Come back

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Denis POV

I wake up with corl on my chest sleeping. I slowly slide away. I strech and yawn. I notice a note on me dresser. It said this:

You may have deafted me last time but you wont again. Come to the woods right now. And this time ill win. You guys will be gone. Mwhahaha.

I just wanted everything to be over. Go the way it was. Just me and corl living happily ever after. But I guess not. I was tired of this. I didnt want to see anyone get hurt anymore. I look at corl. This might be the last time I see him.

It hurt me to go. But I needed to protect corl. Protect the others. I head towards the woods. I didnt see her.

"Hello?" I yell out while looking around.

"Oh hello!" she exclaimed looking around for the others.

"Wait, wheres the others?" she asks.
I put my hands behind me. I never tryed to do this. I saw Adriana do this though. Uh I'm so stupid to coming here alone. I try to focus and she is just talking and talking. She doesn't notice me. I shoot the ball of magic and it hits her. She falls to the ground.
She strugges to get up and hit me and throws me againts the tree.

"Haha." she yells. I could feel my chest bleeding. It felt like it was burning.

Corl POV

I woke up expecting denis by my side. I realize he was gone. I started to panic. Maybe he was just practicing. I was probobly over reacting. I got dressed into the 'I love cats shirt' that denis gave me((that You can get at Sorry I had tooXD))

I walked outside to see Sketch, Alex and Adriana talking.

"Hello sleep head." Alex says running his hand through his purple hair.

"Wheres Denis?" They ask looking around.

"I was going to ask you the same thing!"

"Oh no." Adriana says.

Denis POV

I was weak. I could barely move. I started to get dizzy.

"I told you to bring the others!" she exclaims. I just wanted to give up. I didn't respond.

"Oh I see you wanted to be the'hero'."

"You wanted to protect your lover corl!" She yells rolling her eyes. I remember all the memories I had with corl. They all flashed before my eyes. That brought a smile on my face. I remember our first kiss we had. I loved how it felt. His soft lips touch mine. I wanted to feel that again. But, I wasn't sure if I would.

But something made me want to keep going. To try. I didn't know what I was doing, I started to glow blue.

"Whats happing to you?" she asked backing away. I slowly closed my eyes and I could see her fall.

I was in this dark place. Cold wind hit my face. There was no light. I could hear the sound of crying. I walked towards the sound and I could see a girl crying. Her face burried in her knees. Her staight hair droping beside her. I kneel down. She looks at me. It was Sandra. The real Sandra.

"Denis?" she crys.

"Its me." I say hugging her. She pushes me away.

"No, no it can't be you." Sandra added.

"It is!" I yell.

"No, this is just my imagination." she continues to cry. She pushes me away even more.

"I just want to be free." she cries.

"Ill help you! It really me! Denis." i add.

"If it is really you, why are you even here?" she questions.

"Because I want you to be ok. And I care."
"No one cares for me. . ." she says.

"Alex loves you!" I always knew Alex liked Sandra. I never said anything since it wasnt any of my Bussniss.


"NO ONE LOVES ME!" she yells.

"Trust me. Trust me for alex."

"How did you even get here?" she finally stops crying.

"I dont know. . .its a long story. Just trust me."

"Just get me out of here. I miss you." she says finally believe me.

"Where are we anyway?" I ask.

"My mind. Where inside my body." I was suprised.

"Hahaha." I hear a voice say.

"Oh no she is back."

"Whos she."i ask. She grabs my hand pulls me the opposite direction that the laugh came from. Thats when I notice the scares on her hand.

"If your getting us out of hear do it now." The only probloms is I didnt know how I came here. She gets closer. I can here the fotstepps getting louder and louder.

"What are we waiting for?"

I get scared. I can feel my heart beat twice going twice as fast. Sandra holds my hand tight as can be. I can see they yellow eyes in the distance. I start to glow blue, I close my eyes.

I open them and we are outside in the woods.

"You did it!" Sandra hugs my.

"Thanks." she says. Then I see this ball of magic/Dust.

"No!" it yells out. It was the demon that was inside of Sandra. I capture it in my hands. But then it brakes free and goes into my body.

Sandra POV

NO! It went into denis. Hes evil now.
His eyes glow red.

"DENIS SNAP OUT OF IT!" I yell at denis.

"I'm not denis." ((Lets call the demon that is Adriana's sister Ema)) Ema im denis's body pushes me. I pass out. Everything turns black.

No one POV

Sandra passes out. Denis ties her against a tree. He walks towards Adriana's secret place with a evil smile on her face. Sandra wakes up ans struggles to get out. But she does. She runs the opposite way.

Denis makes it back to corl, Adriana, Alex and Sketch.

"Oh hey guess!" denis said qwith anormal smile on his face.

"WHERE WERE YOU!?" Corl creis out.

"Let me just say we dont have to worry about about fighting the demon." he lies.

"You defeated her!? Alone!?" Adriana says suprised. Adriana was confused that he defeated her alone. Sometging seemes off to her.

"Y-ya!" he hesitates. Corl was just happy to see "Denis". Corl goes in for a kiss on the lips but denis turns his head making him kiss on his cheek. Corl seemed confused. But he didn't say anythings.

Hey guys! I had a different plan for this chapter but when I was writing it I randomly got this idea. I know this chapter is crap. I am just having writers block since im starting a new book on the gals account. Remeber if your not smiling your doing it wrong!

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