Chapter 11

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Iori: "Time to get off."

(We're back on the ground.)

We have to walk down a ramp to get off the jet.

Josui: "Ah!"

Iori: "!"

I lose my balance in my high heels and fall into Iori's arms.

Josui: "I-I'm sorry."

Iori: "Getting a bit aggressive, are we?"

Josui: "Aggressive... wh-what!?"

Josui: "B-But I'm just not used to wearing heels! But it's too high..."

Iori: "Your face isn't very convincing."

Josui: "!"

I feel myself are blush bright red.

Iori: "Here."

Josui: "Huh?"

He holds his hand out to me as just like he did when we rode Princess together.

(Oh no, I'm starting to look at him as if he really were a prince...)

Iori: "You don't want to take my hand? You'd rather climb down yourself?"

Josui: "Uh... um..."

Iori grins at my exclamation.

Iori: "What? Were you expecting something more?"

Josui: "N-No I wasn't... I was just..."

Iori: "What do you say?"


Josui: "I-I'm scared. Help me down, please."

I give him my hand. Iori grips it tightly.

Iori: "Now, don't let it go."

Josui: "I won't..."

Iori carefully leads me down the ramp.

Iori: "Your car is over there."

Josui: "Huh? Wait... you're not heading home?"

Iori stops me as I'm about to get into his car after him.

Iori: "We went on the plane so no one could snap a pic of us, remember?"

Iori: "We can't be seen coming home together."

Josui: "Oh, I get it."

Iori: "I told the driver to stop back at that shop on the way."

Josui: "Okay..."

Iori: "So, see you later."

Josui: "Yeah..."

I watch Iori's car drive away before getting into mine.

Josui: "I'm home..."

I poke my head into the living room and everyone turns to look at me.

Josui: "I knew it..."

Iori: "..."

Nagito: "Oh, Josui, you're back!"

Josui: "Uh-huh and I hope you guys aren't too exhausted..."

(What's up? The atmosphere in here feels weird...)

Kyohei: "Go hang out in your room."

Josui: "Huh?"

Kyohei: "Can't you see we're in the middle of discussion?"

Josui: "Whatever. I'm telling Kagari."

Kyohei: "..."

Josui: "That idiots..."

I take my new dress out of its wrapper and hang it inside the closet.

(They must be talking about the Iori problem.)

That's the one thing they could be talking about if they're not including me. I take Mr. Yokoyama's note out of the drawer as I stashed it in.

(It sounds like Iori's going to be kicked off 25 Hour TV.)

(But what if I call Mr. Yokoyama... he'll help Iori.)

(I can protect Iori and Revance...)

Josui: "Oh, what should I do?"

Josui: "But I wonder what Iori would do..."


Iori: "Are you okay?"

Josui: "But... what about your date!?"

Iori: "Idiot, forget about that for now!"

Iori: "Does it hurt?"

Iori: "Admit that it hurts and I'll treat it for you."

Josui: "What should we do about the guy's part?"

Iori: "Let's see... I would respond with, 'If I could only keep you safe in my arms'."

*End of flashback*

Josui: "I'm sure Iori would protect me if the situation were reversed."

(But I'd never forgive myself as if Iori had to stop being an idol because of me!)

I come up with a plan and leave my room.

*Knock Knock*

Kyohei: "Josui? What's up?"

Kyohei: "Trying to sneak into my bed? No, doesn't seem like that..."

Josui: "No, Kyohei..."

(I'm pretty sure he won't tell me about what's going on if I just ask.)

I look at him straight in the eye.

Josui: "You were all talking about Iori having to step down from 25 Hour TV, right?"

Kyohei: "!"

He looks startled for a moment, but quickly regains his usual composure.

Kyohei: "Is this another of your crazy fantasies?"

Josui: "No... I heard rumors about it at the TV station."

Kyohei: "It's nothing you need to worry about it."

Josui: "But!"

Kyohei: "Your only job is as a ghostwriter."

Kyohei: "Go back to your room."

Josui: "Fine..."

I hang my head and walk away.

Josui: "Kyohei didn't deny it..."

I haven't know him as long, but I've figured out his personality. If my guess was wrong, he would have given a straight answer and told me so.

(So that means they must have decided Iori has to step down.)

I take out my phone.

Josui: "..."

I felt my fingers are shaking slightly as I dial. After a couple of rings when he answers.

Josui: "Hello? Mr. Yokoyama?"

Josui: "It's Josui Nakajima."

Josui: "Okay, I understand. Bye..."


Josui: *Sigh*

(He's going to call me on the day as they go on N Station...)

???: "Who were you talking to?"

Josui: "!"

An icy voice calls to me from behind.

Iori: "..."

I turn around and lock eyes with Iori.

Josui: "Iori... what are you doing in there?"

Iori: "Are you planning to jump ship and go over to Yokoyama because Revance is in trouble?"

(What the!? He heard my phone call!)

Josui: "No, I wouldn't do that! Because I..."

I reach my hand toward him, but...


Iori: "Don't touch me, slut."

Josui: "!"

He looks as cold as he did when we first met.

Josui: "Iori..."

Iori: "Did you call Yokoyama, or did he call you?"

Josui: "...I called him."

(I don't really want to admit that, but...)

(As lying to Iori about it won't change anything.)

Iori: "I see what's going on here."

Josui: "Iori! Just let me explain!"

I call out to him to stop him from leaving.



I slam hard the door as even louder when I lock it.

Josui: "..."

(I'm so stupid... how can I explain this?)

It's no use anyway... because I'm the one who slams the door in front his face as he leaves. But I don't see any point in going after him.

Several days later. I accompany the band to the TV station where they're shooting N Station.

Nagito: "It's finally time to unveil the 25 Hour TV theme song!"

Nagito: "I hope you'll enjoy watching us, Josui!"

Josui: "Yeah yeah whatever stupid..."

Kota: "YOU just be sure not to mess up any of the lyrics, Nagito."

Kota: "And you... slamming the doo-"


Everyone: "!"

Nagito: "What's wrong with Josui?"

Takashi: "Fight with Iori..."

Nagito: "What!"

Takashi: "If you do, we'll make you sing it 100 times in a row tonight."

Kyohei: "Got it?"

Nagito: "Hey, give me a break!"

The show's about to start, but Iori isn't here.

Josui: "Where's Iori...?"

Kyohei: "He had another appointment before this. Sasayama's going to get him now."

Josui: "Alright then..."

I haven't really spoken to Iori since that day... cause I was bad mood.

Kyohei: "He didn't mention it to you?"

Josui: "..."

I felt a twinge of pain tightens my chest.

Nagito: "Taka's right, cause you two fighting at all the time, but I haven't see you together recently."

Josui: "Well, the song's finished and there's no more reason for us to hang out."

Nagito: "Oh? Is that really all there is to it?"

Josui: "..."

Just then, Iori comes into the dressing room.

Iori: "..."

Josui: "Hey Iori..."

I avoid Iori cause he's here.

Iori: "..."

Iori walks past me without saying a word.

(We're completely ignore each other.)


Josui: "!"

The name as the appears on my phone's caller ID makes my entire body tense.

(It's Mr. Yokoyama...)

Iori: "Shouldn't your phone be off on a TV set?"

Josui: "Don't bother me."

It seems like forever since I heard the evil prince speak cause I use evil princess. So, I...

Josui: "I don't care if I just forgot, so LEAVE ME ALONE!"

I talk back to him like an angry and ignore it.

Iori: "..."

But Iori doesn't say anything else.

Josui: "Stupid evil loser prince..."

(I shouldn't have snapped at him like that...)

Kyohei: "You shouldn't be rude, but you don't need to answer it?"

Josui: "Later, before Mr. Sasayama is here."

I said because Mr. Sasayama comes in.

Sasayama: "Are you ready? It's time to go to the studio."

Kyohei: "Okay, let's go."

Staff: "Revance is standing by."

Staff: "We're back from commercial in three, two, one..."

Taro: "Now for the moment you've all been waiting for! Let's hear the 25 Hour TV theme song!"

Announcer: "This is Revance performing their new song for the first time on TV!"

As the intro begins to play, Iori flashes his pop star smile and begins singing. He and I wrote these lyrics together.

(When they sing those words, the song takes on such power.)

(Revance is truly spectacular.)

As listening to the completed song fills me with joy.

Iori: "If I could only keep you safe in my arms..."

(I'm making the right call.)

(If I can keep Iori safe...)

As the song enters its refrain, as I quietly sneak out of the studio. I call Mr. Yokoyama back.

Josui: "Hello? I'm sorry cause I couldn't answer the phone about earlier."

I shudder as I arrive at the empty control room as he directed me to.

(But I know what he wants, so...)

(This has to be the worst possible setting.)

Josui: "Maybe I can offer him a bribe instead?"

Josui: "But even if I did..."

Josui: "He knows I don't have the money to pay..."

The door are opens and Mr. Yokoyama walks in.

Yokoyama: "Sorry for making you wait."

Josui: "Well It's okay."

He steps closer to me silently and reaches for my chin.

Josui: "Wha!"

Yokoyama: "..."

As holding my chin as his face comes close enough to kiss me.

Josui: "N-No..."

I shut my eyes tight. As surprisingly as nothing else happens.


I open my eyes when he spoke.

Yokoyama: "It doesn't seem like Revance really takes you seriously."

Josui: "What?"

Yokoyama: "Or do you have something more to offer than you let on?"

He grins lecherously as he runs his hand over my hips.

Josui: "S-Stop that!"

As goosebumps pop up on my skin at his touch and I shove him away.

Josui: "Stop!"

Yokoyama: "That hurt. Do you understand the position you're in."

Josui: "I don't care... you pervert!"

Yokoyama: "Care to tell me?"

Yokoyama: "How did you get this position with Revance?"

Josui: "I was just in the right place at the right time and they made me assistant manager."

Josui: "Got a problem?"

Yokoyama: "I don't believe. That would be never happen to an unremarkable girl like you."

Yokoyama: "Did you learn some sort of dirt on Revance and blackmail them into hiring you?"

Josui: "Wha!?"

Yokoyama: "That would explain everything! So, tell me their big secret."

Yokoyama: "Team up with me and we'll control Revance from behind the scenes."

Yokoyama: "Then you could really make a name for yourself in this industry."

Josui: "Tsk, don't be ridiculous!"

Josui: "Revance doesn't have any secrets!"

Yokoyama: "Really? Well, there's only way to be sure."

He grabs me by the shoulders and pushes me down onto a desk.

Josui: "No!"

He leans over me and shiver runs down my spine. I thought I had made up my mind about this, but all I want to do is scream.

Yokoyama: "Now, let's take our time and figure out time truth."

(No... Iori...)

-End of Chapter 11-

To be continued... 

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