Chapter 30: You're Going Down

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The. Last. Chapter. Of. This. Book.

Gonna go cryyyy!!!!!

But have no fear! There will be an epilogue!!

I love you guess too much to not put one.

Anywhore. Here's the very last chapter...of this book.



"Let's go." I said as I narrowed my eyes at the floor.

I walked passed everyone and went down the stairs.

"Allison!" Tommy yelled as he ran for me.

"You guys." I called out as I pointed to a group of guards. "Let's go."

They must have seen my determined face because they nodded and didn't ask questions.

"Allison!" Tommy yelled as he finally caught up to me.

"Hand me that." I said as I pointed to the gun on the table with the holster. "What Tommy?"

The man nodded and clipped the holster onto my shorts.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tommy asked.

"Fighting back." I said determined as the group of guards stood behind me ready at my command.


I cut Tommy off when I raised my hand up.

"I'm tired of running." I said truthfully. "I am tired of hiding whenever Gideon shows his face. I don't want to run anymore Tommy. I am going to fight along side my pack. And if you have a problem with that, then oh well. I am the Luna of this pack. I'm gonna fight."

"I don't think you have a choice son." Xavier laughed as he looked at Tommy. "She's too determined. She is not going to change her mind."

Tommy sighed. "Fine. But you stay by me at all times."

I smirked and pecked his cheek.

I turned around and faced the huge gathering of guards that showed up when I was talking.

"Who wants to go kick some hunter ass?" I asked.

The guards hollered and shifted into their wolves once they stepped outside.

"Ready to fight?" Zia asked as Cali and Lulu nodded.

"Now wait just a minute." Tommy said quickly as Zia was getting ready to shift.

"You guys can't be in danger." Michael said worried.

"They think we are gonna stay here." Lulu laughed as she patted Michael's cheek.

"How cute." Zia smiled.

Cali giggled and ran outside shifting into her wolf as Zia and Lulu followed suit.

Adam growled as he ran after Cali.

"Ready Allison?" Sam asked as she handed me another gun with a holster.

"What are those things?" I asked as I pointed to the weapons that were strapped to her sides.

"These?" Sam asked as she took one out. "They are called sias. Sharpened and made out of silver. My grandpa made a couple for me before he passed."

"Cool." I smiled as I looked it over.

"They are my favorite weapon. Kyrn does daggers."

"Now you got the guns." Kyrn laughed as she pointed to mine.

"Sias, daggers, and guns." Sam laughed. "We got the whole package."

We all walked out of the house and followed the wolves to where ever Gideon was with his little army.

"Okay." Sam said breaking the silence after a couple of minutes. "Knowing Gideon, he might have some rogues with him. He did in the past so it wouldn't surprise me if he had some now."

Tommy nodded and got closer to me.

I smiled and petted his head.

"And he's really unpredictable." I spoke up. "He's the type of person who you can't plan their next move. He changes everything a lot so you all need to watch out."

The guard wolves nodded and sped up a little bit and looked around.

"This should be the spot that he said to meet him at." Bruce said lowly as he looked around.

The wolves got on guard and securely scanned the area.

Tommy's head snapped up and he got on the ground and growled.

I screamed as an arrow shot through a bush and went passed my head and into a tree.

"Allison." Gideon smiled as he walked out with Clay and Thomas.

"Sperm donor." I spat.

Gideon's eyes darkened. "Show some respect. I'm still your father."

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "To you? I'll pass."

"Look who's got a backbone now." Gideon smirked.

I smiled sarcastically. "I made some friends. They taught me how to stand up for myself and fight."

"How cute." Clay teased as Thomas snickered.

Zia's wolf scoffed.

"Got something to say mutt?" Thomas asked as he looked at Zia.

"Wow. What manners." Sam said as she shook her head.

"Wow. What manners." Thomas mocked.

"I'm telling you. They are children." Kyrn laughed.

Chloe's wolf nodded and I laughed.

"Ready to die?" Gideon asked as he held up a walkie talkie.

I scoffed. "No one messes with my pack and gets away with it. You're going down."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a wolf with red eyes creeping slowly to us.

Zia looked at me weird and I motioned my head in the direction of the rogue.

She followed my line of sight and growled before charging it.

Everyone was too focused on what Zia was doing, that I charged my dad.

He let out an 'oof' and fell to the ground with me on top of him.

I quickly grabbed my gun, but Clay grabbed it as soon as I got it out.

Gideon pushed me off him and grabbed the gun from Clay.

"Not very smart are you princess?" Gideon snorted.

"Neither are you." I laughed as Tommy leaped for Gideon.

"Huh?" Gideon ask as he turned around.

Tommy growled and tackled Gideon.

"Oh shit!" Clay yelled as he ran in the other direction.

Adam's wolf chuckled and ran after Clay.

Gideon managed to get Tommy off and punched him on the side of his face.

"Tommy!" I yelled as he fell over.

Gideon quickly got off the ground and ran with Thomas towards another part of the woods.

"Let's go." I said to Tommy.

He nodded.

"Need some help Luna?" Bruce asked as he showed up with Isaac and Max in wolf form.

I smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem." Bruce laughed. "Come on."

I picked up my gun that Gideon dropped and took off in that general direction.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled as a rogue jumped in front of me along with a hunter.

"So this is the famous daughter that everyone is talking about." The hunter laughed as he had his gun pointed at me.

"I've always wanted to be famous." I laughed as the hunter's face showed anger.

"Not a good famous deary." The hunter smirked.

"Tommy get the hunter." I said. "I'll take the rogue."

The rogue growled as he charged me.

"Aim for the head!" Bruce yelled.

I cocked my gun and shot right as the wolf jumped for me.

I screamed and jumped to the side so his body wouldn't fall on me.

"Why didn't you get the hunter?" Bruce asked just as Tommy finished him off.

"I didn't want to kill a human." I said as I put my gun away.

"Uhh a rogue is a human." Bruce laughed.

"Yes. But he was in wolf form. It doesn't count."

"That doesn't make sense." Bruce said confused as he scratched his head.

"I'm the Luna. It doesn't have to make sense." I smiled.

"You're so strange."

"And I didn't want to kill a human being. I know a rogue is one too, but at least he was in his wolf form. I just imagine that I'm hunting." I explained. "I know it sounds stupid. It makes sense to me in my head."

Bruce put his hands up. "Whatever helps."

"Now come on." I said as I waved my hand. "Let's go put an end to Gideon."

Tommy growled and ran in the direction that Gideon ran.

"Guess you didn't have to tell him twice." Bruce chuckled.

Bruce, Tommy, and I ran for a couple minutes before we saw Gideon and some other hunters fighting wolves from our pack.

"Gideon!" I yelled just as he raised his gun.

"Allison." He sneered as he faced me.

"Put the gun down." I commanded.

"Now why would I do that?" Gideon chuckled.

I looked at my pack member and he was trying to find a way out without getting shot.

"Because if you lay a hand on my pack member, I'll kill you." I promised.

Tommy shifted and scoffed. "I'll kill him anyway."

"I never liked you." Gideon yelled at Tommy.

Tommy smirked. "The feelings mutual."

Gideon made a disgusted face as he looked between Tommy and I. "I never understood mates. They seem pointless. And to have my own daughter mated to a werewolf. An alpha at that. Stupid."

Tommy growled.

"You don't have to understand it." I said speaking up. "It's not that different between humans. Werewolves just know who their true partner is without having to waste time on worthless dates."

"It is different!" Gideon yelled as he pointed the gun to us. "They aren't human!"

"Yes we are." Tommy growled as Xavier stood by him.

"They are monsters." Gideon sneered as his body posture tensed. "There is a reason that I hunt them. They go around killing anything that moves like it's their job."

"They are hearts you know." I spat. "They aren't monsters. They have feelings just like a normal person does. Sure they shift into giant wolves. So? That's the only difference."

Gideon scoffed. "You're only saying that because you're his mate. I should have toughen you up. But you were too weak."

Ouch...That kinda hurt a little bit.

"Her? Weak? You're so fucking stupid Gideon." Sam laughed as she looked at me. "Allison is one of the strongest girls I know. Having to put up with you. Now that's a monster. A father who is suppose to protect his child. But instead, instead he breaks her down and makes her feel like she is nothing. Makes her feel like everything is her fault. Now that is a monster."

Gideon growled and raised his gun.

"Sam!" I yelled as Gideon pointed his gun towards her.

I quickly grabbed my gun and pulled it out of the holster.

I raised my gun up and pulled the trigger.

It felt like everything was going in slow motion.

The bullet shot out of my gun and fired directly at Gideon.

I let out a quiet gasp as Gideon fell to the ground and just laid there.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered as I stared at his unmoving body.

The blood poured out from his chest and a little bit from his mouth.

"Oh my gosh." I repeated as I dropped my gun.

The gun slipped from my fingers and landed quietly on the ground.

Well it sounded quiet for me.

I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't feel anything.

"I-I just shot..." My voice trailed off.

"Allison?" Tommy asked as he carefully moved in front of me. "Alli baby. Please look at me."

I didn't move. I couldn't move.

I felt Tommy put his hands softly on my face and turn my head towards his so that I was looking at him.

"You are okay. Don't worry baby. You are okay. I'm right here." Tommy whispered as he pecked my forehead over and over again.

"But I-I shot-" I started but Tommy cut me off as he pecked my lips.

"Don't think about that right now, okay? Just think about something nice. Everything is over." Tommy said happily.


I looked passed him and noticed that there are no rogues or hunters in sight.

"How?" I asked. "There was a big war a second ago."

Tommy chuckled. "While you were zoned out, the pack members got them all. Our trackers even found their little hideout. It's all over Allison. It's over."

I let out a breath of relief and pulled Tommy closer to me.

"This is never happening again." I said breathlessly. "No more wars please."

Tommy nodded. "Not on my watch."



I kept Allison close to me. I didn't want to let her go.

"Allison?" My mom asked carefully.

She was probably worried that Allison would get scared again.

I don't blame her.

"Hmm?" Allison hummed as she looked at my mom.

"Thank you so much." She smiled as she softly pulled Allison into a hug.

"For what?" Allison asked confused.

"For saving my life." My mom replied gratefully. "You saved me."

"I did?" Allison asked as my mom nodded. "Oh. You don't need to thank me."

My mom laughed as my dad walked over.

"She doesn't, but I do." My dad smiled as he gave Allison a small hug as well. "You saved my wife. Words can't express how grateful I am."

I chuckled as Allison blushed slightly.

"Will you two please take Allison back to the pack house?" I asked my parents. "I need to help clean up here."

"But." Allison said nervously as she wrapped her arms around me.

"It's okay baby." I whispered as I kissed the top of her head.

Oh my gosh she is so tiny.

'I love it!' Ian growled. 'So beautiful.'

"Come Allison." Zia smiled. "I'll come with you."

'Thank you.' I mumbled through the link.

Zia gave me a small smile. 'Of course.'

Allison nodded and gave me a kiss on my lips.

Damn. I could never get tired of this.

I watched Allison, the girls, and my parents walk off before I turned to Adam and Michael.

"Let's clean up." Michael said not really enthused.

"Bruce, Max, and Isaac." I called out to them.

"Yes alpha?" Max asked.

"I want Gideon's body burned." I spat as I looked over at it.

"Burned?" Adam asked.

I nodded. "He deserves to burn in hell where he belongs."

Max nodded and he, Bruce, and Isaac picked it up and walked away with it.

"Feel better?" Michael asked. "Now that this is all over."

I sighed. "I don't know. I can now keep Allison away from him. But I can never take her past away. That is gonna haunt her forever."

'I wish I could make her forget that.' Ian said sadly.

'You and me both.' I mumbled as I watched them take away Gideon's body. 'You and me both.'


Oh my gosh!

That ending was a little unexpected.

But who the hell cares! I loved it if I do say so myself ;)

And do not worry your pretty/handsome little heads. There WILL be an epilogue.

Keep the votes and comments coming little Faithful Shifters!

I love you all!!! <3



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