get close to anyone because you think that they will leave and hurt you. You don't want to love. But you just admitted that you loved him without a second thought. That's how I know that you truly love him."

"You're right." I said smiling. "Thank you so much Adam."

Adam stood up and reached his hand out to me.

I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"No need to thank me Allison. To be honest. You are like a little sister to me. I care for you. Hell, everyone cares for you." Adam laughed as he gave me a small hug. "And if you ever need to talk to someone about something, I'll be here for you. Don't be afraid to call me. I'll be here for you in a heartbeat."

"Thank you again." I smiled. "I really needed this."

He gave me a goofy grin. "Come on shorty. Let's go find Michael and the girls and do something."

I nodded.

Why couldn't I have a brother like Adam?



I growled as I looked at the time on my phone.

5:38 P.M.

It needs to be 6 already.

I decided to pick my phone up and dial Michael's number.


"What's up bro?" Michael asked.

"How's everything going?" I asked.

"Good." Michael said. "Your mom, my mom, and aunt Kyrn have the boat ready on the lake. The girls are doing a good job on distracting Allison."

I smiled to myself. "Good. I'm gonna leave now. I'll be there soon. Tell the girls to pick something out for Allison and have her get ready. Dress nice."

"Will do man. You ready yourself?"

I looked down at my blue shirt and black tie with black dress pants.

"Yep. I've been sitting here for the past hour getting ready. I want to look my best. And my wolf is mad at me for lying to Allison." I laughed.

Michael laughed as well. "It was for a good cause. And I'm sure you look fine bro. Don't worry about it. And the girls just took Allison up to her room."

"Sweet. I'm on my way." I smiled.








"So do you want to tell me why I am in a dress?" Allison asked softly.

'Gosh I love her voice. So soft and silky.' Ian gushed.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Allison.

"It's a surprise." I stated with a wink.

Allison groaned. "I hate surprises."

"Don't worry." I smiled as I parked the truck. "This is a good surprise. I promise."

She gave me a small smile. "Okay. I trust you."

She quickly turned her head and unbuckled her seatbelt.

But I still heard her say 'more than I probably should.'

'I don't even care.' Ian said suddenly as I got out of my truck. 'I will take it!'

I laughed at him and opened Allison's door. 'I know. But it still kind of hurts.'

'I see where you are coming from. I agree, yes. But also look what she has been through.' Ian said softly. 'If I went through that, I wouldn't trust anyone for the rest of my life. Our little mate is strong. Stronger than she thinks. She is trusting us. That right there is a giant step for her. We just have to give her time.'

I agree with Ian. She is strong. I'm glad she even told me that she trusts me.

"So where are we going?" Allison's voice cut me out of my thoughts.

"This way." I smiled as I grabbed her hand.

I couldn't stop smiling and tugging on her hand.

"Is that a lake?" Allison asked as we stood in front of it. "I've never been to a lake before."

I nodded and she ran towards the edge.

I couldn't stop staring at her.

The way the sunset reflected off the water and the way the last sun rays hit Allison's face.

She looked so carefree. So happy. I loved seeing her like this.

An idea came to mind and I quickly grabbed my phone.

I went to take a picture of her, but laughed quietly when I saw that she was also taking a picture.

I brought my phone up and took a picture of Allison standing there.

She took a picture of the center of her world while I took a picture of mine.

Talk about an amazing phone screensaver.

'Damn. Just look at that perfection.' Ian said quietly. 'I can't stop staring at her.'

'You and me both.' I agreed.

"It's beautiful out here. The view is completely gorgeous." Allison smiled as she looked at me.

I nodded. "The view is most definitely gorgeous."

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" She asked as she walked up to me.

"Because you look absolutely gorgeous like this. Your dress is stunning, your hair frames your face, your face is completely glowing with happiness. And just being here with you is perfect." I admitted as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

Allison blushed and hugged me tight.

"I love you." She said suddenly.

It was so quiet that I almost missed you.

I pulled back slightly and stared at her in shock.

"Y-you what?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't say it before. I was gonna tell you but then I got scared. I thought it would freak you out even though you said it first. I don't like getting close to people because I always get hurt in the end. But with you it's different. I love you Tommy."

'Oh my fucking gosh!' Ian yelled. 'Hold the motherfucking phone! Can this get any better?'

I felt my smile widen as I looked down at the love of my life.

"I love you Allison." I said quickly before I pulled her head towards mine.

Her lips felt so right against mine. So soft and smooth.

I tilted my head to the side and deepened it.

'Damn. This night just keeps getting better and better.' Ian sighed in content.

But I pulled back a little bit after because I don't want her to feel rushed.

"I love you so much baby." I said as I rested my forehead against hers.

Allison's eyes were still closed and she had a small smile on her face.

"I love you too Tommy." Allison said as she snuggled into my chest.

She giggled as Ian let out a small purr.

"Did you just purr?" Allison.

I felt my cheeks heat up a bit.

"Ian does it when he is really happy." I said smiling.

"I want to meet him sometime. You know. When he isn't angry." Allison laughed.

I nodded. "You can. Now let's go have our date."

'I can't wait for her to meet me! You better wear something nice so I don't look stupid.' Ian growled.

I rolled my eyes. 'I'll make sure I wear something nice.'

'Good. Because I cannot look bad or stupid in front of my mate.'

He would say something like that.


Fucking relationship goals!

Like seriously.

I want a cute relationship like that. I need one. I've been a good person lol.

Oh well.

Welp tootle loo Faithful Shifters!


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