°chapter nine°

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Namjoon woke up with Jungkook on him, cuddling him with his face into his neck. He slept there peacefully. Namjoon looked around noticing Taehyung and Jimin on the floor cuddling with a blanket on them.

On the couch next to him there was Hoseok and Yoongi. Not cuddling like the rest. Hoseok was laying on the right side. Mouth parted, head on the armrest. Yoongi on the left side with a blanket on top if him, arms holding his legs closely him.

It was dark but the moonlight shined in showing everyone in the room. Jin was absent. It felt weird not to have him around. He probably just went to sleep in his room. After all it is his house. He laid there drifting off to sleep with Jungkook still on him. He held the boy tightly.

Right before he went back to sleep he heard something. "Ah-fuck. J-Joon-" He heard from upstairs. It was barely audible and quiet but it sounded like moan? He was so tired he didn't care. But was Jin moaning his name?



"GUYS GET UP!" Jin yelled at the six sleeping people in the livingroom. "What? Jin, stop screaming." Taehyung tiredly hushed Jin. "We have a meeting! The administration called all the staff for a meeting today." Jin panicked. "We're gonna be late. Get the fuck up." Everyone groaned. "Okay, Jinnie." Hoseok got up and stretched.

Even Yoongi and Jimin. Taehyung was already up. Namjoon and Jungkook had yet to wake up. Jungkook was a deep sleeper and it was hard to wake him up. Everyone looked to them. "Oh didn't know they were that close." Yoongi remarked. "Jin, are you and Namjoon adopting Jungkook?" Jimin teased. "We're not together and just because he's my favorite does not mean I'm adopting him. He's too old." Everyone looked to Jin obviously offended. "Uh, excuse me. He's your favorite?" Hoseok pouted. "Uh- I didn't say anything." Jin ran to his room to get changed. "WAKE THEM UP!" He yelled from upstairs.

"Okay." Taehyung walked up to Jungkook and Namjoon. "Joonie, wake up." He shook Namjoon a little bit to get up. "Ughh, okay I'm awake. What?" He groaned. "Why'd you wake him up first?" Jimin asked. "He's easier to wake up." He answered.

"Kookie, get up. We gotta go." Namjoon   was stuck under the younger. "Taehyung, get your boyfriend off me." Namjoon chuckled and shifted. "Ugh, but he's heavy." The younger complained. He went a picked up Jungkook, struggling. "Lemme help you, Taehyungie." Jimin helped him out. "Jesus, what does this kid eat?" Jimin breathed out. He was having a hard time carrying him. "What did Jin feed him, fuck." Taehyung set him down on the couch. "He's a fucking muscle bunny." Jimin chuckled. "A what?" Yoongi asked. "A muscle bunny. He's a bunny that's works out. He's adorable but also scary." He chuckled.

"Mmm, what?" Jungkook mumbled, half asleep but he was waking up. "What are you guys talking about?" He sat up, still in a daze. "Oh, nothing. But we have to get going." Taehyung answered. "Why do we have to go?" He whined. "Work. We have a meeting." Jungkook's eyes shot open. "Oh my God. I forgot. I was supposed to warn you guys a few days ago but I had a bunch of stuff going on." He got up and put in his shoes. He was now wide awake. "I gotta get home. I'll meet you guys at the school." He was at the door and turned back. "Taehyung, you coming?" He asked. "Oh yeah. Give me a minute." He nodded and went to get the car started. Taehyung sighed, putting on his shoes. "Oh what's that about?" Jimin asked. "Nothing. He's been helping me out with stuff. I owe so much. He's been so sweet."

"Do you perhaps have a crush on our little Jungkookie?" Taehyung scoffed. "Really? He's not even close to being little. Dude is a giant." Everyone burst out laughing. "True. Just don't take advantage of his kindness, Taehyung. He's a really sweet person and he cares about you." Taehyung nodded. He didn't want to hurt or take advantage of Jungkook. He did kind of have a crush on the younger but he didn't want him to know. Not yet at least. Taehyung didn't tell anyone about his ex boyfriend coming back, the only one who had any knowledge is Jungkook and Yoongi. "I won't hurt him. I promise." Jimin smiled and hugged Taehyung. "Good. Now go. Your mans waiting for you."

And that's what he did. Left and got in the car with Jungkook and drove to Jungkook's apartment. In comfortable silence.


Omg bitch I love these so fucking much. ahhhhhh

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