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Laurs P.O.V

Well its been a month since Justin left and I cant lie I miss him like crazy. We talk almost every night usually hes tucking me in and Im waking him up. Lately he seems busier and busier though and I get it touring and then working in thr studio hes busy but I just miss him like crazy. Life here is boring doing stupid tech work for my dad and his coworkers apparently its preparing me for the future amount of paper work Ill have to log but I mean damn I got my JFI(Junior Federal Investigator) badge already. I should be out there doing my real job the one I was born and rasied to do plus it would give me time to keep Justin off of my mind. "Lawren the phone!" Yelled Carter throwing my head back I sighed clossing the file cabinet I made my way to the desk and took the phone You Have Estrada thats when the sexiest voice in the world belted through the "want to but I cant help it I love the way it feels just got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real I need it when I want it I want it when I dont tell myself Ill stop everyday knowing that I wont I got a problem and I dont what to do about it even if I did I doubt I would quit Im shaken by the thought of this but I know this much is true baby you have become my addiction Im so strung out on you I can barely move but I like its all because of you said its all because you said its all because I never get enough shes the sweetest drug your my sweetest drug" letting out a giggle I bit my lip. "Well Mr.Bieber you called the right hotline but Im afraid that your dealer has no means of getting to you, You happen to be in Paris millons of miles away from Little Ole L.A"  "Haven't you checked the mail today Mrs.Estrada?" "No Ive been working since 5 am it is currently 6 pm" I replyed "Im tired actucally if Im being honest any ways what are you doing babe? You usually dont call till like 10 or 11" "Well my drug Im currently getting ready to go on in like 15 just thought Id call you and say I love you" smiling I replyed "I love you to Jay just dont push yourself ok?" "Never babe Never I got to go Love you bye!" Chuckling I said bye and hung up he is such a damn cutie..........Little did I know my world would fall from right under me.

Just a filler

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