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Hey guys! I decided to update this book when i have free time! So now i can update 2 times a week or even maybe 4 times! Hope u enjoy this chapter!

Sketch POV

This was so cool. But im scared. I can't believe we are going to battle a demon. We have been practicing.

"Whats wrong?" Adriana asked since I wasn't smiling.

"Can we talk private?" Sketch says.

"Um ok." she said.

"Guys go take a break!" she said telling alex, corl and denis. They nod and walk towards the water.

"So whats wrong?" she asks.

"I'm Scared." i say.

"Scared of what?" she asks.

"I'm scared to battle Sandra." I says.

"What if yo- they get hurt?" i asks.

"I'm not going to let that happen."she says. I smile so big.

"Be tough!" she says smiling. She punches my playfully on the shoulder. It hurt but i tryed to seem like it didn't hurt. When she walked away i started to say ow. I walk towards them.

"Ok guys lets practice more?" she says.

"Ok." Alex says.

"Before we do i want you to meet someone!" she says smiling. We all look at eachother exchanging confused looks.

"Come I'll show you!" she says walking towards this room. We follow her and she pulls out these animals.

((Just ignore the person in the picture))


"Wow." corl says.

"This is Ace she says pointing and the white bigger one." she says petting Ace. I came up to me and liked me with his big tongue full of slobber. Now I was all wet and full of slobber.

"Ew." I say. Everyone starts laughing.

"Stop laughing at me or I'll bring your ankles!" i said joking.

"I guess Ace likes you!" Adriana says. We look into eachothers eyes she blushes and then I do.

"Snap out of it lover birds!" denis says waving his hands infront of my face.

"Anyways...this is Ash!" she says pointing at the black one.

"Come hear boy!" Corl says. Then ash comes running to corl so quickly. Then ash jumps on corl making corl fall.

"Be careful boy." corl says laughing while ash is licking his face.

"They look so cool!" alex says petting ash on the belly.

"Yep. I love them so much. They kept me company when I was alone." she says climbing on to Ace.

"Ok I think we did to much training for the day. You can stay here so you can be safe." she says. We all nod.

-time skip to later that night-

Everyone went there one ways. But I stayed with Adriana. She is so pretty. Her smile and everything is perfect.

Adriana POV

Sketch was so nice to me. He reminds me of the boyfreind i use to have. We laughed and talked. We decided to play roblox.

"Lets play Murder Mystery hehehe!" sketch said. I agreed. We started playing it. We didn't look at eachothers screen so we couldn't cheat. I have never played roblox before.

"So how do you control your character?" I ask. He comes over to where im sitting and putts his hands on mine and controls it for me. I blush and then he blushes too.

"Do you get it now?" he asked. I wanted to say no so he would keep his hands on mine.

"Ya I get it." I say. We start playing. After a few rounds I get murder.

"UHH DARN INNOCENT AGAIN!" I say even though I'm murder.

*roblox death sound*

"Did you hear that? Do you know where it came from?" he asks.

"No clue." i say smiling evily.

"Where are you?" i ask.

"Im outide where the boxes are." he says. I move my character outside where sketch is.

"Oh hello!" i say. I get my character close to his. I pull the knife out but then he pulls the gun out. But i stab him first.


"Hehehe yep!" i say. Then the round ended. We decide to stop playing.

"This was fun!" I say.

"Ya.." he says.

"Can I tell you something?" he asks.

"Anything." i say.

"I.. I-i uhhhhh...I li-uhhh. I'll just show you!" he says. He gets close. Then he kisses me. And I kiss him back. We seperate after a few seconds.

"I like you to." I say holding his hands.

Denis POV

"So want to get fresh air?" I ask.

"But we have to stay here. We might get hurt." corl says.

"C'mon lets go for a walk!" i say.

"Fine." he says.

"But put this on!" he says throwing me a gray hoodie.

"Why?" i ask while putting it on.

"So we don't look like us. So we can stay safe." he says putting on a dark blue hoodie. We go outside. We hold hands and start walking down the sidewalk. While we do people are giving us glares. One guy with his girlfriend bumbed into us on purpose. People kept giving us these bad looks.
Then these group of girls said to eachother.

"Ew look at those two guys holding hands!" they say. We continue to walk. I can feel the tears running down my face. Is it bad being gay? Is it? I let go of corls hand.

"Whats wrong?" he asks.

" it bad being gay?" i ask. Then he noticed me crying.

"Denis of course not!" he says. We get back to the secret lair but I'm still questioning myself. Am i not "normal" if im gay? I contunie to cry. Corl hugs me.

"I'll be here for you...always." he says while i cry into his shoulder. He gets a guitar and starts singing this:

((The begining theres no song so just skip about 42 seconds in))

"I love you denis. Don't change." corl says.

"I love you too." i say. We get closer to eachother. Our lips meet. Softly we kiss eachother.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Love you guys. I wrote this chapter to spread the message that being gay is ok. It is not a bad thing. It doesnt matter if u like the same gender. Remember if you aren't smiling you are doing it wrong!

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