Episode 18 : SwaSan Ligth Moments

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Hi Guys...
Here I am with 3rd last episode of this ss...thank you all so much for your support and to silent readers I can't say anything...!!!


Previous Episode : Swasan hospital light moments and Swara's angry mode...!!!


Episode 18 : SwaSan Light Moments

One Week Leap


It has been one week since Sanskaar has discharged from the hospital and he is finally for now...

In this one week Sanskaar and Swara started to talk with each other...which make all family members happy on there relation improvement.....

Sanskaar always talk with Swara politely she Swara was showing her attitude and talks rudely with him..but not infront of all...it happened when they are alone...

All family members decide to annouce there marriage officially and organized there reception...

While Swasan were totally unaware from this fact...and now Dp decide to discuss this with Sanskaar and arrange it...



IN Lounge

All were sitting in lounge and were talking happily while Swara and Uttra were serving tea and snacks to everyone...

All were waiting for Sanskaar so that they can talk about reception...and here comes Sanskaar...

He was looking tired and why not...today after whole one week he goes to office...and was completing pending work...

He sits on sofa and loos his tie...Swara who was coming from kitchen sees him and again goes in kitchen...
While Dp started to talk to him...about office matters...and some on political too...

Just then Swara came with lemonade and gives it to Sanskaar While he becomes happy at her caring nature and takes the glass smilingly...and murmurs a "Thank You" in low tone so that only she could hear it...

Swara go and sits with Ap...while Sanskaar left from there to his room for getting freshen up...while all talks casually...

After 10 minutes Sanskaar came in his casuals yellow tea shirt with blue jeans...and slightly wet hair...he goes and sits besides Dp...

Dp(serious tone) : Sanskaar we all have decide something...about you and Swara...

On listening to this Sanskaar instently look towards Swara...who was shocked too...

He was worried to think that may be Dp will talk about there divorce...but he composed himself and said

Sanskaar(blank face) : what you have decide Dad???

Dp observed his feathers and smiles little as he know what Sanskaar is thinking...

Dp(smiles) : don't worry son...I'm not gonna talk abou divorce...I have decide to arrange your both reception next week and announce your marriage with Swara officially...

Swara blushed listening to all this...while Sanskaar gives a blank look to Dp...

Sanskaar(said all this by interrupting Dp) : Papa...what's so hurry...next week it's too soon...I mean you can arrange it after one month...

Swara who was blushing listening to reception name becomes sad as well as angry on Sanskaar...

She gets up from her seat and left the lounge making everyone sad and angry on Sanskaar's act...

Dp(angrily) : what's this Sanskaar...I thought you have accepted this relation and you are happy with Swara...Now why you said No...don't you LOVE her...tell me...

Sanskaar(argues back) : of course I LOVE HER Dad...

Ap(asks) : then why you deny from arranging reception after one week...

Sanskaar(makes them relax and started to explain) : Mom Dad relax...first listen to me...yes I told you all to arrage reception after one month as I wanna make Swara happy...

Parvati(confused) : now what does that mean???

Sanskaar(hesitantly and blushing) : I...I wanna date her...

Rohan(shouts amusedly) : what???? Really...omg the news of century(acts as shooting by making screen with his hands and sees Sanskaar) THE GREAT BUSINESS TYCOON IS DATING HIS OWN WIFE...Strange...(laughs naughtily )

Dp(irritated and shouts on Rohan) : Rohan...will you please shut up...and(asks him confusedly) Sanskaar why you want to do this all...you can do this after reception too...(irritated)then what's the problem...

Sanskaar(explains his situation and His POV to his family) : I know dad...but after reception she will do these just because I told her...I know her dad..she will never say no to you all...but I wanna make her...agree with my efforts...(feels guilty by remembering all his bad behaviour with Swara)I know I hurt her with my behaviour...(smiles remembering her smile and cute pouty face)so that's why I wanna make her happy...I wanna heal her wounds...and wanna show her world...I know I can do all this as a husband...but I wanna do it as (hesitate and said by closing his eyes)a...a...boyfriend...

Rohan and all were looking at Sanskaar with wide eyes...as if they have seen a ghost...while Dp at last started to smile and patts on  his shoulder making all come out from their shocking state...

Dp(smiles and patts his shoulder) : I'm proud of you my son...(hugs him and said in his ear making Sanskaar embarresed)well but I never knew...you are romantic too...

Listening to this he becomes shy...and all started to laugh...as it was really a new seen for them to see...The Arrogant Sanskaar Maheswari is blushing...

Rohan(said cheerfully) : now why are you here bro...go and make Swara Bhabi understand about your decision...she must be sad...now go...

Sanskaar nodes and moves from there to Swara's room leaving all  smiling happily on there children happiness...


IN Swara's Room

Swara who came in room after Sanskaar's denial was very much upset and angry on him...

She was walking here and there in her room angrily thinking something deeply...

After about 5 minutes she heard the door opening sound and sees towards door where Sanskaar was standing...

Seeing him she angrily turns her face to other side and moves towards window facing her back to him...

Sanskaar who came to make Swara understand HIS POV sighs...and moves towards her...and stands beside him near window...

Sanskaar(calls her with full of LOVE) : Swara...

Swara(says angrily as well as rudely) : please Sanskaar...I don't wanna talk...you just leave me alone...

Sanskaar(tries harder to say something) : But Swara...

Swara(shouts at him) : Sanskaar I said leave me alone...I think you will not leave me alone...ok fine...I'll go from here...

Saying so she was about to go but Sanskaar holds her hand and makes her stop...

Sanskaar(holds her hand) : it's ok Swara...you stay...I'll leave...

Saying so he left from there...while Swara who was acting to be angry...as she thought he will convince her...gets more angry...

Swara(talks to herself angrily) : ahhh....that idiot Khaddus Maheswari...what does he think of himself...in hospital he was talking big big dialogues...(mimics Sanskaar)you don't worry Swara I'll do anything to make our relationship good...(angrily and irritated too)but here I'm angry...and he just left...I know he tried to talk but he can talk still...earlier always he forces me to listen to him and now he just left like scared kitten...stupid...monkey...donkey...white crow...yes from now on I'll call him white crow...always talks like crow in his ugly voice... Now I'll not talk to him easily...


IN Night

Sanskaar tries harder to talk with Swara but she was not even paying heed to his actions...and was showing her full attitude making Sanskaar look like a puppy...

After dinner all goes to there rooms...and Swara also left from there to her room...she enters in her room and sees a cute soft teddy on her bed with a SORRY written on it...

She holds it and becomes happy...she gets to know that it's Sanskaar's work...there was also a box full of Nuts..haha what you all think it's chocolate...😜😜😜

She was so happy...she thought to keep teddy in cupboard...but then she sees something and smirks evilly...
She started to talk to herself...

Swara(naughtily) : omg...who brought this ugly teddy...who ever brought it must don't know about toys...but it come in my room...(acts like thinking)hmmm...may be Sanskaar...no no...How can you think like this Swara...(loudly talking)that Khaddus Sanskaar will brought teddy for me...it will be joke of century... but what should I do...with this teddy...hmmm...I'll keep it in cupboard,..and will ask from all who place it in my room...

She place that teddy in cupboard and leaves from there...

Under The Bed

Sanskaar who was hiding under bed...sighs in relief as Swara has left,..he sees towards door...from under bed...and then turns towards other side...and shouts...

Sanskaar(scared) : ahhhh...

Actually Swara has seen Sanskaar's foot under bed...so she got to know that it's Sanskaar's act...so in order to tease him she acts like she didn't like the teddy

Swara(laughs loudly) : haha haha...omg...the great Sanskaar Maheswari gets scared...(again laughing)hahaha...

Sanskaar(still painting due to shout and said fumbling) : how you come here...I mean...you...out...here...I...

Swara(composed herself and acts to be angry but from inside jumping like kangaroo seeing Sanskaar's state) : it's my room...and I can do whatever I want and go where ever I want...in fact (asks him rudely)I should ask you that what are you doing by hiding under my bed...

Sanskaar(fumbles) : who said I'm hiding...

Swara(mocking) : then what are you doing under my bed...(taunts)playing cricket...or catching mosquito...

Sanskaar(tries to make a lame excuse) : I...I....yah when I came here to place that teddy on bed...my lighter fell from my pocket...so I was searching that...

Swara(teasing him) : wait...wait...you was saearching lighter...(acts to me suprised)Sanskaar you have ligther...that...(dramatically)that means you smoke...omg I got a smoker husband...(game crying)ahhhh...ahhh

Sanskaar(mentally slap himself for this much good excuse and make another one) : no...no Swara you are getting me wrong...who said I was searching lighter...I...I...yah my pen fell that was I searching...(seeing here and there and acts to be searching pen)don't know where it goes...

Swara(stops crying but from inside rolling on ground seeing Sanskaar's scared face) : ohhhh...then ok...(acts be rude)but why you didn't tell me that you are here when you saw me coming inside...

Sanskaar(looking down and said innocently by pouting) : I thought you will get more angry by seeing me...(sees her)as you are already angry...

Swara(tries to move forward but hit her head with bed roof) : Sanskaar you...ahhhh

She moves little and her head collides with bed roof...and she hissed in pain...

Sanskaar(holds her head) : omg...(rubs her head and said with concern)are you alright Swara???

As Sanskaar rubs her head..
They both gets lost in each other's eyes...the distance was already pleas between them...they can feel each other's breath on there lips...

Slowly both leans towards each other...and Sanskaar sees towards Swara...who closed her eyes as a positive sign...

Without wasting a second...he places his rough lips on her soft juicy petals...and started to chew them...as a bee sucks nector from flowers...
He was sucking her lower lip...while she was his upper lip...both were completely lost in each other...

It was a slow and long kiss showing each other love passion and most importantly promises...he bite her lower lip...due to pain she gasps...and taking it as a opportunity he enters his tounge in her mouth...and started to explore her whole mouth's each corner...
When he was about to take back his tounge from her mouth...she holds it in between her teeth making her groan in pain...while she smirks naughtily...
Then to reduce the pain she sucks it...she sucks it gently taking his all pain away and turns it into pleasure...

One of my reader ask me show some light romance with nhok jhok...so I tried my best...I hope she likes it...!!!
I can't write more so I'm stopping here...!!!


Next : second last episode and Readers demand...so shoot your demands if you all want something...!!!


I hope this much long episode is enough for you all...now please note and silent reader...I'm so sad about you all...I don't know how to request you to vote...but still I'm requesting last time vote and comment guys...please...
Guys in our area telephone lines are changing so I'm unable to use internet...till 2 to 3 days so till then please wait...

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