Chapter 25: Saving Allison

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Hola!!!! How is everyone doing on this fine afternoon???

So just got back from a docs appointment. And well....I'm screwed!

We have to go to talk to a neurosurgeon and see if I can be fixed lol.

It's worse than we thought.

And that awkward moment when your ex texts you....AGAIN.

Anywhore. ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!



"Who is Brett and Trey?" I asked confused.

"My dear nephews." Gideon said as he shut his eyes. "They were just like me."

Ew. Now I'm glad that I haven't met them.

"What happened to them?"

"Why don't you ask your dear mother." Gideon growled in venom.

Sam laughed. "Well they left us with no other choice."

"It was either us or them. And to be honest, I'm glad we killed those bastards." Kryn spat. "They wouldn't hurt anymore people."

"They were so good to you!" Gideon yelled.

Xavier growled. "They wanted to take Sam away from me! I was not going to let that happen."

"How do you think that makes Allison feel?" Gideon asked with a smirk as he turned to look at me.

I gulped and Tommy moved closer to me.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked as I looked at Gideon.

Gideon let out a dark chuckle. "Brett was your older cousin."

"What?" Sam asked as she stared at me.

"Oh yes Sammy dear." Gideon said. "Brett was Allison's dear older cousin. She never met him though. Allison was born way after Brett was killed."

"That means Allison's mother was a lot younger at the time." Sam mumbled as she thought out loud.

"Ew pedophile." Zia said as she shivered in disgust.

"I am not!" Gideon yelled at Zia. "I loved her and she loved me! It's all Allison's fault that she died!"

"How the hell is it my fault?" I yelled as I pushed Tommy aside. "She died of brain cancer! I didn't start that! The doctors didn't even know how it had happened. They said that she was in perfect condition. So don't you dare fucking blame me!"

Gideon and everyone stood back shocked at my sudden outburst.

I took deep breaths to calm my anger.

But after a couple seconds, Gideon's shock turned to anger.

"Don't you dare use that tone with me child!" Gideon yelled as he took a step towards me. "I should punish for that. But I know when I'm outnumbered. A bunch of wolves to three hunters."

"Y-you're a hunter?" I asked shocked.

Gideon chuckled. "I'm the leader of the hunters in this area. I should have known Tommy was a wolf and you guys were mates. By the way you said his name. It was so obvious."

"Good." Tommy growled. "Now if you ever lay a hand on my mate, I will rip you to shreds!"

"Wolves disgust me." Gideon's red haired friend said as he eyed Tommy.

"Ya? Well I hate hunters who think that they are all that." Zia said disgusted.

I covered my mouth so I wouldn't let out a laugh.

"I'm taking you out first!" He yelled.

"Aw thanks. But pedophile hunters aren't my type." Zia smirked as his face grew bright red.

"I hate you." He snapped.

"Thomas." Gideon sighed. "Just let it go. Come on Dan, we need to go."

"Mutts." Thomas whispered.

"Pedophiles." Zia winked.

"I'll be back for you Allison." Gideon said. "And that's a promise."

I gulped and watched them all walk to my dad's car and drive away.

Of course this would happen to me.










"I should have known." Sam said as she paced back and forth in the conference room. "Dammit. I'm so stupid."

"No you aren't. Brett and Trey didn't take their uncle's last name. None of us would have known." Kyrn said as she tried to sooth an angry Sam.

"I know that. But she has the same last name as Gideon. I should have seen that." Sam mumbled.

I gulped and balled myself up in the chair.

I can't believe this is happening.

My dad is a hunter. He knows about me and Tommy. He knows about werewolves.

This can't be happening.

"Guys." Adam mumbled as he looked at me. "Allison hasn't said a word since we got back."

"Allison baby?" Tommy asked softly as he kneeled down before me. "Come on baby. Talk please."

I went to open my mouth, but nothing came out.

Oh my gosh. What if he finds me?

Tommy smiled softly as he wiped a tear from my cheek.

"W-what if he finds us?" I asked quietly.

"He won't Allison." Xavier smiled.

"We have double the patrol and a lot more guards around the pack house. He won't be able to get in or even on our land." Tommy explained.

I nodded, but there is still some doubt in me.

"I can't believe this is happening." I mumbled to myself as my head fell on my knees.

"What are the odds?" Chloe laughed. "That your guys' exboyfriends were the nephews of Allison's dad."

"Small world." Zander said.

"I will admit." Kyrn said as she looked at all of us. "That is kinda creepy."

"Creepy?" Zia asked. "We are way past creepy."

"She's got a point." Lulu said shrugging.

"This is like It, Annabelle, and The Conjuring mixed into one." Cali shivered.

"Don't even mention It." Michael said as he closed his eyes and shivered in fear. "I'm terrified of clowns."

"You're terrified of everything." Adam smirked.

Michael opened his eyes and glared at a snickering Adam.

"I hate you." Michael growled as he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.

"Quit pouting." Lulu laughed as she kissed his cheek. "I'll protect you from the clowns."

Michael smiled and kissed Lulu.

"Ew love." Zia said as she pretended to gag. "I'm gonna throw up."

"Just wait till you find your mate dear." Sam smiled.

"Um actually no." Xavier cut in. "There will be no finding of mates in this house."

"Oh my gosh dad." Zia whined as she stared at Xavier.

"What?" Xavier shrugged as he stared at her innocently. "I'm just saying."

Zia rolled her eyes.

I laughed and looked back at Sam. "So who are Brett and Trey?"

"Brett was my ex and Trey was Kyrn's ex." Sam explained. "We broke up with them when they started to get abusive. Well Trey got to hitting Kyrn way before Brett hit me."

"We broke up with them and we found Xavier and Jay. Well more like they kidnapped us." Kyrn laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"It wasn't kidnapping." Xavier whined as Jay huffed. "You are our mates."

"Oh. My bad." Sam laughed as she rolled her eyes. "Long story short, Brett and Trey found us. That's when the whole pack vs. rogues and hunters war started. We won."

"But Brett and Trey didn't make it out alive." Kyrn sighed. "Sam and I killed them because they tried to kidnap us again. We got help from Bruce, Max, and Isaac."

"My guards?" I asked.

Sam nodded. "They weren't from our pack. They were part of the rogues that Brett and Trey caught. They didn't like them though. So they helped us."

"They came to us about a year later." Xavier explained. "I had told them that they would always be welcomed to the pack for saving mine and Jay's mate. They declined at first, but then the patrol sniffed out some rogues. When I got to the territory line, they were standing right there. And I let them in the pack."

"Oh." I mumbled. "That actually explains a lot."

Sam nodded and looked at the ground.

"So now what are we gonna do?" Michael asked.

Tommy looked at me and winked. "We are going to be saving Allison."


Title reference!!!!

I love those lmao.

Welp tootle loo Faithful Shifters!

Love you all crazies!


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