Opening Night

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It was opening night of the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus' ultimate circus show. People saw the posters in the city and some flyers drifting through the wind. "Hmm... "Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey present: Out of this World, Xtreme, Legendary, Spirit of the Amazing Funundrum, Fully Charged, Super Circus Heroes, Spectacular!" This looks promising." Many people flocked to the venue, while those from afar got their devices ready to watch the show live for the very last time. Down in Orlando, Rose's parents along with their neighbors and relatives got together. "C'mon, Ray! Just hook the dang laptop to the TV already!"
"I'm trying! It's been a while since I did this last time." Rose's cousin Lana rose from her seat, "Oh you're doing it wrong!" She connected the cables to where they needed to go and got the TV to work with the laptop showing YouTube getting ready to livestream the circus. "Way to go, Lana." Lily and Jeff ran into the living room. The 11 year old brunette used the novelty popcorn bowl her older sister gave her when she went to the Circus Xtreme show in Tampa. "Is Rose gonna be on?!"
"Yes, and we're gonna be flooding the comment section to show our support for her and her friends." Isabelle, Hunter and Ruby's father, Matthew along with Joseph's father, Philip came over much to his wife's protest along with more family members from Heather's side of the family and Ray's side of the family. The majority is on Heather's side.

At the circus preshow, Rose activated all the video cameras to go live for everyone to watch with a wave of her wand. "Quick dude! Take my picture with this dragon!" Two teens took a photo with Ruby and Fireheart the fire breathing dragon. "Look at those mermaids!" "Wow! A unicorn!" Some kids asked for a photo with Joseph. "Of course, kids." Some parents wondered why a teenager became a circus ringmaster. Especially with the circus closing down. "Aren't you a little too young to be a circus ringmaster?" He replied. "No, I'm following my dreams." He turned to a child, "What's your name, young lady?" A little girl with strawberry blond hair tied to pigtails wearing a little red dress with a white collar, ruffled white knee socks and mary janes looked up at him. "My name's Angelica."
"Angelica do you have any dreams?" She nodded. "Only one and it's kinda silly." That same phrase echoed through his head. "If you tell me your dream, I won't laugh."
"Promise?" The parents saw the scene. "I promise." Angelica took a deep breath. "My dream is to become a circus acrobat. When I get big, I wanna be able to walk on the high wire and swing on the flying trapeze." He gave her a compassionate smile. "That's a very big dream. I believe it'll come true." The parents who saw that were moved by what he said to her. Angelica's mother took a photo of them. "Enjoy the show!" He said waving to the two. The little girl waved back at him. "That's a wonderful thing you did there, bud." Rose said sweetly. "When she came to me, It felt like seeing my 4 year old self from when my dad took me to Jacksonville even though mom said no." Ruby slid down Fireheart's back wearing a fiery costume which is a sunset hued short dress along with blue wings and light orange low heel shoes.

"Look who came." She said pointing to the front row seats. "That's Kenneth Feld! He's gonna see the show." The jet black haired teen nodded twirling her sparkly multicolored guider she uses on the dragon as if it were a baton. "I'm gonna head backstage to do another practice session with Kristen." He said running off. This is gonna be a show that no one will ever want to forget.

Rose peered through the red curtains to see the arena being packed with so many people. She looked over at the left side to find her aunt and uncle growing excited for the circus to begin. "I'm so nervous."
"Don't be, 'cause we got your back." Ruby said hitting his back. This time, she didn't make him fall like last time. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome out first ever teenage ringmaster in Ringling Bros history, Joseph Harrison!" He went out to the center ring with slight nervousness. The girls looked at each other with determination.
"Time, to put on a circus show to remember!"

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