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Denis POV

*BAM* "CORL WHAT WAS THAT NOISE!?! CORL ANSWER ME! Corl? Oh no what was that i need to call the 911 it sounded like a car crash!" i start to cry. What do i do? I call 911.
"Hello, this is 911 how may i help you?"

"I think my bo- freind got in a car crash!"

"Ok, stay calm. We are on our way."
I hang up. I start to cry even more. Is this my fault? Did i cause this. Uhh if i just didn't kiss him maybe this wouldnt have happend. More tears start yo come. I love corl and i cant stop loving him. He is perfect. His eyes, his personality, his hair all perfect. Sandra walks in and she sees me crying.

Sandra POV
"Are you ok?" I ask him.

"Ye-no in a car crash!"

"Omg remember im here for you. Ill always be. Remember that. We can go to the hospital?"I says holding his hands.

"Thank you you are truly A good friend." darn i just got friend zoned. We get our stuff and drive to the hospital.

Corl POV

I open my eyes. Evertging is blurry. Then i get my vision back. Im in a hospital. I look at my legs all bruised and red. Why am i here? I see denis. Denis was crying but looked so cute. I think i love him. I remember what he sang to me. I loved it. But i was still hurt from the brake up with wendy. Thats why when i kissed him i couldnt do it. I looked at him

"Are you ok swe- corl?"

"Uh-ya what happened?"

Denis POV

Did he forget what happend did he forget the kiss the song?

"Um well you got in a car crash."

"Oh my."

Corls POV

I look at his beutiful eyes. I kiss him. That kiss was so amazing. I pull back and say "I wont let go i love you denis." he smiles and stops crying.

"I love you corl i always have. And will never stop loving you." he says. He hugs me i hug him back. I was so happy i could not stop smiling.

Sandra POV

I see denis and corl kisses. Tears start running down my face. I run to the bathroom. I look at the mirror. All my mascara running down my face. I cover my face with my hands trying to forget what i just saw...trying to forget the pain. Trying to forget...denis but i cant i love him. No mater how hard i try. I get my phone out. And text alex (pretend alex and sandra are really good friends.) i text him this:

Hey alex. Denis and corl kissed. I saw them😭

Alex: OMG. Are you ok? Remember ill be there for you no matter what.

Me: thanks can i come over? Im not ok.

Alex: Sure you can come any time!

Me:Thanks sooo much. You made my day.

Alex is such a good freind. He always been there for me. I clean up and get ready to go. I look through the crack of the door of the room that denis is in and i see them so happy Laughing. I sigh. One tear comes down my cheek but i dont cry.

Alex POV

Im exited that sandra was coming over. I kinda formed feelings for her but i knew she loves denis so i never said how i felt about her. Plus i was afraid to. I text denis. He tells me that corl got in a car crash. But he is ok so i dont worry as much. I hear a knock at my door. It is Sandra. I smile. She hugs me right away crying on my shoulder. I frown because i never seen jer so hurt and sad i couldnt dtand seeing her so sad. I pat her on the back. We sit on my purple couch.

"So how you feel?" i ask.

"Not great. I just didnt know denis was gay. If i knew i wouldnt have formed feelings for him. And i wouldn't be hurt. Thanks alex for this you are a good friend."

"No problom. Remember you have me." i say. I lean closer for a kiss but i pull away. Being such a good friend i relize if i kiss her it will make her even more confused. So i dont.

Hey guys i hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hint: you might get mad of what happens in the next chapter MWHAHAHAH. And if you also write books comment that you want to be a chacarter in the book and comment your name that u want me to use and character traits of that character! Remember if you are not smiling you are doing it wrong! Peace out!✌

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