Chapter 3

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Kagari: "Okay, all set."

I put my hair up in a bun and clap my hands together lightly. I wearing my hair in a bun and sitting at my favorite café, now I'm ready for battle.

(Coming here makes me think of Makoto.)

(I never imagined he was really Ryo, a member of Revance.)

Kagari: "I don't have time to get sentimental..."

(I have to focus on the lyrics. If I don't, who knows what Kyohei will do to me...)

The desire to succeed doesn't always result in success. After 30 minutes or so... I let out a frustrated groan.

(Oh god... I just can't write sexy lyrics...)

(Now what does "Sexy" even mean? If it's too erotic, they can't play it on the radio.)

Kagari : "Or maybe I should use metaphors. But it's difficult... Uhh..."

??: "Heh."

(What in the world did someone just laugh at me!?)

Man in Coat: "Sorry, I just find it funny that you're talking to yourself. Feel free to keep going."

Man in Coat: "But you should probably stop balancing a pen on your upper lip. It makes you look silly."

Kagari: "It's not funny like that! And I am busy."

Man in Coat: "Are you look really focused. What are you writing?"

Kagari: "None of your business!"

(Yeah that's right, I am not going to tell him. Even I can not tell him I am Idol girl as group of Milky Pop...)

Kagari: "I told you I am busy to become a screenwriter and I'm working on a poem for one of my scripts."

Man in Coat: "Wow, a screenwriter, huh? Nice to see someone chasing their dream."

Man in Coat: "I know! Excuse me!"

Shop Clerk: "Would you like to order?"

Man in Coat: "Can you give this to that girl."

Kagari: "No thank you!?"

Shop Clerk: "Now, now, Kagari."

After a short while, the waiter brings me some pancakes with covered in the fruit and whipped cream, they look so delicious.

Man in Coat: "That's just a thank you for giving me a laugh. See you around."

Kagari: "Whatever."

Man in Coat: "Well... good luck with the poem."

(I don't like that guy... tch.. he's make me fun of me! Treat me to pancakes... tch whatever!)

Kagari: "Back to work... I have to write a good song. But the next weeks of my concert or photo shoot..."

I redouble my efforts and start feeling more optimistic. For the first time, I finished writing an entire song.

After finishing my lyrics at the café I have to hurry to go home, brimming with excitement.


Kagari: " What? Kyohei's not here at home until late tonight?"

Kota: "That's what he said. He's in the middle of filming a drama and all. He's super busy."

(Grrr! Why he won't to tell me!? I want to show him with the song! I can't stand it about waiting!?)

Kagari: "And what are you reading, Nagito?"

Nagito: "Kyo's magazine interview. He's on the cover, too."

Kagari: "Oh wow... he looks as handsome as ever seen... And those eyes just suck you right in."

Nagito: "Yeah, like a vacuum cleaner. The one and only Kyo. His powers of attraction never fail."

Kagari: "Oh well put in there, Nagito!"

Kota: "Looks like we have one more member of the idiot club."

(His interview is the first thing in the magazine. He really is the most popular member of Revance.)

Kagari: "Well... let me see... what the hell!?!"

Nagito: "Whoa! Are you okay?"

Kagari: "S-Sorry, I was just startled."

("When you listen to our songs, I want to feel as if we're singing just for you.")

His suggestive quote paired with a sexy spread roots me to the spot.

(G-God... but the interview actually looks pretty interesting.)

(It says, "His expression sincere, Mr. Rikudoh explains that he wants this year to be special.")

("As thanks for all your support, I want to make our 10th anniversary our best year yet.")

His words are actually quite touching.

(Ten years, huh...)

(That was kind of... I really is an impressively long time.)

(For 10 whole years, they've been working together as Revance.)

Subconsciously, I clutch the single sheet of paper in my pocket.

Kagari: "I'm going up to my room..."

Kota: "Weren't you looking for Kyohei?"

Kagari: "Well... there's something else I have to do. Later."

*In my room*

(*Sigh* This is supposed to be Revance's 10th anniversary song. It's not good enough.)

Kagari: "I have to rewrite these lyrics."

Kyohei: "Don't crumple up that paper when you finally have a song written."

Kagari: "Holy! K-Kyohei!?"

Kyohei: "Calm down. You were startled to easy."

Kagari: "You should knock the door before coming into a girl's room."

Kyohei: "Hey, this is my house. I decide whether I need to knock or not."

(What the hell there's his king complex!?)

Kagari: "U-Um... but what if I had been changing or something...?"

Kyohei: "Wait until you turn into sexy girl before saying something like that."

Kyohei: "Anyway, I heard you were looking for me?"

Kagari: "N-No.. forget about it what I said..."

Kyohei: "What do you mean? Don't you want to show me your lyrics?"

Kyohei: "Well hand 'em over."

Kagari: "N-No!"

Kyohei grabs them out of my hand. He scans over them for a few minutes and then let out a sigh.

Kyohei: "Is this all the sexiness you could muster up?"

Kagari: "I-I'm sorry..."

Kyohei: "Start it over and you're not going to Idol concert for next week with your friends in the stage."

(N-No way!?)

Kagari: "W-What about you... Can you write about Sexy lyrics, Kyohei?"

Kyohei: "What?"

Kagari: "I-I mean... you have more experience than I do and you're famous for your sex appeal."

Kagari: "B-But how would you write this song?"

Kyohei: "If the songwriter was a lady, I would sleep with to inspire her to write."

Kyohei: "So, I guess you want to sleep with me?"

Kagari: "Ack! A-Absolutely not!"

Kyohei: "Well forget it what I asked. I don't really want to do that anyway."

Kagari: "Oh..."

I have no response for Kyohei's word and a painful silence fills the room.

(Can I really be a ghostwriter? But yeah... I told him as I am Idol girl. He's doesn't angry at me..)

(Even if Ryo told him to, why would Kyohei agree to use me?)

Kagari: "U-Um... Kyohei?"

Kyohei: "What?"

Kagari: "I never wanted to be a songwriter. I only scribbled down some lyrics that one time."

Kagari: "I think it was just a fluke that Ryo happened to see something in them."

Kyohei: "What are you trying to say?"

Kagari: "I-I was trying to write this song made me realize I don't have the talent to write for Revance."

Kyohei: "That sounds to me like you're giving me up on becoming a screenwriter? And You're Idol girl."

Kagari: "Ngh..."

At a loss for words, I hang my head in shame. As he goes on, Kyohei's voice sounds unbearably cold.

Kyohei: "If you want to run away, go ahead."

Kyohei: "But if you do, you'll never work in the industry again. Are you prepared for that?"

Kagari: "B-But Kyohei...!?"

Kyohei: "If you choose to run, I won't give you any help."

Kyohei: "And I'll make sure no other producers will either."

Kagari: "K-Kyo-"

Kyohei: "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

(I-If I quit being the ghostwriter, he'll not accept my Idol concert...)

His dry tone makes my body tremble. This must be what a frog feels like when it's being started at by snake.

(N-No! He won't accept my Idol concert...!? It's too cruel!)

Kagari: "..."

Kyohei: "You think everything will work out for you if you start to crying?"

Kyohei: "You've had things easy up to now. Must be nice to be so happy and contest."

Kagari: "God! I'm not going to cry like that!"

Kyohei: "Really..."

Kagari: "Yes.. I will not going to cry... I have that much pride at least."

Kyohei: "Oh... So you still have the energy to argue?"

Kyohei: "In the case, come to the main intersection in Shibuya at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow."

("The intersection?")

Kyohei: "See you then."

I don't even have time to be confused before Kyohei leaves my room. Now alone, I crumple the rejected lyrics into a ball and rub my temples.

Kagari: "I... I-I don't understand any of this..."


Kagari: "I decided to come after all..."

(He told me to come to the main intersection in Shibuya at 3:00 p.m.)

(Why would Kyohei want to meet me here?)

(The second hand of my watch ticks towards the appointed time.)

Three more seconds, two, one...

Kagari: "It's 3:00, but I don't see Kyohei anywhere."

(Now that I think about it, he couldn't come to a crowded place like this, could he?)

(Is this another of his jokes at my expense?)

Kagari: "Probably... Kyohei is cruel person..."

I stare at the crowd and sigh. Just then...

Kagari: "What the... That's..."

(Revance's new song that Ryo wrote using my lyrics!? N-No way...)

Woman 1st: "Look! Revance is on the big screen!"

Woman 2nd: "Is that their new music video?"

Kagari: "What..."

Monitor: "Revance's new single goes out to all you lovers out there..."

All of the screens at the intersection and beyond are showing Revance. People all along the street have stopped to watch the music video.

Woman 1st: "I love this song. It's so bittersweet."

Woman 2nd: "I know! I completely identify with that one line!"

(Identify with?)

Man 1st: "Oh, I like this one. My wife always listens to it."

Man 2nd: "It's the perfect song to serenade a girl you have a crush on."

Man 1st: "But if YOU sang it, these great lyrics would go to waste."

Even in this hustle and bustle, I can clearly hear the videos of the people watching. A warm feeling begins to bubble up inside me.

(But... I thought those are lyrics were just a one-time fluke.)

(That it was only Revance's fame that made it popular, not the lyrics themselves, but...)

Just then, someone pushes down lightly on my shoulders.

Kyohei: "How's your mental state now, Ghostwriter?"

Kagari: "K-Kyohei!?"

Kyohei: "You idiot... Don't announce it to the crowd."

Kagari: "F-Forgive me..."

Kagari: "U-Um... aren't you standing a bit close..."

(Kyohei's breath tickles in my ear...)

When Kyohei senses me trying to pull away, he grins.

Kyohei: "This makes you uncomfortable? What a baby."

Kagari: "Of course it does. It's embarrassing."

Kyohei: "You're hopeless."

He finally gives me some space and I look around nervously.

(Oh thank goodness! No one has noticed.)

(Everyone is too focused on watching Revance's video on the TV screens.)

Kyohei: "See? Everything's fine."

(I-I can't believe he would do something like this.)

Kagari: "3:00 was the time the music video would be shown..."

Kyohei: "I've been busy organizing this TV takeover since I saw you yesterday!"

Kagari: "W-What..."

(So he arranged to get all these TV screens to play their music video in less than a day?)

Kagari: "Y-You did all this for me?"

Kyohei: "Not bad, right?"

He looks up at the big screen. There's a close up of Kyohei on the screen while he's standing right next to me.

Kagari: "U-Um... you really are impressive, Kyohei..."

Kyohei: "I told you before. I always get what I want."

He still gives off that air of arrogance...

(But that's not all there is to him.)

Kagari: "Kyohei... please explain something to me."

Kagari: "And when you crushed that new band's TV appearance..."

Kyohei: "!"

I seeming shocked by my words, Kyohei's eyes go wide.

Kagari: "I haven't been able to figure out why you would do something like that."

Kyohei: "No special reason. It was just something that had to be done."

Kagari: "But Grenade is a new band. They're not even in the same arena as Revance."

Kyohei: "Popularity is everything in this industry. The one in demand is the one at the top."

Kyohei: "I could tell that they would quickly become super popular."

Kagari: "H-Huh?"

Kyohei: "Someday soon, they would have become a problem for Revance, so I acted first."

Kyohei: "I would do it again in a heartbeat."

Kagari: "..."

(His expression is intense. He really would do anything for Revance.)

(Why is the band this important to him?)

Kyohei: "Are you scared of me?"

Kyohei: "Remember thought, I won't let you run away, my Idol girl."

Kagari: "N-No... I won't."

(M-Maybe one day I will come to understand.)

(But for now all I can do this write lyrics for him.)

Kagari: "I don't know how far I'll be able to get, but I will try harder."

Kagari: "So please, give me another chance!"

Kyohei: "Wow. You look pretty good when you look smile."

Kagari: "Huh?"

Kyohei: "Nothing."

Kyohei: "Now that you've made up your mind, let's go back to the studio to rewrite!"

Kyohei: "Your sexiness is far too tepid."

Kyohei: "I'll teach you all you need to know about that."

Kagari: "A-All about it?"

Kyohei: "The response I'm looking for from my Idol girl or ghostwriter is 'Yes, sir.'"

Kagari: "Ah.. y-yes, sir."

Kyohei: "Louder, my girl!"

Kagari: "Yes, sir!"

Kyohei: "Now, carry my bag."

Kagari: "Yes, sir!" *giggles*

Kyohei: "I'm joking, you idiot. Now stop giggle..."

I have no idea what's going to happen like that. But I'm going to follow Kyohei for now. As with fresh resolve, I take the first step on my new journey. But... am I fall in love with him?

-End of Chapter 3-

To be continue... 

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