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Laurs P.O.V

Hearing my phone ring for the gazillionth time I sighed and reached over only people that ever call me during work are with in thirty feet of me except Justin so what ever it is it must be an emergency. Ryan G flashed across my screen in bold letters. "Sup Ry?" I asked when his voice came through "Dont freak out but um Justin got hurt He had a really bad concussion and didnt realize it well at the end of the show he puked on stage, After getting it cleaned up and stuff he went out and preformed the last song well on the way out of the arena he passed out on the stairecase hes really sick and has a serious concussion he want to call but scooter took his phone and is making him relax and drink water any ways He wants to know when your flying in?" Hearing my heart beat in my chest A throbbing filled my body. "Is he going to be ok Ryan?" "The doctor thinks so as long as he rests for our week of being here, But you know how Justin is he hates rest" Bitting my lip I giggled "Yea thats totally true make sure you keep him in that bed ok?" I asked "Me? Thats your Job! Like I said what time does your plane get in?" "What are you talking about?" I asked scunching my eyebrows up "You really havent checked your mail? Isnt it like 11pm?" "You know Ryan I have a job and I tend to work late sometimes specially when Justin isnt home that way when he is home I can spend time with him" "Ok Chill Short stuff Justin bought you a plane ticket to Paris so you can spend the week here with us I know it leaves tommarow afternoon we just dont remeber when it gets in, When you get home Call me with the times ok?" "Sure thing Ry tell Jay I love him and that Im gonna beat him with Microphone for not taking it easy like I asked ok?" Chuckling I could see Ryan smirking "ok Bye shortstuff" "thanks and bye Ry" hanging up my phone I dropped it back into my bag.

Three hours later

"Dad Im home can we talk!!!" I yelled settin my badge and gun on the safe in hia office. "In the kitchen with your cousin making some dinner!" He replyed "At Midnight?" I asked walking in to see Brian and My dad making omelets "More like breakfast" Brian replyed as I plucked a mushroom from the cutting bored.  "So what did you wanna talk about Baby Girl?" My dad asked setting an omlet in front of me. "Well Paris actucally" "Paris?" He asked making a face "Yes Paris Justin is in Paris and he sent me a plane Ticket to spend the week there with him and Jake and the rest of the crew and well I need to go" making a face my dad shook his head "No you want to go" he replyed tight lipped "No I need to go" I replyed "and why do you need to go?" He asked crossing his arms. "Justin ended up with a concussion some how and well he puked all over the stage and passed out well walking down the staires hes been deemed rest and well doesnt want rest if I can come out there he wants to come out here and the doctor told him no" screwing up his face my dad shook his head "No Rest means bed rest and I am not under any circumstances letting you share a bed with that that that 19 yearold sex object!!!" He yelled "He needs bed rest because he fainted do you think we'd have sex when hes sick? That could make him have a heart attack you gross old man!" I yelled out in anger "Learn to trust me!" "Trust you? You want me to trust you? Your a lying bitch!" He yelled angrily and I flinched. "Woah Phil stop dont go there she just wants to take care of Justin thats it" Brian spoke up "Im done thank you" I mumbled pushing my untouchd plate away. "Lawren go pack you can go Brian go help her ok? I need to talk to phil" hearing my uncles voice I noddez and booked it up the staires Brian not far behind.

Phils P.O.V

"She sounded Just Like Selena right there...Memory Lane took me down the wrong path...." looking up at my brother I took a breath trying to calm my heart that beat in my ears. "Its Ok you just have to apologize but probly over phone Shes going you know that right? And shes still gonna be a virgin when she comes home" looking at my brother I nodded and sighed  "Im sure thats what Selenas Mom Told Selenas dad when she came to visit me in L.A from texas....But she came home pregnant with Jacob"

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