PArt 3 SkINnY

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I'm skinny
Like really skinny
And as flat as a cutting board. Front and back both.
In short I'm an eye sore
My mom says my hands are like rulers.
You can count my ribs. No one wants to hug me or keep me on their lap cuz... obviously who wants to get pierced by a hip bone or an elbow?
In fact .... I'm a walking skeleton.
Mom says I should eat more
Everyone says so
Why ??
Look I'm just asking you .. I'm 17 and only 32 kg . Can you call that underweight?
Nah right?
Then why is everyone making such big deal out of how I look??
Look, have you ever felt torn up like me? You eat , get fat, and people tell you to diet and call you rude names. You are skinny (like me) and people pretend to worry about your health, telling you should eat more and get FAT
Now. Let's be honest. Either fat or skinny... people judge you ok? They call you names ok? Don't say no cuz I have met that type of people who laugh at everything fat or flat ass they see. Either way ... to some..SOME eyes you are ugly.
Now Let's say... you've got all those curves and edges in all the right places? Like you got that super model body .

Then they start to judge you over your character
Says you are a slut .
Lemme summarize my 17 years of life in to one sentence
No matter how hard you try you are NEVER EVER EVER good enough for EVERYONE
(Background applause)

I know it's doesn't make sense but that's why I started getting picky about what I eat.
Picky... cuz if I use the actual word " dieting " there are people who are armed to teeth and ready to fire at me the milli second the word leaves my mouth.
" DIET!!!!!" Says my bestie " YOUR LIFE GOAL IS TO BECOME INVISIBLE??? "
And my mom.... that's a whole different level. She once crashed my food plate into zillion pieces because I said I was full 5 seconds into her feeding me
" GO DIE!!!" she screamed " AND SEE IF I GIVE A FUCK"
I admit
An already skinny girl acting as if she weigh 80 pounds MUST be annoying to the watchers . If I was my mom I would stop feeding me altogether.

But then again... they don't understand

They don't understand how I feel if I find I weigh 1 kg more than 35 kg. They don't understand why I always look like a fatass to my own eyes. They don't understand why I randomly say " my thighs look thicker don't they??" Or how I'd feel if they actually said " yes they do" They think it doesn't make sense cuz they have never been there. They think I'm obsessed cuz they are not me. Cuz they never see through my eyes. Think in my head.

That's why... my fellas .. the world is such a mess
People are never good at multiple point of view thingy. They cling to what the know and label it "truth". What they don't understand is " nonsense ".
People are never right . They are always wrong.
They never put themselves in someone else's stinking pair of shoes to find how it feels . They just complain about the smell.
They never think that a villain has his own story and that in it he is not a villain but a hero. Never think from the point of that random guy on the street who watch hero battling the villain out to save the day. Never think how he would go home and tell his wife " you won't believe what I saw on the street today Jane!!" 
Because ... why should you think more than you are asked to think?? Right?
You are you think like you don't think like anyone else , right??
Be only interested in hero
And not in villain
Or side characters
Because that's the frame you're given
That's what you are shown. You only know what they narrate you. And unless you think beyond.. you will never know.
Think cuz that's all you can do without any restrictions. That's the only way you can feel free.. like a floating balloon although you are pent up
That's why.. no one ever  got why I diet when I am already skinny beyond recognition.
That's why you won't understand either.
I think
Way too much
Until one day
I floated away... lost all contacts with solid ground
And got lost

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