Episode 17 : Swara's Outbrust on Sanskaar

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Guys I'm really sorry to hurt you all...just due to silent readers I hurt my loyal readers...I'm so sorry...but I did what I felt...but from now on...I'm not gonna say anything to you all...of you wanna read then read...I have no issues...sorry for my behaviour...!!!


Previous Episode : Swara's POV and Sanskaar's Possessive Nature...!!!


Episode 16 : Swara's Outbrust on Sanskaar...!!!


As reciver fell from Swara's hand...she screams loudly...making all gathered around her...

Swara(crying and choking voice) : Maaa.....

Ap and Sujhata who were working in kitchen with Swara were the first to came out...they go towards Swara and sees her sitting on the ground crying...while telephone receiver was on floor...

Sujhata holds the receiver and started to talk while Ap consoles Swara and asks her the reason of her crying...

Ap(tries to make her relax) : Swara...shhh...what happened..why are you crying...shh...tell me...

Swara(still crying) : Maa...Ma...sans...Sanskaar...he...hospital...I...(again cries bitterly)

Ap becomes devastated listening to Sanskaar hospital words...soon Sujhata kept the receiver and till then all men came from garden listening to shouting...

Dp(asks) : what happened Ap...why are you sitting like this...Swara...

Sujhata(worriedly) : Bhai Shahb wo..Sanskaar... he...he is in hospital...

Paravati(shocked and cries) : what...but...how...omg my son...

Dp(makes Parvati relax and asks worriedly) : relax Maa...nothing will happened to him...Sujhata which hospital..

Sujhata(hurridly) : city hospital Bhaisa...

Soon all moves towards the hospital...
And in way they inform Ragini and Laksh too...


AT Hospital

They reach at reception and asks about Sanskaar...all moves towards the ICU where Sanskaar was being treated..

As they reached at ICU they see police standing there...DP composed himself and asks from police about Sanskaar being in hospital...

Dp(worriedly asks) : inspector how this all happened...I mean my son Sanskaar...

Inspector(explaining him) : I know DP G what are you feeling right now...actually it's all done by Raj...as you know he has ran from jail earlier...and today when Sanskaar was alone going to some meeting...he took that as a chance and fire bullets on Sanskaar...

Ram(angrily) : that bloody Raj...I'll not leave him...how dare he to shoot my son...

Inspector(tries to say something) : look Mr Ram...

Ram(angrily shouts at inspector) : what look inspector...where is that Raj...instead of arresting him you are here...

Dp(controls Ram and asks from inspector further detail) : Ram let them say first...inspector you say...

Inspector(says them) : Raj...he is dead...

Dp(shocked as well happy) : how...I mean...

Inspector(explain the whole incident) : actually Dp G...as You all know that Sanskaar always keep a gun with him as for safety...as he is a bussinessman and politician too...so government has allowed to Sanskaar to keep gun with him...as when Raj shoots Sanskaar...Sanskaar also shoot him...and he died on spot...

Ram(asks calmly) : then why are you here inspector...

Inspector(says in professional tone) : we are here just to take Sanskaar's statement as we know what happened...but still it's just a formality...

As on one side Ram and Dp were talking to inspector other side Swara was looking vulnerable due to continuous crying...

Ap Sujhata Ragini and Uttra were trying there best to console Swara but all in vain...as Ap too was devastated but still she stays strong for Swara...as she knows Swara is very sensitive...

Swara who was crying in Ap's embrace...suddenly runs from there making everyone worried...for her...while Ragini goes behind her...


IN Hospital Garden

As the hospital was having a garden at its backside...so Swara goes there and sits on a bench cryingly...

***Swara's POV***

Why...Thai all happened to me...
It's all due to me...that Raj shoot Sanskaar...

If I wouldn't have  come here then all would have been happy...and Sanskaar would also have been happy in his life...

Why...me...Urvashi was right...I'm a bad luck...my mom died when I born and then father and now Sanskaar..
The person whom I love always left me...why... am I that bad...

***POV ENDS***

As Swara was drown in her thinking...she comes to senses by feeling a little pressure on her shoulder...

She sees towards the source of pressure and saw Ragini standing there with teary eyes...

Ragini sat beside Swara... and Swara told her all thinking to Ragini...at which she makes him understand that it's not her fault...

Ragini(makes Swara understand politely) : Swara it's not your fault...in fact you should be happy that Sanskaar Bhai...loves you so much that he can't see you hurt...that's why he killed that person...now you don't need to be live in fear...(naughtily smirks and diverts Swara's mind)in fact you should think that...how will you take care of my Bhai...you know Sanskaar Bhai...hates drinking soups...and as a wife now it's your duty to make him drink all this...

Swara blushed at her statement and just than Uttra comes there running my and told them about Sanskaar...

Uttra(says happily) : Ragini Di Swara Bhabi Sanskaar...Bhai is fine now...you all come fast...

Swara becomes happy and all moves in the hospital...


After Three Days

AT Hospital

It has been three days since Sanskaar was in hospital..

In all these days she goes to hospital but never goes in front of him she takes care of her diet and meal but never show him her face...and Sanskaar was also getting impatient to see her and listen her voice...

All were happy as Sanskaar is fine and recovering soon...


IN Sanskaar's Ward

Sanskaar was lying on his bed...as the bullet hit on his shoulder so there was bandage...due to which he can't move his hand...as it may cause pressure on the wound...

Ap and Sujhata were in Sanskaar's ward...and we're talking to him just than door open and Ragini came in happily...

Ap(asks her) : Ragini you came alone...where is Swara and Uttra...

Ragini(smiles) ; Mom they are in garden...actually the garden of this hospital is very beautiful...so they have gone to explore it...

Sanskaar(Monoluge) : here I'm lying on bed...and my wife is visiting gardens...hmmm...no one cares about me...

As he was thinking all this...Ap and Ragini who were seeing him...observed his expression and supress there laughter...

Just then room door open and here comes Swara and Uttra giggling...

Uttra(smiles) : Hi Bhai...how are you...

Sanskaar(greeting his teeth) : fine...at least you ask me how am I...(taunts Swara indirectly)otherwise some people didn't even ask me...this too!!!

All understands he is talking about Swara so they thought to give them some privacy...

Ap(says them) : Uttra Ragini...come with us we are going home...As we have work...and Ragini you also have to go your house as Laksh must be waiting for you...Swara you stay here with Sanskaar...ok

Swara(innocently pouts) : Mom...why are you all leaving me alone...

Sanskaar who thought he can talk to Swara becomes angry...

Sanskaar(angry and irritated) : yah why are you leaving her with me...take her also...I don't need anyone...

Rohan who has came to call Ap and Ragini...listen to Sanskaar said mischievously

Rohan(mischievous) : Ohhh Bro let Bhabhi Stay...she will see the garden from this window...and will enjoy the beautiful view of garden...

All ladies giggle while Swara becomes embraced...soon all left leaving the two love birds...

There was silence in whole room...which was broken by Swara...

Swara(nervously) : hmm...how...how are you feeling now...

Sanskaar(taunting) : haven't you ask too early...by the way you would have been prayed that...you would have get free from from me...and this unwanted relationship...

Swara(angrily makes him shut up) : Enough...not a word more...you always do this to me...you always put wrong allegations on me...and misunderstood me...(asks in challenging tone)and what about you...you have always treated me i'll from your behavior... you just married me due to Dp Papa...it was possible you would have divorced me...but due to Mudit...you came back and shows your right on me...this relation is still present due to your Ego...otherwise you would have thrown me out from your life earlier...

Today Swara has decided to show Sanskaar mirror...as he should also know importance of her in his life...

Sanskaar(angry and tries to get up) : You....ahhh...

Sanskaar who becomes angry on her attitude...tries to get up...but due to wound...he feels pain in his arm..and again fell on bed...like a broken branch of tree...

Swara who was angry with Sanskaar...as soon as she heard his painful voice...immediately runs to him...and make him lay on bed again...

Swara(makes him lay and scolds him angrily) : you can continue this fight...when you can become well...I'm not running anywhere...

Swara said all these while checking his bandage...after checking it...when she sees In Sanskaar's eyes...there was only love for her...

Sanskaar(holds her hand and pulls her towards him as she collides with his board chest) : when you are counting all things...then you should count...that relation too...which built between us on that night...

Swara(sees him angrily) : that was not a relation...it was just your Ego...you just want to stop me from going college...that's why you did that all...

Sanskaar(accepts his faults and hugs her) : yes you are right...but I didn't knew that...(huskily says all this in her ear)after that night...my heart...would be with you...as the moments which I spent with you...were the most beautiful moments of my life...I tried harder to explain my feeling to you...but I didn't get courage to say...I LOVE YOU JAAN-E-SANSKAAR...

Swara's heart was beating so fast listening to his husky and warmth voice...making her feel goose numbs all over her body...she controlled herself...and tries to maintain angry expression...she sees him with anger filled eyes...before she could say something...Sanskaar folds his both hands in front of her in a shape...of apologizing...

Sanskaar(holds her hand and said lovingly) : I'm sorry my loving wife...I apologize from you for my all mistakes...I'm sorry...

Swara(attitude) : ok I forgave you...but...

Sanskaar(confused) : But what...???

Swara(smirks naughtily and hides from Sanskaar) : first you have to make me agree that you will not hurt me again like this...then only I'll be able to move on with you...

Sanskaar(determind) : if that's so...then I'll do anything to get your Love and make you SAY THAT YOU LOVE...MY WIFE...!!!


Next Episode: Readers demand...!!!


Finally a long update...
I'm really sorry guys once again...!!!
This part is dedicated to my friend Kakali_SSC who make me realise that I'm wrong....and my sweet impatient friends who were saying me to post continuesly... Pihusinha Moni5253 VartikaBansal8 Innocentsoul12 and my Baby Girl HasiniReddy7
Vote if you like to do...!!!

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