Chapter 23: The Text Messages

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DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!

I have no idea why I just did that, so don't ask.

And that awkward moment when you see your cheating ex at a volleyball game.

But who the hell cares because to be honest, I looked fucking hot XD.

And he was really surprised to see me and he wouldn't stop staring at me. So I think it was a good night for me MUHAHAHAHA XD

Anywhore. On with the story my little book worms!!!



I gulped as I stared at my phone that was sitting face down on the other side of the guest room.

"Luna." Bruce sighed from the other side of the door. "You need to eat."

I continued to ignore him as I shook with fear.

"Luna?" Isaac asked.

Still ignored them.

"I'm linking the alpha." Max whispered.

I got up on my knees and crawled over to my phone.

I cringed as I saw a new message from the same Unknown number as before.

Should I open it?

Quit being a chicken Allison.

I shakily dragged my finger across the screen and the message opened.

Unknown: You really think you could hide from me my dear Allison? Think again.

I let out a quiet sob as fear rolled through my body.

Is this my dad? Did he really find me? How though?

I jumped as my phone beeped.

Unknown: It's rude to not answer someone when they are talking to you.

The messages started about two weeks ago.

But the sender disappeared for a little bit because he went from sending one every day, to not sending any for about a week. Now I got two in one day?

I was scared to tell Tommy. He's already stressed out enough on the rogues and hunters that are getting really close to his territory, I didn't want to tell him. He has enough on his plate already.

But I didn't tell anyone about this. I was just hoping they would go away, but looks like that's not the case.

I wanted so desperately to text them back and tell them to leave me alone. But I'm too scared.

"I'm such a chicken." I mumbled to myself as I threw my phone on the guest bed. "I'm so weak."

"Allison?" Tommy asked as he knocked on the door.

I kept quiet.

He cursed as he tried the door knob, only to find it locked.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Tommy asked.

I cringed as my phone dinged and I let out a sob.

"Allison!" Tommy yelled frantically.

Shoot. He must have heard that.

I jumped back as the door got kicked down.

Tommy ran in with gold eyes and he looked around for me.

"Allison." Tommy said with a deep voice.

My eyes widen.

This isn't Tommy.

"Tommy?" I asked as he pulled me to him.

He chuckled.

"Nope." He smiled as he pulled back. "Ian."

"Ian?" I asked confused. "His wolf?"

Ian nodded. "Correct."

Well this is weird.

Shit. Do I look okay?

"Are you okay baby?" Ian asked worried as he checked around my body to make sure I wasn't hurt.

I mentally smiled. Even he calls me baby.

"I'm fine." I smiled.

My phone dinged and I quickly got out of Ian's grasp to grab it.


I put the phone in my back pocket and walked to mine and Tommy's room.

"Where are you going?" Ian asked.

"I'm gonna get dressed so I can go get food." I mumbled as I looked down at my tank top and short shorts.

"Who texted you?" Ian asked as he eyed my back pocket.

I covered my phone and turned to face him.

"Zia." I lied.

Ian crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorway.

I watched as his eyes fogged over slightly.

"Ian?" I asked confused.

He ignored me as he talked with whoever.

I sighed as stood there patiently.

Wow. Twiddling your thumbs can actually be really entertaining.

"You do know that Tommy and I both know you are lying." Ian smirked.

I gulped.


"W-what do you mean?" I asked worried as Ian pushed himself off the doorway and took slow steps towards me.

"We are both very observant." Ian smirked as he stepped right in front of me and caressed my cheek with his hand. "And when you lie, your bottom lip pushes out slightly."

Dammit. He knew.

"I-I don't know what you mean." I gulped as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh Allison." Ian chuckled lowly as he leaned towards my face.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head towards his.

But my eyes popped open as I felt my phone leave my back pocket and Ian pull away.

I gasped as I saw Tommy come back and smirk at me.

"You should know Ian is very good at getting what he wants." Tommy winked.

I huffed and crossed my arms.

Wait. He has my phone.

"Tommy no!" I yelled as I ran to get my phone.

Too late.

Tommy looked at me and let out a loud growl.

"How the hell is this?" Tommy asked.

I cringed. "I-I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Tommy growled.

"I-I don't know." I said as I stepped back from him. "T-They just sent me t-those today."

"Are there more?" Tommy asked.

I didn't answer.

"How long?" Tommy asked as he narrowed his eyes at me. "How long has this been going on?"

"T-Two weeks ago." I whispered quietly.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Tommy growled as he looked through all the messages. "This is you at the mall!"

I shrunk back as Tommy showed me the picture the sender sent me when he first started to text me.

"I-I know." I said looking at the ground.

Tommy growled and threw my phone at the wall.

I gasped as it shattered.

Well there goes my new phone.

I jumped back as Tommy appeared in front of me.

I forgot how fast he can move.

"Tell me everything." Tommy demanded.

"Y-You could say please." I said quietly, but narrowed my eyes at him.

Tommy growled as he bent down, so he was eye-level with me.

"Please." He growled.

You could tell that this was probably his first time saying please.

I nodded and sat down on the bed.

"It started about two weeks ago. They would send me a text once a day. But then they stopped for about a week. I didn't get any more texts." I sighed. "Then I got two today."

"Five actually." Tommy growled. "You got five more when I was holding your phone."

I cringed. Stalkers scare me.

"Great." I mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tommy asked getting angry.

"Because I didn't want to be a burden." I admitted.

Tommy laughed. "A burden? Seriously? That's what you came up with."

"Yes." I said as I stood up. "You and everyone else are really busy with the pack. And the girls are trying to calm Adam and Michael down, and I didn't want to bother anyone."

"That was stupid." Tommy said as he rolled his eyes. "You are not a burden! Anyone here would drop what they are doing and help you out. Especially me! I am your mate! It's my job to help you. It's in the job description on being a mate!"

"Well you are already stressed out enough!" I yelled back.

I stared at Tommy in shock.

Holy shit. I just yelled at him without stuttering.

Damn. That's new.

"Who cares?" Tommy yelled as he threw his hands in the air. "Who the hell cares if I'm stressed out? You are far more important than anything else!"

"But it involves the pack." I said as I stared back at him. "The pack is important and they need you!"

"Yes, but you are more important. And you need me just like I need you. I will pick you over anything!" Tommy yelled as he walked up to me. "You need to get that through you small and cute little head. I care for you!"

"I don't even know how." I said as I sat back down on the bed. "I am such a problem and burden to everyone. You all are better off without me."

Tommy growled and I saw his eyes change to gold.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Ian growled. "Better off without you? I would die without you. Literally."

"You'd probably be happier without me." I said.

Ian shook his head. "I would be nothing without you Allison."

"Whatever." I scoffed.

"You're acting like a child." Ian said as he looked at me.

I shot off the bed. "Me? A child? I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry about me. You had your own stuff to handle and I didn't want to add more to it."

"Who the fuck cares!" Ian growled. "I would drop anything for you. I would make Tommy get off his ass and go take care of you! I love you Allison. You need to realize that!"

"I think we need a break." I said as I grabbed two random pillows.

"What?" Ian asked in a whisper. "Y-You're rejecting me?"

"What? No!" I yelled quickly as I saw his watery eyes. "Not that kind of break! I promise."

"What kind of break?" Tommy asked as Ian gave him back control.

"We both are really mad right now and I think we both need to cool off before we talk about this again." I told him as I walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Tommy asked.

I sighed as I detected a little anger.

"I'm sleeping in the guest room tonight." I said as I opened the door.

"Why did you take my pillow and blanket?" Tommy growled as he followed me into the guest room.

I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Because I'm sleeping here tonight." I said sternly. "I already told you that."

"So you grab my pillow?" Tommy asked with a smirk as he laughed.

"Fine." I said as I put my pillow on the guest bed. "Grab what's your and get out."

"Fine." Tommy said with a shrug.

I let out a squeak as Tommy picked me up and walked out, back to his room.

"What the heck?" I asked trying to get out of his grasp as the closed his door with his foot. "What are you doing?"

"You said to get what's mine and get out." Tommy said as he placed me on the bed. "So I did."

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

I crawled back as Tommy crawled towards me.

"You said to grab what is mine." Tommy smiled as his face got close to mine. "And you are mine Allison. You are my mate. So I grabbed you and brought you back to our room."

"T-Tommy." I said breathlessly as he lifted his hand and ran his thumb across my cheek.

"Why don't you understand that I love you?" Tommy asked sadly. "I would do anything for you Allison. You need to know that. I would never do anything to hurt you. I know all your life you didn't have anyone care for you. But now. Now you do. I know it might seem scaring and all of us are just faking it, but we aren't. This is all real. Everyone cares for you. Especially me."

I blinked as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

Tommy smiled as he wiped it away.

"I love you Allison. So, so, so much." Tommy whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered as I threw my arms around his neck.

I tightened my grip around his neck and slammed my lips to his.

Tommy froze in shock, but quickly recovered and wrapped his hands around my waist.

He moved his lips against mine and pulled me closer to him.

After a couple seconds, Tommy pulled back and gave me a smile.

"Well that was unexpected." Tommy chuckled as he moved my hair behind my ear.

I giggled. "Thank you. For everything."

Tommy smiled warmly down at me as he pecked my nose. "You don't have to thank me. Everything I do is for you."

"Hey Tommy?" I asked getting nervous.

He noticed my mood change and looked down at me confused.

"Yes baby?" Tommy asked as he searched my eyes for any hints.

"I-I'm ready." I said quietly.

"What?" Tommy asked shocked as he looked down at me wide eyed.

I nodded and cleared my throat. "I'm ready."

"A-Are you sure?" Tommy asked. "Because you know that I will always wait for you. We are going at your pace."

"I know." I smiled. "I am going at my pace."

Tommy gulped as I kissed his cheek, then his nose, then pecked his lips.

"A-Are you sure?" Tommy stuttered. "B-Because we d-don't have t-to."

"I'm sure." I smiled as I stared up in his eyes that were changing from gold, back to normal. "I love you and I trust you. Having you and everyone care about me is something that I've never felt in my life. I love you Tommy."

"I love you too." Tommy groaned before he lifted me up so my body was pressed against his. "You are my weakness Allison."

I giggled as Tommy put his lips on mine.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of this.


The dirty deed will be posted in the Restricted Chapters book soon!


Another character that has a better love life than me! Lmao.

Oh well. Boyfriends are so overrated lol. Uh no offense guys...

But seriously. Who needs boyfriends when they made a perfectly good girl version of Hooters.

So...Who's going to TallyWhackers with me!?!?!?

It's in Dallas, Texas, which means hot country guys with hot southern accents in spandex shorts, red bowties, and some are in tanktops and some don't where shirts.

So if you are going with me, comment here and pack a suitcase!

I love you all Faithful Shifters!!!!!!!


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