Episode 10 : Love Or Guilt

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Hi Guys I know I'm so late and you all are waiting for my ffs but what can I do...I was busy in some personal stuff ok so let's start....!!!


Previous Episode : Sanskaar Warns Swara to stay away from his siblings...!!!


Episode 10 : Love Or Guilt

Next Morning

IN Lounge

All were preparing for Ragini's marriage...every where in house all were doing works...just than Sanskaar came from his room and sat in sofa with all...

Seeing Sanskaar Sujhata remembers about Swara and said

Sujhata(asking him) : Ohh Sanskaar...when did you come...I totally forgot...I made Swara sleep in your room as whole house was filled with noise and she was unwell...where is she now...???

Listening to Sujhata Sanskaar feels guilty on his act but soon he pushed that guilt aside and said

Sanskaar(Casually) : it's ok Chachi she left when I came...

Sujhata(confused) : Ohhh but where is she now???

Suddenly Uttra came there running and said

Uttra(Panting heavily due to running) : Mom...Swara...Di..she...is

Sujhata(worried) : Slowly Uttra...take a breath...now tell what happened to Swara...

All who were present in lounge were worried seeing Uttra...

Uttra(worriedly) : Swara Di is in GrandMaa room..and she is burning in fever...Grandmother is sitting with her...please come fast

Saying so she again ran towards Parvati's Room...and all follows her till room...


IN Parvati's Room

As soon as all enters they becomes shocked seeing Swara's pale face...which was the proof of her illness...

Sanskaar was also standing in a corner and was feeling highly guilty on his words which he said to her last night...but still...he was unknown from the feeling which were arising in his heart for Swara...

Soon doctor came and check Swara...and gives medicine and told all members to  don't stress her and make her do complete bed rest...

As today was Ragini's marriage so all decide that Dadi will stay at home with Swara as she is not well and Parvati also have pain in her musels...

Soon it was marriage time and all left the home expect Swara and Parvati...

Swara was still heart broken from Sanskaar's words and was thinking was she that bad that he hates her more than anything...

Soon it was evening and all came back home...and they talk sometime with Swara and ask her about her health and left towards there rooms...

Next Morning

Today was reception of RagLak marriage and Swara was feeling well from before so she decides to go with all...

Soon all for ready and reach at RagLak reception...in whole while Sanskaar didn't come infront of Swara as he was having no strength to meet his eyes with her...


IN Marriage Hall

All were enjoying the reception...Swara was sitting with Parvati and seeing all the hustle bustle...

From outside she was smiling but from inside she was badly broken...her soul was injuried...but not that much that it couldn't be repair...

As soon as she saw Sanskaar she again remembers his bitter words...and she started to feel restless...she told to Parvati that she wanna go home as she is not feeling well...and that way both Parvati and Swara left from reception after informing to DP...

It has been a week since Ragini was married and Swara was quite...all thought that may be she is missing Ragini that's why...she is not talking that much...

But they all were unaware from the fact that...she is trying to distance herself from all...due to Sanskaar's words...

Swara try very hard...to hate Sanskaar...but her Heart...was already mad in his love...so how can she hate him...she knows very well that they both can never be one...but still somewhere in her Heart she was having a tiny hope...a hope that may be she get her love...one day...

Life was passing smoothly...after that night neither Swara nor Sanskaar talks with each other...and Swara also keep herself busy in her studies...
But still a storm was coming in there lives...in form if Urvashi and Raj...



On fine day...

Swara returned from the college and comes in lounge and the seen which she saw makes her shiver from head to toe...

She saw both Urvashi and Raj sitting on sofa and debating with All elders...angrily...But seeing Swara a evil smirk appear on his lips making Swara shivered with fear...

Raj get up from sofa and walks towards Swara and before he could reach till her Sanskaar came in between them making Swara suprised and Raj angry...

Raj(angrily trying to make Sanskaar aside) : Get aside Mr Maheswari...I wanna talk with (sees Swara)my Fiance...

Sanskaar(warns him) : Don't...Don't you dare to call her your fiance...(Swara looks suprisingly towards him)she is the daughter of this house not your fiance...

DP(said to Ap) : Ap take Swara to her room

So came forward and hugs Swara and takes her with her in her room..

Swara left with Ap while Raj was still angry on Sanskaar for coming in between...Urvashi also saw Sanskaar's protective nature for Swara and was fuming in anger...

Raj(angrily shouting) : how dare you to come in between me and Swara...if you are forgetting then let me remind you...that she is my Fiance...I'm asking politely give her to us and we will leave from here quietly...

Before Sanskaar could make Raj's face look horrible Dp intrupt them and said in angry voice

Dp(shouts angrily) : Enough Raj...I'm saying last time...get out from my house with your so cold Aunty...otherwise we also know how to kill people in the name of respect...

Urvashi who was quite in whole conversation becomes angry and said...

Urvashi(angrily shouting) : You are not doing good by making us out...you just wait I'll take Swara from here...by hook or by crook...

Saying so she left from there with Raj...Soon all goes in Swara's Room


IN Swara's Room

Swara as as hugging Ap tightly and was crying bitterly...Uttra and Rohan were also present there and trying to console her but all in vain...

As soon as all elders indulging Sanskaar enters  in her room she runs to Parvati and started to cry more loudly by hugging her

Swara(hugging Parvati and crying bitterly) : I...I don't wanna....go...with th..them...please...please don't...send me...

All were having tears in there eyes seeing Swara's state...in face Sanskaar was also feeling pain in his heart seeing Swara in miserable state...

DP came forward and places his hand on her head and said

Dp(keep his hand on her head and tries to assure her that she is not alone) : Don't worry Swara...we all are here...we will never send you with those bad people...you just relax...

Parvati(broke the hug and caress her have lovingly) : Yes Swara...Do is right...I'll never send my Shekar's daughter to those people who torture her...you just be relax ok...

Swara(still scared from Raj and Urvashi) : But that Raj...he...will...not leave...me that easily...he..will..again take..me...

Parvati(tries to make her calm) : shhh Swara please stop crying...I said we are here...they can't even touch your single hair...so you just be relaxed..

Dp(Seriouse tone) :  I have one solution on this problem...

Parvati(asking) : what...???

Dp(says in Seriouse tone) : we should made Swara marry...as soon as possible..,it will be the best way to protect her from those morons...

Parvati(thinks something and then said) : I think you are right...

Listening about Swara's marriage sanakaar feels a pinch in his heart...while Swara looks at Sanskaar emotionally.....


Next : Swara's Marriage...!!!


Finally completed it...well now shoot your comments and tell your views...!!!and yes I want comments...that too lots of..if I get all readers comment who vote... I'll update next part after two days...otherwise wait till next week...!!!

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