Xtreme Magic

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The circus train arrived in North Carolina. From a train car, there was a variety of noises and flashes of pink light. Some of the animal handlers heard the noise and ran to the train car to find pink sparkles. From there emerged Rose with the Asian elephants and real live magical animals. Everyone's jaw dropped at the sight.

"Ruby, I honestly don't think your plan on bringing the elephants back will save the circus from shutting down." Rose said doubtfully. "Au contraire my pink winged friend. We'll use magic to not only bring back the elephants but we'll add real magical creatures to the circus."
"But won't that cause more uproa-" Ruby stopped the blond from saying anything else. "Imagine it, people talking pictures of a real life unicorn and pegasus along with an alicorn!" Rose visualized it thinking it would be a brilliant idea. She still thought it would cause more of an uproar from animal activists. Both girls spent the night bringing back the Asian elephants and adding real magical creatures. Unicorns, pegasi, real mermaids and even a dragon. For the rest of the night, they trained them all for the circus acts they'll perform.

Some trainers helped bring in big tanks containing the performing mermaids, Ruby led the elephants out, Rose got the unicorns, pegasi and alicorns out from the car. Joseph heard the noise and ran out of the train all dressed up as a ringmaster all in red and gold.

"What in the world?!" Ruby was petting the dragon with such joy and happiness as if it were a puppy dog. "Good boy, Fireheart! Who's a good boy, who's a good boy!" He looked at the dark brunette sitting atop the green scaled, fire-breathing creature. "Ruby, I don't think our "Save the circus" campaign calls for a real, fire-breathing dragon!" Rose flew over to the boy. "Calm down, he's very well trained and won't breathe enough fire to make the circus go up in flames." "I hope." She said nervously.

There was a little circus parade going on and the people were amazed at the sight of the elephants returning to the circus for the last time and many were shocked to see a dragon, the mermaids, unicorns, pegasi and alicorns while others were protesting at the sight. Fireheart huffed smoke at the activists, humane rights and PETA supporters as a way of telling them to back off. "Get the message." Ruby said using a special dragon harness. At the rate they're going, what could possibly go wrong?

Joseph was pacing the floor in his new ringmaster costume as beads of sweat continued to form on his forehead. Kristen can see how nervous he is. The ringmistress went over to talk to him. "It's going to be okay, Joseph. When I first became a ringmistress at the first Circus Xtreme show in Orlando, I was very nervous. My point is, you must calm down and think about something positive."
"Y-Yeah, I can do that. Think of something positive." He smiled and kept holding on to his dream of being a circus ringmaster and he remembered those early days in the park and that nearby playground playing circus with the other children when he was younger. "Do you feel better now?" He nodded and felt like he was going to faint. One of the circus elephants kept the boy from fainting. "Good girl, Mabel." He said petting the elephant's trunk. Rose used her magic to make the separate tanks the mermaids were swimming in to one enormous tank. Ruby got all dressed up to do a dragon taming act with Fireheart wearing a fiery orange and yellow hued dress. Rose was handing out sparkly multicolored guiders to the handlers. "It's for the unicorns, pegasi and alicorns." He asked if these guiders will hurt them. She remembered when she asked that very same question. She replied shaking her head. "These magical guiders won't cause any harm or pain to them. Ruby has one for our dragon."
"15 minutes to showtime!" Joseph was able to calm down and doing one final practice for his lines making sure he won't forget. "I can't wait to see everyone's faces when they see the elephants again." Ruby added, "Don't forget our magical additions."

The circus began with no issue and everyone was surprised to see the elephants return to the big top one last time and shocked to see real life magical creatures and Ruby taming a real fire-breathing dragon. The performace was a hit and they headed to South Carolina and from there to Atlanta, Georgia. Many folks joined Ruby and Rose's side in saving the circus and other people think the return of the elephants is just a pathetic attempt to keep the circus open and it just fueled up more uproar from the activists. That and they believed that the magical creatures that performed in the show were all fake saying that they stuck a fake unicorn horn, a pair of wings and painted the manes and tails of the horses, calling the dragon Ruby tamed a realistic animatronic and the mermaids professional, experienced divers. "Glitter? Fake?! Pathetic attempt?!" Ruby was all kinds of angry with the negative feedback she saw written in the newspapers. Some performers and trainers backed away slowly to avoid getting caught in the dark haired girl's web of fury and burning rage. She furiously crumpled up the newspapers and threw them out on the side of the circus train. "Can you believe it?! They think the performances we did are fake?! With "tortured" horses, "suffering" elephants, "animatronic" dragon and people "pretending" to be mermaids!!" Rose was trying to calm her best friend down with an idea she conjured up. "We're gonna take the people behind the scenes in our magical acts. When we reach Cincinnati, Ohio, I'll take my trusty phone to show the people that our magical acts are no way, no how fake circus acts."

Back in Orlando, Florida, Sylvia was watching the news when they mentioned the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus. The video footage of Joseph being the first ever teenage ringmaster came up making her livid. Her husband saw what was on the news and grew very proud of his son and his friends saving the circus. "Philip are you seeing this?!"
"Looks like this plucky young man from Orlando, Florida is living a childhood dream of being part of the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Coming up, the Orlando teenagers and their goal to save the Greatest Show on Earth and an exclusive interview with the first ever teenage ringmaster, Joseph Harrison." Sylvia furiously turned the TV off not wanting to hear anymore. "Joseph is in very big trouble! When he comes back he's in for the punishment of a lifetime!" Philip remembered when his son was younger and pretending to be a circus ringmaster. "Sylvia, you can't keep him from persuing his dream."
"I regret taking him to those circus shows. Now, he chose run away and to join that horrible circus."

Back on the circus train, Rose and the handlers were making sure the animals and magical creatures are well taken care of. "Make sure that the mermaids don't eat anything fish-based or anything that has to do with fish and/or seafood." She said handing them their fish-free meals. She filmed behind the scenes videos proving that the magical acts aren't fake. "I have a feeling that our campaign will be a success."

Ruby looked out the window watching the view as it passes by with the sun slowly setting in the distance turning the sky into an soft combination of oranges, pinks and some blues with soft feather-like clouds making funny shapes. "The circus life is the life for me." She said softly. Sometimes she associates the view with anime. Using her imagination, she visualized the Survey Corps on an expedition outside the walls and man-eating creatures called, titans chasing after them. An internal light bulb went off in her head. "I know what to do!" She ran to some circus performers telling them her ideas.

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