Chapter 12

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Yokoyama: "Team up with me and we'll control Revance from behind the scenes."

Yokoyama: "Then you could really make a name for yourself in this industry."

Josui: "No! Revance doesn't have any secrets!"

Yokoyama: "Really? Well, there's only one way to be sure."

Josui: "Let go of me!"

I try to push him off, but he holds me down. My mind goes blank.

Josui: "No...!"

Yokoyama: "You knew what you were doing when you came here!"

Josui: "GET OFF!?"

Yokoyama: "Oh? I thought we had a deal? You owe me!"

(That's right... I made the decision to do this...)

(But I can't complain about it now.)

So, I stop struggling and stare up at the ceiling.

Yokoyama: "Are..."

Yokoyama: "Are Revance and Iori Enjo really so important to you?"

Josui: "Iori hasn't done anything wrong."

Josui: "There's no reason about he should have to step down. That's why..."

Yokoyama: "Hm, well, whatever. I'm going to enjoy this."

His face comes closer. I shut my eyes tight and try not to resist. But...

???: "Get off of her, ya dirty old man."

A familiar voice cuts through the room and my body tenses.


When I open my eyes as I see Mr. Yokoyama sprawled on the floor. And standing in front of me is...

Iori: "Are you okay?"

Josui: "Iori! What are you doing here?"

I'm still confused as Mr. Yokoyama slowly gets up.

Yokoyama: "That hurt. What will the public think about a top star using violence like that?"

Iori: "What will the public think of what you were just doing?"

Iori: "How do you supposed I knew where to find you?"

Yokoyama: "Huh?"

Iori: "Your entire conversation was broadcast in our live broadcast studio."

Iori: "The TV station is dealing with a flood of calls from viewers and sponsors now."

Josui: "!"

Iori: "A producer who was about to assault a woman, and the pop start who punched him."

Iori: "Who do you think people will say is the villain here?"

Yokoyama: "Wh-Wha..."

Yokoyama: "Th-This won't end here! You got that?"

Josui: "Uh-oh my father is here."


Mr. Yokoyama runs from the room because my father isn't here when Iori walks over to me.

Josui: "Iori... just why..."

Iori: "..."

He reaches out and flips off a switch by my hand.

(That switch must have been bumped during our struggle.)

Iori: "You idiot! Just what in the hell were you thinking!?"

Josui: "!"

My shoulders tense as yells at me.

Josui: "What was I thinking? What was I thinking!?"

Josui: "I'll tell you...!"

(Ugh never mind, I can't tell him I was doing it for him...)

(I did it without consulting him.)

Iori: "Oh? Would you rather I hadn't intervened?"

Josui: "No! Course not! But..."

Josui: "I heard... that you'd probably have to step down from hosting 25 Hour TV."

Iori: "!"

Josui: "Mr. Yokoyama told me, but he said he could so something about it."

Iori: "So what? Why would you do something like this?"

Josui: "Because of the arranged date as you skipped was with the daughter of the show's sponsor."

Josui: "You skipped it because you came to rescuse me. I couldn't let this happen to you..."

Iori: "Like I told you then, it's not your fault."

Iori: "It was my choice to help you."

Josui: "Iori..."

Iori pats me on the head. As seeing the costume gloves on his hands, I remember something important.

Josui: "Wait... aren't you supposed to be in the middle of a live broadcast!?"

Iori: "Yeah, that's right."

Josui: "Then hurry up and get back there! But don't worry about me... I have to think about my song..."

Iori: "You really are an idiot. You want me to just go back..."

Iori: "And say, 'Sorry, I was off saving a staff member from being assaulted by a producer'?"

Iori: "Our performance is over. No one will notice if I'm not sitting in the background."

Josui: "But..."

Just then, we hear the sound of running feet approaching and Iori lowers his hand.

Sasayama: "Iori, Ms. Nakajima!"

Josui: "Ah, Mr. Sasayama! I'm sorry..."

Iori: "Take her home, would you."

Josui: "But what about you?"

Iori: "Sasayama and I will deal with the rest. So you go home, eat an orange and go to bed."

Iori: "Sasayama, I'll be in the dressing room."

Sasayama: "Okay. Let's go, Ms. Nakajima."

Josui: "Okay..."

I nod to Iori and leave with Mr. Sasayama.

The next morning, I wait in the living room.

(They didn't come home last night... seriously?)

(Live broadcast don't run over time, so...)

Josui: "Maybe I should call them?"

Just as I take out my phone...


Josui: "What the!?"

I let out a startled yelp when my phone starts ringing.

(Huh? Whose number is this?)

Josui: "Excuse me..."

Showrunner: "Sorry for calling you in so suddenly."

I enter the meeting room. Cause the phone call was from 25 Hour TV's showrunner.

(Iori and the others look like they haven't slept a wink.)

Josui: "I'm terrible sorry about yesterday..."

The showrunner holds up his hand to stop me.

Showrunner: "I didn't call you here to rehash that with you."

Showrunner: "Beside, we are the ones who should apologize. On behalf of the entire station, so I'm sorry."

Showrunner: "I'm worried about you, Ms. Nakajima."

He bows deeply as he apologizes.

Showrunner: "We told people that there was a mix-up with a recording from another soundstage."

Showrunner: "Well will not reveal who was involved to the public."

Showrunner: "We'd appreciate your discretion and we'd like to deal with Mr. Yokoyama ourselves."

Unsure how to respond when I look at the band. They all wear serious expressions.

Kyohei: "If you're not okay with that, you don't have to agree."

Kyohei: "I already told them about you might not be willing to accept that."

Showrunner: "We realize how serious this is. It affects us negatively as well."

Nagito: "What's that? Are you trying to say we're the ones at fault?"

Iori: "Nagi."

Iori speaks to Nagito in a warning tone.

Iori: "This incident was caused by my mistakes."

Iori: "I will take responsibility for it and step down as 25 Hour TV's host."

Josui: "!"

Iori: "But she's in no way at fault in this. I hope you will take appropriate measures."

Showrunner: "Understood. We will inform you once we've come to a decision."

(Iori really will have to step down?)

I glance at him from the corner of my eye. But I can't tell what he's thinking from his expression.

(Maybe I shouldn't have done it...)

(But what should I have done?)

The discussion continues, but I can't focus on it at all.

Once the meeting is over, Kyohei and Kota off to another appointment. So I go home with the rest of the band. Iori doesn't say a sing word and retreats to his room as soon as we're back.

Nagito: *Sigh* "This ended up playing right into their hands."

Takashi: "Well, we needed to find some sort of compromise."

I sighed.

Josui: "I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble..."

Takashi: "We're not the ones of you need to apologize to."

Josui: "What?"

Nagito: "Don't think about stupid formalities, just think about how Iori must feel."

Nagito: "We were in the middle of a live broadcast, but he ran out when he heard your voice."

Josui: "..."

I leave them and head for Iori's room.

(This feels like the time as I came to apologize about the day after getting here.)

(But that time, I was apologizing for walking in on him in the bath.)

I sigh when I knock on his door.

Iori: "...What?"

Josui: "Look... I haven't properly thanked you for coming to rescue me at the TV station..."

Josui: "So thank you for that..."

Iori: "..."

(And he looks angry...)

(But maybe he's mad about that I'm bring it up again?)

His expression suddenly softens.

Iori: "You didn't about to bring any orange juice for this time."

Josui: "Well, you told me cause you don't like it!"

Iori: "Hm, so you can learn."

Iori: "Don't worry about me as stepping down. Like I said, I made the choice to help you."

Iori: "Even if I had gone on the arranged date, this still would've happened."

Josui: "Huh?"

Iori: "Don't you remember the conditions my old man gave me?"

Josui: "That you'd have to quit the band when you turn 30?"

Josui: "But you said you weren't going to listen to him!"

He shows me a document that's been lying on his desk.

Josui: "What's this?"

Iori: "A confidential correspondence from Entsudoh to 25 Hour TV."

Josui: "So, 'Concerning Iori Enjo's suitability as a host'. Hm?"

It details the online bad-mouthing... and negative opinions about him going back several years.

Iori: "He had for this as backup in case the arranged date as didn't go well."

Josui: "But this is horrible! It's just a bunch of opinions, right?"

Iori: "That's enough to be painted as untrustworthy, though."

Iori: "And I did skip out the date. That's a fact."

(How could a father do this to his son!?)

Iori: "Looks like he's willing to do anything to get me to quit."

Josui: "You won't quit though, will you?"

Iori: "..."

Iori: "This discussion's over."

He takes something out of his desk.

Josui: "Huh, is that..."

(The orange juice what I gave him?)

Iori: "You like this, right orange-breath?"

Iori: "You can have it."

Josui: "But... I gave that to you."

Iori: "You gave it to me, so it's mine to do whatever I want with."

Josui: "I suppose you're right."

Iori: "So, take this and go back to your room."

He puts the juice box in my hand and leads me to the door.

Josui: "Wait, Iori!"

Iori: "Bring me something better next time."

As with that... he shuts the door in my face.

The day of 25 Hour TV arrives.

Josui: "Break a leg today, guys..."

Iori: "I'm sorry I can't be there."

Kyohei: "We know."

Kota: "I'd rather be lounging at home like you than have to stay up for 25 hours..."

Iori seems oddly calm as he sees the others off.

Nagito: "Iori..."

Iori: "Nagi, don't mess up the dance, okay?"

Nagito gives Iori a big hug.

Nagito: "I'll miss you! I wish we could do the dance together!"

Iori: "Get off me, I can't breathe..."

Iori pushes him away.

Takashi: "Nagi, get in the car!"

Nagito: "Okay..."

He looks crestfallen as he climbs into the car.

Iori: "See you after the show."

Iori looks a bit lonely as he watches them go. My chest feels tight.

(But I know this must be hard for him...)

(Is there any way I can cheer him up?)

Josui: "The show has started. I wonder what they're doing right now."

I don't think I should turn on the TV and so I think about the show's outline.

(I think they're probably at Kyohei's paella making stunt.)

(I'm sure he'll do a good job. Wish I could taste it.)

Iori: "Hey."

Josui: "Ah!?"

I'm startled by Iori's voice.

Josui: "What the hell Iori! Don't startled me like that!"

Iori: "I'm the one who's surprised to see you staring at a blank TV screen."

Josui: "Huh? Oh!"

Josui: "I was just spacing out..."

Iori: "You don't need to worry about my feelings. Go ahead and watch if you want to."

Josui: "Do you want to watch, Iori?"

Iori: "Not really."

Iori: "I don't need to watch to know they're doing a good job."

Josui: "Yeah, you're probably right."

Josui: "But hey, I'll make us something to eat! Any requests?"

Iori: "Roast beef."

Josui: "Huh?"

Iori: "What? You don't know how to make that?"

Josui: "Can you make roast beef in household kitchen?"

Iori: "Matsunaga makes it."

(There's that wicked grin... but at least he's acting normally. That's a relief.)

Josui: "Okay, I'll give it a shot."

I jump up and head to the kitchen.

Iori: "You call this roast beef?"

Josui: "It's close enough, isn't it?"

Iori: "This is just beef that's been thinly sliced and grilled. It's not the same thing."

Josui: "I know that. But it tastes the same as if you eat it with the mashed potatoes."

Iori: "It better..."

He lifts a fork of meat and potatoes to his mouth.

Iori: "..."

Josui: "What do you think?"

Iori: "Hmm..."

He gives a small nod.

Josui: "If it tastes good you have to say so!"

Iori: "Well, It's not bad."

Josui: "Gee, thanks."

(I called Matsunaga and he gave me about this recipe.)

(He told me that it's not really roast beef Iori likes.)

(It's the combo of beef and mashed potatoes.)

(I'm glad I asked. Looks like this has cheered him up.)

As we sit across from each other eating when I remember the night about we flew in that jet. That was when I realized how I feel.

(With the way things stand now, I can't tell him I like him.)

(Iori has more important things on his mind...)


Iori's phone rings.

Iori: "..."

He raises his eyebrows as he looks at the screen before answering.

Iori: "Hello?"

Iori: "Huh? Right now?"

-End of Chapter 12-

To be continued... 

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