Chapter 4

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Kagari: "What does 'sexy' mean..."

Little Yamada: "Arf?"

I still have to write a good song... Several days have passed since I steeled my resolved in Shibuya.

(Even though I have new resolves, I still haven't gotten any new ideas.)

(I've been thinking so hard about 'sexiness', I don't even know what it means anymore.)

Kagari: "I'm starting to thinking the way Little Yamada's eyes peek from behind a mop of hair is not sexy..."

Kota: "..."

Kagari: "God... don't startled me, Kota.. good morning."

Kota: "..."

Kagari: "Stop ignore me..."

Kota: "I can't deal with all this lovey-dovey nonsense over a dog this early in the morning."

Kagari: "No it's not... I took him on a walk, so now I'm just asking his opinion while he eats his breakfast."

Kota: "Asking a dog's opinion? Wait, are you taking care of Little Yamada? You're not scared, are you?"

Kagari: "I am... but I was ordered to by the king... he told me not to be afraid."

Kota: "Kyohei? He's already awake, why didn't he do it himself?"

Kagari: "What?"

(It's still so early, though...)

Kyohei: *pant... pant...*

Kyohei: "That's good. Next up..."

I was going to looking for Kyohei and find him in the dance studio.

(He's practicing choreography this early?)

Kyohei wipes sweat off with a towel. Even when he's tired and sweaty, he looks good.

Kyohei: "Who's there?"

Kagari: "Ack! I-It's just me!"

Kyohei: "Oh, it's just you~ You just love spying on people, don't you?"

Kagari: "I am not... but how did you know I was there, anyway?"

Kyohei: "I could feel your hungry gaze on me."

Kagari: "H-Hungry gaze!?"

Kyohei: "Just joking. Being able to sense people's gaze on me is part of the job."

Kagari: "I-I see..."

Kagari: "A-Anyway, I was surprised to see you working so early in the morning."

Kyohei: "Why? This is just my daily routine."

(He does this every day? Even though he's always so busy...)

(He really is impressive...)

Kyohei: "If there's nothing else, leave. You're interrupting my training."

Kagari: "Whatever... I'll get you in your way..."

Kyohei: "On second thought, hold on. How's the song coming?"

Kagari: "Oh crap!"


Kyohei: "If you're not doing anything, spend this time writing."

Kyohei: "Today's a busy day. We'll be on the move as soon as it's time to go."

Kagari: "W-What was today again anyway..."

Kyohei: "Recording for a music show. Then back here to work on the arrangement for the new song."

Kyohei: "Get it together and memorize the schedule for the day at least."

Kagari: "A-Alright... sorry."

Kyohei: "Remember, your career as a screenwriter is riding on those lyrics. Because you're Idol girl as you want to go on the stage."

Kagari: "I understand..."

Kyohei: "Louder! I can't hear you!"

Kagari: "Yes I understand!"

Kyohei: "Good."

(I'm starting to feel like I'm an animal and he's my trainer...)


Staff 1st: "Are the performers ready?"

Staff 2nd: "They're standing by. We're ready to roll at any time."

Staff 1st: "Don't mess up the cue cards. The host is in a bad mood today."

Staff members run around busily inside the TV studio. No matter what the show the staff are always busy, but the atmosphere in the studio varies.

(Looks like Kyohei and the others are always perfectly composed, the though.)

(Mr. Sasayama isn't here today, so I have to step up my game as the assistant manager..)

Taro: "Now, without further ado!"

Announcer: "Here is Revance, performing their new single on air for the first time!"

The intro I've heard a hundred times before begins to play. As the under the spotlights, the band members begins to dance with mics in the hand.

Kagari: "Looks like impressive as always..."

The CD mixing makes the song sound perfect, but hearing them perform it live is the best.

(It must be exhausting to sing while dancing so hard, but it doesn't show on their faces.)

After finishing their performance, Kyohei turns to the audience.

TV Audience: "Yay! Kyo looked at me!"

(A mere glance is enough to get the audience all riled up. It's incredible...)

I stand motionless, looking up at the boys on the stage. Just then...

Man in Coat: "Hey, don't I know you?"

Kagari: "What? Oh god!"

(I knew it that guy who bought me some pancakes!?)

Kagari: "What the hell are you doing here...!"

Man in Coat: "Shhh, keep quiet. So follow me."


Man in Coat: "What a surprise. I never thought I'd see you again."

Kagari: "Whatever... especially not at a TV studio."

Shinya: "I'm Shinya Takagi. It's nice to see you again, Miss Aspiring Screenwriter."

Kagari: "My name is Kagari Otonashi..."

After leading me into the hallway, Shinya smiles.

Shinya: "But why are you here? Did your script get picked up for TV?"

Kagari: "Don't ask me for nothing!"

Shinya: "Sorry... I shouldn't be asking questions before I explain myself."

Shinya: "I'll tell you my story first."

Shinya: "I'm here for work. I'm an entertainment producer, specializing in the music industry."

Kagari: "I never hear that, Mr. Takagi."

Shinya: "Please call me Shinya. I'd rather we be on a first name basis."

Kagari: "I'm Revance's assistant manager."

Shinya: "Revance?"

(Ha! He seems surprised that someone like me is an assistant manager. Almost too surprised.)

Nagito: "What are you doing, Kagari?"

Kagari: "What the! Y-You guys!"

Iori: "We're done with our set. Heading back to the dressing room until we have to go on again."

(Jeez.. I didn't realize how much time had passed while we were talking.)

A few feet away, Kyohei stops walking. He stares straight at Shinya.

Kyohei: "Shinya, what are you doing here?"

Shinya: "Long time no see, Kyohei."

Kagari: "Kyohei..!"

Kyohei: "What were you doing talking to him?"

Kagari: "Oh..."

Kyohei: "Well, at least you came straight back to me when I called."

Shinya: "You sound like you're talking to a pet."

Kyohei: "How I talk to our assistant manager is no concern of yours."

(Oh no... Kyohei seems even more intense than usual...)

Kyohei: "When did you get back? Last I heard you'd quit producing and were living it up in New York."

Shinya: "I came back when I heard a certain someone's new song."

Shinya: "I just couldn't stay away after hearing it."

Kyohei: "Oh? You came all this way just to compliment me? How kind."

Kyohei: "If you done, then get out of here. I'm too busy to deal with you."

Shinya: "Haha, oh no. My business with you hasn't even begun."

Shinya: "Let me get right to the point. I want to produce Revance."

Kagari: "What!"

I lean forward, but I felt Takashi was puts his hand on my shoulder.

Takashi: "You better not to get involved... Kagari."

Kagari: "But Takashi...!"

Takashi: "Just listen to me, Kagari."

Shinya: "If you let me, I will make sure you surpass your father."

Shinya: "Not a bad deal, right? That's the whole reason you entered this industry, isn't it?"

Kyohei: "This again. You're persistent, I'll give you that."

(What... Kyohei's father..?)

Shinya: "I couldn't help it. Hearing that song made me want to work again."

Kyohei: "I keep telling you, outdoing my father would be meaningless."

Shinya: "You know that's not true."

Kyohei: "Here's some advice out of the kindness of my heart: Stop before I get a restraining order."

Shinya: "No matter what you say, I won't give up. There are other ways to get what I want."

(It's can't be that... or maybe it's my imagination, but I thought I felt Shinya look my way when he said that.)

Shinya: "Sorry for bothering you in the middle of your busy schedule."

Kyohei: "..."

Shinya nonchalantly waves goodbye as he leaves. I've never seen Kyohei look more dour than as he watches Shinya go.

(But why did they mean when they talked about surpassing his father?)

(Is that the reason Kyohei became a singer, like Shinya said?)


(They're shooting the second half of the TV show. Everything right on schedule.)

Kagari: *Sigh* "After this, they'll head back to their private studio to discuss the new song arrangement..."

Kagari: "But I wonder who's Kyohei's father is..."

Shinya: "I could tell you, if you want?"

Kagari: "Whoa!?"

Shinya: "Sorry for startled you. I knocked on the door, because you didn't answer."

Kagari: "Then what do you want! At least you said you were leaving!"

Shinya: "I was so focused on my talk with Kyohei, I forgot to do something important."

Kagari: "Why's something important?"

As I sit on the couch as I confused, but Shinya takes my hand and grins at me.

Shinya: "I wanted to invite you to dinner tonight."

Kagari: "What..."

Shinya: "To celebrate our fateful reunion. Do you have other plans?"

Kagari: "Hold on second! Why are you inviting me!?"

I glare at him as Shinya gave me when he was talking with Kyohei.

Kagari: "So you want to produce Revance, so you're trying to get to them through me!?"

Shinya: "Wow, you're so sharp.."

(I seriously knew it!?)

Shinya: "But only half right. That's not the only reason."

Shinya: "I want to get to know you better. I'm really interested in you, Kagari."

He straight talking makes my heart skip a beat.. Seriously he's too sweet words often hide something more sinister... That's what I've come to learn by watching Kyohei and the others.

(I should be especially wary of anything an attractive guy like him says.)

(But why... Shinya did say he knows about Kyohei's father?)

Shinya: "Are you sure I can't convince you?"

Kagari: "Whatever... I'll go with you as dinner. But that's it."

Shinya: "Score! Here's my number, so give me a call when you finish work."

As with a pleasant parting look, Shinya leaves for real this time.

(I seriously can't figure it out what his motives are...)


Kyohei: "It's still not right, But it's already this late, so let's stop here for now."

(Looks like the TV shoot ended without a hitch, so I had hoped our discussion would go well, too.)

We're working on the arrangement for the 10th anniversary song. But the discussion did not get very far.

Nagito: "Stuff like this happens. It would be a worse sign if everything went too smoothly."

Kagari: "Nagito..."

Nagito: "Anyway, I have to get going. I have an on location shoot for a variety show tonight."

Kagari: "It's already nighttime and you have to go on location? That's too rough."

Nagito: "It's because I'm doing a person on nocturnal animals. See you later."

Iori: "I'm off, too. Magazine photo shoot."

Kagari: "Then I'll get going as well..."

Kyohei: "Where do you think you're going?"

Kagari: "Ack!"

I try to leave with the other members, but Kyohei grabs me on my shoulder.

Kyohei: "You've been checking your watch this whole time. Are you hiding something from me?"

(Oh god!? He caught me!)

Kyohei: "Do you remember your role? Who was it that swore she would work hard writing lyrics?"

Kagari: "O-Of course I did."

Kyohei: "And what do you think will happen to you if you don't?

Kagari: "I... I think imagine you'd ruin my career."

Kyohei: "That's exactly what will happen. All the hard work you've put in will be for nothing."

Kyohei: "You don't have any time to waste playing around. Now get back to your room."

(W-What should I do... I need an excuse!)

Kagari: "I-I think my mother and father has come to Tokyo to visit me!"

Kyohei: "Huh?"

It's the first thing I could come up with. But once I have the premise, coming up with a story is easy for a screenwriter or something I want to go Idol concert stage..

Kagari: "They said we wanted to see my apartment! Since I can't tell them that I'm living here..."

Kagari: "I want to see them and give them an excuse to keep her from finding out the truth."

Kyohei: "I guess there's no other choice..."

Kagari: "!"

Kyohei: "I'll allow it tonight. Tell them you're doing really well in the industry."

I'm taken aback by his sudden attitude change.

Kyohei: "Make sure you treat your mother and father well."

Kagari: "O-Oh..."

Kyohei: "But when you get back, you better put your nose to the grindstone. Got it?"

Kagari: "Y-Yes sir!"

(Well.... at least any rate, I managed to get out of the house...)


As promised, I go to dinner with Shinya. He takes me to a really nice restaurant.

(I didn't know as expect we'd go to such a fancy place...)

Shinya: "Hm? Are you nervous?"

Kagari: "Tch. Of course I am... I'm just not used to places like this."

Shinya: "Really...? I figured Revance's assistant manager would be beating guys off would be beating guys off with a stick!"

Shinya: "Did you only come because you're curious about Kyohei's story?"

Kagari: "What?"

Shinya: "I get it. You came today because you wanted to know more about it."

Shinya: "Well, it's seems like you've known him a long time."

Shinya: "I'll tell you, but in exchange I want you to go on another date with me."

Kagari: "I don't think so, Revance's schedule is always so packed. I barely had the chance to slip away today."

Shinya: "All the better. I like a challenge."

(Grrr! I can't let him if he joking or not! He's really hard to figure out.)

Shinya: "I have a tickets to a concert for a band called Grenade. Let's go together!"

Kagari: "What!?"

(Oh no! That's the band of that Kyohei had dropped from that TV show!)

(Maybe... Kyohei said they would become popular. Might be a smart idea to see how good they are.)

Shinya: "Can't I convince you?"

Kagari: "Alright, alright, I'll go if you really want to take me."

Shinya: "Great! Just be sure to keep our love secret from Kyohei."

Kagari: "..."

(God! That things he says are starting to me of Kyohei...)

Shinya: "Well, a promise is a promise. I'll tell you about Kyohei, starting with his father."

Kagari: "But you said you would help Kyohei outdo his father..."

Shinya: "Kyohei's father was also in a boy band. Hiromi Rikudoh. He was legendary idol."

Kagari: "His father... oh no, I'm sorry... I've never really been into boy bands."

Shinya: "Well, you should remember who he is. Everyone in this industry knows him."

Shinya: "His record went platinum and he broke into the overseas market."

Shinya: "He even became the first Japanese artist to reach number one on the US charts."

(Oh... I understand what they meant by "outdo.")

(That sort of thing happens a lot. A son trying to live up to his father's stardom.)

Kagari: "That's great... but what's he doing now?"

Shinya: "He's no longer with us."

Kagari: "Huh?"

Shinya: "Hiromi lost his life rescuing a young Kyohei from drowning in the ocean."

Shinya: "That's why Kyohei feels this responsibility and duty toward his departed father."

I felt shocking truth makes my chest feel tight. I felt so surprised as I let out a gasp.

-End of Chapter 4-

To be continue... 

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