Chapter 15: Is This A Filler Chapter?

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Some time ago, Mittelt was just a normal Fallen Angel, alongside her kin, getting trained as either maids, or warriors. This was the place where orphan Fallen go to.

We see a bunch of Fallen Angels, they looked like they were in the same age, give or take a year or two between them.

Currently, they were standing next to each other in form of a line, as an instructor was standing in front of them, he looked like he was in his forties or so.

He was currently yelling and shouting about their light spear training and how they better not tarnish the fallen name. Things that Mittelt and the others heard for the millionth time.

The blonde girl didn't have any goals, nor dreams for herself in the future, all she ever wanted was to get this shit over with. After all, her future was already set by the higher ups of the Fallen Angels.

After a few minutes. We see Mittelt alongside her comrades doing the training. Ranging from simple spear/sword fight to fighting while flying.

Mittelt: (Fallen Angels my ass! This whole thing is just taking advantage of us orphans.) *Sigh*

Yeah, she didn't like them very much. But, either way. She doesn't have the power to say no, or do anything. This was her life and the life of many other Fallen.

Fallen Angel: Oi, Mittelt. Stop slacking and focus.

The monotonous voice came from the person she was supposed to duel he looked older than her by a year, he had purple hair, and golden yellow eyes.

Mittelt: (Oh dear...) Right.

Fallen Angel: You do realize this would lead you to your death in battle?

Mittelt: I know, I know, I'm sorry...

The two stand off, a few meters being the distance between each other, one holding a light sword, Mittelt holding a light spear.

A few seconds pass, as the two wait for each other to attack, until the other fallen decided it took too long and charges.

With his sword held tightly, he swings, the blonde girl holds up her spear to block making a CLASH noise.

She tries to go for a kick, but the fallen blocks it, and jumps back, now flying in the air with his crow wings.

He dives trying to hit her, but she just ducks thrusting her spear up-wards and hits the fallen's shoulder pad armor.

The fallen now can't use his right arm, because of the rules that are made. He returns back to his original spot, as Mittelt takes a defensive stand. Analyzing to see how he'd attack.

What surprised her is that he YEETED the sword at her, she deflects ir, but when she looks back towards the fallen something got in her eye. The fellow threw dirt from the terrain.

This obviously hurt her eyes, and then she felt a sudden impact on the side of her head. Before falling to the floor. A roundhouse kick.

On the ground, wiping her eyes after finally restoring her vision, she sees a her spear pointed at her.

Instructer: Harper wins!

Harper 'Not the one in COD:BO2'

Mittelt: Tch. Seriously!? Dirt in my eyes?

The now named Harper just states plainly.

Harper: No rules while fighting, Mittelt. You should know that.

Mittelt: Yeah, this is training, not fighting to the death!

Intructer: Enough! Mittlet, know your place. You should learn from Harper's example a little bit!

Mittelt: Uh- Yes, sir!

Instructer: Good. Now dismissed!

The purple haired boy, salutes, and leaves without a word. Leaving Mittelt to herself on the floor, questioning life.

Mittelt: (Great... Just great. Why did I say that?)

She stayed like this for aboit five minutes until someone busted through the door.

Fallen Angel#2: OI, OI! Everyone, gather around in the main hallway!

And just like that, he rushed back inside.

Mittelt: Eh? What is going on?

She looks to her right seeing the other Fallen look as confused as her, the time for training is over, so what's the occasion?

Didn't matter, all that matters is that she goes there, and not get scolded then be punished by cleaning.

Now in the main hall, the Fallen are again standing side by side, some behind them, making lines.

I'm amazing at my job, aren't I? I'm the best narrator.

Lots of questions, then the answer was clear as Sprite Cranberry in the thirstiest time of the year.

A man emerges, he had blond hair and blue eyes. He stood in front of the teenage Fallen Angels. Standing next to the instructer.

The Formal-Looking-Man was currently talking with the instructor, none of the others could hear it.

Mittelt was a bit curious, for a good reason as well. This was a person she never saw in this training place. Until, the instructor and the man started staring at the trainers, more specifically her.

Mittelt: (Well... Shit.)

And now, let's hear the rest of the conversation.

Formal-Man: *Whisper* So this is her?

Intructer: *Whisper* Yeah, from what we've seen, she is the worst out of her colleagues. She's hot-tempered, took the longest to master light spears, and doesn't get well with the others.

Formal-Man: *Whisper* Easy now. No need to talk behind a person.

The instructer gulps to himself, and nods slightly.

Formal-Man: *Whisper* Great. But, seeing as how you don't really like her, I guess we'll take her.

Instructer: Of course! Go ahead.

The two start walking in the direction of the blonde girl.

Formal-Man: Mittelt, right?

Mittelt: Y-Yes, that's my name, sir!

Formal-Man: *Chuckles* No need to be so nervous. I'm just a simple man.

Mittelt: (Come to think of it, I'm not sensing any magic from him...)

Formal-Man: Alright, let's not add too much drama. Follow me, young one.

Even the non-self aware are roasting you, Author. Feels bad, man.

To say that she was nervous would be an underestimating it. Her heart was throbbing, as if you forgot to delete your search history, and your parents are checking your phone.

She didn't know what was the occasion, but did her best to at least look calm.

They eventually left the training grounds, and are now standing in front of a very fancy car.

The driver proceeds to open the back door.

Formal-Man: You go in first. I need to call someone.

Mittelt: (I have mixed feelings about this, but do I even have a choice?)

She did as told, sitting and waiting anxiously for the formal man.

Meanwhile we see him talking on the phone.

Formal-Man: Hey, Aza-Man. I got someone for that kid.

Azazel: Oh great, I definitely didn't forget about that.

Formal-Man: Seriously, bird?

Azazel: Aw, William, come on. Don't be like that.

William: *Sigh* You never change do you? Say, who even is that kid?

Azazel: Heh. Guess who?

William: For fuck's sake, Azazel! Tell me already, I need to get home or else I'll miss dinner.

Azazel: Oh, right. Shizuka would beat your ass, huh?

William: *Shudders* Y-Yeah... How can someone so sweet be so scary???

Azazel: Women can and are one of the most mysterious creatures, no one knows. But to answer your question, let's just say he is your best friend Jr.

William: Wha?

Azazel: Inde-

Boy's Voice: *Muffled* Don't worry, he is a main character!

Azazel: Kid, don't steal my moment!

Boy's Voice: Too fucking bad. I'm doing it anyway. OI, WILL-Or whatever your name is! GET A GIFT ON YOUR WAY HOME, THAT'LL MAKE THE WOMAN HAPPY FOR A BIT, EVEN IF YOU'RE LATE!

William: Uh... Yeah! I will do that. Thanks...


Azazel: Alright, alright, we get it. You're a main character or whatever.

Ah, young Y/n. This was seven months ago. When he first got involved with Azazel.

Y/n: Shut it, I can take back the shit I made for you anytime.

Azazel: Please don't. I like my turbo skateboard!

William: Turbo skateboard? (Reminds me of when me and Ren skateboarder together. Or Fuji now... Motherfucker changing his name left and right. Wonder what he's doing now?)

Meanwhile back at the L/n residence. We see a h/c haired man, sitting next to his wife watching through the cameras what is happening with Y/n and Azazel.

Kaori: You know... I feel like a helicopter parent...

Fuji: Well, it's best if we keep a lookout in case of anything happens. In other circumstances, yes, it would be helicopter parenting, but this is the Supernatural we are talking about.

Kaori: *Sigh* You're right... I just wish things were different. Not having to worry about them every second.

Fuji: One day, maybe... One day...


Mittelt: (To think the Azazel assigned me to work for Y/n... Not complaining, it's been quite the journey.)

Y/n: Do you even know what left and right is!?

Nanako: I'm trying!

We see Y/n standing next to the baseball yeeter, in front of him was Nanako wearing a baseball helmet and torso armor for it.

Y/n: You're eleven years old and still mistake left and right!

Nanako: To your left or my left!?




Nanako: WELL, TOO BAD!


Mittelt: "Frick"?

Y/n: *Calmly* Listen, I'm not trying to teach her bad words, okay? *YELLING* DODGE!

Nanako: Is that one of your refr-


The baseball yeeter shot a bunch of balls towards Nanako.

She dodges the first five balls evading them left, right, and ducking.

Asia: You can do it, Nanako!

Lily: You can fluff my tail after this!

Nanako: I WILL DO IT!

POOF she got hit in the torso.

Nanako: Ow...

Y/n: I made you wear protection, you shouldn't feel pain.

Nanako: Not ouch...

Y/n: For an idiot like you, you did quite well actually, it's only the first day.

Mittelt: Don't worry, you did way better than Y/n when he first started.

Y/n: OI!

Mittelt: I'm just stating the truth.

Nanako: Nyeheheh! I'm better than my older brother!

Y/n: Yet you are dumber.

Nanako: Salty as a McDonald's French Fry.

Y/n: ... I tought you well.

As you can see, Y/N decided to start training Nanako after their lunch. And now, she got to meet Asia, and Lily.

She and Lily seem to have get along so well, a bit TOO well.

Nanako: Fluff is life!

The mechanic got a smug smile on her face, and her ego got bigger.

Lily: Of course, us fox Girls are just way better!

Asia: Raigeki, where are you?

Slurping is heard, and the crew proceed to look up to see the Simp Dragon sitting on a part of the ceiling, drinking sprite.

Y/n: I think I may have made a dragon addicted... That's something off my bucket list. Say, Asia... What do you think of this whole situation?

She narrows her eyes, looking a bit confused.

Asia: Huh?

Y/n: You know... Getting involved in this, almost dying because you got kidnapped and all. Never expected to be involved in this, did ya?

Asia: O-oh... Well, it is quite weird, all my life was once being a nun, praying to God... But, now h-he is...

Her voice cracks, and she looked like she was on the verge of tears. You did what a normal person would, and threw her out the windo-

Take 2

God dammit! Anyways, you held her and pulled her into a warm embrace, patting her back a bit.

Y/n: Oi, oi, cinammon roll. Calm down, will ya? You don't know for sure if that's the case. That Cock&Bail could be on drugs again.

Fidgeting for a bit, she finally leans into the hug, oh boy...

Asia: S-still... What if it's true?

Y/n: Well, we are doing quite well, aren't we? If he really is gone, how is this world not gone? (I still have my doubts about this God is dead situation... If he isn't dead, what exactly is he doing?)

Probably on a vacation.

While Nanako was running her hand through Lily's tale, she was curious about one thing.

Nanako: Hey, Y/n. When exactly are we learning magic?

Y/n: Later. First we need to train you physically, then mentally.

Nanako: Woah... This is so cool!

Y/n: *Chuckles* I know. There is so much possibilities and ways to use magic, mostly we use the nature's magic though, it is the easiest, quite powerful, and less confusing.

With stars in her eyes, she jumps in excitement.

Lily: Easy now! Don't step on my tail!

Nanako: O-oh! Sorry... But, which magic can I use?

Y/n: You see... The thing about magic is quite weird actually. From what you saw, I'm quite good at charging electricity. It tends to to quick, and sparky, a bit unpredictable.

Mittelt: Hmmm. I wonder who that person is...

Y/n: ...You on your period?

Mittelt: Y/n L/n!

Lily: Definitely on her period.

Raigeki: Zzzzzzzz...

Asia: It's perfectly fine, Mittelt. I can help you, you know?

Mittelt: I Hate every single one of you... Except you Asia and Nanako.

Y/n: Just say half.

Mittelt: FU-

She glances at Nanako, remembering she's just a kid.

Mittelt: I mean... Screw you!

Nanako: Get'em!

Y/n: Do it yourself, coward!

Mittelt: Oh, trust me, I will!

Y/n: ... Ahem. Maybe later. Back to the explanation... Alright MAGICC, it mostly depends on yourself, aka your personality, though, you still can learn the others, but the ones that match you are the fastest and easiest to master.

Excpet that blue orb that the author threw on that dominantrax... It was an Araki forgot moment for him.

Nanako: @_@ That much goes into that!?

Y/n: Yes... And maybe my Sacred Gear helped me learn faster.

Nanako: Cheater!

Y/n: Jealous-Jelly.

Nanako: No, I'm not!

Y/n: Yes, you are.

Nanako: Hmph! One day I'll throw a road roller at you!

Asia: H-Hey! Calm down, guys!

Y/n: Let her try, I'd like to see her do it.


Y/n: Mittelt.

We see Mittelt with a notebook in hand writing.

Mittlet: Noted.

You take a small peak at the calender before something catches your eye.

Y/n: (Hm? Oh, right. The open house is the day after tomorrow... I do wonder if those Devils show up though... Interesting.)

You stretch for a bit, before looking at your crew and pull out your phone.

Y/n: I think that's enough for one day. Though we still have about two hours before lunch. Whaddya say if we go out for a bit.

Nanako immediately shoots up, and strikes a pose.

Nanako: Hoho! Glad you asked, we can g-

Y/n: Overruled. Next?

Nanako: H-Hey, I wasn't done!

Asia: I think we should let her continue, Y/n.

Nanako: Petetion for Nanako to have freedom of speech!

Asia: *Giggles* Signed.

Lily: Signed just to annoy chief!

Y/n: I'll sell you to the Chinese restaurants.

Lily: Awwww, you wouldn't.

Y/n: And why wouldn't I?

Lily: Becaaauuuse... I have two VERY BIG, nice things called............. My fox ears! They are fluffy, and you like to pet them!

Y/n: ...

Lily: Oh? What else did you think they were, chief?

Y/n: I'm calling the restaurant.

Lily: W-wait! I'm sorry, please no! Q_Q

Nanako: Uhhh... What is going on?

The former nun just shrugs not knowing the answer, and the two proceed to look at the goth loli.

Mittelt: ... Don't look at me.

The continue looking at her. Sweat starts forming on Mittelt's forehead.

Mittelt: Uh... Heh... Have you guys ever wonder if the name orange came from the fruit or was the fruit named after the color?

And now the two were in deep thoughts, thinking.

Nanako: Haaaaa... I don't know.

Asia: Me neither...

Mittelt: *Mutters* Success!

We can see Lily in the background hugging Y/n tightly as she has totally real tears, and is not faking it.

Lily: Please!

Y/n: No.

Nanako: Can we go to the karaoke though?

Y/n: Perhaps.... Yes, let us.


Nanako: Y/n, Y/n! Help me with this song!

Y/n: ... Uh...

You read the title and it says "Otameal MY LIFE".

Y/n: Eh, why not?

Lily: Hehehe. I wanna watch!

Y/n: Mit, use box!

Mittelt: Lily, don't make this harder than it should, and stand still.

Exclaimed the goth loli, somehow pulling out a box outta no-where.

The fox mechanic takes a step back, with her eyes looking directly at the box. She yells out.


Mittelt: Who said anything about taking you alive!?


Asia: Hmmm... This is a cute hair clip!


Mittelt: She can't hear you. Now come here!


The song starts playing as Luly runs for her life from Mittelt.

DashingBanana when he makes a characters bonding arc: Haha Karaoke goes brrr!

Nanako: Now I want Otameal...

Y/n: We already ate some at lunch.

Nanako: But Otameal good!

Y/n: Can't argue with that.



Asia: Maybe these boots that meow with each step?

Y/n: Keep talking...

Asia: It's called Meow Boots, that name sounds adorable!

Y/n: Hehehe. Imagine being a highly trained person, guarding your boss' warehouse, and suddenly you hear faint "Meows" in the distant, from the darkness emerges a man with a very nice suit, and drop kicks you in the face with a loud "MEOW!".

Nanako: For some reason, I feel like some people don't need to imagine that.

Y/n: I'm buying them for me.


Currently, the crew were just taking a stroll, with Lily and Nanako chasing each other from time to time, Asia was there to keep an eye out for these chaotic fools.

And now it's Y/n and Mittelt watching the show from afar.

Mittelt: They are definitely gonna cause some chaos.

Y/n: I know, I got the pop corn.

Mittelt: You don't seem to care that much about what they'd do?

Y/n: Eh, as long as they come out unscathed, it's all cool. I could care less about the extras.

Mittelt let's herself relax on the bench.

Mittelt: But, finally. A break, even though it's a small one.

Y/n: Mhmmm...

Mittelt: You know, Y/n... This is quite peaceful...

You can see Nanako throw an egg towards Lily, as she jumps out of the way.

Y/n: You were quite the handful one.

Mittelt: OI!

Y/n: Don't get me started about you when we first met.

Mittelt: How in thw world was I supposed to react when the Azazel assigned me to work for your ass!?

Y/n: I dunno. You tell me, weren't you trained for that?

Mittelt: Getting smart with me now?

Y/n: *Chuckles* Well, that's part of my charm, isn't it?

Mittelt: Charm, my fine ass!

Y/n: Ah, not like there is much to it to call it "fine".

She proceeds to look at you straight in the eye with a small glare.

Mittelt: Take. That. Back.

Y/n: How about.... No?

Mittelt: You don't even know if I have a fine one!

Y/n: Is that an offer?

Mittelt: YE-Wait....

She then has a dead panned expression.

Mittelt: ... Really now?

Y/n: Aw, did little old me embarrass you?

You said teasingly as you head pat her.

Mittelt: I will eat your babies...

Y/n: Phrasing.

Mittelt: ... You motherfucker!

Y/n: Nyeheh. You love me.

Her facial expression returns to a bit angered one and gets closer to your face.

Mittelt: No, I don't!

Y/n: Yes, you do.

Mittelt: No, I don't!

Y/n: Yes, you do.

Mittelt: NO, I DON'T!

Y/n: No, you don't.

Mittelt: YES, I DO! NOW STO--

She stops mid sentence, realizing her mistake. She looks to see a smirking main character.

Y/n: Oh, you do? I'm flattered.

Mittelt: I hate you...

She says as she leaned on your shoulder, as you pat her head.

Y/n: Mhm... Coolsies.

Mittelt: Wake me up when they're done. I don't feel like hearing your teases.

And so she drifted to sleep, with you looking down on her.

Y/n: (Sleep well, you deserved it.)

You look back at the scenery in front of you. Now there was a war, as some other kids joined it, with Asia being the referee.

You see Nanako standing on one of the slides.


Lily is seen down on the floor, staring at Nanako.

Lily: You underestimate my power!

Nanako: DON'T TRY IT!

Lily tries it, as she jumped in the air, only to be hit with an egg.


Asia: Lily, you're out!



You chuckle to yourself, looking at the show in front of you.

You would do anything to protect them as they are now part of your family.

Anything to keep them happy and living a good life... No matter what the cost.

And no one was gonna stop you, even if they dare to.... You are gonna squash them like bugs.

After all.... Family comes first.

The next day

It seems like you have been invited by the ORC members, something Issei was quite excited for, so in short, you kinda knew what it involved.

Your curiosity was answered, as now in front of all of you was a pool... A very disgusting one.

Y/n: You devils swim in this shit?

The Crimson haired heiress just shakes her head and smirks.

Rias: Of course not. This pool is the property of the school, and it is our duty to clean it... Of course, since you don't get that involved, you can just sit back and watch.

Y/n: Oh? What's the occasion?

Akeno: *Giggles* Ara~ Just sit back and relax, it's part of our celebration of winning against the Cadre.

Rias: After all, we the ORC members should help out the Student Council with some work.

Mittelt: Or maybe get a fucking cleaner? Aren't you the heiress, you can easily hire one?

Rias: I'd like to clean this up alongside my servants, after all, I can't always count on money to help.

Y/n: (Something fishy is going on here... Besides the shit-pool's smell. It probably has something to do with the Cerberus...)

Their way of speech wasn't the only reason, using your gear you zoom in to see that the were "secretly" exchanging glances between each other. Every single one in the peerage.

Y/n: (Hmmm...) Well, do your cleaning, well just stay right here.

Issei: Alrighty then! (This feels weird, this time prez told us to keep in touch with Y/n, I don't know why though. Eh, guess we'll see later, for now I'll see a bunch of hot chicks in swimsuiiiiits! YEEEEEEAAAAAAAH!)

Y/n: Oi, Low budget earth-chan. I see that you abandoned the ways of the holiness. Who's the witch now?

Xenovia: U-uh ummm...

Asia: Y/n, there's no need for that...

Y/n: Nah, I'm curious on what her excuse is gonna be.

Xenovia: I've decided that I'm a free woman, and ca-

You already tuned her out.

Y/n: (Their mentality is weird. Eh, I don't give a fuck. But seeing as how Gremory is acting... This is gonna be rather annoying.)

A couple of minutes pass, and the whole pool is cleaned, you were just on your phone waiting for the lasses to finish up wearong swim suits.

Issei: Bro, aren't you excited!? We can see their glory!

Y/n: Make sure to get your nosebleed on the water.

Issei: I wil- Wait. If I do that, we need to clean even more!

Y/n: Perfect.

Issei: That's just evil! What about you, Yuuto?

Yuuto: I honestly don't care about seeing them.

Y/n: Mhm... I think I know why. Taking some sneak peaks on Tsubak-


His face was beaming red as he moves his hands in a panicked way.

Issei: Wait. You're after Tsubaki!?


Y/n: Says the person who is yelling. There is no shame jn admiring your crush, spreading the rumors about it is not my thing.

Issei: Yeah, dude. Heck, we'll even help you!

Y/n: "We"?

The blonde knight sighs in relief.

Yuuto: Thanks... But j can do it on my own.

Y/n: You're telling me if you see her, you'll go for it?

Yuuto: Of course, I will! I'm a brave boy!

Y/n: Well, go ahead. Behind you.

Yuuto: Huh?

Looking behind him, he sees the student council members walking towards the group.

Sona: Huh, the pool looks very clean. Impressive.

Tsubaki: I heard shouting, what was it about?

Yuuto: *Mutters* Not brave enough for this!

Y/n: Nothing. It's just Issei, he stubbed his toe.

Issei: I did no-Wait. Yes, I did! Owie... Big ouch!

Y/n: You are definitely winning an Oscar.

Saji: I always knew you were a bitch.

Issei: And I always knew you were a simp!

Y/n: He got you there.

Saji: I! AM! NOT! A! SIMP!

Tsubaki: Stop shouting!

Yuuto: Yeah, stop! My ears hurt!

Issei: Well, look who's talking!

Yuuto: Bitch, my voice is beautiful!

Sona: Uhh... Did I miss anything?

Y/n: Yes, I'm not telling you though.

Sona: Aw, come on!

The door of the changing room bursts open, and from it emerges a fox girl.


Kiba, Hyudou, and Saji all point at each other.

Yuuto/Issei/Genshirou: IT WAS THEM! NO YOU! FUCK!

Lily: Doesn't matter!

Outta no where she pulls a comically large wrench. Behind her was Koneko who pulled out a comically large spoon.

Koneko: Can I join?



Genshirou: RUN, BITCH, RUUUUN!

Yuuto: WAIT FO-

When he tried to run, you just put your foot, as he tripped and guess where he fell?

On Tsubaki.

Everyone looks at the two who are now on the floor, both having faces that could rival Rias' hair.

Yuuto: Uhh.... Howdy?

Tsubaki: ... P-please. G-Get off...

Kiba: O-oh, right!

He gets up and offers his hand to her, she takes it and he pulls her up.

The two stare at each other for a couple of seconds, while Y/n was on his phone.

Lily: Aww, how romantic. Too bad this wrench is not gonna help fix it! Now. Come here!

Yuuto: NOPE! I'M OUT!

Ah, yes.... Ships.

Mittelt: Did you just become a wing man?

Y/n: Yes, yes, I did. Heheheheh.

You look at the pictures you took, and decided to send them to the three running boys.

How were they holding off? Well...



Suddenly their phones ding, and they see the pictures Y/n sent. It was of Kiba and Tsubaki when they fell.

Issei: Oh damn.

Genshirou: So while we were running for dear life, you became a man!

Yuuto: YYYYY/////NNNN!!!!!!

Lily: Oh, there you guys are! 'NAM didn't work out, huh?

The two other boys slowly turn their heads towards the blonde knight.

Yuuto: ._.

Issei & Genshirou: -_-

Koneko: Enough running.

Oh dear... Guess that happened... I seriously don't know what the fuck is going on anymore.


Y/n: Oh, you guys lived.

Yuuto: You sack of tits!

Issei: WHERE!?

He gets hit in the head by the pawn of Sona.

Genshirou: That insult was towards Y/n.

Issei: Y/N HAS TITS!?


Y/n: Your stupidity amuses me, Issei. Keep talking.

Issei: I'd rather not get hit again... I wanna live to see real honkers!

Genshirou: A real set of badonkers!

Issei: YEAH!

The two idiots high-five.

Genshirou: Maybe you and I are not so different.

Yuuto: I feel like this has been one weird ass lucid dream.

Y/n: The author being on drugs is a meme that'll never die.

Unlike some people... Wait what?

Anyways... Yay. Fan-service... Swim suits.... Cool....

You know, just go on incognito and search them. I don't feel like narrating bouncy HONKERBANGALAGOOS.

Akeno: Ara~ Hey, Y/n~ Could you help me put som-

Y/n: No.

Akeno: Bu-

Y/n: No.

Sona: W-well... Could you he-

Y/n: I said no. Now let me sleep.

Sona: You pulled an all nightee again, didn't you?

Y/n: Perhaps. The sun isn't even that hot in this time of year, you can live. Besides, you devils are from hell, which is fucking flaming hot. I'm pretty sure, you'd be okay.

Sona: Wait a second... That actually makes sense...

Akeno: ...

Mittelt: Y/n, I think you broke something again.

Y/n: PLOT. I'm breaking the plot.

Dear God... He is too powerful.

Koneko: *Gurgling noises*

Y/n: Oh look, she's drowning.


The white haired girl just gives a thumbs up while she's in the water.

She gets hold of the railings, and says.

Koneko: Yeah, I can't swim...

Y/n: Get floaties.

Koneko: Never! I'm a growing girl!

Y/n: Yeah, "growing".

Koneko: Y/n...

Y/n: I'm stating the truth, you can't deny it. You and Mit look the same.

Mittelt: Y/n, for fuck's sake!

You put your phone next to your ear, before turning back towards the goth loli.

Y/n: Fuck said "I'm cool with it.".

Mittelt: I give up.

The return of the rude main character WITH VENGANCE!

Y/n: Roll a dice. I'm feeling generous today.

Koneko: Twenty.

Y/n: Of course... Fucking plot.

Bada bung Bada bong, you tought the white haired neko how to swimmu.

Y/n: Move like a frog!

Koneko: How does a frog move?

Y/n: Like a frog!

Oh yeah, it's Y/n. You know this is quite peaceful... It would be a shame if something happened...

... Wouldn't it, reader?



So... Uhh... Sorry for the wait. I hope this chapter was enjoyable for a bit.

I'm quite tired as always. Do you guys know the feeling of finally finishing some work, and just wanting to not do anything?

Basically the reason of why I'm procrastinating... Well... A part of it. The art of procrastination is STRONK with me. For better or for worse.

How was the chapter though? Good? Bad? Boy, what the fuck?

Have a nice day, on the meantime have this virtual cookie 🍪

Now I want a real cookie...

DashingBanana is off to eat some snaccs

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