Episode 11 : Rejection & Confusion

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Hi Guys I know you all are waiting for this ff...so let's start without any further delay...!!!


Previous : Swara sick and Raj Urvashi Entry in MM...!!!


Episode 11 : Rejection & Confusion


IN Swara's Room

Swara was sitting in her room and thinking about recent moments...she was feeling so much restless...

At one side her heart loves Sanskaar and other side her marriage talks are going on...as she was lost in her thoughts just than room door opens and Rohan and Uttra came in with a bright smile on there faces...

Rohan(happy and excited) : Di....you know...today I'm so so so happy...you know...now you don't have to leave this house...yeeeee

Uttra(happy and excited) : yes Swara Di...now we will do masti full time...

Swara was confused listening to them...

Swara(confused) : what you both are saying...I'm unable to understand...

Rohan(happy and excited) : ufff My innocent Di...our meaning is this...that you and Sanskaar  bhai are going to marry with each other...

Listening to Swara was feeling like I'm ninth sky...she was feeling so much lucky...as to whom she love is going to be her life partner...Her happiness was having no bounds...
She controlled her emotions and said

Swara(surprised) : how do you know...that...I'm..I'm going to marry...with Sanskaar...

Uttra(happy and excited) : oh come on Di...we heard from our ears...all elders are talking about your and Sanskaar bhai marriage in Grandmother's Room...

Soon both after congratulating Swara left from there making her jump in happiness...she was happy but she wanna listen all this from her ears...


Out Side Parvati's Room

Swara go and stand outside of room...she started to heard all voices...
Her face which was glowing from happiness...turns into sad...now instead of happiness there was sadness on her face...

Inside the Room

Dp(angrily) : Sanskaar...what are you saying...why can't you marry with Swara???

Sanskaar(Irritated) : I know you all like her but I can't marry her...

Ap(asking) : But why..???

Sanskaar Don't know what to say so in order to escape from this situation he started to say foul things about Swara...

Sanskaar(irritated) : Because she is a Bengali...Shekar indie marry with Shomi Aunty...But Grandfather didn't accept them...so I can...accept Swara...I'm sorry but...I'll not marry with her...and please Dad don't force me,..

Ap(disappointed) : I never thought that...you think like this about her...she is so innocent...our Shekar's last symbol...I thought to keep her with us all for forever...but you ruin our hopes...if Rohan couldn't have younger from Swara...so I would then have married...but I think...God also...doesn't want us to give a chance...to repent on our mistakes...

Dp(angry) : Enough Ap...if Sanskaar doesn't want to marry with Swara...we can't force him than...but seriously...I never expect this from you Sanskaar...

Sanskaar feels hurt listening to Dp's complaining voice...

Sanskaar(guilty) : I'm sorry Dad I know you are hurt...I have always followed...you but now...(honestly)it's the matter of my life...I'm sorry but I can't...do this...

Outside the Room

Swara was feeling like her knees has given up...tears were continuously rolling down from her eyes...before any one could come out...she silently moves towards her Room...


IN Swara's Room

Swara came in room and locks the door...she sat with door and started to cry loudly...

***Swara's POV***

Why this always happened with me God...am I that bad..that no one loves me...First that Raj play with my emotions...and now Sanskaar...

Raj said write...I'm a fool...who can't see anything...
I love Sanskaar with my full heart...after Raj...Sanskaar was the one man whom I consider my everything...but Destiny again play it's tricks...

But Sanskaar also said right... Why he will marry with me...a girl..who he has seen with some other Man...that too in his arms...

I wish I would have meet Sanskaar earlier...I wish you would have alive Dad...I wish you wouldn't have marry with Mom(Urvashi)...

Now I'll never expect anything from my Destiny...I think may be... God also doesn't love me...

***POV END***

She wipe her tears and goes on bed...she again started to cry thinking about Sanskaar's rejection...but soon she drifts into sleep...


Next Morning

IN Lounge

All were sitting and talking about Swara's marriage...Swara came in lounge...and first person to see him was Sanskaar...he was shocked seeing her red puffy eyes...her nose was red...

Swara was feeling dizzy due to last night...but still she ignore all that...and gets ready and came down...

When Ap sees Swara she asked him

Ap(concerned) : Swara are you ok dear...

Swara(trying to hide her pain) : Yes Aunty...I'm ok...I just have a little headache...but it's fine now...

Ap(concern) : why are your eyes are red...it looks like you was crying whole night...is everything ok dear???

Listening to Ap's lovable time she was unable to control...she hugs Ap and started to cry Mali,g everyone shock...present in Lounge...all were worried on Swara's crying...

Ap(soothing her back) : Swara...what happened...Why are you crying...

Swara(broke the hug and cry miserably) : sorry Aunty...it's just that...I'm missing Maa And Papa...if they would have been alive today...I wouldn't have been here...

Sanskaar was still observing Swara kneely...some where in his heart he went to hold her and sooth her...pain...but as always his ego was not letting him to do that...he knows about what matter she is saying...but still he remains calm...

Dp(keep his hand on her head as a father) : I know Swara no one can fulfill the place of parents...but still we are also yours....

Swara(still sobbing) : I know uncle you all are always with me.... it's just all happening because of me...you all were happy in your lives...and then I came...and due to me that Raj and Mom...also...I'm sorry Aunty...I'm sorry...

Ap(cups her face and wipe her tears) : shhhh Swara calm down...I know Shekar and Shomi are not alive but this doesn't mean...we have no relation with you...you are daughter of this house...and you have full right to live here....I think you are not well...there is no need to go to college today...you go and rest in your room...

She simply nodes and was about to walk...but started to feel dizzy...she was about to fall but Sanskaar immediately catches her...making everyone shock...

As all knows that Sanskaar never cared about any girl...expect his sister's....and Swara was the first girl whom he saved....

He lifts her in his arms and take her towards her room following by all...soon Dp call the doctor...and now Doctor was checking Swara  and all are waiting Outside of her room...

As soon as doctor told them that they can come in now...Sanskaar was  the first who ran in again making all surprised...


IN Swara's Room

Sanskaar(worried) : How is she now Doctor?? What had happened to her???why are you quite???answer us...

Dp(calm) : Sanskaar let him speak first...

Sanskaar becomes embarrassed on his eagerness...

Doctor(casually) : hmm she is fine now...she is just suffering from...mental stress...just make her happy...

Dpn : ok Doctor...

Soon doctor leaves from there and all members leave too...when Swara regain her consiousness...


At Night

IN Sanskaar's Room

Sanskaar was restlessly walking here and there thinking about Swara...he just wants to see her one time...as he was feeling worried for her...

***Sanskaar's POV***

What's happening with me...why I'm worried about Swara...I know which type...of girl she is...but still...in unable to jerk her thoughts from my mind....

I just want to see her one time...she was so lonely...today morning also she was so miserable...

What should I do...should I go to check her or not...
I think I should go...I'll check on her from for and come back...yes this will be fine...

***POV END***


Outside Swara's Room

Sanskaar reach outside of her door and listen to Swara's talks...which made him he'll angry on her...he instantly open the door with a angry look and see Uttra and Swara sitting...

Seeing him Uttra stands up...and asks Sanskaar about his arrival...and Swara now her head down...

Sanskaar(sternly) : Uttra go and sleep...it's late...you also have to go to college so go and sleep...

Uttra just nodes and goes from there leaving Swasan...Swara was sitting on bed and Sanskaar was seeing her with his heated guaze...

Don't think wrong...it's not loveable guaze...this guaze was filled with anger...Swara also feel him staring at her and was becoming nevouse under his guaze...

Sanskaar moves towards bed and sat at a edge...he was still observing her who was playing with her fingers...

Swara(fumbles) : hmm...what...what are...you...doing...here???

Sanskaar(taunts) : I should ask this question from you???

Swara(sees him confusingly) : what...what do you mean???

He was so much angry on her and instantly holds her from her arms tightly making her flinch...they were so close and barely there was one inch gap between them...

Sanskaar(Angrily) : what were you saying to Uttra...that...you wanna leave from here...if you wanted to do this...(asking her)then why you came here...what you think us...we are scared...no...(dangerously)we can kill anyone...who will try to defame our respect...we haven't wear bangles...the men of this house can kill anyone but never let anyone to stain there respect...(right his grip on her arms making her yelp in pain but Sanskaar remain unaffected)and you are the daughter of this house...if I ever heard you saying that you wanna leave...then I swear...I my self will kill you but will never give you to that Raj...do you get that...(sternly)

Swara who was so much scared from Sanskaar's close proximity...just simply nodes her head..,

Sanskaar angrily leave from there and goes to his room...while Swara was confused from Sanskaar's gestures...

At one side he said he hates Swara...and on the other hand he protect her from all evil...


Next : Read below note...!!!


Hi Guys I haven't plan this...but I got an amazing idea...I wanna use that...so if you all are agree can I use it or continue story as I planned before without any twist...just give me reviews...!!!
Omg longest chapter ever...so now I want comment that to huge ones ok...!!!
And this part is dedicated to my three friends Moni5253 HasiniReddy7 NourjhanRajkuma enjoy Guys....!!!

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