They know about us!

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"Um... hi?" Rose said nervously. "How did you kids get on this train?" Ruby showed them Rose's magic wand in her hand. "Gimme that!" She said taking the wand from her. "Okay, before we stop at another town for the Circus Xtreme and tell the police about us trespassing on the train let us say sorry for doing so." One of the performers looked at them and then huddled together.  "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
"Yeah, it's those kids from Orlando that everyone's been talking about." "I agree. The girl in the pastel goth outfit is one behind her "Save the circus" campaign and those two are her friends that helped." They disbanded their little huddle. "We heard about the three of you on the news and it's a very brave thing to support us and attempting keep the circus from closing down." Ruby crossed her arms. "Did you guys see that part in the news where I tossed one of my friend's glitter grenades at those animal activists and circus haters?" Two performers stifled their laughter nodding. "I keep telling her that this campaign of hers... correction, ours is supposed to be a non-violent thing and that includes using my wand zapping activists in cages and tossing non-deadly weapons that use glitter and sparkles instead of explosive ingredients at them." She said mildly annoyed at her friends actions on that day near the Amalie Arena in Tampa. Joseph stepped in, "Not to mention that the police didn't arrest us. Rose and I convinced them that her glitter grenades aren't deadly like regular grenades." Rose wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "Reasons why Ruby and I lucky to have a friend like him." He looked at the red and gold sequined ringmaster's top hat. It didn't look very old since he kept it in good condition even back from when he was 4 years old. "Who and where did you get that hat from?" He replied nervously. "From the ringmaster at a circus performance in Jacksonville, Florida 12 years ago, today." He told his story about his big childhood dream about becoming a ringmaster for the Ringling Bros Circus and how it was shattered to a million pieces. "My mom doesn't believe that I'll ever become a circus ringmaster and that I should be a politician, a doctor, a lawyer or something practical. She hates the circus and thinks the politics that go on are a circus for her." Rose felt sympathy for the boy. "I think your dream will come true." Ruby nodded. "As impossible and stupid as your dream may sound, you'll become the best dang ringmaster the Ringling Bros ever saw!" She said hitting his back hard making him fall. "I think your dream will come true." They all turned to see Kristen Michelle Wilson, the first female Ringmaster in Ringling Bros history. "Miss Wilson." She handed him the red and gold sequined top hat. "I saw you kids on the news when we were perparing for the Circus Xtreme in Tampa." Rose nodded eagerly. "We went to the show Friday night! It literally is the Greatest Show on Earth!" She smiled at the magical girl's enthusiasm. "Not mention the surveys and interviews we did with the people who watched the show." Added Ruby. "You're the girl who started the "Save the circus" campaign?"
"Exactly and on the night before, I messed with the activists protesting the circus." Rose growled in annoyance. "She threw my glitter grenade at them." Kristen replied, "I saw that on the news too." Rose countered back, "The campaign is supposed to be a non-violent one and not one where we use non-deadly magical weapons on animal rights groups, the humane society and PETA activists." Joseph was trying to show off his ringmaster skills to Kristen who is quite amused and interested. "I think you have what it takes to become a ringmaster." Ruby chatted with one of the animal handlers. "So, no abuse at all?" He shook his head. "You heard it from the handlers, no abuse at all." She decided to go live on Facebook to document her and her friends on their adventure to save the circus. "Where's the next stop?" Asked Rose. "We're heading to North Carolina." Ruby heard her stomach growl. "Is there any food on this train? I'm starving."

They all sat together in the pie car of the circus trian for a nice meal while Ruby was planning something to keep the circus from taking it's final bow. "I know what to do!" Rose looked surprised. "You do?!" A smile escaped from the dark haired girl's lips. "We're bringing back the elephants!" Joseph nearly choked on his food. "Seriously Ruby?!"
"This can also be his chance to play his role as a real circus ringmaster." He spat out his fried chicken in shock. "What?!" Rose agreed, "Yeah, what?!" Joseph began to lose his cool on what the ravenette said.
"I-I have no experience, I didn't even audition and-" Kristen placed a hand on his shoulder saying, "Don't worry, I'll show you the ropes on being a ringmaster." His eyes lit up with hope. His childhood dream of being a circus ringmaster is becoming a reality. Ruby and Rose got together on their plan before they reach North Carolina.

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