°chapter eight°

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"Come on, Joon." Jin hurried Namjoon. He was helping him cook and well that wasn't going quite well. Namjoon already broke some plates, almost caught the stove on fire, got hurt. He was not having the best time.

"I'm sorry, Jin. I just wanted to help but I keep making messes." He whined but kept cleaning the mess he made. He dropped flour all over the floor. "It's fine. I'll help you." Jin joined Namjoon and cleaned the floor. Namjoon couldn't have done it alone and if he had it would've been a worse disaster.

"Thank you for trying to help me, Joonie. But I can take care of this, you can sit down and talk with him." Jin reassured Namjoon who felt embarrassed. His face was bright red. "Okay, but hopefully I don't freak the chair." He joked and sat down. 

They talked as Jin cooked, enjoying eachother presence. It was nice and sweet. They were able to finish everything before everyone arrived. They were having dinner together with their friends and they're excited.

Both wished it was just dinner between them two instead of their friends but they promised to have dinner with everyone. 

After a half an hour everyone arrived, the food was done and everyone sat at the table. It was casual and enjoyable.

Then Hoseok spoke. "So are two dating yet?" He asked Namjoon and Jin who's faces turned bright red in the process. "Uh, what are you talking about, Hobi?" Namjoon asked. "Are you guys dating or what? You guys would be the cutest. You both so adorable together." Hoseok confessed.

"They'd be so cute together. Can imagine. And if they had kids. So cuteeeeee." Jimin gusher happily at the thought of Namjoon and Jin having babies because obviously they'd have the cutest kids to ever exist. But they would need a surrogate or would adopt. "Why are you thinking about us having kids and we aren't even together?" Jin asked.

"Because you guys would be the best parents. You guys practically raised us." Hoseok chuckled. "True. I'd probably still be extremely shy if we didn't meet. I was so shy before." Jungkook added. "But shy you was so cute." Hoseok and Jin cooed at the younger. "I was so awkward before. It took me forever to not be like that. I'm still awkward though, especially around women. They scare me." Everyone burst out laughing at Jungkook last comment.

"What? They do. They're terrifying and confusing. And they way they look at me is even worse. They look like they want to eat me." Jungkook blushed. "Well I mean who wouldn't." Taehyung sliently commented only for Jungkook to hear. Jungkook's face flushed red. "You're flirting with me now?" He whispered. "Baby, well it's hard to resist you." Taehyung flirted once again making Jungkook's heart flutter.

"What are you two talking about?" Yoongi teased. "Oh, we were talking about our dogs. Gureum and Tannie met and they're so cute." Jungkook lied but also didn't because they were the cutest. "Oh Yeontan? Yeah he's adorable. I'm guessing your dog is Gureum. I want to met him." Hoseok practically screamed in joy. He loved animals.

"Oh god, Hobi quiet down." Yoongi complained. "Oh sorry." He smiled fondly at his shorter boy next to him.


They finished dinner a while ago and were now in the livingroom watching Friends. Even though they've seen every single episode a billion times.

There were 2 couches. Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, and Namjoom were all squished on one. Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jin were all on the other couch but not squished because there's only three of them and not four. Also the couch the four was on was smaller but they decided to sit on there because they were the younger ones and stole Namjoon in the process.

The other three didn't mind though. They had more space and but was comfortably quiet. The babies of the group were sleeping leaving the elders awake.

"Aww, look at them. They're adorable. Namjoon looks like he's being squeezed to death. How the hell is he sleeping like that?" Hoseok asked. "He's probably use to it because of watching Scary movies with Jin or you. Y'all literally squeeze him to death and if it's not him it's Taehyung. You couldn't even see Taehyung last time because your big asses were on him." Yoongi giggled thinking about the hilarious memories of Jin and Hobi getting absolutely terrified
and practically killing anyone who sits by them.

Hoseok and Yoongi burst out laughing loudly. Jin smacked them in their arms to shut them up. "The children are asleep finally. Don't wake them." He shushed them. "They're grown men." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "They act like little kids so they're kids."

"True." Yoongi looked over and admired one of the youngers. Jin didn't catch it but Hoseok did. He knew exactly who he was looking at. He didn't know if he should feel jealous or not. He liked Yoongi and Jimin but never admitted it to himself. Yoongi obviously liked Jimin but not Hoseok. And Jimin liked Namjoon. Namjoon liked Jin and Jin liked him back but he was scared. It was such a weird love triangle. Taehyung and Jungkook weren't part of the triangle though. Everyone sees them as pure and innocent babies that should not be touched in any single way.

It was nice that they weren't though because they were absolutely beautiful and had amazing personalities. The silence was broken from Jin's laugh. "What?" They say in sync. "Oh nothing." He smirks and looks back at the screen. Yoongi and Hobi look at each other and then back at the screen.

Yoongi and Hobi would make a cute couple. They just don't realize how good they are for eachother.


Self worth and confidence goodbye.

Sorry about not coming out with a chapter last week. I'll try to make chapter nine better then this one and the last. If you have any questions or suggestions just comment. Byeeeee.

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