Chapter 16: Open House

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It's been a day since the good old pool scene. We see Y/n inside his school in some sort of sport stadium hall where a bunch of decorations were there. Meanwhile Asia was with her friends.

It was the Open House for Kouh Academy where parents go to their kid's school.... That's pretty much it.

He was currently standing in front of some mold because apparently the teachers want their students to make something of it.

... You shouldn't give Y/n freedom.

Teacher: Uhhh... L/n, what is that?

Y/n: A statue of mold, just like you wanted.

Teacher: But... Does it have to be that?

Y/n: Yes.

Teacher: Listen, Mr. L/n. Your parents are gonna show up to see this, so try to make it more appealing, yes?

Y/n: Uh-huh... Sure.

Teacher: If you don-Wait! Seriously!?

Y/n: Yup, this could use some adjustments.


Y/n: ... I sent him to your home, good luck.

The teacher leaves, as you spot Issei next to his mold... He made a Rias statue, the simps were having the time of their lives because of the lewd shit in it.

Using your Sacred Gear as lenses, you complete your little addition to your mold and start heading towards the Ddraig holder.

Y/n: Oi, Issei. I see that you became a Greek sculpture designer.

Looking at his design with stars in his eyes, the brown haired boy raises his hands excitedly.

Issei: The true beauty of prez's body! And she is mine! I'M THE LUCKIEST MAN ON EARTH!

Y/n: Heh. Sure, sure. Hey listen, who was that gray haired fuck-boy back in the school gate? He seemed to have talked to you ORC folk.

Issei: O-Oh.

He nervously rubs the back of his neck as he remembers his meeting with the White Dragon Emperor.

Issei: You see... Me being fated to be his rival... And fighting to the death.

He begins explaining what had happened as Y/n takes into account what he said.

Y/n: Okay, we got ourselves a crazy guy who loves fighting, and we already saw him in his Balance Breaker. What about you, Issei? Did you get yours?

The most perverted boy in school begins to sweat nervously.

Issei: U-uh... No... Wait! Y/n, yesterday after the pool I met a blonde guy named Michael. Apparently he is the current leader of Heaven! And guess what? He gave me Ascalon!

Y/n: Ascalon? The Dragon Slayer Sword?

Issei: Haha. The one and only! I bet I can deal some damage on him with it.

Ddraig: Yet your dumbass still haven't unlocked more powers with me. You can't always depend on getting gifts, partner!

Issei: Umm... You're right... I'll train after this!

Y/n: You talking to the lizard?

Ddraig: I'm not a lizard, human!

Y/n: Oversized lizard. My bad, dude.

Ddraig: I'm not gonna waste my energy on you...

Simp#1: Holy shit! Look at that chick!

Simp#2: God damn! You think I have a chance to score?

Normal-Guy: I just wanna eat my salad in peace. Shoo! Shoo!

Simp#1: Shut it! Look at her tits tho!

The normal guy who just wants to eat his salad in peace just stands up and walks away. He is a legend.

Looking towards where the hell people are gathering on, you see a girl with black hair and pink magical girl clothes with a staff in hand. She was currently dancing and spinning.

Y/n: (I can tell Nanako will get along with that woman...)

Serafall 'magical girl' Leviathan

Finishing her last spin with her staff in hand, she strikes a pose and asks.

Serafall: Where is my darling So-tan?

Y/n: (Oh, so that's the annoying sister Sona was talking about.)

Issei: What is she doing? And damn! Bouncy honkers!

Y/n: Anime Badonkers Physics. You can never escape them.

Issei: I don't wanna escape them, I wanna embrace them! But Prez has a bigger bunch!

Y/n: Ah, an Oppai is Truth guy?

Issei: Y E S !

Patting him on the back with your usual casual face.

Y/n: Good for you. Just becareful from the Oppai is Lie.

Mr. Hyodou: Ah, Issei! I see you're with Y/n.

Mrs. Hyodou: It's good to see that you two still hang out together.

Y/n: Well, he is one of my main sources of entertainment. Wherever he goes trouble follows, especially nowadays.

Issei: Hey!

Mr. H: Keeping an eye on him I see.

Mrs. H: This takes me back. Speaking of which, Irina left didn't she?

Issei: Yeah, Y/n and I saw her off a few days ago, but she said she'd be back though!

Cherry-Hair: Well, well, well, Mr. And Mrs. Hyodou, it's good to see you again.

Gorou: Ah, Sirzechs! I thought that we let you call us by our names.

Y/n: (So, that's Sirzechs... He looks like a rule 63 of Rias except older.)

You notice that he was eyeing you for a bit, before returning to Issei's parents.

Sirzechs: (He definitely has Kurusu's features...Guess today is the day we'll meet again.) Haha! My bad. I kinda of forgot. Hm? Issei... That's a... Very nice statue... Uh...

You let out a small chuckle seeing as the parents of Issei slowly turn their heads to the statue.

Miki: Issei... What in the world is that?

Gorou: God damn...

The two devils start having a small headache as Issei let's out an "Ow!" while Sirzechs just holds his head and let's out a small groan.

Miki: Gorou! Don't support these behaviors!

Gorou: B-but it's an artistic sculpture! Look at the details!

Miki: Gorou...

Gorou: Shutting up!

Another-Red-Head: Well... That is interesting...

Zeoticus 'Bruh, that beard' Gremory

Brown-Haired-Rias: Well... He is our son-in-law... It's normal, but not in public!

Venelana 'Copy paste with different colors' Gremory

Issei: Y/n, a little help here? Y/n?

We see Y/n back to his spot, sitting on a chair with pop-corn in hand.

Y/n: You got this!

Issei: Ah... Shit.

Luckily for his dumbass, Rias came and said that it was okay alongside Akeno who also defended the perverted boy.

Y/n: Their parents are already here. What's taking mine so long?

You were about to walk towards the gate when someone stopped you, it was the annoying sister of Sona, at least from what you've heard.

Serafall: He~llo!

Y/n: Ba~bye!

You walk past her towards the gate.

Serafall: Hey! I was talking to you, mister!

Y/n: And I'm ignoring you, miss.

She starts walking next to you, childishly grumbling and pouting.

Y/n: I wonder what's for dinner tonight....

Serafall: Y/n L/n!

Y/n: Should I make rocket boots?


Suddenly her mouth was covered by a blushing Student Council President.

Serafall: *Muffeled* Shaw-town!

Sona: Why...?

Y/n: You know... Seeing you run with these smol legs were quite funny.

Sona: Y/n!

Y/n: Yes, shortie?

Sona: I will kill you.

Y/n: Daw, you wouldn't. I'm too adorable.

Serafall: *Muffled Magical Girl noises*

Sona: I'm not letting you speak, Sera!

The childish older sister tries her best to yank out her little sister's arm but failed miserably.

Sona: ... *Mutters* And you're supposed to be the Leviathan... How much more childish can you ge--Wha-Wha--

The Leviathan proceeds to make her attack by tickling the Student council president. It was super effective.

Sona: Pff- S-Stooop!

Serafall: I know all of your weak spots, So-chan! You can't defeat me!

From behind you hear a couple of footsteps, looking behind you, you see the owner of it.

Fuji: Well, I didn't expect to see that.

Kaori: Ah, siblings. Really chaotic.

Y/n: You took quite sometime? Did something happen?

Fuji: A bear broke our wall and stole our cookie jar.

Kaori: Correction. You ate all the cookies, and blamed it on a cartoon character.

Fuji: You have no evidence.

Kaori: ... I'll just put a mouse trap next time.

Fuji: That's just too evil! Poor bear!

Kaori: Yeah, we'll see who the bear is.

Serafall: Hold on a minute...

Fuji: Yo, Serafall. It's been some time.

Greeted the fatter casually, while the mother had a soft smile on her face as she waves her hand.

Kaori: Good day to you, Sera.

Serafall: This... Is a bit unexpected.

Sirzechs: For you, maybe.

Fuji: A haha! Well, if it isn't the great Lucifer... What's your name again?

Sirzechs: Very funny, Kurusu...

Fuji: Oh, come on. This is supposed to be a friendly reunion.

The current Lucifer slightly glares at the h/c haired man.

Sirzechs: Yet I doubt there is anything friendly with you, Kurusu.

Fuji: Will you calm your tits? I'm not Kurusu anymore, I am on a break.

Zeoticus: I somehow doubt that.

Fuji: Hello, Zeo. I see that you have copied my beard... Mine is more beautiful, by the way.

The cherry father looks at the son of the former Kurusu.

Zeoticus: So, my daughter's human ally is your son, huh? And how can I be sure that he won't try anything?

Y/n: Calm down, old-man. I'm not that dumb to go as far to start a conflict between us and the current Lucifer. And it's kinda of ironic, seeing as how you agreed on making Rias an arranged marriage that she ever so desperately tried to get rid of.

Zeoticus: I accepted the change, didn't I? Seeing as how the Red Dragon Emperor protects her is good enough for me.

Y/n: ... Did you even hear what I tried to say? You know what? I don't care, you live your life and I live mine. I'm not gonna give you advices.

Serafall: Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second! The son of Kurusu is supposed to marry my darling So-chan!?

Y/n: I still don't remember on agreeing to that. We are somewhat friends with benefits.

Sona: Why are all of you so mad about Mr. L/n? And "Kurusu"?

Sirzechs: Remember the Narukami? He "used" to work for them. Even though, he definitely still probably works there.

Fuji: A small break can't hurt anybody now, can it?

Y/n: (Still, I wonder why the creator settled for that name, the God of Thunder in the Shinto Mythology... Raijin, huh? If I remember right, it was said that he made a a vicious storm that drove off the Mongols from their invasion to Japan, he also yeeted lighting arrows at them.)

Fuji: Eh, we just defend in lightning speed. Not literally though, that's kinda of impossible. I guess thunder then.

Sona: What?

Fuji just puts his arms out.

Fuji: Eh, it's the words the guy who made Narukami said when he first created it.

Sona: Honestly... This sounds like something Y/n would say if he was bored.

Y/n: Ah, you know me quite well, Sona.

Sona: You say the most random stuff...

Serafall: Oh, I wanna hear one!

Sona: *Inhales* This one is still stuck with my head... And I quote "On Halloween we dress up as skeletons, but in every other day skeletons dress up as us."

Serafall: ._. O-okay then...

Y/n: It's true though.

The cherrycifer just sighs and shakes his head, as his wife was eying Kaori.

Grayfia: So, Inari... How're the shrines?

With a warm smile on her face, Kaori replies C A L M L Y.

Kaori: As clean and beautiful as ever. Thanks for asking, dear humanoid kinks.

Fujia: OOF! I felt that... Not really.

Sirzechs: ...

Grayfia: Hmph! I guess the two of you really suit each other.

Kaori: Thank you for supporting our relationship, dear.

Grayfia: ...............

Fuji: Well... Are we just gonna stand here being angry at each other, or are we gonna actually do what we're here for? That being is to look at our children's sculpture.

Y/n: Hehehe...

Kaori: You didn't put anything inappropriate now, did you?

Y/n: Well yes, but actually no. Issei's worse though.

Kaori: I am not surprised. Poor kid...

Fuji: Y/n, I never knew you had it in ya!

Kaori: Oh, what is i-

Fuji: Now this is art! Pffft! Ahahaha!

Kaori: Y/n...

Y/n: Yes, mom...?

Kaori: *Sigh* Nothing...

Y/n: (Saved!)

Kaori: So, Sona-chan, was it?

Sona: Uh- yes, Mrs. L/n! I'm Sona Shitori--

Y/n: Shit-ori... Hehehehe.

Kaori: Not now, Y/N.

Sona: U-uh... But that's just an alias I go by, I'm the heiress of the Sitri household... And that.... Abomination is my sister.

Serafall: Hey! I'm Sera fall, the magical girl! And I shall turn you into a unicorn! HUZZA--

Sona: ... She is also the current Leviathan.

Kaori: Ah, I see. I never really had a chance to meet Leviathan before, it was only Lucifer and Bleezebub.

Serafall: Well, you met the one and only Serafall the Magical Girl!

Kaori: If only I knew, I would have brought Nanako.

Serafall: Could she perhaps be one of my people!?

Kaori: In a way, yes.

Serafall: I need to meet her! Magical Girls should stick together!

Sona: I-I can't even... What?

Kaori: *Chuckles* Don't think too much about it, Sona-chan. Siblings are weird, I learnee that from seeing Y/n and Nanako behaving together.

Y/n: It wasn't THAT bad.

Kaori just gives her son a look.

Y/n: Okay, maybe it was just a little bit. I swear, those pillows were asking to be teared.

Fuji: Oi, Y/n! Come take a picture of me and Sir Dickbutt VI of the M'lady House.

Y/n: Alright!

You jog there, leaving the current conversation.

Kaori: Boys will be boys...

Sona: You'd be surprised of what Y/n does in school... I wonder why he acts like that though, when he first transferred he was okay.

Kaori: Well, seeing and hearing about you, I think you came up with a few reasons yourself.

Sona: Maybe... It may be a coping mechanism because he told me he foind out about the Supernatural about a year ago... Or he was always like this, but looked for an opportunity, or maybe...

Sona: Oh! I remember when he got so annoyed with some people he started insulting them like there is no tomorrow.

Kaori: Uh-huh. Sounds scientific enough to be true... (Although... Those Override Lenses definitely have something to do with it.)

Credit to @NuclearCrowd  for the dope name. Also say it with me, readers: "AUTHOR YOU LAZY FUCK STOP FORGETTING!".

Serafall: Awaaaa! Too much theories, we're here for family occasions and to have fun not for these!

Kaori: Speaking of which... I see that you said something about my son being arranged to marry you.

Sona: Wait. You don'-

Kaori: Y/n already told be about it, I just want to hear from my "daughter-in-law".

Sona: W-well...

She starts doing the good old twiddling with her thumbs, a classic.

Sona: You see what happened was...

And thus, she explained what the fuck happened at the chess match, and the dates between Y/n and herself. Meanwhile Kaori was just nodding, acknowledging what she is saying.

Serafall: He won against my darl--

Sona: Stop. Just stop.

Serafall: .... --ing?

Sona: I hate you so much.

Kaori: I see... So it's the same as what Y/n said. From what I'm seeing. Sona, you're a good person, smart, and quite adorable.

Serafall: Haha! This time I didn't say it!

Sona: I wish I could zip your mouth...

Kaori: This is my son's life, and I do not wish to take you from his life immediately. I'll give you a chance with him, even if you are a devil.

Sona: Wait. Really?

Kaori: *Nods* Really. I'm not here to be a buzz kill. Although, your parents' agreement is also needed alongside the both of you.

Sona: A-ah, okay.

Kaori: (This arranged marriage is not surprising for us even after Y/n told us about it... I still don't like how we made him learn chess in order for it to happen. But, we can always call it off when needed. I'm sorry, Y/n. But, thank goodness you are an understanding boy, you'll get it in the future...

Kaori: (We'll see what happens in the Peace Meeting... Even after knowing I'm doing this for a good cause... I still feel like a terrible mother.)



Yeah, this chapter isn't as long as the past ones. Sorry about that.

I don't really remember what happens in the Oprn House... So I may or may haven't made some shit up along the way.

How was this chapter? Good? Bad? What in the world is that spinning roach!?

Eh, maybe it gave you some enjoyment. If not... Then I'm sorry.

To continue the story skip chapter 17-19 if you aren't interested in more drug filled story. Chapter 20: Back in Business.

Dashing with a banana in hand

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