Drunk kiss

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Sandra POV

Alex is just amazing. He has been there for me. I looked at the time it was getting late. I had to go.
"Alex sorry i have to go. Thanks for letting me stay here for a while".

Alex seemed sad. "Ok...hope you feel better. And say hi to denis for me!"

"Ok see you soon."i say leaving. I get in my car. I bang my head on the stirring wheel. Tears start running down my face. I had a flash back when me and denis met. I fell in love with him right then in there. He made me feel...loved. And i never felt like that with anyone else. I stop by a liquor store. I buy alot of beer. I go in my car and start drinking and drinking even more. I get to the point that i cant think straight. But i still remember denis. I thought beer would help me forget but it didnt. I drive home and im thankful i got home safe. But at this point in so drunk i cant control myself. I plop down in the couch crying. Denis walks in.
"What happend you left? I had to go with corl. I was worryed about you!" denis says.

"Oh sorry." he holds my had like friends do. I stare at his eyes. I kiss him. But corl walks in the room. Denis pulls back.

Corl POV

I walk into the room were denis is in. I cant BELIEVE MY EYES. Denis was kissing Sandra. I burst into tears.

"Sweetie listen-" i cut him off

"DONT CALL ME SWEETIE! YOU-YOU JERK!! I cant believe you!" i say yelling at him. He stands up he trys to hold my hand but i slap him.

" I TRUSTED YOU! I-i loved you...but not anymore!" i run off outside it started to rain. I get in my car. And i see denis run after me but i start driving off. I just keep driving and driving until i dont know were I am going. I trusted denis. HE CHEATED ON ME. "I loved him..."i whisper to myself. I pull over on the side of the road. I look at my phone. And see so many missed messages and calls from denis. I cant stop crying even if i try. I get a call thats from my aunt. "Braden i have some bad news." she says. I try to sound like im not crying. "What is it?" i asked. "Your parents...died from a car crash..." she says crying. I cant hold it in anymore. "WHAT!?!?No!"
"Sorry Braden." she says. At this piont we are both crying to death. "What about Christiana?!?!" i say. (Pretend Christiana is corls 2 year old sister) "Im going to take care of her from now on." she says losing her voice. "Oh ok bye..." I hang up. I bang my head over and over again on my stirring wheel. First denis then this. Oh why my parents would give me advice right now. But they are gone. I miss them...but more Denis. I miss his kiss he would give me on my forhead. Why did denis have to break my heart? I gave him my heart and you know what he did HE BROKE IT. Why did he have to be such a jerk? Why did i even fall in love with him i the first place. I decide to go to my house. I drive home but all my thought are about denis. Some thoughts are about how much i hate him for breaking my heart but others about how i used to love him. I get home. I lay down at my bed. I take my phone out and text Becky. Becky is like a sister to me and she feels the same way towards me.(sandra and becky are friends but Becky is more friends with corl)

Me: Hey. My heart is broken. Denis cheated on me with sandra.

Becky: WHAT?!?! Sandra would never do that! Are you ok! Im like your sister just tell me anything and ill listen.

Me: Thanks. I hate denis... I feel like he didnt even love me in the first place.

Becky: Want me to come over?

Me: No its ok. I just want some rest right now. Bye have a good night.

Becky: Ok bye.

I go to bed. But i kept singing this song that described my feelings.


Oh why denis. Why did you do this to me?

Hi guys hope you enjoyed this story. I love that song. I would love if you gave me some feed back or advice or ideas. You might hate Sandra right now lol. Keep reading to find out what happens to sandra and the friendship of Sandra and denis and corl or denis. Keep being you and remember if you are not smiling you are doing it wrong! Peace out

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