Anti-circus VS pro-circus

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"Thanks a million, Cousin Lana."
"No problem, 'cuz. I happen to be a big fan of the Ringling Bros Circus myself." Said a young lady wearing an Iron Man inspired outfit. Which consisted of a red blouse, metallic gold skater skirt, red headband, necklace with a blue faux heart shaped crystal pendant, gold hoop earrings, scarlet tights, red flat shoes and her black hair flowing to her shoulders.

"A bigger fan of the circus than of RDJ?" She teased. "Oh Rose! Just go save the circus before there is another civil war." She said driving her to Amalie Arena where they saw some animal rights activists along with PETA supporters standing outside near the arena. "That is not good."
"Aw heck no." Ruby got out of the car. "You guys go on ahead while I find a place to park." Lana said driving off. "Free the animals!" "Say no to animal cruelty!" "Down with animal abuse!" "Animal lives matter!" "Boycott the circus!" Ruby took one of their megaphones and pointed at their faces yelling, "Butt out already!" A man took the megaphone from her. "Excuse me, kind sir but, we have no intention of being violent. This is just a peaceful thing that we arranged." A woman scowled at what Rose said. "You three are the circus lovers we saw on the TV!" Joseph nodded. "You kids are wasting your time. By May, the circus will shut down and the animals will be free." Enraged, Ruby got Rose's wand and zapped the person leaving him in a cage. She took her wand back and got rid of the cage. "Ruby this is supposed to be a non-violent campaign." She chided.
"Too late! Forget pacifism! I'm gonna do what Chara would do!" Joseph did not like the sound of that. "Please tell me you're not considering genocide." Her rage suddenly vanished at his comment. "What?! No, I just gonna do this!"

She took out a sparkly heart shaped grenade from Rose's red heart shaped purse that slings over her shoulder. She pulled out the ring with her teeth and tossed it at the activists and PETA supporters screaming, "Fire in the hole!" This made them panic. "Oh my God! It's a grenade!"

There was an explosion of glitter and sparkles everywhere. "Glitter grenades, best weapon ever!" Rose stood there jaw dropped at her best friend's actions. "Hey! We're not dead!"
"Dang it!" Rose stopped her before she can throw another one of her glitter grenades at them. "If I were you, I wouldn't make this any worse." A couple shook off some glitter and looked at the three of them. "Your little "save the circus" campaign won't work."
"Yes it will!" Barked Ruby. "The Circus Xtreme show is tonight and after the circus performance my friends and I will do a survey and ask the people on what they think!" Rose and Joseph looked at each other. "I'm gonna call Lana to get her to buy tickets for us to see tonight's performance." Joseph got out his phone as well. "I'm calling my dad to pick me up so I won't be too tired for the Circus Xtreme tonight." Ruby had a smug look. "Score one for the circus lovers."

"I got three tickets for us and we're gonna have an awesome time tonight." Lana handed them the tickets for the circus. "After the show, we're gonna do a survey and small interviews with some folks who saw the show." Her cousin liked the idea. "You guys also need a helping hand with that." Rose flittered happily. "Yay! More help!"
"Nothing's too good for my cousin." She said tousling her light blond hair.

"Honestly, Philip why would you bring us to this circus?"
"I think it would be a better opportunity for us as a family to bond and spend quality time and I haven't seen the circus years ago." Sylvia countered back, "We did too and it was back when we were dating and it was a double date with Rose's parents in New York." Philip remembered. "Ah yes, the summer of '85 best day ever and Heather nearly convinced one of the circus performers to have you join them." She scoffed at the memory that happened 32 years ago. "Remember when I said I was going to put Joseph to bed 12 years ago?" She nodded. "I lied. I secretly took him to the show in Jacksonville even though you said no to him." She wanted to strangle her husband for keeping that secret from her. Joseph found Ruby, Rose and Lana. "What a coincidence, I didn't think you girls would come here." Said Philip. "I saw you kids on the news. I think it shows an example that even teens like you can make a really big difference." Rose felt a smile take form on her face. "Let's go find our seats." They went inside the arena to find their seats. Rose got candy and a light up glowing toy wand while her friends and cousin got popcorn, cotton candy, nachos and light up toy rods and wands. Ruby got her YouTube channel ready and decided to go live in hopes of gaining more supporters for saving the circus. "Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages! The Feld family is proud to present Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey! Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth!" Sylvia looked unimpressed. Joseph was very impressed as he saw the first ringmistress, Kristen Michelle Wilson take the center ring of the circus. "I could've stayed at home watching my recordings of the elections in November and the Inauguration on the TV. I consider it to be a better circus that what I'm watching." Joseph shushed her when the high wire balancing act came up. "I honestly don't see how this is supposed to be entertaining." Rose went live on Twitter hoping to get equal feedback from folks watching and she was right loads of comments erupted about the circus many were saying that they wish to be in Tampa, running away to join the circus, wishing the circus would close down and negative comments being happy that the circus is shutting down.

After the show, Ruby, Rose and Lana began doing surveys and little interviews with people on what they thought about the circus performance they watched. Many said that the circus is spectacular while others like Joseph's mother say that today's politics are enough to be called a circus. Ruby pointed the video camera she borrowed from her step-brother at a little boy. "What did you think of tonight's circus performance?" He looked shyly into the camera saying, "I liked it and the clowns are funny." She went off to find other people and then filmed herself. "Looks like we have enough footage for YouTube." They all returned to Orlando and went to Ruby's house where her step-mother greeted them. "Did you enjoy the circus?" They nodded. "I'm glad you did and I saw the three of you on TV."
"You did, step-mom?" The tawny haired woman nodded. "We're heading upstairs to upload our clips."
"Okay, be sure to call me if you need anything." They went over to Hunter's room and a teen about 17 found his step-sister and two friends. "You would never believe the footage we collected at the Circus Xtreme performance in Tampa." She handed him his video camera and Rose's own for extra footage. "Crikey! Did you three filmed a major movie?!" Rose shook her head. "My cousin Lana helped me out with the filming." Hunter got to work on editing and uploading the clips on Ruby's YouTube channel. "Another point for the circus lovers." She said smugly. "Ruby, while you and your friends were out in Tampa I took the liberty of printing out this." He handed her a map and tour dates of the Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Circus train route with the dates printed on it. She squealed joy and tackled him for a hug. "You're the best step-brother ever!" Rose flew home to find her sister and little brother. "I got you guys circus souvenirs." She said handing her sister the light-up toy wand and a novelty popcorn container. She showed her little brother a picture of her with Ruby, Lana and Joseph with all the circus performers. "I have another one framed to show mom and dad." She placed the photo on the mantle next to the photo of her parents that was taken 32 years ago in New York. "Rose, are you gonna save the circus?" Asked Lily. She went over the light brown haired girl. "Yeah Lily and we have a plan and the circus will continue for years to come." She looked at her big sister with complete joy in her eyes.

At 2 in the morning, Rose's phone began to ring. "Who could be calling at this ungodly hour?" She looked to see it was Ruby calling. "Ro, our video became viral and many people are turning against PETA and the animal activists." The blond rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "You're telling me this because-"
"Because at the end of the video I added a bonus clip that shows how PETA really treats their "rescued" animals."
"How did you get that kind of footage?"
"I borrowed your magic wand and casted that invisibility spell on myself." Rose gave an annoyed growl. "I went to the PETA location in Norfolk, Virginia and-" Rose cut her off. "You took my wand and traveled to Norfolk, Virginia?!" She yelled silently.
"Yeah and I had Hunter's video camera with me and I recorded the footage, you have to see it for yourself on why everyone's turning against them." She found her Mac laptop and looked for the video Ruby uploaded on her channel and the recent one was about the circus and interviews with folks who saw the show. At the end of the video her eyes widened with horror at what Ruby filmed. "Rose, hello? Are you still there?" She nodded and let out a little squeak in her voice. "Now that's out of the way, two hours from now, you, me and Joseph are gonna use this map that Hunter printed out for me to follow the circus up to Long Island where the final show is gonna be held."
"What? No way, I can't afford to leave for 4 months to chase the circus train and there's no way Ms. Sylvia will let Joseph go with us."
"Joseph's coming with us anyway and he's the brains of this campaign."
"But what about Lily and Jeff? I can't just leave them either. Mom and dad will be working all day and they won't approve of me leaving for 4 months chasing after the circus train."
"I told my folks about it. My step-mom says that as long as I have my phone to give her, dad and Hunter a call."

Rose went over to her parent's room to tell them about Ruby's plan on following the circus train in two hours from now. "Rose, this is something that your father and I won't stop you for. You do what you think it's best and be sure to call us and I'll see if your cousin Lana can watch Lily and Jeff while you're gone." She pulled her mom in for a hug. "Get some rest and go save the circus." 

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