°23 *

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I am sitting in a chair in the lobby as instructed by a bitchy secretary. Noone seems to know when, or even if, Jungkook will come in today. I'm using his private plane, which is ready whenever I get there, so I can just wait I guess. I've tried calling, and texting, but he's ignoring me. He never came back to the room last night, and I'm sure that he's with her... Sophia...

I'm scrolling through my social media, when a deep voice interrupts my peace. "Aera? What are you doing here?" I look up to see Taehyung walking towards me. Behind him is Yoongi and Jimin... (shit... what is Jimin doing here?)

"Hey Tae. I came here to see my husband, but I guess he's too busy, so I'm heading back to Seoul. "I try to keep my tone friendly to not give away my true feelings. He looks around the lobby for a minute, but then focuses back on me. "Did you not bring Olivia? Or what about Rosé?" Jimin is now standing next to Taehyung, looking at me in a questioning way.

"Uh... No. Olivia is with the Jeon's, and Rosé and I aren't together anymore." "WHAT?!?" Jimin almost yells at me. All 3 men are giving me confused looks, but I keep a passive face. "We broke up. She... Uh... Found someone else... I guess."

I am trying not to panic. All it's going to take is a phone call to Rosé, and they'll know what really happened. Yoongi is giving me a funny look, but doesn't say anything. Taehyung sits down next to me, taking my hand. "I'm sorry to hear that Aera. I'm sure you'll find someone better." He's so genuine, it almost makes me feel guilty. "Thanks Tae" is all I can manage.

"Do you know when Jungkook will get here Taehyung? I wanted to talk with him before I got on a long flight." Jimin is not looking at me, but I can tell he's in deep thought. Tae shrugs his shoulders only to signal he didn't know about Jungkook. "Did you try calling him?" Yoongi questions. I nod but don't meet his intense stare.

"Why did you come all the way here Aera?" Yoongi asks. This guy has never liked me. It's like he can see through me and it unnerves me. "What do you mean? I came to spend time with Jungkook. Is there something wrong in that?" He knows he's getting to me, so he just stares me down.

"Why would you travel that long to spend time with Jungkook, who we all know is just your 'beard', when he's on a work trip? To come all this way without Olivia seems strange to me also..." I'm reminding myself to breathe before I snap, but I see that Jimin is also watching me for my answer. "It's not really your concern is it? But if you must know, Jungkook is not only my husband, but a friend. My relationship with Rosé ended, and I wanted to be with someone who cares for me... Does that answer your question?"

"Why not call your sister?" Jimin asks. What is with these guys? "Jimin... My sister has never approved of my relationship with Rosé. I didn't want to hear how happy she would be that it ended." Tae is squeezing my hand, and giving me a sympathetic look.

"I'm a little confused... I thought Jungkook was in the hotel room with you last night..." Taehyung says. The other 2 men look from Tae to me, and I am starting to feel sick. "He was... But he left before I woke up. I thought he went to the gym and then would be here. Maybe he went back there... I should go check. If he comes here, will you ask him to call me?"

Standing before any one of them can question me further, I tell them goodbye. As I turn to leave, Yoongi grabs my arm. I stop and look him in the eyes and he tilts his head in a contemplating manner. "What's going on Aera? There is something you're not telling us."

As I am about to answer, I hear a girl call out to Jimin. Yoongi is smirking at me, and watching me closely. I see Jimin turn and excitedly run to the pretty blonde girl. He lifts her off the ground in a tight hug, making her giggle. Yoongi whispers to me "i see you're familiar with our sophia... jungkook's sophia..." I glare at him and rip my arm out of his hold.

"What do you want Min Yoongi? Have I done something to offend you?" He laughs out loud and shakes his head. "I only want to understand... I still don't though. But I will... Trust me, I will." He turns when Jimin approaches with Sophia. Yoongi lets me go and gives a hug to her. She sees me and her eyes widen, while I grind my teeth. "Aera... This is our friend, Sophia." Yoongi says with a teasing tone. I look into his laughing eyes, but look back at the girl who is as uncomfortable as I am.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you" Sophia says quietly. I nod at her, but don't return her sentiment. It is definitely NOT nice to meet her. The naive Taehyung stands and asks her "Hey Sophia. Have you seen Jungkook this morning?" The pink that paints her cheeks confirms that she was with him, but she just shakes her head.

Yoongi is chuckling at the fire in my eyes, and I glare at him. "We were going to get some breakfast Sophia. Did you want to join us?" Jimin asks her. She turns to my brother-in-law, giving him the sweetest smile, making me hate her even more, and says "Sure. Just let me check in with Aidan first. Give me 10 minutes?" The men nod and she heads off.

"What about you Aera? Do you want to come to breakfast with us?" Yoongi asks me with a laugh in his voice. I look at his smile, and only want to hit him. "I am not hungry." I say with venom, and give myself away. "Woah... Aera... Why so mad?" Jimin questions me. Taking a deep breath to calm myself I turn away from Yoongi to look into Jimin's sincere eyes. "I'm not mad Jimin. I'm just tired, and wanted to speak with Jungkook. But it's fine... I'm fine... I'll just call him later."

"Looks like you won't have to wait... Here comes the man of the hour now." Yoongi points towards the entrance, and I turn to see Jungkook, looking relaxed and happy. His hair is tied back in a tail with the sides hanging loosely around his face. His smile is large, and he looks stunning. Yoongi, my nemesis, calls him over, and he waves at his hyung happily. As soon as he greets him, he sees me. The change is instant, and stabs my heart in a way I didn't expect. His smile disappears, and his relaxed posture stiffens.

"Aera? Why are you here?" He asks me with a cool voice. I look around and wish we didn't have an audience... "I wanted to talk with you before I got on the plane. Do you have a few minutes?" He narrows his eyes at me, sensing something. "Not really Aera... I have alot of work to do. Call me when you get there though." I can't believe this man. He's looking at me with no real emotion, and I want to cry. I see him look away and his eyes sparkle suddenly, a small smile playing on his lips.

Sophia approaches Jimin and hooks her arm through his, startling him. "I'm ready if we're still going." She realizes that all eyes are on her and she looks away from Jimin to see Jungkook. He smiles at her, and her face takes on a pink color. "Where are you guys going off to?" Jungkook asks. "Ah... Jungkook-ah, we're taking Sophia to get some breakfast. Did you want to come along?" Yoongi offers.

Jungkook looks around at every face. When he meets my eyes, he looks away immediately. "I'd love to Hyung. Just let me drop my bag in the office." As he walks away, I can't stand it anymore. "Jungkook!" I yell to him. He stops and turns to me, an angry look on his face now. I don't care... I spit my words at him. "You just said you were too busy to speak with me... Now you have time for breakfast? What the hell Jungkook?"

Yoongi whispers to Sophia who is now looking at the floor. She nods at whatever he is saying, but I focus back on Jungkook. "This isn't the time Aera... Stop pushing..." He says with frustration laced in his tone. "5 minutes Jungkook... I just need 5 minutes." I hate how it comes across like I'm begging. I basically am... "Why don't you just meet us there Jungkook? I'll text you the location. Then you can speak with Aera." Jimin offers.

I see Jungkook look at Sophia, his eyes softening. "Thanks Hyung. I'll be quick." He winks at Sophia, and I hear Yoongi laugh lowly. I look away from everyone, and stare only at Jungkook. He turns his eyes to me, and grabs my wrist, dragging me with him. "Ow... It hurts Jungkook. Let go!" He tightens his grip, and the next thing I know he's pushed me into an office and closed the door.

"That fucking hurt Jungkook. What's your problem?" I yell at him while massaging my wrist. "My problem?? My problem... Right now Aera, YOU are my problem. What do you want from me?" "i want my husband to look at me like he did that girl out there..." I whisper.

He scoffs at my statement, but says nothing. "You said that you would give me 6 months Jungkook... You agreed. But you're already backing out by spending a night with her." His tongue is poking the inside of his cheek and he's looking away from me. "Why? Can you not see she's going to do it again Jungkook? She'll give up and run away again... You're setting yourself up for more pain. And bringing our daughter along with you..." I see him turn slowly, and my brain registers that I made a mistake calling Olivia 'our daughter'.

"You should check yourself Aera. Olivia is NOT 'our' daughter... And you don't know the first thing about what Sophia has survived." He's in a rage and I have to be careful now. "I'm sorry Jungkook. I didn't mean to upset you... But isn't Olivia mine also? I raised her with you. I love her as my own. You can't be so cruel to take my feelings for granted when it comes to her... I love her as if I gave her life..." I let my tears fall hoping for some sympathy.

"Aera... I don't take your feelings for granted. I know you love Olivia. And I know it's going to be difficult for you... But Sophia is going to be part of her life now... Part of our life."

"So, I'm just supposed to accept all this? I don't get a say?"

"What do you mean? You think you have the right to keep her away from Olivia? She's her mother Aera."

I laugh ironically, and shake my head at him. He's really this clueless... "I hate this Jungkook! She pretended to be dead!! She left her newborn baby and ran away because she couldn't hack being a mother... And now, after you and I have raised a beautiful, caring, and sweet girl, she's just going to waltz back into her life? That's BULLSHIT!"

The brutal, grip on my arms scares me. Not more than the look in his eyes though... "That's enough Aera! You know NOTHING about her. She lived through horrors you could NEVER imagine. She didn't run away from the responsibility of being a mother. She ran away to protect Olivia! To protect her, and me, from the people who had destroyed her. So shut your fucking mouth about things you don't understand. Go home Aera. Figure out how you're going to deal with this."

"I will deal with it much better, if you're going to follow through on our agreement. You are going to give us a chance, right?" His face is a mix of pain and frustration. He doesn't meet my eyes as he says "I don't know... I don't think it would be fair to you Aera. I keep telling you" "Stop! You and I have a deal Jungkook. I expect you to follow through... I'll go home, and when you get there, we'll introduce Sophia to her daughter together. Then you'll be MY husband as you promised."

I turn to walk away when he holds me back. "What happened to you Aera? When did you become this person who only cares about yourself?" This makes me laugh and I turn to look into his eyes. "You're calling me selfish? You stay with that girl last night, while I sat waiting in the hotel, and I'm the one thinking of myself? You're unbelievable Jungkook..."


"NO! You need to give me a chance. You agreed Jungkook." I let the tears fall as I see he's feeling weak towards me. He brings me into a hug, holding my head against his chest. I cry into his chest while he caresses my hair. I feel a kiss on my head and I smile internally, but keep crying. He's whispering that we'll figure it out and things will be alright... The door opens and a tiny gasp is heard, but I grip onto Jungkook's shirt and cry harder. I know it was her because he stiffened immediately, but I held on to him. His caresses stopped though, and then another voice started talking.

"What's this? Aera's crying? I've never seen her cry before." Yoongi says sarcastically. Jungkook pushes me back and I look up to see him smile at me. "She's just having a moment Hyung. You guys didn't go to breakfast?" Her voice makes my anger rise, but I only turn to let her see my tears. "Yoongi got a call, so we waited for you. It was taking a bit, so we thought to check if you were still coming... Sorry if we interrupted." I watch her 'oh so innocent' face look at Jungkook, then the floor.

"So, Jungkook... You coming, or no?" Yoongi asks. I hold onto Jungkook's shirt and he gives in to me. "You guys go Hyung. I'm going to drive Aera to the airport." He sounds sad, and I hate it. I can't wait until he chooses me willingly... It will happen soon...



I'm not sure what Aera's up to, but I'm going to figure it out. I could feel Sophia starting to freak out when she saw Jungkook holding Aera in the office. I just took her hand and walked her out of there. We are sitting with Jimin and Taehyung now, and I'm watching her play with her food instead of eating.

"Sophia-ah... What's the matter?" She smiles at me, but shakes her head. Jimin and I share a look because we know she's been affected by his sister-in-law. "You know that you can tell us, right?" Jimin says. She just sighs and sits back on her chair.

"I can't be upset... I shouldn't be anyway... He's married to her, and it's because I left like I did. I've regretted alot of things in the past 6 years, but nothing more than losing him and my daughter..." The last part came out as a whisper, and I see tears coating her eyes. She pulls them back, and wrings her hands. I reach for her hands and Jimin pats her shoulder.

"Hyung... What is going on with Aera? Isn't she gay? I'm so surprised that she came here to be around Jungkook without Olivia." Jimin says. I am about to answer when Sophia stuns us all. "She asked him to give their marriage a chance. She wants a real relationship with him... And he agreed... He says that he'll tell her it won't work out, but I don't know anymore... It looks like maybe she convinced him..." She stands suddenly and walks to the bathroom. I know she's going to cry, and I hate it.

"Jimin... Have you ever doubted Aera being gay before? Has her sister ever said anything?" He looks at me, and nods. "I saw her out about a year ago. She was in the club with a guy, and they were making out. I asked her about it, and she told me she had been drunk and didn't really remember. But I saw her with the same guy a few more times... I figured it wasn't my business. Jungkook and her were just friends... He went out and had one night stands, so I figured it was part of the deal with them."

"When is the last time anyone saw her with Rosé?" Taehyung asks. We all look at each other and realize it's been a long time. "I think it was more than a year now." Jimin says. I smile confusing my 2 friends. "I'm going to find out what she's up to... Unfortunately, Jungkook has always had a soft spot for her, and even if we find out, he may not listen."

"Listen to what?" Sophia asks as she sits back in her seat. I can see she cried, but she's trying to hide it. "What won't Jungkook listen to?" She persists to ask.
"We were just saying that we feel like Aera is up to something. And that even if we can prove it, Jungkook may not listen to anything negative about her." I answer her honestly. She nods and looks down at her hands. "She's his wife. He should be protective of her. Isn't that what you would do for your spouse?"

I chuckle at that. "The closest I ever got to being married, was the 15 minute conversation I had with the Lee's. But I guess when I do marry, I'd want to protect the person. I just wouldn't be blind to their manipulations." Sophia is looking at me with wide, amused eyes. "I was the closest to being your spouse then anyone else? Have you never been in love Yoongi-ssi?"

"Well... I have been. But I don't know if they feel the same. And of course, life is cruel and conspired to keep us apart. But that will change soon... So we'll see."
I tell this to her, and her wheels are spinning. She leans into my ear and whispers a question. "isn't a certain person getting out of jail soon?" I choke on my own saliva, and feel my face get hot. She claps her hands and squeals "I knew it!!"

"Hyung? What does she know? Tell me!" Jimin insists, but I refuse. I've barely accepted my own feelings for Hobi... I am not ready to share this with anyone before I've told him... If I'm ever brave enough to do it.

Our breakfast continues, and we relax into old comfortable behaviors. Sophia is laughing alot with Taehyung and Jimin like she's always been with us. I enjoy her smile and bright happy face. I really need to figure out what's going on with Aera, so I can prevent her from hurting Sophia. The others may have missed it, but I saw the look of hate Aera gave Sophia. And I also feel like Aera had always been planning to get Jungkook to be her 'real husband'... It was something I believed from the beginning. She is obsessed with him... He just doesn't see it.



Waking up this morning after spending the night making love with Sophia was amazing. She was adorable, and sore... I had to carry her around the apartment for the first hour. Ok... I didn't have to, but I loved doing it. We took a long shower together, washing each other with kisses and touches to increase the fondness between us.

I had to go back to the hotel to change, so we said a quick goodbye, and she headed to work. I was relieved when Aera was not in the room. She actually listened to me and went home. I've been confused by her sudden insistence of having a relationship as more than friends. Every time I deny, she gets upset... I can handle the anger, but if she starts crying I hate it. She really has been a good friend to me, so I feel like I owe her things... But what exactly I don't know...

As I walk into the company I see my hyungs talking in the lobby. I know I look completely different today, from the angry guy the last time I was here. I feel like I'm floating after the night I spent with Sophia. Yoongi hyung calls me over, and I am smiling ear to ear. When I notice Aera is there, my smile falls. What now? The smile returns when I see Sophia next to Jimin. I glance at Aera and don't miss the look of pure hatred she is shooting at Sophia.

After she threw a tantrum, I brought Aera to an office to clear the air. I hate the things she's saying. When she dared to refer to Olivia as 'our daughter' like she gave birth to her, I saw red. I have a certain amount of sympathy for her because she has basically raised Olivia... But knowing Sophia is alive, and then referring to Olivia in that way was so wrong.

She begged me again and again to give her a chance. I had already agreed to do it, but she's smart enough to see I'm planning to go back on it. She is making me so nervous the way she is acting. When the tears start, I'm weak. I can't see her like this. She lost her girlfriend because of me, and now she has noone. I don't want to do what she's asking, but it might be the only way to break this marriage without a fight. I just have to give her 6 months... Then I'll tell her it's over... I'll tell her that I'm still in love with Sophia, and we'll get the divorce. Sophia will wait, right?

The moment when Sophia walked into the room while I was comforting Aera, I felt like the world's biggest douche. The look of pure pain didn't last because she hid it quickly, but I saw it. I decided to take Aera to the plane, so I know for sure that she leaves. I'm tired of her turning up everywhere right now while I'm working hard to gain the trust of the woman I love. The only way she'll accept the 6 month agreement, is if she trusts in my love for her. I know she believes I love her, but she needs to trust that after 6 months she's the only one I'll want.

The car ride to the airport is silent. Both Aera and I are in our own thoughts. I have some questions for her, and I plan to ask them once we are at the airport. In the meantime, I glance at her occasionally to see her smirking like she's won something. Is this a game? I'm a little concerned to have her be alone with Olivia for the next week or so. What if she tells her about Sophia, and slants things to fit her motives?

I pull in to a parking spot, and turn the car off. Turning to Aera I see a smile I hadn't in a while. I used to love her smile. It always brought me comfort when I had a rough time... When I was missing Sophia... When I felt like the worst parent... Her smile made me smile.

"Can I ask a couple questions Aera?"

"Go ahead."

Taking a deep breath, I look out the window first. "How many times have you been in a relationship with men?"

I look back at her to find her shocked. She can't seem to meet my eyes suddenly, and I wonder about this deeply.

"A few times... They never lasted very long."

"Why not? Did they treat you badly?"

"No... I mostly ended them because I wasn't comfortable."

"Because you realized you like women?"

"I guess so... Where is this going Jungkook?"

"I am trying to understand you Aera. I know you say that you believe you're in love with me. I have a lot of love for you also. But it's not the kind of love you're talking about... So have you ever fallen in love with a man before?"

"Not until I realized I'm in love with you Jungkook. You're the first man I've been in love with."

"I'm worried Aera... 6 months might seem long, but it's really not. I can say, with some confidence, that my feelings for you will not grow into what you would like them to. So why are you insistent about this?"

"I think if you're open, you may realize that you do love me. If we're dating and spend intimate moments... If we make love like husband and wife, your feelings for me will change."

"To make love, I have to be in love. Other than that, it's just sex to me Aera. I don't want there to be anger between us... Can't you, after 6 years of knowing me, see that I've only been in love with one woman? Do you really think if you and I have sex for 6 months that my feelings for her will disappear?"

"Maybe they won't... But maybe you'll realize that she has hurt you too many times, and I'm the better partner. I don't know what will happen Jungkook. But neither do you."

"Let's address one more thing... In these 6 months, you need to be on birth control, and I will wear a condom Aera. If you're insistent on trying this, I don't want any chance that you'll get pregnant."

"What?!? Jungkook... I" "No... Aera, this is a deal breaker. If things go your way, we can talk about having a child... If not, then I don't want it to be confusing, and more painful, when we divorce."

"I assume you used protection last night then... Hmm?"

I looked away because I didn't. I never have with Sophia because I didn't mind her having my baby... Even with the aftermath, I'd do it all over again. Then I remember what Namjoon hyung told me...

"I don't think she can have any more babies Aera. Dr. Kim said he removed her uterus..." Tears pricked at my eyes remembering that day again. Was that true? So many lies were told that day, so it's hard to know.

I turn back to the feeling of Aera's hand wiping a couple tears from my cheek. She leans in and places her lips against mine. I don't push her away... If I'm doing this, I can't refuse her affection. She slides her hands around my neck and deepens the kiss. I let her continue, but I didn't know where to put my hands. Finally, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her towards me. We continued kissing until she pulled away panting.

"Have a safe flight Aera. Let me know when you're home." Is all I say. I know she was disappointed. I honestly felt nothing but friendly, even during the kiss. It was boring to me since there was no spark. I'd actually like to brush my teeth and rinse my mouth now. I don't know how I'm going to get through having sex with her... What have I gotten myself into?



That was painful... Opening the door to the office, I honestly thought they'd be fighting, considering how they had entered. Watching him hold her weeping figure and stroke her hair, like he use to do for me, made my heart ache. The guilt that seems to be my constant companion these days, rushes through me.

I was thankful for Yoongi in that moment. I know he is being very sarcastic, and seems a little angry at Aera, but he makes me smile. I was disappointed when Jungkook said he was taking her to the airport, but I know I don't have the right to be. It just feels like last night was a dream, and now I'm awake and it's over.

At breakfast, when they were discussing Aera, I felt a little guilty. I don't want to dislike her. She helped Jungkook, and Olivia, when I wasn't there. She doesn't like me, I can tell, but I don't blame her for that. I'm sure I'd feel the same in her position. The guys were shocked when I told them about Aera wanting to have a true husband and wife relationship.

I wonder if Jungkook changed his mind. He told me last night that he is going to tell her no, but I feel like her tears were affecting him. Her showing me her crying face, didn't affect me the way she probably thought it might. I could see she was being manipulative. The way she was clinging onto him... It just felt forced. I've had those moments, and I hate it. She seemed to be enjoying it... I was happy when Yoongi dragged me away, that's for sure.

We're back at work now, or Tae and I are. Yoongi and Jimin were heading to take care of some Min family business. Before he left, Yoongi pulled me aside and told be he's going to get to the bottom of whatever Aera is up to. I told him not to waste too much energy on it, because I don't want Jungkook to get mad. Part of me hopes she is just what she seems, while the other wants him to find a reason for her sudden change in what she wants.

I've been working for a few hours, and I step out of my office to go get a cup of coffee. I had next to no sleep last night, so I'm pretty exhausted. I smile thinking about the night, and walk to the cafe across the way. I order my iced macchiato and decide to walk to the beach for a little exercise.

My mind is finally clear after the uncomfortable encounter this morning. I decided that I need to keep Jungkook away from me for now. If he's going to start an intimate relationship with his wife, I can't do anything to cause problems. I want to be with him more than anything, but it might be too late. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm exactly where I deserve to be... Alone..

"What are you thinking about that has you crying on the beach?" I startle at his tender voice and the hand he places on my neck. I shake my head and look at the waves crashing on the shore. "Why are you here, Jungkook?" I finally meet his eyes and he wipes my cheeks with the back of his fingers. "Hmm... I saw you walking this way and couldn't resist to follow you. What's wrong Love?"

"I think we may have made a mistake Jungkook..." He furrows his brow and looks away from me. I can tell I hurt him, and it's not my intention. "I just think we rushed a little... If you're supposed to try to be a husband, a real one, to Aera, then we can't be together like that anymore." I can't help the tears the skid down my cheeks.

"I don't want to stop though... I want to be with you until I have to do this whole make believe marriage with her. That's what it will be for me."

"Shouldn't you give it a chance? If that's what you're promising... Then isn't that the right thing to do?"

He stares at me intensely, and I have to fight not to look away. His mouth lowers and our lips join. My brain short circuits and I lean into it. He places his hands on my jaw to hold me in place while he tilts his head to deepen the connection. I tap his arm and he pulls away to allow me to breathe. His forehead and mine joined while we look into each other's eyes. I've always loved this.

"Do you trust me Sophia?"

"Yes... You have always been honest with me."

"I need you to trust that I know my own heart. The heart that only beats for you. Nothing that happens with Aera will change my heart. Do you believe that?"

"I do... I just don't think I can watch you be her husband if we are like this. It breaks my heart just thinking about it Jungkook... You're going to be intimate with her, and I... I can't handle it... I'm too selfish."

"I know Love... Let's figure it out together this time. Noone runs, right?" He smiles at me, and I nod.

"What if you do this with her, and she gets pregnant? You'll have to stay then..."

"I already told her that she would have to be on birth control and I would always use a condom for that reason. Can I ask you something now?"

"Yes. Anything."

"That day... Namjoon hyung told me he performed a hysterectomy... Was that true?"

I look away and shake my head. "Namjoon told me that he said that to help sell how serious it was... He wanted to be convincing. God... I'm so sorry..."

"We're not apologizing for the past anymore, remember? I forgive you, and we'll talk more about things that have happened, but I'm not mad. I am not even mad at the hyungs anymore..."

"Should we have used protection last night?"

"If you got pregnant, I wouldn't mind. I will never regret anything with you Love."

"I need to be honest with you... I know I can't handle you being intimate with her... I know you may have to do it, but I can't be around. Jungkook... I can't stand thinking of it..."

The dam burst and I started sobbing against his chest. I pulled away though to try to collect myself, only to feel him pull me back into his arms.

"Ok... I won't do it. If you're going to leave because of it, I will find another way. I have you, and I won't lose you again. Thank you for being honest Love... I'll see if I can speak with my father before we leave to go to Seoul. I'll fix it... Don't cry..."

I felt guilty for being so weak, but glad I didn't just panic and run away from what's hard. My therapy over the years helped me realize, that I avoid confrontation by running away and keeping my feelings to myself. If I want our relationship to last, I have to tell him the truth, even when it's hard.

"I love you Jungkook. There hasn't been a day since I met you that I wasn't in love with you."

I looked at him with watery eyes and he kissed me passionately. Sitting on the beach together, we talked and watched the sun set. It was the happiest I have been in forever.


Yoongi is my bad ass in this book. Funny, friendly, but can find out anything. 😁

I hope you're all doing well!!

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