She left but she stayed

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Alex POV

"We need to warn them before he hurts anyone else!" She exclaims.

"Ya but how are we goong to convince them?" I ask. I thought hard.

"Um just trust me." she replied. I nod. I hug her.

"Thanks for being here. I have missed you." She says. That brought a smile on my face.

"I missed you too." I said back.

"Promise you will never leave me?" she says looking down.

"I promise." I say lifting up her chin to look at me. She smiles slightly. She smiled a crooked smile like I was lieing to her. I didn't say anything about that since she has already been through alot.

Sketch POV

-There out side next to a river-

I couldn't help but cry my eye balls out. Adriana was gone. I peice of my heart is now missing. We lie her down on this boat with rose petals around her. I kissed her one last time on the forhead. Come back. Don't leave me.

{Song they played while that happend}

[It doesnt have curse words in it]

I wanted to yell out "COME BACK. I LOVE YOU!" but I didn't. She was in a better place. Corl came up to me and put his hands on my right shoulder.

"I need to go." he said.

"Wanna come. . ." he was trying to take my mind off Adriana.

"No. You guys go I'll stay here." I smiled a weak smile, but I was now broken inside. They left but I was still here on my knees.

"Why did you have to go?" I ask. I don't know why but I waited for a reply. But I knew there will be no reply.

"Why did Alex do this?"

"I love you."

"I can't move on." I looked up into the sky.

"I won't forget you." I said looking up into the sky. I got up wiped my tears away and walked away. I got over into the hide out. I went into her room, even though that will make me even more sad. I looked at the place where we played roblox for the first time. Where we had our first kiss. I wish i spend more time with her. So sad that she had to go. My world seemed so empty. The room felt empty. My heart felt empty.

I went to take a nap. Get my mind off of her.

"Sketch!" A voice yelled out.


"YOUR ALIVE!" I yell out. I run towards her for a hug but I just went through her.

"Whats going on?" I ask.

"I need to warn you."

"About what?"

"Something terrible."

"What do you mean!?" I ask.

"No time to explain. She might be soming." she replys.

"Denis is being controlled."


"Alex didn't kill me."


"I have no time."

"Love you." she fades away.

I suddenly wake up. It was all a dream. I sighed. All fake. But was it a sign? I shook my head. Denis has been acting strange.

Corl POV

I was sad that Adriana left. We all had to move on.(Hes not trying to be mean) I planed to propose to denis. . .I was nervouse. But I loved him. I was ready too be with him for the rest of my life. I walked into the room where denis was. Holding the ring behind my back.

"Denis. . ."

"WHAT!? I mean what?"

"I love you so much. And want to be with you for the rest of you life."


"Will you marry me?" he asks. I pull out the ring and kneel down.

". . .Um. . ." he said nervously.

"No." he replyed. Those words hit me. It felt like I got stabbed by a knife. Someone punched me in the guts. I closed my eyes to keep the turns in.

"I-I understand. . ." I didn't. Did he not love me anymore? Did I do something wrong? I ran out crying I bumped into sketch.

"Whats wrong?" he asks.

"I-I p-proposed to denis. H-he said no. . ." I say crying trying to wipe the turns away. He hugs me. I cry more into his shoulder. He rubs my back.

"I don't think that was denis."

"What?" I ask.

"Come with me." he pulls me into his room.

"I had a dream." How was this related to this?

"With. . .Adriana."


"She said that denis was being controlled."

"WHAT!?" I exclaim.

"I know its sounds crazy."

"It does." I reply. I want this to be true so I can get my denis back. Suddenly the door burst open. It was Alex and Sandra.

"Alex!? Sandra!?" I say.

"DENIS IS BEING CONTROLLED!" he says out of breath.

"I know." sketch replys.

"What are we going to do!?" I question.

"I don't know. . ."

"Guys!" I voice says. We all turn around.

"ADRIANA!?" I yell

"Shhhhhh. I don't have time." She says. She was a ghost.

"Do you know how to get denis back?" I asks.

"Yes, I discovered when she is controlling a body there is a thing around her wrist. If you manage to take it off it will set denis free."

"But how are we going to get it off?" I ask. Everyone turned to me.

"What?" I ask. They all smile.

"You can pretend to um be evil? Oh oh! You can make her go into your body." she says. She hands my a necklace.

"Put this on. So when she goes into your body you can escape. Battle her in you mind. Your body will stand still and then We can take it off!" She says.

"Why me?"

"Becuase none of us don't want to do it." Alex replied.

"Uh fine. I'll get denis back." I put on the necklace. I go towards denis. Take a deap breath.


"What!? Well not I guess it's your turn to be controlled." She goes into my body suddenly I'm in this dark room.

"Ha. I didn't know you will fall for this so easly."

"What do you mean?" She ask.

"Nothing." I say smirking.

"Tell me!" she yells she comes foward to me.

"You're lucky I'm not able to kill you since I'm in your stupid body."

"I should've kill denis when I had the chance." She says. Denis. I miss him. I push her hard.


"Or what?" she smirks.

"I'll. . .I'll. . ."

"Ha. Thats what I thought." she smiles.

"Now you're going to watch your friends die." Everything started to shake.

"Whats happening!?" she yells. I smile.

Im back. I'm contolling my body. Adriana captured The demon this jar. Well it was a magical jar.

"I DID IT!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me.

"I mean we did it!"

"Nooooooooo!!" Ema/Demon yelled.

"I'm sorry sister." Adriana says. She held up the jar. I could see her trying to keep the tears in.

"NOOOOO!!!" Ema yelled. Then it disappeared.

"It's finally over!" Sandra yelled.

"Yes." Sketch says. Denis walks in.

"G-guys what happend?" He ask.

"We did it." I reply. I go up to him. I grab a fist full of shirt. Our lips meet, he kisses back with those soft lips.

"Glad you back." I say. He smiles big.

"Can I get some privacy with Adriana. . ." Sketch asks. We nod and go into our rooms.

Sketch POV
"Adriana. . ."

"I have to go soon. They only let us come here once." I start to cry.

"Why did you have to go?" She gets close to me, lifts my chin up and smiles.

"I miss you so much. You'll find someone new. Someone that will love you as much as I did."

"But I want you!" I say.

"I love you." She says. She fades away. I wipe my tears away. That was the last time I will see her. I just had to get my mind off her.

-Next day-

It was at a café. It looked like this:

I went to the cashier.

"Hello, welcome to Ruby Cafe. How may I help you?"

"I'll like some Iced Coffee. Medium Cup!"

"What's your name?" She asks.

"Elijah." She nods and I sit in a brown wood table. After 7 minutes they call my name. I get my coffee and spelled my name wrong. I just shrugged it off. I was walking back to the table. Suddenly I accidently bump into a girl and spilled coffee on her.

"OMG. Im so sorry!" I say.

"Its ok. . ." She replys. I quickly get napkins and hand it to her. I look at her. She was beautiful.

"Im Elijah." I say.

"I'm taylor." She replys. She looks at me and we both blush hard.

"C-Can I have your number?" I ask. Im so stupid. I should've said something else.

"Of course." She replys.

"My number is ##########." I wite it down on a napkin.


Denis POV

Corl looked so cute. He was getting dressed. I wrap my hands around his waist. He turns around. He kisses me. I can feel his hand on my head. He slowly walks towards the bed without braking the kiss. Lays me down on the bed and we take eachothers shirt off...bdjdkskeoeooejfjjcjdjxjxkxnxnnxnxnxnxnxnxnnd U IMAGINE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT LOL. IM NOT WRITING MORE SMUT XD TRYING TO KEEP THIS KID FRIENDLY LOLZ.

Heyo guys. This book is almost over. Theres probably going to have like 2-4 more chapter left. This journey was amazing. Love you guys. Oh i did a face reveal on my random book. By box heads~

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