Chapter 10: The Rise Of Riser

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Get it? Chapter 10 and it's ten days for Riser? No?... Well what a way to start off the chapter.

Our main cast is currently seen in the land of destruction of the previous lab, as some devils are seen done cleaning the disaster and making a new lab, while others were wiping out the memories of possible witnesses.

Lily: Then he turned himself into a pickle. Funnies shit I've ever seen!

Laughter is heard from a group while Mittelt groaned in annoyance.

Oh some workers were listening to Lily telling them some stories. I changed it to her swearing, because everyone wanted her to.

Mittelt: How in the fuck is this meme still alive?

Lily: Aw, come on. It's very humorous!

Mittelt: This is the 25th time you said the joke...

Lily: But they liked it!

Mittelt: Why do I have to suffer?

Asia: Come on, Mittelt. Cheer up! Everything is fine, and we are laughing. Plus, you got that cute pajama you always want-mph!

Mittelt: *whisper* Not in front of this chaotic force of a fox!

Lily: Oooooh! A cute pajama!? Where!?

Mittelt: Too late... WHY!?

Y/n: Hm, interesting.

He was wearing headphones watching some...important stuff.

Right now Riser is seen talking to someone that is Lady Phenex, his mother.

Riser: Riser did not mean to destroy the property!

Lady Phenex: But you did, young man! And you could have hurtled someone!

Riser: Riser doesn't care if he-

He was cut off by a very sharp glare from his mother, with quite the dark intentions. Looking down on him with a mother's fury, no mad man/woman ever dare to oppose.

Lady Phenex: Go on.

Riser: Riser is so very sorry! He will become better.

And now the normal mom look returns with a warm smile.

Riser: S-scary...

The mother of the chicken starts walking towards Y/n.

Lady Phenex: I apologize for my son's actions, Mr. L/n. I just want you to know he isn't that bad of a kid.

Waiting for a response and she got none.

Lady Phenex: *clears throat*

Nope Y/n was more focused on what he was watching on his phone.

Y/n: I don't know what the fuck I'm watching, but this does put a smile on my face.

Then Y/n heard a magical word or letter. We don't care it's beautiful. It was...


Y/n's mind:

Okay back to the story.

Y/n: Oh, you're here.

Lady Phenex: It's been about 5 minutes.

Y/n: Could you wait another 5? Thanks.

Riser: Human! Listen, will ya!?

Lady Phenex: Ahem. I apologize for my son's actions and his rude behaviors.

Y/n: Yet you let him turn out this way. Instead of apologizing raise him.

Riser: Don't speak to Riser's mom like that!

Y/n: Mhm, cool. Don't care. You should have known that already.

Lady Phenex: ... You are certainly an... Interesting human. But, I hope this new place of yours will be more comfortable for you.

Y/n: Already looks fascinating.

Lady Phenex: Us the Phenex household take pride and responsibility for our actions. Please accept this gift as well for the troubles.

Y/n: A... Carpet?

Lady Phenex: It's not like any other carpets, it's a special made one from the Phenex clan.

Y/n: Cool...Well, it has a pentagram. Guess I'll use it in possible rituals in the future.

And thus the first day of Riser is done for real this time. As the Phenex clan made a lab for Y/n for him to get way more freedom.

Day 2


yawn is hear as a new day for this world that Riser considers worse than hell starts.

He gets off muttering to himself about his greatness while yawning, and with a messy hair.

He goes to do his morning routine, and gets off to the bigger hallway. He sees the other members of the crew there eating breakfast.

Mittelt: Ah, you're up. Come on, Y/n made some us some food after his stop.

Riser: Huh?

Lily: We all know it's an excuse to be late for school, but we're not complaining!

Asia: Eat up. There's plenty!

Chocolate pancakes.

Riser has never seen such pancakes before in his life... They were folded?

He takes a seat with an uncertain look on his face.

Riser: Riser didn't know pancakes were pade like this. Is the human stupid?

Lily: *muffled* Trawst meh iz gawd!

Mittelt: Stop talking with your mouth full.

She takes a handkerchief and tries to clean the remainings next to the fox's mouth but Lily leans back.

Lily: You'll never take them. No choco left behind!

Mittelt: Asia, now!

Asia proceeds to get ahold of the yielding fox girl to do the CLEANSE.

Asia: Sorry, Lily! It's for the greater good!

Lily: Asia, I trusted you!

Riser: ... Hm...

He takes a bite from it, and it immediately attacks his tastes buds and conquers them like the UK.

Let's say the Riser has a newfound love and motivation to keep him here sane enough.


The scene changes as we see a certain h/c haired boy back at a familiar Cafe with none-other than the heir of the Sitri household.

Sona: Basically my sister can get quite annoying sometimes, is what I'm trying to say.

Y/n: Sounds like a normal sibling relationship.

Sona: I get it, but... It's too much sometimes!

Y/n: Well, just annoy her then. Payback.

Sona: I'm not as childish as her!

Y/n: Geez, Sona. Take a chill pill. I get it, you are very responsible, but sometimes you gotta sit back and relax a bit.

Sona: It's no-

Y/n: Take a deep breath.

The purple eyed devil looks at Y/n for a bit before doing as asked.

Y/n: Listen to be carefully, I don't like repeating myself. You Sona are a girl with a goal in mind from what I've seen. What exactly is it?

Sona: My goal? Ahem-- I want to make a Rating Game school that is open to all, regardless of status!

She said that very determined , clearly very passionate about it.

Y/n: Rating Game? I've heard about it but don't exactly know what it is.

Sona: You see, a Rating Game is two high-ranking devils fighting each other for one of them to emerge victorious. The game involves a lot of strategies and power to win, it is quite amusing. One of these days they won't have to be only for high-ranking devils though!

(If you are reading this fanfic, then you already read some other DxD stories and know about the rating games. If not... Well, they aren't THAT important... Yes, I'm lazy)

Y/n: Hm, I look forward on seeing it become true.

Sona: Well, you can start by coming on time to see the progress.

For once in her lifetime this sounded less stern and more jokingly. Y/n responds in a similar way.

Y/n: Be releastic. We all know that's not gonna happen.

Sona: *giggles* Yeah, I know.

She checks pulls out her phone and has a shocked look on her face.

Sona: Oh my! We spent 3 hours here!?

Y/n: Haha time go fwooosh.

Sona: I guess so... Still 3 hours? Ahem, could you walk with me?

Y/n: Was planning on doing that. Let's go.

Paying the bill and not running this time the two of you start walking in silence... A comfortable one. Don't worry.

Finally reaching their separation area, Sona turns and looks at Y/n with a smile on her face.

Sona: Today was rather fun. It's nice having someone to talk to about these types of stuff.

Y/n: Well, like I said. Keep looking forwards, but don't forget to look around you.

Sona: I never thought you'd be capable of saying something serious.

Y/n: *chuckles* What can I say? I'm full of surprises.

Sona: Well, I'll see you later! But before I go...

She moves closer to you and presses her lips on your cheek, and your just standing there... No reaction actually. Just a raises eyebrow. If this was Genshin Y/n he'd probably try to do it, then tsundere mode immediately.

Sona: See you soon! Bye!

And with that she hurries off leaving and your standing there MENACI- I really need to stop.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm definitely teasing her about this later. We'll, off to get my bike.

Walking off to return back to the lab you spot some people gathering next to each other cheering as a fight was going on.


Curious you head there and see two grown men fighting with very nice clothes. The first one had a scowl on his face, his hair set back and a small beard, he was wearing white jacket, pants, and shoes.

The other man looked quite like a mad one in terms of craziness. He didn't have a shirt, and a tattoo was visible on his chest, but was wearing a nice yellow leather jacket and black jeans. He had a bowl haircut and an eyepatch.

Guess who? I'm also doing this for a certain someone.


Kiryu: Tch! How many times have we done this, Majima-san?

Kazuma 'KIRYU-CHAN' Kiryu

Goro 'EVERYWHERE' Majima

Majima: NYEHEH! It never gets old if we are fighting, Kiryu-chan! Everytime is an experience to be held!

Kiryu: Hm, so it's like every time. Where is your knife though, I'm curious.

Majima: Hmph! Lost it somewhere, and still looking for it! Whoever decided to steal it has a lot of guts that are ready to be ripped!

Y/n: This is interesting. Wonder who has his knife?

Majima: I don't need my knife to fight you though! When I got the moooooves!

He proceeds to uhhhh...

Kiryu: This dance again...

Majima: Get ready, Kiryu-chan!

The mad dog proceeds to-- what the fuck?

He is breakdancing. He is fucking break dancing. And it's actually working as a fighting technique. As Kiryu was doing his best blocking the attacks. Or not really his best, it's Kiryu.

Y/n: Holy shit!

The crowd is going wild.


Yes, Y/n was using his sacred gear to figure out how he did it.

Scan complete.

New fighting technique unlocked: Breaker Style

Y/n: I love this gear so much!

You witness an immovable object and the unstoppable force clash, and the white dressed man is going for a bike?

Oh God... Oh no...It's YOUR bike!

The man named Kiryu proceeds to SLAM it down on Majima's head breaking the bike in the process.

OUCH that looked like it hurt...How the fuck is there no brain damage!?

He... He just got up... What the fuck!?

The mad dog stood up, with basically no scratch nor visible damage happening. However the dragon was ready.

The Dragon Of Dojima does a back hand punch to the Mad Dog's face, then gets hold of him and uses his knee to his his face. He then gets his hands together as if he was holding an axe and SWINGS hitting Majima's chest, making him fall.

Majima got up slouching a bit, holding his stomach with one hand.

Majima: Yeheheh! I see you are getting better, Kiryu-chan!

Kiryu: You're really gonna keep doing this...

Majima: You know it! Nyeheh! I'll see you soon, Kiryu-chan!

And with that he just runs off to do whatever Majima does.

The crowd begins to leave, only Y/n and Kiryu are still there.

Kiryu: Hm? Kid, the fight is over. Go home.

Y/n: Uh... That was... My bike. I just bought it today...

Kiryu: Oh... My bad.

Y/n: It's all good... Yeah, these two are something else...

Kiryu: How about I treat you for a smile burger?

Y/n: ... Sure.

Day 3

Another day has passed. Another day for the hecc of Riser. Right now he was cleaning the place using a vacuum cleaner, he was done for today.

Y/n was sitting on a couch watching a movie. The other members the crew went out to God knows what girls do.

Curiosity got the best of Riser as he wondered what the h/c haired boy was watching. He peeks a bit, it was the first movie of John Wick, and it was the heartbreaking scene of the dog.

Riser: What is this!?

Y/n: A movie.

Riser: Hm, Riser doesn't like the look on that bastard's face!

He jumps on the couch sitting with an angry look on his face.

Y/n: Popcorn?

Riser: Yes please.


A portal opens and from it comes his sister.

Ravel: Riser, where did you put my bear this time!?


The dog killer finally met his end by the pencil killer.


Ravel: Should I ask?

Mittelt: Don't.

Lily: We tried.

Asia: Should I eat a burger?

Ravel: Yes.

Day 4

Riser: What are you working on?

Y/n: TURBO BIKE, SON! Ey, hold it for a second. I need to grab something.

Riser: Okay?

He does as he was told while Y/n went to grab the remaining mats aka to make the brakes.

Riser obviously interested in the bike looks around for a bit, sits on it and starts it... Bad idea.

The bike immediately starts working and brakes its restrains while Riser was trying to stop it, like it was an angry bull in Spain.

Due to the loud noise Y/n immediately runs back and holds the bike.


Riser: WHAAT?

He couldn't hear him, the engine was too loud. They hear a crack as the bike went straight, pulling Y/n into Riser's mess.


He did as told, but it kept going.






They crashed into some garbage cans, as a start cats scream is heard.

The two are seen lying on the ground with some scratches.

Y/n: ...

Riser: ... Sorry.

Day 5

The park it was so peaceful, Y/n, Nanako, Riser, and Ravel were there right now. Nanako was wearing a superhero's outfit.

Nanako: Come on, Y/n. Let's go save the world!

Ravel: Wait, why am I here?

Nanako: Aren't you guys our partners? We need to save the world from devastation.

Riser: What?

Y/n: *whisper* Play along, idiots.

You may be wondering, what the fuck? Well, let's say Y/n convinced his younger sister that they are all super heroes, after the Donut-Seek incident. Thankfully, with the power of the plot she got convinced and not scarred for life.

The superhero takes a strong and determination filled pose.


Y/n: Hai!

Nanako: Ravel, Riser, come on! It's a competition!

Riser: What?

Ravel: Huh?

Y/n: Aw, are the chickens scared of Y/n's power? Buck-buck.


Riser: Okay!

Nanako: Heheh, prepare to lose!

Man vs Chicken

Nanako: WHEEEE!

Ravel: This is actually fun!

Yeah, not so epic... BUT IT IS IN MY HEART!

Riser: Riser will win!

Y/n: Oh, really!?

The two glare at each other to assert dominance. Older Brother VS. Older Brother. Which one will win?

Nanako: Higher!

Ravel: You heard her!

It was on. Pushing and pushing, some families look at them with a weirded out look. Some kids, were taking bets by using cheetoos.

The two brothers fought and fought for dominance reaching the peak of humanity and devil-kind. Yet, none of them faltered. And they didn't look like stopping anytime soon.

Timeskip brought you by Y/n and Riser playing rock, paper, scissors

Y/n: Y/n won!

Riser: No! Riser did!

Y/n: Oh, come on. Riser's arms looked like noodles back there!

Riser: Riser has strong arms!

Nanako: Guys, guys calm down. We all know that my brother is the best!

Y/n: Ha!

Ravel: Really now? Well, Y/n was lucky since you were smaller!

Riser: Ha!

Y/n & Nanako VS. Riser & Ravel.

Ravel: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Nanako: Yes, we will settle this with...

Ravel & Nanako: UNO!

Riser: Riser doesn't know why the two of you thought of that, but it's on!

Y/n: You are gonna get beaten so hard, KFC will feed you to their chickens.

Riser: That doesn't even make any sense, but you're on!

War... War never changes... But people do... LET'S SACRIFICE A B-

Nanako: Huh? Look!

She points at a group of punks laughing and throwing a rock at a scared dog.

Nanako cringes at the sight, but looks determined to stop them.

Punk#1: Bullseye! That one hurt! Hear it crying!

Punk#2: That was sick! Put it out of its misery!

Ravel: That's horrible! And that's coming from a devil.

Riser and Y/n look at each other and nod, a truce has been made for the two. Remember these two watched John Wick.

Y/n pats his sister, before approaching them with Riser.

The street punks don't seem to have noticed the two, as one throws a rock at the poor dog.

Using his devil abilities Riser jumps and catches the rock beofe it hits the pup, and returns it back to sender, hitting him square in the face.

Punk#3: Yo-chan! You okay, bro!?

Two of them attend the fallen, while the first punk starts walking towards them.

Punk#1: What the fuck, man!?

Riser: Listen here, ya little shits! Riser doesn't like when someone interrupts an on-going battle of his! Besides, you sick fucks don't have any remorse to the poor fellow here!? It's time for Riser to teach you some manners!

Y/n: Let's say, today is your unlucky day. You really pissed us off.

Punk#1: That so?

He motions for some other punks as they start sorrounding the both of you.

Punk#1: Who is the unlucky one now, fucker!?

Riser: We are sorrounded.

Y/n: Poor bastards. Time to test out my new moves.

Street Punks

10 Punks, no problem. About 3 were armed with pipes.

Riser takes the lead and kicks one of them in the abdomen, and punches the other in the nose as a CRACK is heard.

And Y/n... Well

Sweeping every punk within his range they slam on the ground, like my ice cream... Damn.

2 punks charge at Y/n from each side as he plants his arm to the ground focusing his weight on in and spilts his legs hitting the two with such force they fall on their comrades-SIX left.

Y/n stops for a second catching his breathe before finding a next target. The Punk#1.

Y/n becomes a helicopter slamming his fist one after another at the bastard, then plants both of his arms on the ground to fulfill his helicopter duty as now the punks who got in range had to deal with spinning legs.

3 left.

Riser proceeds to get ahold of a garbage can and slams it on one of them making him the garbage.

The blonde haired man proceeds to make the garbage punk spin over and over before kicking him at one of the punks as if he was a bowling pin BAM the sudden impact got the both down. Now only ONE remains.

He looks at the two terrified as he tries to run away, heoeevr he failed to see Ravel putting her foot in front of him making the bastard fall, as Nanako stood in front of him.

He pissed himself because he was scared of a kid. She kicks him in the head and poof. Victory.

Riser: That was something...

Y/n: You weren't too bad, but Y/n was more stylish.

Riser: Oh, boo-hoo!

Nanako: Puppy!

She caped hero runs to check on the pup.

Nanako: Its hurt! We need to get it to a doctor! A vet!

Y/n: Let's not waste time.

Picking up the dog, and you notice it has a collar.

Y/n: Hm, a Shiba Inu. Always liked that breed. "Pochitaro"? That's your name, buddy?

The dog whimpers, sighing you pick it up, and "accidentally" step on the punks.

Day 6

In your house you see Nanako bursting in your room.

Y/n: The door was innocent...

Nanako: Y/n, I found the owner!

Y/n: Coolio. Who dat?

Scene change

Y/n: Oh shit.

It was the white suit wearing guy, Kiryu Kazuma. This time he wasn't alone though as a girl was hugging the dog.

Y/n: I don't know why... But this man scares me a bit...

Kiryu: Hm, who would've thought. Still, thank you, you're good kids.

Nanako: Of course we are! You should have seen my brother he-

Y/n: We found it. It was just lost. Yeah, I'm not telling him I used the fighting style of the same guy he fought.

The girl who was hugging the dog looks at you with a suspicious look on her face, but dismisses it. You are quite the good liar, aren't you?

Haruka: Still thanks alot! Pochitaro, don't run off like that ever again!


Kiryu: Oh no...

Its the mad man, Majima Goro.

Kiryu: Get out of here, you two. Haruka, take Pochitaro back home.

(No picture for Haruka because I honestly don't know what age to make her... Yeah)

Nanako: Okay, bye! Have fun with your friend, Mr. Kiryu!

Majima: Of course, he will! Nyeheheh!

Timeskip brought you by Nanako and Haruka singing duet

Riser: UNO!

Y/n: +4 card. Fuck you.

Riser: Fuck you!

Ah yes, Uno. The game of pure frustration, and many lost friendships.

The crew alongside Riser's peerage were watching as two forces clash with cards, many insults were thrown.

Y/n: UNO.

Riser: Skip.

Y/n: Damn KFC reject!

Shuriya: I don't think the game is supposed to be played by only two people.

Y/n: Zip it, Pineapple head! Go back to Bikini Bottom. Spongebob got his house demolished!

Shuriya: Hmph!

Riser: Not now, Suriya. Riser is close to victory!

Y/n: Oh, you wish!

Lily: This is entertaining. I got snacks!

Mittelt: Dibs on the chocolate!

Ravel: Not fair!

Day 7

Riser was done cleaning the windows when Y/n just screamed at him.

Y/n: Come here Riser!

Riser: What's the matter!?

Scene change

We see Y/n next to Riser who was currently riding a bike.

Y/n: Easy does it now. Make sure to not go overboard.

Riser: Uhh, is this necessary?

Y/n: Of fucking course, it is! You were pathetic back there, to the point I felt sorry for you.

Riser: Riser will fucking kill you!

Y/n: Silence! Keep looking at the road!

Riser: Hmph!

He does as told even though he didn't want to. After a few minutes of Y/n giving him instructions, he seem to got the basics and is ready to do it alone.


Y/n: Nice!

He was currently riding the bike with a big smile on his face, he sees a poster. It was a Karaoke place. The thought of the rivalry between him and Y/n is still with him. However he shrugged them off for today,as he was enjoying himself.

Day 8

We see Y/n minding his own business, making a new blueprint when all of a sudden the door is kicked and from it comes Riser with an apron.

Riser: Y/n! Riser challages you to a Karaoke match!

Y/n: Ho, you're approaching me with your challenges? Instead of running away your just coming straight at me?

Riser: I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer.

Y/n: Hoho! Well, by all means. Come as close as you like. TO THE KARAOKE!

Yeah, they were supposed to be fighting, but after a few songs they decided to sing Judgement.

Riser: Ha! We reached the leader boards!

Y/n: Nyeheh! KONO POWAH!

Riser: You know, Y/n. For a human you aren't so pathetic.

Y/n: You were doubting the great Y/n? Tch, unforgivable. I, Y/n L/n challenge you to a dance off! Friday Night, Party Tonight!

Riser: Hm! Oh, you a really think you are better than me!? Riser will show you!

Y/n: Well, you better dance as well as you dress then. Don't disappoint!

Riser: Riser should be telling you this!

Y/n: Heh, not bad.

Riser: You weren't too shabby yourself.

After their little party. The two starts walking back.

(I typed "toe" instead of "two". Thought you'd like to know this mistake I did)

Riser: You know... This whole thing was kinda of fun.

Y/n: Hm?

Riser: I donnu. This whole thing was way more fun than the stuff in the Underworld...

Y/n: I see you've stopped using 3rd person for some things you said.

Riser: *chuckles* I guess...

Day 9

Slowly but surely. The day of the Rating Game is coming. And Riser seem to be thinking a little bit about it.

Y/n was currently not home as Riser goes to see his peerage and Y/n's team watching TV, with a bunch of snacks in front of them.

Riser: Hm, what's going on?

Ravel: Shush!

Riser: Huh?

The girls seem deeply invested on whatever was shown on the TV. Being the curiose fella he is, Riser decided to  check it out.

It was a romantic-comedy?

Riser was weirded out for a second, but he has never watched one. Plus, today there wasn't really anything for him to do. So he decided to check it out.

Quite cliché stuff, with the average bad-guy. However Riser didn't look too happy about himself, as those cliché bad-guys were basically like him... Or was.

Now he understood why Y/n called him generic. But now, Riser was thinking of many things. One of them was him not wanting to marry Rias anymore.

Did he love her really? No. That was the horny taking over. Now he realizes.

He sees the male main character having a best friend which reminded him of a certain h/c haired annoying human. He may have annoyed Riser, but he enjoyed his time on the human world nonetheless.

He now knows the meaning of having a bro.

Bros before hoes.

I don't even know what this chapter has become. But it's still nice.

This is the time for a new Riser to come forth.

This was the Rise of Riser.

Day 10

The day has come. His last day in the human world before returning back to his old life.

Riser got up, but he was not angry, he was relieved.

But one question remains. How will his household react to this?

Y/n: OI, chicken!

Riser: Huh?

Y/n: You really like saying "Huh" alot. We are going to KFC, thought it's better if you come by seeing that we are gonna eat your kind maybe they'll give us a discount.

Riser: *chuckles* Well, I thought I was a reject?

Y/n: Guess what chuckle-fuck? Not anymore. Come on, it's the last day for you. Let's go.

However things turn out, Riser knew that he was gonna be happy no matter.


Well there you have it, lads and lasses! The Rise of Riser. The last lines felt a bit cheesy, but what do you think?

Ah, yes. Kiryu-chan and Majima-san are here. Did it for you, Zuno! Hope I lived up to your expectations.

Still I wanna say something, when I first saw Helltaker's suit it reminded me of a certain Dragon's suit. HmMMMmmmMm.

How was the chapter Good KFC? Burn chicken nugget? Nugget the manager?

Now the thing is... I don't know how I'm gonna add them in the future chapters. But I'll find a way... Hopefully.

Edit: Chapter 17-19 is the way point of the first ending. Those are the only chapters they're in.

Until next time. Hope you enjoyed.

BananaBoi. Going dark.

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