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Adriana POV

Sketch looks at me. It looks like he is searching for something I didn't have. He smiles and i smile back.

"Better be going to sleep!" I say. He nods. I walk into my room and get ready for bed but then i see this note on my bed. It goes something like this:

Tomarrow I demand you and your little weak freinds to come in the woods at 6:00. Exactly. Or else. Now by sis.

Oh no. We haven't even practiced alot. We have to try get this over with.

--time skip to tomarrow and time is 6-

I showed them the note. While denis read the note outloud to the rest corl holds his hands tighter. And sketch holds my hands to. We transform into our suits.

"We can do this." Alex says.

"I hope." i whisper to myself. We get to the woods and we don't see her no where.

"Well, well, well...You showed up!" she says but I still can't see here.

"SHOW YOUR FACE!" I say holding a ball of fire.

"If you say so...hahaha!" she says giving out a evil laugh. She looks like this:

"Whata!?" corl says with hiS jaw open.

"C'MON GUYS DO WHAT YOU LEARNED!" i yell out while ash and ace come out by my side. I shoot out a fire ball at her but she blocks it and shoots it back at me. Corl notices that the fire ball is going to hit me. He runs onfront of me and it hits him.

"NOOOO!!!" Corl yells out running to denis. He starts to cry in denis's chest.

Corl POV

No this couldn't be happening. I start to cry in his chest.
I feels his hand on my cheek. I look at him.

"G-go f-fight her. Leave me here. I'll be f-fine." he says weakly.

"No! I will nerver leave you." so much chaos is happening behind us.

"Do it for me." he says closing his eyes. It hurts me so much. To see him weak. I would rather be the one that got hit. Not denis.

"Ok. I love you." i say starting to cry even more. I lay his hand back in the ground. I stand up and fight for denis.

"Nothing can stop me!" she says.

Adriana POV

"Yes we can!" i say. Knowing this was all my fault. Feeling guilty looking at Denis on the ground. Looking at sketch and alex hurt. This is ALL my fault.

"Im sorry guys this is all my fault..." i say to them.

"No its not!" sketch says blocking the attacks.

"Hahaha. NOW YOU FEEL TERRIBLE LIKE YOU MADE ME. SIS." The demon inside sandras body says to me.

"SIS!?" corl, sketch and alex yell out and looks at me. She puts a force feild around her and me making sketch,corl and alex not able to help me.

"MWHAHAHA NOW ITS JUST YOU AND ME SIS!" she syas forming the dark and black ball in her hands. I can see sketch banging on the force feild trying to help me. I can see ash and ace trying to brake it.

"IM SORRY SIS!" I yell out. She stops her attack and gets closer to me.

"It is too late." She says.

"IM SORRY FOR MAKING YOU FEEL LIKE SH*T. YOU AREN'T. I was growing up with the wrong freinds!" I say. It felt good to say that. To let it all out. She starts to cry. Slowly it brakes the force feild. When i finnally escape she says,

"I'll be back. And when I am. You will regret everything." she says going deeper in the forest. We all run to denis. His eyes are shut.

"DENIS WAKE UP!" We all yell out. He wasnt moving.

"I can give my powers it will make him servive." I say knowing it would make me weak. It would make me lose my powers. Make me not able things that i could do with my powers.

"Wait doesnt that make you lose your power?" Sketch says.

"It doesnt matter. Denis risked his life for me." i say. I wish didnt block the hit for me. Now i feel like it is all my fault.

"I just want my din din back." corl says.

"I know." i say trying to keep my emotions from showing. I stand up, I couldn't keep the tears away anymore. I just put my hand infront of me sucking all the pwer from me forming a light blue ball. I was getting weaker and weaker. You could tell I was getting weaker.

"Don't do this if it hurts." sketch says. I just ignore him. I place the ball of powers into denis. Denis takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. His hands start to glow.

"Do you see that!" he says

"Yes. It is ok that is what usually happens." i say.

"Can someone tell me what is going on?" he says with a confused face.

"Well you where dieing...Adriana gave you her powers to survive." corl says. Denis just kisses corl on the lips. The pull apart.

"Thank you Adriana." he says getting up.

"So did we get the real Sandra back?" he asks holding corls hand. All of us other than denis look at eachother with sad looks. We all shake our heads no. I start to feel weak but ill get stonger over time...hopefully.

Denis POV

I started to feel dizzy. It felt like the room was spinning in circles. I fell back but corl catched me. My eyes slowly closed.

Suddenly Ace licks me and I wake up. Eveybody was around me.

"What happend?" I ask.

"You past out. Nothing serious. That usually happened to me when i had powers. I learned to control it and so will you soon. It was getting late. Everybody went to sleep. Corl slept next to me. I blushed so hard when he put his head on my chest. I put my arms around him, not wanting to let go.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry this chapter wasnt that great. Im on vaction and im in bed right now making this chapter. Love you guys! Remember if you arent smiling you are doing it wrong!

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