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Author's note:
Hola peeps! This is a crucial chapter and it reveals everything. Hope you like it! Be safe and take care of yourself everyone. Happy reading!!


Jimin's Pov

"Hyung! What the hell! How can I leave Yuri like that?", I yelled at him as he pushed me into the car. Yuri is in danger now and I need to save her.

"Don't you think I don't know that? I know that she is in danger but if you go now, there could be no chance to save her", he yelled at me.

"Tell me. Do you want to survive and save her or die and leave her to those bastards?", he asked in a serious tone. I want to save her at any cost. I will do anything to save her.

"I just want to save her Hyung", I mouthed and he nodded. He walked to the other side of the car and pulled himself into the driver's seat. I looked at that street which is still filled with smoke. I am scared of her and Mr. Kang. I don't even know what had happened to him.

"They killed him", Hyung blurted and I was shocked.

"They killed Mr. Kang Jimin ah", he had tears in his eyes while he spoke. Was her father dead? Does Yuri know this?

"How? And when?", I asked him, my heart already aching with the sudden death news.

"This case a dangerous one. And that's the reason I came to you guys before and followed you till here. I know something like this would happen. But I was too late, I was too late Jimin ah", his grip on the steering tightened and tears rolled down his cheek.

"I saw him being stabbed and it would be foolish if I try to go and save him. There were ten people with swords and I know I could do nothing. So, I came from the other end to save you guys. But, Yuri took a wrong move", he blurted lowering his head

"She must have not run out of the car. She must have just stayed so that I could have saved her along with you.", he hit the steering.

"They have taken her but I don't think they would kill her. All the proofs against them are known to her and you. So, killing her would be a dickmove", Hyung stated and I was somehow relieved that she will still be alive.

"But Hyung, what are we going to do now. All the thing which is planned is destroyed in a snap. Mr. Kang's dead, Yuri is kidnapped and the proofs with Mr. Kang must have been taken away already. We don't have anything right now to save them", I held my head in disappointment. It's true that Yuri won't be killed but she couldn't be saved either.

"The trail is postponed to tomorrow Jimin ah", Hyung looked at his phone and spoke. Mr. Kang is no more. How could the trail still be taking place?

"I have decided one thing Jimin ah", Hyung spoke and I looked at him. He was tensed and is looking uneasy.

"I am taking up the case of Star Dust Corp", he spoke making me shocked. What? Is he putting himself in risk now?

"Hyung, it's a risky task. You can't do it. Moreover, you don't have anything to prove right now", I told him and he let out a sigh.

"I have some proof"

• • •

I walked into his room for the first time since long. It was my first time to see so many documents and files scattered everywhere. He had a pinboard and it was all related to that corporation. I remember him telling me that he was also working on the same case. But why is he so interested in this when Mr. Kang already took the charge.

I then scanned everything, there were photos similar to the ones Mr. Kang had secured. Was Hyung also spying over them taking all the risk? Is that he comes home late and always sits up in his room? Is that because of this case?

The sound of the doorbell snapped me out of the thoughts and we walked to see who it is. It was Minho Hyung, my brother's friend. He came inside and hugged my brother.

"I have got the police security for your safety", he spoke and then greeted me.

"You have grown up so much", he patted my head and I smiled.

"Did you tell him already?", he asked my brother and my brother shook his head in negation. What are they speaking?

Hyung then got into his room and brought a file. He placed it on the table and I reached it. It was like the pics of their location and the tattoo, just like how Mr. Kang collected. And then a picture made me so shocked. I picked that one and looked at Hyung in surprise.

"How do you know her? Isn't she Mr. Kang's daughter? How did you know that she was specifically kidnapped by them? Were you with him? His junior?", I bombarded him with questions and he shook his head in negation.

He then took the photo from it and clutched it to his heart with a painful smile on his face.

"Kang Yuna, my first and only love", he spoke making me thunderstruck. His love? What is he speaking?

"We three were best friends during our schooling", Minho Hyung spoke and let out a smile.

"Yuna wanted to do law and that's how your brother also chose to become a lawyer. They fell in love with each other and were the talk of the whole school. Even the teachers used to adore the pair", he continued and a lone tear escaped Hyung's eye.

"It was that day. It was that day I took her on a date and that day was the last time I saw her. She wanted a balloon and I walked to the other side to get it. I was so happy that she will like that heart-shaped balloon. I came running to the other side and she wasn't there", tears rolled down from Hyung's eyes and I walked to him, holding his hand.

"We searched for her everywhere, but she wasn't there. When we informed her father, he was so angry at your brother and blamed him for her disappearance. Her father also searched for her everywhere but everything was in vain", Minho Hyung mouthed and I could notice his moist eyes.

"She was my best friend and it was so hard for us to digest the fact that she was missing.', he spoke and let out his tears.

"I know. And they have finally found her dead in the river. Mr. Kang told me", I told them as I don't want them to continue since it would be tough for them to remember the pain.

"That isn't the complete story Jimin ah", Hyung spoke and I looked at him shocked. What does he mean by that?

"During that night when she has escaped, she had called me", he blurted and I looked at him shocked.

"Hyungshik ah", she cried on the other side of the phone

"Yuna?", he could never forget her voice, the voice of his love.

"Hyungshik ah, they are chasing me. I am afraid if I will be caught Hyungshik ah", she cried on the phone and Hyungshik panicked.

"Yuna, where are you? What is happening?", he asked her and she sobbed on the phone.

"Hyungshik ah, I don't know where I am. Seoul changed a lot. I am not able to tell this place location, there were only a few people ", she mouthed and Hyungshik ran out of the house with his jacket on. 

"Give me a second Yuna. I will ask Minho to trace your location", saying this, he immediately put her on hold and called his best friend who is in the initial years of training.

"Minho ah. Yuna called me", he spoke and the other guy was dumbfounded hearing the new piece of information.

"See, I know you must be having a lot of questions in your mind. But right now, you need to trace her location somehow. I will forward the number from which the call came from. she is dialing from a public phone booth. Do it quick Minho ah", Hyungshik told him and he quickly hung the call. The number was forwarded and Minho was at his work.

"Yuna", he called her to check if she was still on line.

"Hyungshik ah, I am so scared. They will kill me Hyunghsik ah", she sounded perturbed and Hyungshik was just running on the roads checking the nearby public booths.

"Yuna, don't worry. I will be there, Minho will get your location", he told her.

"Appa changed his number. He is not reachable", she spoke and he nodded. He doesn't have his number too.

"Yuna, is there any restaurant or shop? Anything?", he asked her while running on the streets.

"There's a small cafe Hyunghsik ah. Green Gold is the name", she told him and he sighed. There are many cafe shops in Seoul with the same name. 

"Could you go to the cafe and give the phone to any of them? I can get to know your location", he asked her and she wailed on the other side.

"Hyungshik ah, I don't want to get out of this booth. They are searching for me. They will torture me Hyungshik ah", she spoke making him restless.

"Who are they Yuna? What's wrong?", he asked trying to keep talking to her at least till Minho gives him the location.

"I was put into a prostitution cell Hyungshik ah. I was with them all this time. They tortured me if I didn't listen to them. I escaped somehow, but Hyungshik ah, they are back of me now.", she cried and he was hell nervous now. He knew she can't tell the whole story on the phone.

"Yuna, why don't you just try and go to the cafe? Minho didn't yet give me your location. The workers in the cafe might help you", he tried to convince her and she finally agreed. 

"Hyungshik ah, I love you", she mouthed before hanging up and he let out his tears. He wants to see her badly, so badly.

"And that was the last word from her. I think I should not have asked her to go to the cafe. She didn't call me again. There's no word from her. Minho gave me the location but we couldn't find her. Those bastards took her away by then. It was all my fault"

"Hyungshik ah, you were not at fault. I know if we had traced her location fast, we could have reached her but that isn't your fault", he comforted him.

"I love her so much. I love my Yuna so much and I lost her that night. She was killed pathetically without any mercy by those scumbags", his eyes became red.

"When we saw her body floating in the river with several bruises, it tore my heart. It tore my heart into so many pieces to see her lifeless. Mr. Kang didn't know any of our talks and I decided to keep it a secret since he would blame himself for not being available at that time. Not only that, but I am also scared if he would hate me more. That day, I saw him breaking down seeing her like that. I lost my Yuna that day and even now, it grieves me to lose that chance.", Hyung completed.

I now realized why Mr. Kang hates Hyung. It was he who left her on their date. That's why he was rude to Hyung all the time. And this is the same picture that Hyung dropped one time and scolded me for touching his stuff. That's why I felt it so familiar seeing it in Mr. Kang's files

I now realized what pain my Hyung is carrying till now. I now know why he always overexerts himself and why he works late. I now know why he changed after completing high school. He lost his love and nothing could be heartbreaking than that. I just assumed that he hates me rather than knowing his story. I didn't even know why he was like that. I am a big failure as a younger brother.

"Past is past Hyungshik ah", Minho Hyung placed a hand on his shoulder and got up.

"We are going to fight this case for her, for every girl who deserves freedom form that dungeon.", he continued and Hyung clenched his fists.

"I will manage the first trail with little evidence we have and I have sharp questions against them", Hyung spoke. But still, I know this little evidences won't be convincing to the court.

"I am sure Mr. Kang would have arranged a second copy of the evidence", Minho Hyung spoke.

"And only Yuri will know", I mouthed.

"But we don't know where she is. Those bastards must have already changed their location since we know about that now", I told them as a matter of fact and Hyung got up.

"I know where she is"


Jimin knows everything now

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