°chapter ten°

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"Yoongi, I really like him." Jin whined. "Jin, I know. Everyone knows. Joon probably even knows but he's scared, maybe." He sipped his tea. "I'm scared. What if he rejects me?" Jin was pacing around the room. "Jin, sit down and talk to me. Panicking won't solve your problems. The only thing you should worry about is Jimin." Jin stopped. "Why should I worry about Jimin?" He death glared at the shorter male. "Well, Jimin has a crush on Namjoon. But I like Jimin so I'll make sure nothing happens." He sighed. "But what if Namjoon liked Jimin back? It would be unfair of us to ruin it. Why should we ruin someone else's happiness because of jealousy?" He finally sat down. "I love Namjoon too much to do such a thing to his heart. That'd be evil." Jin stood up, Yoongi did too. "Yoongs." He grabbed the younger and hugged him despite knowing he 'hates' being touched. "Thank you. I'm going to confess." Yoongi's eyes widened. "Really?!" He shook his head in response. "I'm proud of you. Good job." The hugged again. Yoongi even hugging back. He loved the warmth coming from the younger. It felt nice to be loved.

"Okay but I'm gonna need you help." Jin let go but held in to Yoongi's shoulders looking him in the eye. "Yeah?" The younger looked at the elder confused. "On Monday, at twelve on everyone's lunch break I need you to distract Jimin, or Hobi. Maybe even Taehyung. He adores Taehyung." Jin tighten his grip on Yoongi's shoulders. "Okay, but you owe me. Also that hurts. Let go." He released Yoongi. "Thank you, and as your present I'll help you with Jimin. But if it doesn't work out you should as Hobi out."

"Hobi? Why him?" He asked. "Well Hobi is cute, he's sweet, considerate and he seems to really like you. Oooh, what if you had like a poly relationship with Jimin and Hobi! Oh my god! You three would be so cute!!!" Jin squealed happily. "And I bet the sex would be even better!" Jin practically screamed out making the youngers face turn bright red. "Shut up, and I don't even know if I like Hobi. He's nice and I can let loose around him but I've never thought about him like that." He bit is lip thinking about all the times him and Hoseok have hung out together. "That's exactly why! You look so happy when you're with him. He makes you happy. You actually laugh and joke around when you're with him. It's so endearing when you two are together. But don't let force you be with him. If you really don't feel anything towards him then don't force yourself to be with him. Do what your heart feels." Jin some softly at the end. "Promise me you'll at least try."

"I promise you." Jin hugged him one last time before heading home to come up with a plan on how to ask out Namjoon. Yoongi sat down wondering if everything was going to work out and if he going to have the happy ending everyone talks about. But does anyone actually get their happy ending?

And with that Yoongi headed to bed. It wasn't night but he loved sleeping but he wished he could have someone to sleep next to or even cuddle with. To have their warmth and hear their breathing in his ear to help him sleep. He liked being the little spoon but he of close would never tell anyone that. To him it was embarrassing since he had too much pride. But damn just being cuddled was all he wished for. It would be nice not have to be alone all the time in bed.


Sorry this is short. I will try better next time. I was going to make this longer but I just fell down the damn stairs and my feet hurt. But I hope you guys like this. Byeee~

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