If you die I die too.

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Corl POV

I was crying so much. Denis got hurt. Why would Sandra do this!?

"I can't find her." alex says running out of breath since he was running after sandra.

"Denis dont die on me!" I yell out shaking denis. Alex just stood there crying.

"DO SOMETHING!" i yell out crying into denis's chest.

"Wait I got an idea!" Adriana yells out.

"What is it!?" i yell out. I just want denis to be alive.

"I can revive him with a this things in the forest!" she yells out. Finally hope.

"But..." she says.

"But what?" alex asks.

"It is a risk. It mugjt also kill him...it is a 50% chance it will revive him amd a 50% chance it will kill him." Adriana says.

"So to the forest and you'll see these things capture one and bring it here." she yell out.

"If he dies. I die too." I say.

"Ok." i say running towards the forest. I run deeper in and I see the thing.

"Sing to us!" the thing said.

"Ill come with you and help your freind if you do." they say. I start to sing this:


When im done they come with me.

"Good you got one." Adriana said. She holds it and puts it in denis then this fairy like dust explodes around((as seen in the video)) But denis doesn't move.

"NO!" i say shaking denis. Then none of us talk. Just silence. You could only hear my crying. Then all of a sudden denis takes a big breath and start breathing again. He opens his eyes.

"C-corl?" he asks.

"It's me." i say then a kiss him. Kiss him for as long as I can.

"Get a room!" Adriana yells out laughing.

"Sorry." i say. I help denis up. He didnt have any bruises where he had before. I ran and huged Adriana.

"Thank you so much." i tell her. I ran up too her and huged her.

"Well don't thank me yet. I was the one that gave Sandra the evil potion..." she says.

"What!? Why!?" denis and me yell out at the same time.

"It was an accident!" she yells out.

"Wait so let me get this straight. You have powers. And Sandra turned evil." denis says.

"Yep." adriana says.

"That so cool!" denis says. I step on his foot and look at him with a 'really' look.

"Ow what was that for!?" he says.

"This is a problem." Alex says.

"Ya I know." denis says sighing.

"So now what?" I ask looking at Adriana.

"We need to stop Sandra." she says starting to think.

"How?" alex asks.

"Hmmmmm....I KNOW!" She yells out.

"What?" Denis asks.

"But we need more people." she says.

"We can get the sketch to help out!" alex says.

"Oh ya! Someone call him or text them!" she says smiling

((In this story sub isnt part of the pals so ya. Cause corl didnt even know sub in the begining. So sorrry sub.))

Denis: Hey sketch can you come over?

Sketch: Why?

Denis: It is a long story.

Sketch: tell me!

Denis: I'll tell you when you come.

Sketch: Ok!

-end of conversation-

"Hes coming!" denis says.

*time skip to were he comes and then denis explains everything to him*

"Ok everybody hold eachothers hand and close your eyes.

Adriana POV

Everybody held eachothers hand and sketch held mine I blushed. WAIT DID I JUST BLUSH!? I start to glow and soon everyone does. We get to my secret hide out. Everyone amazed except alex since he already seen it.

"This is so cool!" sketch yells out.

"So whats the plan?" Corl asks.

"Each of you will get a suit to help fight." she said. She tranformed into this:

Then corl looked like this:




"This is so cool!" everyone says. Sketch looked cute. Wait what did i just think!?

Sketch POV

This is so cool.

"Ok lets go!" Sketch said.

"Just a minute. You think we where just going to fight right now? We need to practice.

"Darn." corl said.

"So each of your suits have a sword or something that shoot out fire. Like yours denis!" she says.

"And yours has a sword." she says talking to corl.

Hey guys! Sorry this is a short chapter. Is this a huge plot twist. Did you see this coming? So i was thinking. Once I finish the book should I make a part two or start a new book? And if I start a new what should it be about? Remeber if u aint smiling u r doing it wrong! PEACE OUT✌

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