A train to catch

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At 4 in the morning Rose flew over to Joseph's house to find the jet black haired girl drag him out of the house from the looks of it, the auburn haired boy still wore his pajamas and his mother running out to find her taking the boy against his will. "Ruby, unhand my son!"
"No way, she-banshee!" Rose used a time freezing spell on them. She released Sylvia's grip on her friend and made Ruby let go of the poor boy's ankle. With a wave of her wand, she made time start again. "Why'd you wake me up at this hour?"
"We're catching a train!" She said unfurling the colorful printed map of the Ringling Bros Circus Train. "You're kidding me right? Rose please tell me she's kidding." The light blond shook her head. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not."

"I wanna see the circus in Jacksonville!"
"No, Joseph and wasn't the circus in Orlando enough for you?" Four year old Joseph looked out the window seeing the billboard for the Ringling Bros Circus coming to Jacksonville grow smaller as the car drove off. "Sylvia, I'm taking our son to Jacksonville whether you like it or not!" Sylvia gave him a death glare. "Or not, you're mother's right, the show in Orlando is enough for you." He sighed softly and in bed he was dreaming of joining the circus when his father came in. "I don't care what your mother says, I'm taking you to Jacksonville whether she likes it or not." At Jacksonville, the circus became a huge hit. Just as they were about to head back home, the little auburn haired boy saw the circus ringmaster and ran towrds him with joy. "Did you like the show, little boy?" He nodded happily. "It was spectacular!" His father laughed as he filmed the moment with his video camera. "I'm glad you liked it and what's your name by the way?"
"My name's Joseph, Mr. Ringmaster."
"Well Joseph, you have any big dreams?" He played with his fingers nervously. "Only one and it's kinda silly." The ringmaster told him that it's okay if it's a silly dream and that he won't laugh. "You promise you won't laugh?"
"I promise." He took a deep breath and with confidence he said, "When I get big, I wanna be a ringmaster for the Greatest Show on Earth!" The ringmaster knelt down to his level and gave him a compassionate look. "That's a big dream, Joseph and I believe it'll come true." He removed his top hat and placed it on the boy's small head making sink to his eyes. "Don't worry, you'll grow into it." He lifted it so he'll be able to see. "I'm gonna be circus ringmaster for the Ringling Bros one day."

Joseph ran inside to get dressed and find his hat that the ringmaster gave him on the day 12 years ago in Jacksonville. He searched the attic and found a dusty box that was labeled "Circus memories '85 and ongoing" and found his hat that the ringmaster gave to him all those years and ran outside meeting up with Ruby and Rose. She wore a black off-shoulder blouse with a pink skater skirt, black flat shoes with her blond hair tied to a topknot ponytail that is secured by her magenta hair bow.

"You look cute, Rose! Think you can hook me up with a neat outfit?" She nodded and waved her wand at her friend giving her a pastel goth look with a purple black collared shirt, black two layer skirt, light purple lace up boots, pastel pink and purple spiked bracelets on each wrist, her black hair tied to low pigtails with hair ties of black bows with eyeballs in the center and on her head was a headband with flowers and spikes and Rose gave her a pair of purple and sea green wings.

"I love it! You really captured the style I like." She said flying around happily. "What about me? I can't fly like you girls." Rose had an idea. "This will make you feel like a million pixie sprites are tickling your whole body but you'll get used to it." She fluttered above him letting the pink glittery fairy dust fall on him and it did give him the feeling of a million pixie sprites tickling his whole body. "Now just think happy thought and they'll lift you up, up, up into the air!" She did a couple of air flips. He held on to his happy thought of becoming a circus ringmaster that lifted him up into the air. "Let's go, we have a train to catch." The three of them were flying into the air leaving their hometown and following the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus train. "If we follow this map, we'll be able to keep up with them."

Rose spotted a mile long train and told Ruby that's the circus train. "Can we land on the train? I'm starting to get tired on flying."
Ruby agreed and that her new wings are starting cramp up. Rose nodded and landed on the roof of the train. "What's our next step, Ruby?" The jet black haired teen pondered for a moment. "I know!" She took Rose's wand making the the blond facepalm. "I wish we are inside the train!" They teleported inside to meet with the soon to be ex-performers. "Um... hi?" Rose said nervously.

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