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The last part of this book.

I'm gonna go cry.

Seriously. Like I will be crying the entire time I'm gonna be writing this.

Guess who got a B on her anatomy test!!!!????? Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hell ya motherfuckers!

Okay....so the surprise is.....









Guess who is coming out with a BRAND NEW BOOK!!!!!!

That's right. Me!

The book is going to be called Girl's Rule and it's also going to be an action/werewolf book.

But seriously, like what else would it be XD

I'm MommaShifter for a reason ;)

Make sure you keep logging into wattpad and reading my Updates Book. It will have the release date in it.

And guess who is now on doctor #4??? That's right. Me...again.

But hopefully this is gonna be the time where we actually find out what is wrong with me. And it'll be easier because I'm going to be getting new MRI pictures and brand new scans. So fingers crossed!

Anywhore. On with the epilogue!!!!



I groaned as I tried to pick up my phone from the floor.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I yelled as I couldn't reach it.

"Need some help?" I heard a voice laugh.

I stood back up and turned around to see Zia trying not to laugh her ass off.

"Yea yea, laugh it up." I mumbled as she bent down and got it.

"Here you go." She laughed.

"Thanks." I said as I slid it into my sweatpants pocket.

"How are you doing?" She asked as she placed her hands on my belly.

"Good. Mood swings suck." I mumbled as I stared down at my stomach.

Only a couple more weeks to go.

"What names did you and Tommy pick out?" Zia asked.

"We picked Ariel if it's a girl and Sean if it's a boy. So Ariel it is."

"It's a girl?" Zia asked shocked. "I thought you didn't want to know the gender?"

I shrugged. "I kinda got mad at the pack doctor for not telling me because I was having a really bad mood swing. So of course he told me, then I cried because I didn't want to find out yet, but then I got really happy because I really like the name Ariel."

Zia laughed. "That does sound like you."

"Hey bitches." Cali smirked as she had her young daughter, Katelin, resting on her hip.

"I like the name Ariel." Lulu smiled. "It's cute and sweet."

"And who doesn't like The Little Mermaid?" Cali winked.

"Duh." Katelin giggled.

"I'm gonna make little Ryan watch it when he comes." Lulu smiled as she rubbed her big belly.

"How the hell did you guys know?" I asked shocked.

Oh shit. No one was suppose to find out.

"Werewolf hearing sweetie." Lulu smiled. "But don't worry. Your secret is safe with us."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. Now if you girls excuse me, Ariel and I are a little hungry."

"What's your craving?" Zia laughed.

"Is it weird?" Cali asked.

I nodded. "Pickles dipped in sugar with chocolate syrup drizzled on top."

"Ew." Katelin laughed.

"Oh trust me, I know. But it tastes so good for some odd reason. Which reminds me, pickle time." I laughed.

I let the girls do whatever and made my way down to the kitchen.

By the time I reached the kitchen, I was wheezing.

Gosh. Is being 23 really that old?

Oh wait. I have a child growing inside of me.

I lightly smacked my forehead and laughed.

Duh I'm so stupid.

I opened the fridge and looked at the shelf.

"Uhh." I said to myself as I scanned the shelf. "Where the fuck are the pickles?"

I closed the fridge and walked to the cabinets.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked as I saw no pickles.

"Hey Allison." Adam smiled as he walked up to me.

"Where the fuck are my pickles?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes at him.

Adam gulped. "I don't know."

"Michael!" I yelled as Adam covered his ears.

"Yes?" Michael asked confused as he walked into the kitchen.

"Did you eat my pickles?" I asked as I put my hands on my hips.

"No. Why?" Michael asked confused. "Oh shit. Are we out of pickles?"

I nodded.

"Oh fuck." Michael said worried. "Tommy!"

"Ow what?" Tommy asked as he rubbed his ear. "I was in the other room."

"We are out of pickles." Adam and Michael said nervously.

Tommy stopped walking and stared at them wide eyed. "What did you guys just say?"

"We. Are. Out. Of. Pickles." Michael repeated slowly.

"I only have sugar and syrup. No pickles." I said as I opened the fridge again hoping they would magically appear.

"Oh no no no. Please be joking. Remember what happened last time?" Tommy asked.

Michael and Adam nodded.

"That's why we are going to go to the store and you try to calm down Allison." Michael said lowly as he and Adam ran out of the kitchen and out the front door.

"Allison baby." Tommy smiled as he approached me. "You look great today."

I only stared at him.

Damn these mood swings are a bitch.

"I look great everyday." I teased.

"True." Tommy smiled as he grabbed my left hand.

He had a ghost smile on his lips as he stared at my wedding ring.

"I love you." He said suddenly.

"I love you too." I smiled as I kissed him.

Well tried too. Big stomachs can be a pain in the butt.

"I'm thirsty." I said suddenly.

I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a cup.

But the cup slipped from my hand and fell to the floor.

"Shit. I'm so sorry." I mumbled as tears started to fall.

"Baby it's okay." Tommy said softly as he picked it up. "It's plastic. It won't break by a small little drop like that."

"I know. It's the hormones." I cried. "But I'm sorry for the dropping the cup. I'm so sorry."

"Oh baby." Tommy chuckled as he pulled me into a hug. "You can cry. Just let it out."

"We come baring pickles!" A voice said behind us.

"Pickles!" I yelled as I pushed Tommy away and faced Adam and Michael.

"We even bought some sugar and chocolate syrup just in case we were low or didn't have any." Adam said as he held up a Walmart bag.

"Mine!" I yelled as I grabbed the giant jar and Walmart bag. "My preciouses."

"Uh should we call the doctor?" Adam laughed.

Tommy chuckled. "Nah. I think her and the baby are just really excited to see pickles again."

"How's the not knowing going? I'm surprised Allison hasn't cracked and asked what the gender was." Michael chuckled.

"It's killing me." Tommy groaned. "I want to know what we are having."


I sniffed and put my pickles down on the counter.

"Baby? Why are you crying?" Tommy asked as he walked over to me. "Are you sore? I can rub your shoulders or feet for you. All you have to do is ask."

"No." I sniffed as I wiped a tear. "I feel guilty."

"Why?" Tommy asked.

"I had a really bad mood swing one day and I got mad at the pack doctor yesterday while you were on patrol and I made him tell me. Then I got really sad and I cried because I ruined the surprise." I said as I cried even harder.

"Alli." Tommy laughed. "It's okay. You don't have to feel guilty. To be honest, I would have cracked too."

"Do you want to know?" I asked as Tommy wiped my tears from my cheeks.

"I would love too." Tommy said as he pecked my forehead.

"It's a girl." I smiled.

"Nuh uh!" Tommy beamed. "Oh my gosh. We are having a girl? Oh my gosh. Shit. No boys. No no no. No boys."

"I'm gonna spoil her so much." Adam laughed as Michael nodded.

"Once Lulu has Ryan, he can kick any guys' ass that tries to get with Ariel." Michael nodded proudly.

"Yes!" Tommy fist-bumped Michael.

I giggled.

"She's gonna be such a happy girl. I'm proud of you guys." Michael said sweetly as Adam smiled.

"Hey Ariel." Tommy smiled as he knelt down in front of me. "I'm gonna take good care of you and mommy okay? You won't have to worry about anything. I can't wait for you to come into this world princess. You are going to love it so much."

I cried a little again as Tommy kissed my belly.

"Oh I love you." I said as I dragged Tommy back to his feet and kissed him.

"I love you too baby." Tommy smiled into the kiss. "I love you and our little princess. Forever and always."



Saving Allison is now OFFICIALLY done.

I don't like saying that.

But I want to thank all of you for this. Without you guys, I wouldn't be writing and I can't express how grateful I am to have a family like you. Seriously. I love you all so much. You guys are the reason I write and you have made me into a better writer. I love all of you and you guys better not be going anywhere soon. Because I still have a lot more books up my sleeve :)

I love you all so so so much. You Faithful Shifters rock! And don't you forget it!


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