Chapter 11: lol Sword

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Ah, the day has come furth, the Rating Game... Yeah, imma be honest with you, readers. I think we all know what's gonna happen after the last chapter. So let's just skip it to the finale.

Even if Riser didn't want to marry Rias anymore, he couldn't tarnish the Phenex's household reputation by losing THAT fast. So he took the liberty of fighting them until he reached the Ddraig holder. He got him in a choke hold while the heir of Gremory was glaring at the heir of the Phenex.

That is until the Kentucky-Boi whispered to the perverted boy's ear.

Riser: Headbutt me.

Issei: Wh-what!?

Riser: Are you deaf!?I said headbutt me! And shoot me while your at it.

Issei: Amke my ear bleed while YOUR at it!

Riser: You dumb-fuck, just do it!

Issei: Okay!

After the QUIET exchange of the two, the rejected princess of lobsters finally spoke after half a minuteof thinking.

Rias: I... I forf-

Interrupted by a BAM. Issei used the back of his head to headbutt Riser, which surprised the tomato head.

While Riser was "recovering" Issei took the liberty of shooting him with his gauntlet, the dragon beam that was used against Raynare.

Therefore, Riser Phenex has retired.

Suddenly the head maid, and wife of the current Lucifer in this underworld shows up declaring the Rias Gremory is the winner.

Still shocked by the turn of events and what the fuck just happened in front of her. She snaps back into reality after a few second and rushes to hug her savior who was more confused, but hugged back... Still confused.

Issei: (What the fuck just happened?)

Back with the blonde heir of the chickens, his peerage didn't look upset in fact, Riser told them about the plan. Of course, seeing his change of heart they were more than happy to comply.

Now as for the excuse of him losing... Let's just say that a certain h/c haired lad may or may have not said something about Issei's gear and him being the red dragon emperor. Which is the gear that could defeat gods and destroy worlds. Leave it to him to come up with a perfect excuse.

Now, you may be wondering where and what is Y/n doing? Well...


A yell of pain is heard as we see Y/n alongside his first team member, Mittelt. Currently they were in a church more specificly the basement. Yes, the same church where the rescue happened. As he took the liberty of making it a legit one.

Oh, and the yell of pain is someone strapped in the chair being interrogated by the two.



This sounds wrong out of context... Eh, who cares? The reason of why you said that because that was a French fellow. And as for English, because it's the most common language.

Y/n: At least if you are patrolling in Japan, you could've learned the language and make this easier for you to blend in!

Mittelt: That would actually make sense, but we know that everyone is a fucking dumbass, Y/n.

The door behind the two opens and from it comes a nun.

Sister Agnes

Mittelt: Ah, Sister Agnes. It's good to see you again. Y/n, this is Sister Agnes, she agreed to help us interpret what he says. Sister Agnes, this is Y/n.

Y/n: Sister, we appreciate you doing this.

Agnes: My pleasure.

Mittelt: Please ask who sent him and what is he here for?

She proceeds to talk French fluently to him. There are no Agnes: . Because the author doesn't know French...Yeah.

And alas, he responds with a smug smile on his face despite the pain the punches and slaps did to him.

Agnes: He says that you're both making a mistake. That one day soon you'll beg for mercy.... He also said...

Mittelt: What?

Agnes: He used the n-word...

Y/n: What? The n-word...?

The nun of this church nods confirming it.

Y/n: Wait. I'm Japanese... But... It's a reader insert... What? I'm confused. For that, you tell this little motherfu-

Mittelt: Y/n! She's a nun.

Y/n: *Inhales* Sister, you tell this piece of s-word, that I will F-word him up.

Translation time! With that, do you like pancakes or more of a waffles person?

Smug Idiot: Ve F!? *Intense French swearing*

Oh boy, here he goes again. I wonder what our French readers think of this? Ayo, NeRo.

Y/n: Did he use the n-word again...?

Agnes: He used the n-word again, but this time he mentioned your grandmother.

Y/n: I don't even know who my grandparent are. But you tell him that his mother is an H!

Mittelt: Y/n, I believe "whore" is spelled with "W".

Y/n: Right! W! And his sister is a W! And his grandma is a two-bit who makes double, because she got NO TEETH! You tell him I said that!


Y/n: Did he say it again?

Agnes: No, this time he called Mittelt. A similar word to cat, and another word that rhymes with maggot.

Mittelt: ...What?

Meanwhile the idiot is nodding his head thinking that was a good insult.

Mittelt: Well, you tell him he's an AW!

The sister looks at the goth loli while raising her eyebrow.

Y/n: Mi, "hole" is spelled with an "H".

Agnes: I have a dictionary upstairs-

Mittelt: Just call him an asshole!

And thus, the man proceeds to speak crossaint... Why do I feel like I offended someone? I'm scared.

Agnes: He says that you're both marked for death.

Y/n: We're not getting anything out of this. Sister, turn your back. You don't wanna see this.

You proceeds to grab the man with your two hands by his collar.

Y/n: WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR? AND HOW DO WE FIND HIM? You tell us right now or I'll cut your beads off and shove them in your mouth.

Agnes: His beads?

Y/n: His beads, Sister. His hairy stinking beans! Tell me something now!

No word from him now.

Y/n: Mit, give me the gun. Give me the gun, Mit.

The maid goth loli scrambles with her hand bag and pulls out a gun, that you noticed didn't even have a magazine. Which gave you an idea.

Taking it from her, you tell the man quietly.

Y/n: It's over, brother. It's over.

You point the weapon at the side of his head and shout.

Y/n: Who is your boss!?

Idiot: *Dia?*

Y/n: What did he say?

Agnes looks down a bit concerned, but answers.

Agnes: He said "shoot me".


Yeah, what did you expect from an empty mag? Except that prisoner didn't know that. Which made him fucking terrified by the way.

Y/n: Mittelt, there's no bullets in here.

Mittelt: Oh, sorry.

She pulls out a mag and puts it in the gun, while you cuck it.

Y/n: I'm trying to kill somebody here...Damn.

Pointing the now fully loaded gun in the exact same place aka the side of the guy's head. Let's just say he was gonna piss himself.

Y/n: Okay, you better tell me something right now. Or I'm sending you right to heaven. I don't care anymore-

Mittelt: Y/n!

Y/n: - I'm off to do the death. I've got nothing to loooose!

The nun proceeds to pray furiously, while she looked to be obviously distressed from the current course of events.

Y/n: That's right, Sister. Call the lord and tell him he's about to have some company!

Mittelt: Y/n, stop!

Y/n: Tell me something!

Mittelt: Y/n, that's enough!

Y/n: Oh, she's almost done. Forgive me Father for I have sinned!

She was about to finish the prayer until the man decided to shout something.

Agnes: He said "wait"!

Mission success. He proceeds to spill the beans.

Agnes: He says it's "Valper Galleili" and is saying that they have a plan for the Holy Sword Excalibur. They are currently hiding low, east from here. As priests in churches.

Mittelt: Well, we got what we needed. Man, acting concerned for this poor fucker was tiring. I'm off.

Mittelt was the first to leave, as Y/n follows before stopping in front of the nun.

Y/n: Nice working with you, Sister.

Agnes: Anytime, brother.

The two high-five and Y/n leaves to begin planning.

The next day

Honestly, in hell that is school in the human world. You couldn't help but notice that your edge meter has sky rocketed.

Someone was being edgy as fuck. And he was right in front of you. Yuuto Kiba.

Y/n: ... Why are you here? I'm enjoying my lunch in peace.

Kiba: The only empty table is here.

Y/n: ... Okay, Sasuke. What's with that dark look of wanting to go on a genocide.

Kiba: None of your business, L/n...

Y/n: Okay cool. Oi, Shitsei!

Yelling across the cafeteria from your table to the other one, that Issei was currently being hugged by Rias.

Issei: What!?

Y/n: Get your ass over here! You got a lost dog!

Kiba: Who are you calling a dog!?

Y/n: Isn't it obvious? It's you, dumbass.

Issei: Kiba, come on now. Don't become a dog.

Kiba: I am not a dog!

Issei: That's what a dog impersonation a human would say.

Kiba: I'm so fucking done... I'm leaving.

Y/n: Bye.

Kiba: *Mutters* Motherfucker...

Y/n: Don't worry. I will be.

Kiba: I'm not even gonna bother.

And thus, Mr. Edgelord has left to whoever knows where. Off-screen stuff are confusing.

Y/n: What was all this drama of his about? Did he hit puberty again?

Issei: I wish... Yesterday, Rias moved in with me. And we had a celebration for winning... Even though it was confusing as fuck, considering Riser just let me win, no one knows except me, and I'm guessing you.

Y/n: Great, you're starting to have a brain. You've come a long way, huh?

Issei: You really like insulting everyone, don't you? Anyways, you know... Moms being moms decided it was a good idea to show Rias pictures of me when I was a kid. Until we stumbled on a picture with me and my childhood friend, Irina. You remember her, right?

Y/n: How can I forget the amount of times she talked when it's something she liked...

Issei: She moved out not too long after you though. About two months. Still... Y/n, We didn't really hang out that much until middle-school, even there you didn't talk with anyone.

Y/n: My father's job just kept shifting all around. (Now that I think about it... Was it really a job or something to do with him and the supernatural? Even though, he is correct. I never talked with anyone, so focused on succeeding in studies. Up until I got Scanny Boi. And thus the self-awareness began. )

Issei: I still remember that time you took my ice-cream, douch-bag.

Y/n: You made mine fall! It's only fair that way, bastard.

Issei: Wait. Isn't this conversation supposed to be about Kiba?

Oh shit. He figure you out, Author. You just want to get more words in! Readers, if I get YEETED out of my job, which is highly unlikely since I'm definitely one of the reasons you read this. I'm your favorite narrator after all... But if I get YEETED delete my browser history.

Issei: It was a picture that involved a holy sword, which I'm guessing gave him PTSD.

Y/n: Oh, sad backstories are sad.

Issei: *Sigh* Even though, I worry about him doing something stupid.

Y/n: Heh...

Issei: What?

Y/n: Y'know... Your not half bad if you stop thinking about the horny for five seconds.

Issei: ... Knowing you, that's a complement... Right?

Y/n: Yesn't.

Timeskip brought you by Y/n designing his battle costume

Outside of school, two hooded figures appear there. They seem to be waiting for someone.

The Student Council president alongside the Vice, spot them and confront them.

Sona: What buissness do you have on school grounds, exorcists?

???#1: We are here to talk with Gremory.

Sona and Tsubaki seem quite surprised.

Tsubaki: *Whisper* President, do we? What if they try something?

Sona: *Whisper* I guess so, but a request is a request. Even if they do try something, they are in Devil territory, so it's wiser for them not to. *Outloud* Very well, let us lead the way.

In the ORC room, the members were there, still quite worried about the Knight's mood.


Peace was never an option for Y/n. The L/ns just like kicking doors.

Y/n: Yo, what did I miss? (Even though I'm spying on you idiots with cameras.)

Kiba: Why are you here?

Y/n: Interesting question. You know, you should be a philosopher.

Issei: Yeah, I kinda of invited them.

Kiba: ... Get out.

Y/n: Can't the plot demands me here.

Asia: Can't we all just get along. Please?


Kiba: ... Fine.

Y/n: You know Asia, for someone pure and innocent. You are taking advantage of your cuteness. Too bad, I'm stronger and shall resist.

Earth-chan?: And who are you? Friend of the devils?

She said the last part with venom in her voice. Okay den...

Xenovia 'Earth-Chan' Quarta

Brown Haired Girl: Isn't it obvious? Why else would they invite him?

Irina 'lol holy' Shidou

Y/n: Hm, who are these strippers?

Xenovia: "Strippers"!? Allow me to I for you that we both work for the angels. We are exorcists!

Irina: Exactly. Know your place!

Y/n: Oh, so angels made these costumes for you?

Xenovia: Yeah!

Y/n: ... Well they fucked up. You sure it's not some fallen angel shit? Or are Angels actually the lewd ones.

Wait until you see Gabriel, Y/N.

Xenovia: Stop disrespecting us!

Irina: So unnecessary
Hm? You look familiar.

Y/n: OK, Skyrim Guard Irina. Are you gonna tell me you got an arrow to the knee?

Immediately, she jumps on guard.

Irina: How do you know my name!?

Y/n: You know, the amount of times you told me you wanted to become a knight was really something I had to deal with.

Irina: Wait... Y/n!?

Y/n: Yo. Oh shit, cliff-hanger.


2400+ words. Not too shabby.

So what do you think of this...? I feel a bit disappointed since it's kinda of short and took about a week. Been playing Genshin, doing a shit ton of homework, and family stuff.

But if something didn't make sense please tell me. As always, I'm once again asking you if the chapter is Good? Bad? Unholy shit?

Again, I'm sorry for taking about a week for only 2400 words... But I hope you got some laughs or some enjoyment.

Banana-Six. Going Dark.

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