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Author's note:
Hola peeps! I am back with the next part. J am sorry that I couldn't publish yesterday since wattpad was not able to publish my story or save the data. Hope you like it and happy reading!!!


Jimin kept looking at the pic with great concentration. Does he know her? I saw dad looking at Jimin's face with some expecting look. I wonder what's happening.

"Did you see her anywhere?", dad asked and Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line. After a moment of silence, he shook his head lightly.

"No, I didn't see her", he spoke still looking unsure. Dad let out a small sigh and then turned towards the files.

"I am going to burn them all", he declared and we both looked at him in shock. What the hell! Why would he burn down all the evidence he struggled to get for about 2 years.

"Are you serious dad?", I asked him still dumbfounded by his words.

"We don't need the paper evidence. A hard copy would only lead to danger. I have already them stored in soft copy. The whole evidence is in this pen drive", he showed me the drive and I sighed in relief. I thought he lost his mind when he wanted to burn the evidence.

"Sir you should make two copies. I don't think having just one is safe enough", Jimin mouthed and I nodded.

"I already have it ready. So, don't worry.", Dad spoke and I smiled. Thank God! We are now ready to fight against that monstrous corporation. I badly pray that we must win. The girls stuck over there don't deserve any of that.

I looked at dad and let out a small smile. He lost his wife in the first case and the only daughter he cherished is killed by those fucking bastards. How could they be so horrendous? First, they take away the girls against their wish and then do business using us as prostitutes. And if they escape, they will kill them. Like, seriously? What right do they have on someone's life?

My parents abandoned me to and sold me to them. I could never consider them as my parents in the first case. They are useless scumbags who threw away their daughter in a sex jail. What kind of humans are they?

And here is the man who loved her daughter more than anything but was taken away by force. Just like me, she must have not even known what is happening over there. She must have been forced to have sex with unknown men. She must have cried in helplessnes just like me. And she tried to escape just like me, I guess.

Because as far as I remember, the ones who escape from them would be dead in the most pathetic condition. There must be a higher chance of her trying to escape and I am sure if she had done that, they must have killed her. Either way, they are the reasons of her death.

I now understood why he adopted me and tried to shower love on me. It hit me now, why he had cried on the day I referred him as dad. He must have been badly missing his daughter. I am not going to let those bastards be in peace. They have to die, they have to be tortured just like how they did to other people.

"Well, you two go and take rest now. And have dinner", he told us.

"Aren't you going to eat with us?", I asked him and he shook his head in negation.

"I need to do some more work, gather some permissions and it will take time", he told and we nodded. I just hope this case winds up soon and those bastards get their round of hell.

"But please be careful ad take care of yourself", I mouthed and he ruffled my hair. I don't want to lose this man ever. He has been really a great dad to me. We never knew about each other before that night. Yet, he took care of me like his own child. I am grateful to him throughout my life.

"I will be", he spoke and walked out of the room. I saw Jimin who is still silent.

"Jimin, what's wrong? Is something bothering you?", I asked him and he let out a soft smile conveying that it's nothing. But I still doubt, something is bothering him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

"I know you are lying. It's okay. Tell me when you feel like okay?", I told him and he nodded holding my hand. He looked at me intensely and then raised my hand to kiss my fingers. I smiled at his actions.

"I feel so bad for what had happened to your life and your dad's. I still can't believe someone being so inhumane", he spoke and I hugged him. I know he is feeling so bothered with our pasts. It has nothing to do with him but I know his self. He gets easily bothered if he hears someone on pain. 

I pulled out as my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen and saw it


Why is he calling me and not Jimin?

"Hel...", even before I could finish the word, he yelled on the other side.

"Park fucking Jimin. Is that idiot beside you?", he was literally barking. What the hell happened to him? I saw Jimin who clearly heard him and  bit his lip. I am sure he is doomed now.

"Yes, he is. What happened now?", I asked him casually. I put the phone on speaker so Jimin could hear him but I don't think it is needed

"That fucking idiot. Did he forget that I exist in this world? How dare you guys hide such a thing from me?", he shouted so loud. I don't think he requires a phone to speak with us. His yell could be heard till here even from his house.

"Which thing?", I asked him trying to stay casual.

"Oh My God! Are you for real Yuri? You are fighting against demons and now you are pretending that you don't know. What kind of friends are you to stab me in the back?", I was completely dumbfounded by the words he used. Demons? Stab? Was he from another dimension?

"Give that to me", Jimin took the phone from me.

"Taehyung ah, stop your drama for now", Jimin stated

"Oh! Are you alive? I thought you were paralysed because Yuri had to talk on your side", he spoke and I started laughing now. That alien knows how to make a molehill into mountain.

"Stop overacting Taehyung ah! Now tell me how you knew that we are fighting against bad people as you call them demons", Jimin mouthed and now I understood why he called them demons

"Your brother told me", he stated and we looked at each other. Why would Jimin's brother reveal it to him?

"I had to blackmail him that I will file a missing case against you. That's how he told to me", he continued and we shook our heads in disbelief.

"Taehyung ah, you are going to pretend that you didn't hear anything. And don't you dare spill this to anyone. It's really dangerous. I am so scared that you are alone now", Jimin spoke and I understood his worry. Taehyung has no one to talk now and if he spills something by mistake, it would cause a trouble for him. The rumours could spread so fast in high school and if it reaches to anyone from the Stardust Corporation, they might harm him too.

"I am not going to speak about it Jimin ah. Who else would I talk to when you guys are not here?", he stated and Jimin chuckled.

"And by the way, I gave your name for the auditions of BigHit entertainment.", he spoke and Jimin jumped out of his place

"What? But I can't perform it now. I can't come out", Jimin spoke in a tone of worry and disappointment.

"Aren't you available at Friday evening. It's almost a week from now. Your brother said you will be given protection after the first trail and that it ends on that day", Taehyung mouthed and I grabbed the phone.

"He will be coming Taehyung. Don't worry. The trail will end by evening. He will come, I promise", I spoke and placed my hand on Jimin's knees. I am not going to let him ruin his dreams for me.

"Great then, at least your girlfriend spoke. Yuri ah, now tell me what actually happened?", and the next thing we did was telling everything. Taehyung literally cried on the phone and we chuckled hearing his sobs. He is a kid beside an alien. We then joked about each other and myself and Taehyung had a verbal fight like usual.

After Jimin convincing both of us and calming down Taehyung on phone, we bid byes to each other. Taehyung warned us to be careful for about hundred times and I smiled at that alien. I am glad I met these two idiots in the school. One became my boyfriend and one became my good friend.

• • •

It was finally the D-Day. We have been waiting since long for this day. Jimin held my shaking hands and let out an assuring smile. Dad has taught me how and what to speak as the victim. And both men cheered up my spirits and boosted my confidence.

Jimin showered me so much love and pampered me all these days and never failed to make me smile. We cuddled each other and mostly talked. I never thought just the presence of someone would be so comforting and nice. Waking up in his arms and being greeted by his warm smile is what I crave for, throughout my life.

"So, are you ready?", my thoughts were broken by Dad. I nodded and there were two cars. As planned Dad took the front and we took the next car.

"Hyung", Jimin exclaimed as his brother showed up.

"Good morning Mr Kang. All the best on the case", he wished my dad but dad looked clearly disinterested. He then turned to me and greeted me with a soft smile.

"Hwaitng", he hugged me tighter than usual and I felt something different. He immediately pulled out and grinned sheepishly.

"Did I hug you too tight?", he asked and I shook my head in negation. I don't feel uncomfortable as it was his way of greeting. He then hugged Jimin and wished him all the best.

"I will join you in the court", he spoke and we nodded. He left from there and I looked at Jimin. He nodded and we got into the car. The car started and dad's care was just a few metres away from us. We lived far from the city so it will take time to reach the court.

We were silent in the car and Jimin kept caressing my hand. We are passing through the lanes which looked so deserted. The court is really far from the house. I wonder why Jimin's brother came so far instead of just greeting us in the court.

And within a snap of second, I couldn't believe what was happening around me. The air became foggy and nothing was visible. What the hell? Where is dad? I opened the car and just ran on the road though nothing was visible, completely ignoring Jimin. I am so worried now.

I could spot his car and ran to it as fast as I can. As I reached, I stood frozen at the spot.

"Dad", I yelled at the top of my lungs and ran to him. I crashed on my knees and held his bleeding head on my lap. No, no, no, he can't be dead. He can't be dead. I was crying out loud.

"Dad, speak something", I yelled but there was just silence. Pin Drop Silence.i shook him but nothing was working.

"Please don't do this to me. Please don't leave me Dad. Please", I cried holding him. I checked his pulse and it wasn't beating. I looked at his body and it was stabbed, blood was flowing out on the griund and I clenched my heart at the sight. This was the worst sight I have ever seen. The driver was also dead.

"Dad, please wake up. We need to fight against them. You told you will not give up right? Dad", I sobbed out loud. I am so done with this life. Why him? Why is fate so cruel? I cried on his chest, my hands soaking with his blood. My heart shattered into a number of pieces and I could never fix it now.

He did everything to me which my own parents couldn't do. He gave me the freedom which every girl wishes for and he stood by me to protect me from the evil. What sin did he do to die like this? Why? I didn't even tell him how much I love him. I feel so ashamed to be a daughter.

I sobbed out loud and clutched my heart. I can't bear this loss. I could never ever bear this. He is like a pillar to my collapsing life. And I lost him. I cried out loud and it kills me to see him like this

"I love you so much dad", I yelled in the foggy air.

And then, I could hear footsteps approaching.

"Jimin", I called but he didn't respond. And before I could speak anything, I felt a sharp pain on my head and the last thing I knew

I blacked out


Here's our cute mochi shocked..

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