Chapter 24: Everyone Meets The Dad

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Hola my little familia's!

Wazzzzzz up????

Okay so I am addicted to Orange Is The New Black lol.

And can we please take a moment for John Bennett. LIKE OH HOT DAMN! *insert heart eyes*

Anywhore. On with the story!!!



I groaned as the sun shined through my curtains and hit me directly in the face.

I don't understand how people can be so happy when they wake up to the sun on their face. Fuck that shit.

I felt a stir next to me and I looked down to see Allison.

Allison mumbled something and snuggled closer to me.

She might be tiny, but she has a killer grip.

Ian purred as he remembered last night.

'Her body.' Ian groaned. 'Her body is to die for. Can we have another round with her? Please?'

'No!' I mumbled as I had to fight with my friend downstairs. 'As much as I would love too, we are going at her pace and she's probably sore.'

Ian growled. 'Fine. But seriously. How did we get paired with a goddess?'

I smiled as I looked down at Allison's sleeping form. 'I don't know. And I don't care. I'm just glad we did.'

'Oh I am too. I was just wondering how we got paired with a beautiful mate.' Ian said lovingly. 'The things I would do for her. Damn. She could just look at me and I would do anything without question.'

I laughed at him. 'Same here. But don't let her know that. She'll use it against us.'

"Hi baby." I whispered as she opened her eyes slowly.

"Hi." She mumbled in her husky morning voice.

'Oh hot damn. I could get use to this.' Ian growled softly.

"How are you feeling?" I asked worried.

Shit. What if I hurt her? What if I like broke her or something? She'll be so pissed.

"Tommy?" Allison asked as she waved a hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked as I focused on her again.

"You zoned out." She giggled as I blushed slightly. "And I'm feeling fine. Just a little sore."

"Well I'm feeling wonderful." I growled lowly right next to her ear.

She gulped and shivered a little bit.

"M-Me too." She whispered.

"Wanna go shower together?" I asked carefully. "It's okay if you say no."

I hope I didn't freak her out.

I know completing the mating process last night was a lot for her.

Allison nodded with a small smile. "Sure. I don't feel like washing my hair. So you can do it."

I laughed. "I will do anything for you baby."

I got out of the bed and stretched.

I smirked to myself as I saw Allison checking me out.

"H-Hey Tommy?" Allison asked shyly as she played with the blanket.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

Is she okay?

"W-Will you carry m-me?" She stuttered. "I-I'm kinda sore."

I smiled and nodded. "Of course. And you don't have to be embarrassed."

Allison blushed as I picked her up bridal style.

"This is a great way to save water you know." I said randomly as I turned the shower on and set Allison down inside of it.

"Right. Because you're all about saving water." Allison giggled as I grabbed the shampoo bottle.

"I am." I winked as I began washing her hair.

"Right." Allison smiled as she closed her eyes.

'I don't give a fuck about saving water. I just like looking at her body.' Ian growled.

Damn him.



"Bout time you're up." Zia winked as Cali and Lulu giggled.

"S-Shut up." I blushed.

"So." Cali said casually as she looked at me and Tommy. "Did you guys save water?"

Tommy winked and I gaped at him.

"I'm all about saving water baby." Tommy smirked as he pecked my cheek.

"Horn dog." Zia said as she rolled her eyes.

I narrowed my eyes as Michael and Adam gave Tommy a fist bump.

"Congrats on finishing the mating process." Sam winked.

I blushed.

"H-How did you know?" I asked embarrassed.

"Xavier told me. He could smell it." Sam explained.

"Smell it?" I asked looking at Tommy.

Oh good Lord. Everyone will know that we had sex!

"My scent is now mixed in with yours even more. You smell like me and I smell like you." Tommy said.

Well shit.

"That's awkwo taco." I mumbled.

Sam laughed. "That's how I felt."

"Exactly." Kyrn and Chloe laughed as they walked in the kitchen with Jay and Zander.

"So I think it would be a great day to go to the park." Sam said as she looked outside. "The weather is nice and pretty and I think we all need to get out of the house for a little bit."

"Yes!" Lulu screamed.

"I'm down." Michael said with a smile as he watched Lulu beam.

"Swings!" Zia yelled as she ran outside.

"Wait for us!" Cali yelled as she grabbed mine and Lulu's hands.

I laughed as I saw the boys chased us laughing.

"Shot gun!" I yelled as I hopped in the front seat.

"That's not fair." Zia whined.

"She's my mate and Luna." Tommy winked. "She picks first."

"Bow down peasants." I said as I held my head up high.

Lulu, Cali, and Zia laughed.

"As you wish your highness." Zia said in a posh tone as she bowed.

Cali rolled her eyes. "You are so weird."

"That's why you love me." I winked.

Cali nodded. "That's true."










"I love the park!" I yelled as I ran to the swings.

"Have you been to one?" Zia asked as she sat down next to me on the other swing.

"A couple times when my mom was alive." I mumbled. "But my dad never let me have any fun. So when she died, bye bye parks."

"That sucks." Cali said sadly.

Lulu nodded. "I couldn't live without the parks."

"I'm glad that you are enjoying it Allison." Xavier smiled.

"I am." I smiled. "Thank you for suggesting it Sam."

"No problem dear." She smiled as she laid a couple blankets out for us.

"We got some sandwiches." Kyrn offered as Chloe took them out.

"Food!" Michael drooled as he grabbed a couple.

"You eat a lot." I giggled as Michael stuffed his face.

"I know. I'm surprised he's not fat." Lulu winked.

"Here you go." Tommy smiled as he handed me a PB&J sandwich.

"Thank you." I smiled as I took a bite.

I looked up and I dropped my sandwich.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered.

"What?" Tommy asked as he stared at me.

I pointed behind him and everyone turned around.

"Allison." My dad said as he walked up to me with a smirk. "I told you that I would find you again."

His two friends laughed.

I gulped and hid behind Tommy.

"Gideon." Sam said with so much venom.

"I knew he would always come back." Kyrn said with disgust.

"Sam. Kyrn. Nice to see you girls again." My dad laughed.

"I wish I could say the same for you." Sam spat as Xavier stood protectively in front of her.

"How do you know my dad?" I asked.

Kyrn eyed my dad with narrowed eyes.

"That's your dad?" Sam asked with wide eyes.

I nodded. "Yes. How do you guys know each other?"

"He is Brett's and Trey's uncle." Sam explained.


Oh. My. Gosh.

Bet you guys didn't see that coming, now did you???

*enter smirking face*

Now do you guys know why this is the sequel to Sexy Greek God Kidnappers???

Welp. Keep the comments coming!

Love you Faithful Shifters!


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