Let the show begin!

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Joseph took the center ring with full confidence while there was a bit of nervousness stirring inside him. The spotlight shone below him as loud roars of the crowds pounded against his eardrums. "What's up Long Island!" The crowd roared out with loud screams in response.  Flashes of childhood memories flooded in his head as he remembered those early days when he went to see them perform for the very first time, seeing the show in Orlando then in Jacksonville where he met the ringmaster who gave him his hat, the time he, Ruby and Rose played circus in the park with the other children and finally playing the role for the very first time. Holding the rim of his red and gold sequined top hat, he let a smile escape his lips. "Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages! The Feld family is proud to present for the very last time, Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey, welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth!" Rose got her wand making firworks and glitter rain down on them wowing the crowd.

"Here's how it's gonna go down for the opening act, Joseph will take center ring, sing the National Anthem while Rose rides one of the elephants all dressed up for the occasion, then he makes it across the platform where he rides around singing like a mashup of every opening circus song." Rose liked the sound of that. The ravenette went on about how their show will go down. "I like this plan and do you really think I'll do great tonight?"
"Yes and you know why?"
"Why is that, Rose?"
"It's because we all believe in you and you just gotta believe in yourself, you just gotta believe!" Rose said flying into the air. During this whole adventure, Rose is able to give the best pep talks ever.

"That's my boy!" Philip clutched on to Ray's shirt with complete pride. "Did you see that?! That young ringmaster is my son! He made his big dream come true!" Lily shushed the man pointing at the screen of the TV.

The opening act began with the unicorns running across the ring making rainbows and glitter appear from its horn. Wowing the crowds. "Absolutely specatcular! Let's hear it for Rose and her mystical unicorn herd!" The crowd is roaring with excitement after witnessing such a magical circus act. Joseph placed his hand over his ear, "Do you hear what I hear? Yes, it is ladies and gentlemen! It's the world famous Ringling Bros Asian Elephants!" The Elephants made their entrance making the crowd roar with excitement to see these popular pachyderms make their return to the big top one last time. Through Rose's enchanted and enhanced fairy hearing, she can hear some spectators booing, hissing and jeering during the elephant act. "As you can see here, their tricks are actually traits and characteristics that they use in the wild for survival." Suzy and Roscoe watched eagerly as the elephants performed their tricks. From the Globe of Steel to the big cat taming acts with Taba Maluenda and Alexander Lacey, the circus spectators wanted more. The mermaids did their incredible performance that glowed brightly under the black light. The acrobats swung through the air like in Attack on Titan which made some otakus in the audience go nuts seeing how there was a bit of an anime influence in the circus.

"The show is amazing!" Lily kept eating popcorn and watching her older sister and friends performing. "I hope the circus will continue for years to come." Heather said wistfully.

"We're doing great out there! Keep this up and the circus will continue for years to come!" Joseph's right, Ruby and Rose's idea for the ultimate circus show was the best one ever. 

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