Confronting the activists again

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The circus stopped in Norfolk, Virgina and Ruby remembered when she came there alone on filming the truth about PETA. "We're in animal activist territory now." Ruby said coldly. She saw many folks trying to get people to turn against the circus. "They think they can control the people, they thought wrong." At the venue, the crew was getting everything ready for tonight. Joseph was with Kristen learning more about being a circus ringmaster. The acrobats were being instructed by Ruby when she told them about her favorite anime series, Attack on Titan. Rose flew out to meet with some angry activists. "You kids never give up in this, huh."
"Hmph!" One of her blond pigtails smacked a guy in the face. "You're such a naïve young lady. Do you really think you and your friends can convince a whole nation to save the circus?" She nodded. "You're wrong. You know why? It's because we got the majority on our side and once that animal deathtrap of a circus shuts down, the animals are free from the years of torture and abuse they experienced." They laughed cruelly at her. Rose felt some tears forming in her eyes. "No! You're wrong! The Ringling Bros don't abuse the animals! They're well taken care of and the guiders they use aren't supposed to harm them!" A woman showed her video footage of an elephant handler using a bull hook on the elephants.

"You're wrong! That bull hook isn't supposed to hurt them!" The man sneered. "This is the real world, princess. You got to face reality and stop living in your little fantasy world." Some tears fell on her wand. "Stop it!" Some protesters laughed at her her trembling crying form. Her wand began to glow in many colors as more and more tears continue to fall from her eyes. "Stop it right now!" Their laughing grew louder and more hysterical causing her sadness to be mixed with all the rage she has supressed ever since she and her friends started this campaign on saving the circus from shutting down. "I... said... STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

In fit of sadness and rage, she released a magical blast of multicolored energy aimed at them. She flew up in the air as the magic kept being released with more tears cascading down her face with her eyes shut tight. Ruby was about to do something to get the people to join her side in supporting her and her friends when she saw the blast of colorful magic energy and the sound of loud cries pounded against her eardrums. She recognized those pained cries anywhere. It was Rose! She's the only one who can make those painful wails be heard miles away. The magic stopped and Rose landed gracefully on the ground with less tears falling from her face. Some protesters were unfazed by her sudden attack, covered colorful glitter, fazed by her attack and just plain upset by this. She felt two arms wrapped around her waist. "Rose are you okay?" At the mention of her name, the tears stopped. "Ruby?" The jet black haired girl look into the blond's hazel brown eyes which still had some extra tears. "It's okay, I'm right here." She turned to the protesters with burning fury.

"Which one of you is responsible for this?! Who is the good for nothing, rotten, cold-blooded, low-down, vile, inconsiderate, apathetic, cruel low-life responsible for making my best friend cry?!" Some protesters got the nerve to speak up. "It was me and all I did was show her the truth of the Ringling Bros Circus." Her rage only grew at the protestor's comment. "I am so done with you people, you just don't get it, do you?!" They all looked to her. "How can you be done with us? You're just a bunch of kids."
"You mindless sheep! The circuses, zoos and even SeaWorld, don't abuse or harm any animals! They have conservation programs, breeding programs, and they're all up to code with government regulations! If you force them all to shut down, not only will the people be disappointed but the animals who spent their whole lives in captivity won't be able to survive in the wild when they're released! Did you ever think about that?! No! You're all nothing but thick-headed, moronic, stupid, butthurt, life-ruining, infuriating, fun-killing, manipulative, pretentious jerks!" Some people saw what's going on and recorded it with their phones. "You guys think that anything that has to do with animal entertainment is animal abuse. "Free the animals", "Open the cages", "Animal lives matter", "Down with animal cruelty", "Boycott the circus", "End the abuse"!" She said in a mimicky tone, "That's what you all sound like right now! My friends and I have worked too hard and too long to get this far!" Rose saw the people with their cameras recording and going live on social media. "I had it up to here with you people! When circus decides to continue for years to come, you can just... just... eat unicorn turds!" Some folks liked how Ruby stuck up for her friend who used an enchanted rainbow attack at those protestors. "Way to go girl!" "Girl power baby!" "That's telling them!" "Talk about savage!" One activist raised his voice making everyone shut up. "Are you people seriously taking her side?!" The dark haired teen smirked. "I forgot one thing to tell you, so-called, "PETA supporters" something. I just uploaded a video of what the orgazination you "love and support" so much really does to the animals here." Some protesters were shocked. "I also have spoken with the people who lost their beloved pets to them." She said smugly. "It's true, they took my dog away for "owner negligence" and euthanized him!" "That's nothing! They took our chihuahua away and did the same thing!" A child sniffled, "Those mean people took my cat." Rose rubbed her eye, "The people have spoken, they decided to be on our side. The side where we save an American tradition from being broken."
"You circus lovers may have won this round, but we'll get more people to turn against the circus."

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